And those figures I’m speaking of come from this CNN article in which we see there’s no news but bad news for George “Limbo” (How low can you go?) Bush and his Republican Cronies of Corruption.

Elections less than nine months away and, by contrast, things are looking rosier for Democrats as they behold likely voters responses to issues such as domestic spying, the Morass in Iraq, and just-feel-good-about- nonRepublicans.  Even the rainbow-like war against terror (Which color of war are we at today?) isn’t seen as such a Republican strength.

Let’s look at the numbers. . .
The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll was conducted over the weekend.

Only 32 percent polled said they thought Bush had a clear plan for handling the situation in Iraq, while 67 percent said he did not.

Still. . .

Only 25 percent said Democrats had a clear plan — but 48 percent said Democrats would do a better job managing the issue, while 40 percent favored Republicans.

The American public doesn’t care IF the Republicans have a plan — they don’t wanna hear about any plan they may have!

. . .Democrats [have] a 16 percentage point lead over Republicans when registered voters are asked which party they will support in November.

C’mon Dems, run anybody for office; let no seat go unopposed, even in the blushingest of red states.  Buyers remorse is rampant among Kool-Aid poisoned voters.

Democrats drew the support of 55 percent of the registered voters questioned, while 39 percent said they would be vote for Republicans. . .(sampling error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points).

Even a Diebold machine would have a hard time reversing those figures.

Republicans held a 4-point advantage over Democrats on dealing with terrorism, 45 to 41 percent. . .Democrats held a strong lead over the GOP, 53-38 percent, when asked which party would better manage the economy.

Well, DUHH!  Anybody seen a graph of the National Debt from 1993-present?  If it were a rollercoaster, there’d be no survivors.

. . .51 percent of Americans believed the administration deliberately misled the public about whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, while 46 percent disagreed. . .sampling error of 4.5 percentage points.

That 46% who disagree are probably stuck on the word “deliberately.”

If I were Andy Card, I’d be comforting Dubaiya (Yeah, that selling American port operations to the UAE idea probably influenced the polls.) like this, “Well, sir, it’s always darkest before it’s pitch black.”  You know, words Limbo Leader can understand.