Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Russ Feingold will speak on the Senate floor today, March 13, 2006, at approximately 4:00 pm ET, regarding the resolution he is introducing to censure President George W. Bush for authorizing an illegal domestic wiretapping program and then misleading Congress and the public about its existence and legality. Feingold says the resolution is a responsible step for Congress to take in response to the President’s undermining of the separation of powers and ignoring the rule of law.
This speech should be on C-SPAN2, which carries the Senate when it is in session. Some people think speeches don’t matter. Speeches can matter. Russ Feingold is the one person in the Senate that has shown the courage to stand up for our rights and lead. If you’ve been thirsting for someone to show some spine, some principle, and some fight, this is the time to tune-in and drink a full cup.
I advise everyone to tape it and send it to your friends, or find a video capture and email the link. Write your local papers about how much gratitude you have for Russ for saying what you are thinking and representing you when so many politicians will not. You want to see what a real alternative to wishy-washy poll-driven corporate centrist politics looks like?
Tune in to see Russ tell truth to power. He is going to shame this Senate. He is going to shame them mercilessly.
Thanks Booman. I will set the Tivo to record it for me. Go Russ!
Good call, I think I better do that too. Good thing I have my TiVo hacked to where I can log on to it from work.
Now if I could just watch it at work . . . ah, but then I wouldn’t get any work done for viewing reruns of Stargate SG-1 and the Daily Show.
Nutz. It looks like this TiVo web interface will do pretty much everything BUT let me create a manual recording by channel and time. Ah well, I guess I’ll follow along on CSPAN’s web site and see if I can get the video tonight via Torrent.
I wish Russ all the best !
I’m calling Levin’s and Stabenow’s offices again!!
If there is anyone else in MI, shoot both of them a call!
he risks not being invited to Laura’s tea parties any more. </snark>
When is he going to officially announce that he’s running for President?
Well I for one, greatly appreciate being notified of speeches like this. I work where I live so I just have to run quickly up to the apartment and record. Tahnks again Booman. Will anyone be live blogging it?
Anything against Bush is music to my ears!
today’s question: what do you think of sen. feingold’s proposal to censure?
Grass is green, water is wet, the sun came up this morning . . .
Frist claims that the NSA program is legal and vital to our security and that therefore there should be no debate about censure of the President in a time of war. It’s a good, vital, and lawful program.
Alren Specter has now asked to follow Feingold.
Feingold: when the President of the US breaks the law, he must be held accountable.
Specter has interrupted.
“When the President of the United States breaks the law, he must be held accountable. That is why today I am introducting a resolution to censure President George W. Bush.”
Go, Russ.
it is up to this body to condemn this action, we took an oath to uphold the constitution, we must speak forcefully when the President breaks the law.
we can show his actions will not be allowed to stand unchallenged
range of possible actions:
independent commission
revision of laws
Range of PROBABLE actions.
Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Bayh, Warner, Edwards, Small k kerry and the rest head for the hills.
The real left applauds Feingold.
Nothing happens in Congress on this matter.
Just as it always was.
I got yer DemocRatic party.
Right HERE!!!
…Just as it always was.
I got yer DemocRatic party.
Right HERE!!!…
Hell Yeah!
Sounds like you’re coming around, AG…:D
Is it:
“Tune in to see Russ tell truth to power. He is going to shame this Senate. He is going to shame them mercilessly.”
Or is it:
They have no sense of decency, at long last They have left no sense of decency.
Can’t BE shamed without a functioning conscience.
McCarthy was not “shamed” by what Welch said. He was shameless. BET on it. The shame came from the reaction of the American people to the statement.(As communicated to them by by a then-functioning press.)
What will the American people get of THIS speech? This set of cogent, well reasoned statements?
“Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn’t read it.”
Into the toilet.
I understand what you’re saying but I don’t completely agree. I do draw on something else you’ve talked about in relation to what’s going on. If the forces at work in each politician are variances of good and evil, then Russ’ speech will affect the balance in some small way. That speech reaches out to the positive energy and that’s what we need to enact any change.
To have REAL weight…it must be made in a positive CONTEXT.
Like another party.
Essentially, it IS the voice of another party. He’s not getting much support from either of the big 2.
It won’t be a magic bullet to fix our ills, but you know that. Sometimes it only needs to be the voice that grows louder as everyone else tries to silence it.