The lack of an exception (in the South Dakota Legislation) for women whose lives are threatened by a pregnancy has a direct impact for many women with disabilities. I have no children, but, I had one miscarriage.
The miscarriage was directly related to the fact that my anti-convulsant levels were low. In other words, the rx’s that were meant to control my siezures where being absorbed by the fetus. In addition, there are warnings on the rx bottles of the anti-convulsants that control my seizures re: pregnancy.
A sudden decrease in anti-convulsant levels can cause a severe seizure (which was what happenned to me). This can, in some instances, lead to a condition called status eppileptcus, which is non-stop seiuzres that often result in death.
And, depending on the rx’s prescribed, birth control pills can be contra-indictated, as they can reduce the therapeutic levels of anti-convulsants that are necessary to prevent seizures. That would put a woman who has epilepsy (and seizures that are controlled by rx’s) at risk for an unexpected seizure. Also, others can be at risk, i.e., if the woman was driving at the time of a seizure.
The same could be true of other women who have disabilities that require a strict rx regimen. This is not to say that having a disability is dangerous to others. Rather, the obstacles that have been encacted in following medical advice are the real problem.
I did not know it earlier, but, a pregnancy could kill me. And, there are more women who are fit that description. The fact of the matter is unplanned pregnancies happen. It is true that some are thrilled about an unplanned pregnancy, some have to get used to the idea, and, for many, if not most, it is a life-alterning event. Still, for others, it is a life-threatening event.
More research has been done emphasizing the potential for harm to a woman when on a prescribed rx regimen. The increasing number of warning labels on my rx bottles bear this out. Ironically, the increased warnings are approved by the FDA.
But, in the punitive pro-life mindset, only fetal tissue is important.
People with disabilities aren’t.
This started out as a comment to mbw’s “What S.Dak’s Lack of a Health Exception Means” and it got bigger so, I decided to post it in a diary. Again, the needs of a specific population are being overlooked for political gain.
It’s a constant vigil you must live. My son is now into puberty and the chemical change and we are having to watch for signs due to so many autistics his age start having seizures. My heart and love go out to you… again.
I’ve been thinking much on the South Dakota ban.. and I just can no longer look away when they speak of abortion as “convenience” for doing away with a pregnancy after a “brutal rape of a Christian virgin”.
Aside from rapes and life-threateninng issues…
There are many reasons for women to decide that abortion as an option. That I hadn’t really thought of untill our rights to decide started to be marched away.
The women who have just learned that their oldest child has cancer while finding out they are 5 weeks pregnant.
The women who just found out there husbands lost their jobs, thus the medical insurance is gone.
The women who are the ones who have the job with the benefits and their family would suffer if they had to take time off the job.
The women who find out their husband are cheating on them and they are divorcing them.
The women, who don’t need to explain to anyone else but themselves the whys.
Seizure control is very important to me, as it is for many with epilepsy. In fact, it takes priority! And, as long as I take my rx’s, I’m ok. I am living a normal life and I am grateful for that.
As for your son, I know too well about the life changes that can cause seizures to begin. My heart goes out to both of you, as it is a difficult thing to accept.
Funny, I hadn’t really planned on writing about this…then others began to share their stories, starting w/yours. And, the issue that has been overlooked/glossed over is that for many women, pregnancy is life-threatening.
Yeah, women like me are a minority. I remember my doctor saying that some women who have epilepsy do have children, however, the pregnancy must be very carefully monitored–i.e., weekly blood work and adjustments in rx’s, if necessary. (Hell, it is difficult enough adjusting rx’s just to control seizures.)
But, it seems to me that the risk of pregnancy would apply to other women who are on rx’s for whatever reason. And the reason for the rx’s is between the woman and her doctor. I just take that to its logical conclusion–a womans decision re: pregnancy is between her and her doctor. (Although I will admit that my late father really influenced my views.)
And that idiot in SD who carried on about that has NO idea what life is like for a person with a disability and has no interest in disability rights, only fetal tissue.
It all goes back to blaming the victim, as women have been blamed for being sexually assaulted. And that is sick.
Suprised gwb hasn’t said that it is a persons own fault if he/she has a disability. God knows his policies are punative enough.
I know that I have been rambling, but if a woman chooses to have an abortion, it is up to her and her alone. As you pointed out in your post, there are just so many reasons. And unless a person has walked a mile in another’s shoes, they have no right forcing their religious values on others.
Not all of us have been in each other shoes, but we can always walk beside each other. I am truly glad that we’ve gotten’ to know each other through this strange device called the Froggy Pond. 🙂
True! And its good that we haven’t as we can learn more about each other and be there for each other when needed. Like you said, that is the wonderful thing about the Frog Pond. 🙂 Thanks Janet.
Also at MLW
Thanks for pointing this out (and all your other great work on the subject – very well done).
Thing is… a great many of these people don’t care about the life of the mother, let alone the health, in my opinion. To them, the fetus is paramount, and if the mother has to die in order to produce it, then her life is well sacrificed. I’ve seen this view expressed (in so many words) in various conservative publications, including the National Review.
I agree that they don’t care about anyone. But, I still cannot understand how a person can think that way. Like you said, Freaks.
And I remember something about how a pregnancy that is life-threatening to the mother was pooh-poohed in, I believe it was the partial birth abortion stuff, saying the numbers weren’t statistically significant, or something like that.
What a crock. I don’t beleive that a woman should be forced to sacrifice her life for some religious nuts who believe in the sanctity of fetal tissue above all else. Yeah, that makes a hell of a lot of sense.
It’s up to the woman, plain and simple. And, if men can’t handle that, they have a lot bigger problems to deal with than being spokesman for fetal tissue.
I can remember asking my OB-GYN, when I realized that he practiced out of a Catholic hospital, whether or not the survival of the baby would come before mine. He said that his first duty was to save the mother, but later I wondered if I should have taken his word for it. Ten years later when I was scheduled for an exploratory D&C at a Catholic hospital, I had the sense to change to a non-denominational one so that my tubes could be tied at the same time. I was 38, almost 39, at the time and still my husband had to sign a permission slip for me to have the operation. Had it been the decade before, my age times the number of children I had would have had to exceed a “magic number” or the operation would not have been allowed. Go figure..
I can’t figure that one out. That is just another example of how ridiculous things are…It’s the woman’s body…and you had to have your husband sign a persmission slip? God! And, I don’t believe that calculation method either. I mean, I am not saying that I don’t believe you, what I am mean is that I still cannot believe how stupid that is.
Can I be so cynical as to suggest that they don’t care about the life of the fetus either. Why, yes I can! They care about controlling women. And attempts at control of another person are really “stealing your self esteem.” They are the houses built upon the sand and they are wanting to take your rock to shore it up.
. . . once the fetus becomes a baby. Then the little bastard is on its own!
Agree: It is about control. And malice.
Now available in orange
That was an impressive set of responses to your diary over at DKos — so many well-thought out, informative comments. Congrats on writing a diary that could get so many people to respond so constructively.
Seeing that this specific viewpoint was not mentioned before (to my knowledge), I was suprised at the number of those who are in a similar situation or knew of a woman that was.
That tells me that the number is greater than I had originally thought.
Great work, Street Kid – you just keep getting better and better. And I appreciate your willingness to put yourself on the line in this, that takes a great deal of courage.
You know, I would not have written this, is the Frogpond and the people here weren’t so understanding. Was undecided about xposting it, but, I’m glad I did. This really appeared to hit home for a few and get people really thinking.
And thanks.