It’s Happy Hour!
Foul language and crude behavior encouraged!
Still serving birthday cake!
Dogs must be leashed or will be considered part of the kitchen staff.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I could sure use a drink…and I don’t even drink! It’s been that kind of a day.
I’ll take 29 of everything. I’m not picky.
Only 29? I think you’re taking kb’s healthy eating thing too seriously.
How’s you day been going SN? I’ve been trying to think of the best booze to go with what kind of cake.
Where’s Janet when I need her?
Janet’s got it figured out. Put the booze IN the cake.
Uh oh. I remember that when you drink you become easy. I lost track of you last time so I’m obviously not a good buddy for the buddy system.
I remember that. Wasn’t she dancing on tables?
Shhhh…I’m IM-ing Mr. Nature in Japan and I don’t want him to hear you guys talking about how easy I am.
I like the leashed dogs rule above — although Sniff won’t like it. But he’d probably like to be part of the kitchen staff.
Hey! Maybe Bud will come by. π
George can always use the help. Give him more time to drink beer.
Ever since I saw that scary picture of George with the freaky eyes, I’ve insisted on the leash rule for him. Though he’s still expected to wash the dishes.
Then I’ll have to put up a normal picture of George.
Poor George, first Mary and now you. He’s crying in his beer.
Look, Family Man, I’ve got to play it cool while Mr. Nature is out of town. George knows how I feel about him.
Yes he knows, he just likes to cry in his beer.
Tell him if he wants to be popular with the ladies he has to suck it up and be a man. Crying in your beer is wussy.
Confused Ed Says:
Crying in beer alway leads to puking in own lap.
You’ve seen how big his eye are. He has to use them for something. He always was a blubbery drunk.
I’ll tell you a secret. Me too.
When I drink wine I just start to cry.
Drunken Zombie Voodoo Cake
Which uses Drunken Zombie Cake and has a Mocha Rum Mousse and covered in a Blackened Molasses Glaze and has Chocolate Caramel Voodoo Needles.
When I get my house, this cake will be the first cake made in my kitchen π
Janet you must have read my mind!
and I left a bookmark in yer brain π
It’s so empty in there I’m surprised you used a bookmark. π
I bet you could hear her rattling around in there. Oops, another IM from Mr. Nature.
Just a busy little frog, aren’t we?
With a 14 hour difference in time, it’s difficult to communicate. IM is great, but really boring. It’s all…”what did you have for breakfast yada yada yada”
You COULD spice up the yadda yadda part.
Our yadda yadda part used to be very spicy when we lived 600 miles apart. Now….not so much.
LOL did the weather get brought up too?
Hey, you’ve been listening in!
Is it tomorrow in Japan? Or this morning?
It’s 8 AM tomorrow morning.
Yikes. I’m so bleary-eyed I read “Mr. Natural” for “Mr. Nature” the first six times. And it’s too early for a drink out here. I’m still theoretically doing work, though empirical evidence available only on BT says otherwise.
Don’t worry, Mr. Nature will not be Mr. Natural in the lounge. You’ll all thank me.
Hey growthrate. We’ll send you a virtual beer.
BTW that is a great diary you wrote.
Hey, thanks and thanks. I’ll virtually enjoy the virtual beer.
First brain I ever read that was mostly written in crayon π ((((Family Man)))))
That means I taken a step up. I feel so smart now. π
You are very smart, FM. I think I’m the only one without a college degree here. I’m surprised you guys let me in.
Make that two. π
We can be posers together!
As long as we use short choppy sentences, we’ll get by.
Ok, that made me laugh. I don’t know how I missed it the first time around!
Three. I actually quit college because it was interfering with my education.
There are days I miss having a degree, but then my field of work didn’t even exist when I went to college, so I’m sort of ambivalent about the whole thing.
I love the thought of college interfering with your education. I certainly got educated through real life, still when people bring up philosophy or gender identity theories or whatever I just clam up.
WHat is your line of work, anyway?
I’m a high-tech gypsy, doing various kinds of computer-related work. Most of it relates to scripting in a language called Perl, which powers a great deal of the dynamic content on the Net. So there’s a lot of work available.
I’ve worked for companies in the Seattle area like Microsoft and RealNetworks. The other day the kid who was helping me cart groceries out to my car at the supermarket saw my Real sweatshirt and said, “So, do you work for Real?”
“Yeah, I used to several years ago,” I said.
“I always hated their player.”
Another Dale Carnegie graduate finds employment.
A high-tech gypsy. That sounds very cool and mysterious. My profession has actually existed for a long time. In fact I think it’s the oldest profession. No, not THAT!
But it’s probably the hardest profession and you’re doing a wonderful job at it.
You’re sucking up, aren’t you? Well, it’s working.
Well I’m semi-retired now. I guess you could call my profession, lazy. I work hard at it. It takes a very creative mind to come up with ways to be lazy. I dare say I’m at the top of my profession now.
oh stop. letters behind a name are no indication of smartness. My best friend in the world doesn’t have a college degree and she’s one of the smartest people I know. And you prove on a daily basis that you’re smart.
ooops, I just realized you might be using that line for cover. Sorry if I blew it. But I think the guys around here are OK with smart girls. No need for us to dumb down.
You blew my cover! And I’ve worked so hard pretending to be clueless.
But thanks. π
I occasionally (when I won’t get in trouble for it) put Ph.D. behind my name and when people ask what my doctorate is in, I tell them, “Doctorate? That stands for Posthole Digger.”
Mine’s written in chocolate frosting.
Mine’s an etch a sketch.
If I sneeze, I forget everything.
Hey, somebody shake Janet and watch her forget who she is!
I would nod in agreement.. but I best not. π
Mine is stored in Write Only Memory.
Or, in other words, I haven’t lost my mind. I have it backed up on disk somewhere. If I could only remember where . . .
A successful day at the doctor’s — the rear end is healing well (though she wants me to take an extra course of antibiotics just to make sure all the narsty bugs are dead), I walked briskly 15 minutes to her office instead of riding a bus 2 stops, and I’d actually lost some weight since last week (mostly fluid, I think; I’d been off my diuretic for a while and just started back on it, but hey, I’d rather see those numbers go down instead of up!).
Next goal is to get my no longer sore buns back on the exercise bike — had the spouse wash all my workout gear last night so I’ll have plenty of choices.
Spouse should be home in a bit from his appointment, so I need to make a shopping list — we’re grocery shopping after we have dinner at Sweet Tomatoes… π
Glad to hear you’ll no longer be…I mean have…a pain in the ass.
a pain in the ass…I’m still married, after all…
(uh oh, not sure that came out quite right…)
Hi Cali. Glad to hear everything is healing nicely.
So glad you are on the mend!!!!
Congratulations Family Man on finishing your lawn!
It’s a celebratory kind of day!
Thank you Olivia! I went out a little while ago and I swear I can see the grass growing. Accckkkkk.
The grass is always greener… I’m thinking how lucky you are to have grass! We still have snow — it’s melting fast — and can’t wait for grass. π
We might have grass but we probably won’t be having play off hockey like you and Supersoling (he’s a Ranger’s fan)
I’m hockey grump about that LOL.
As I keep reminding you, no matter how bad you have it with hockey — I have the Blues. (in more ways than one). So the grass is always greener . . .
Well – lookit this way. You no longer have to deal with Pronger π I can’t stand him. ACK π
Hey, Kristi Yamaguchi (sp?) lives like 2 blocks away from me and she’s married to one of the Carolina Hurricane’s…but since I hate hockey (sorry DJ!) I have no idea who.
Isn’t she married to Hedican?? I dunno. Figure skating.. ew. π
I think that’s it. All I could think of was Kerrigan and I know that wasn’t right. π
…are almost as bad as having a team everyone thinks is going to go all the way and then loses to the Leafs who are really no good ::looks around for spidey and ducks:: π
I can so understand your pain. The world is just not right unless you’re heading to the rink in a t-shirt and jeans (or shorts).
It’s not over yet DJ.
My spidey senses were tingling… did someone just insult the Make Believes?
Curse you olivia… you just happen to be right this year. Curse you until next season (or if we do make the playoffs after all).
Boo. hiss. π
If it makes you feel better, my son is a Leafs fan. A gorgeous woman gave him her brother’s CuJo goalie jersey as a gift. He happens to think the Canadian flag should be BLUE and WHITE and told his social studies teacher so.
And he thinks all kids named Matt should be called Mats. π
Except… his heart was broken when Belfour signed on. He does watch the Sharks and Eddie is bad bad bad.
Uh hi spidey! How’s it going? Yeah, I was ummm just trying to lure you into the café so that we could all wish you Happy Belated B-day since it’s a celebratory kind of day!
Okay, you caught me. π
But, really the Leafs are the bane of Ottawa’s existence. This is the one year we’ve had to gloat.
Yeah, true enough… just like the Flyers are the bane of the Leafs… and the Devils of the Flyers… but Ottawa just didn’t have the grit of a city of hockey nutbars behind them each year… that probably is all that’s kept you from winning the Cup. (either that or you guys just choke year after year… oops, sorry, did I say that out loud?)
You guys are due, but if you meet the Leafs again all bets are off and I’ll curse you and your little dog too.
(rusn and hides)
Hehe … All bets are off yes. But we have to leave it on the ice, no dragging it in to the café. π
Seriously, we’ve got 2 teams here in Ontario. I wish one of the would win!
I would trade you in a second. I think I saw two or three flakes all winter.
I would also trade you the worst part of the summer down here. I bless the person who invented air conditioning everyday. π
Hands down, the best invention ever. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who dreads summer down here.
You might have a point, but I don’t think the Inuit would agree with us.
That is a thought though. What’s the best invention that’s made life easier?
I’m going with air conditioning. And Cinnabon. And Auntie Anne’s pretzels dipped in cheddar cheese sauce.
Damn, I’m hungry.
Now you’ve got me hungry. A/C is good, but I’d have to go with plumbing. Between running to the creek for water and an outhouse for (well you know), I can put up with a little heat.
Does anyone know where she went? If she hangs around anywhere else? I griped about my Diet Coke addiction in one of these cafes a few months ago, and she bossed me into quitting. After a false start or two I finally managed it. I had to start sleeping more of course; the real reason I drank all that Diet Coke was I was short about 2 hours of sleep a night. Well, now that I go to bed earlier and don’t drink all that soda, I feel ten million times better physically and I can’t believe I did that to myself for so long. I wish brinnaine was here still so I could thank her!
Furry Jester. Hooray for you!!!! We rarely drink soda here. The kids do the rootbeer thang though but it’s organic and a once in a while treat.
I drink Sierra Mist/Sprite if I can’t hold anything down due to flu. But that’s rare. Soda can take paint off cars, I’m sure it’s not doing our bodies much good either.
I am so happy for you!!!!!
because it was really doing a number on my esophagus — heartburn city. (I had to cut back on coffee for the same reason — had too damn much on Saturday when we ate breakfast out and spent the rest of the day regretting it.)
I’m an iced tea fanatic; I’ll usually have a jug of it in the fridge most of the summer. My favorite: two bags of decaf Earl Grey, two bags of herbal peppermint; fill jug with hot water, let steep for a couple of hours, then remove the bags and stick the jug in the fridge.
I also really like the light lemonades (Tropicana and Minute Maid; Minute Maid also makes a light limeade); they taste as good as the full freight but have about half as much sugar. Tropicana used to make a light fruit punch which was delicious but no one is carrying it; I don’t know if it’s been discontinued or if they’re reformulating it or something. Most full-freight punches are waaaaay too sweet — but this one was just right.
Oh crap — sent the spouse to the store and forgot to add lemonade to the list… π
I was thinking about lemonade, the other day. I may have to try this light lemonade. Have you ever made real lemonade, with lemons? I’m not sure what the best way to squeeze them would be, nor how hard it is.
Prepared by newly-hired members of the kitchen staff.
What’s disturbing about this cake is that I found the recipe on a site called Kids Kuisine.
There are a couple of similar efforts out on the Web, including a cake that looks like the mice have gotten into it (complete with fake mouse turds). If you’re really nice to me I won’t go out and find a picture of that one.
Ewwww….that is so nasty! And so damn realistic that I can smell it…and it’s not good.
Come on SN. You can have the piece on the left where it’s hanging over. π
That is just too lifelike….my big cat does that because she can’t fit all the way inside the box.
Yeah, the recipe even calls for adding a few greenish bits to simulate the chlorophyll in real kitty litter.
You should be thankful I didn’t find the original version of this picture, which had a cat sniffing around the cake.
Did he try to bury it?
I don’t think he’d have had a chance. If someone served this to me I think I’d have buried it first.
Omir I’m in total agreement.
That is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen! LOL!
Thank you, I consider that high praise indeed. π
WHat kind of twisted parent would make that for their child? Janet?
When I saw that picture on Kids Kuisine, my first thought was that the kids would come up with an idea like that. Kids can do some pretty strange and creative things sometimes, given the chance to do so.
I’m not sure who would be more likely to come up with a cake like this, Janet or her daughter.
thank god frogs don’t use litter boxes.
My treats were always BEGGED for by the kid’s schools.
One year for their Santa Party we made reindeer poop. Chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Figured I couldn’t get away with calling them Rudy’s nuts… but oh well they were a hit.
Once for halloween I took clear gloves and put candy corn as fingernails in each finger and filled it up with popcor n and tied the gloves shot with some red curly ribbon (veins)…
Kids totally dig gross.
No macro shots of that for your website, huh?
Now that you got that out, care for a piece?
…I’m saving it for you FamilyMan. You worked so hard today, you deserve two “pieces”! π
It doesn’t appear that cake is going to get eaten then. π
That’s COOL!!! Totally dig how they have one hanging over the side. π
Got Milk!!??
See what I mean, SN? π
my black lab would eat it. She apparently likes to take nibbles from the real thing. ACK! π
Dogs consider kitty poop doggie treats. LOL
I know kids are gross and I am thankful every day I am gay and have never adopted. LOL
Heh… you need to meet my daughter. She has the ability to find every fucking worm, lizard or bug and is able to not only catch it – but hold it and bring it riiiiiiiiiight up to you while you’re chatting onalkanf;a lsk a l SCREAM!!!
One day… she found a “lizard” I took a picture of it crawling up and down her arm. Posted it on Kos and a nice man from University told me it was an ALLIGATOR LIZARD that bites… ACK
There’s no way my little dial-up self is every going to catch up with this cafe.
Sniff wants to know why he wouldn’t want to be part of the kitchen staff.
Well, if Sniff took a look at that cake he’d never want to lick the dishes clean.
I was wondering where you were!
You mean the gourmet one with the bugs?
Hi Andi. Think DSL, will you dial-up to go faster.
If sniff takes a crap, we can add it to Omir’s cake! Is that the kind of help you had in mind?
(So good to see you!!! :*)
Hi Oliva.
Nope I meant my dogs will clean the plates really well and make sure there’s not garbage to get rid of since they’ll eat nearly anything and generally speaking, they prefer disgusting over pristine.
You can increase the ingredients and make mine in a 20 galon garbage can add some ice and give me a big straw!!!
wrong picture!!! LOL
Ha! I like the orignial pictures better LOL
That kind of day, huh?
OMG yes!!!! but the rest of the week will be fabulous I am sure. LOL
Helloooooo Refinish. We have many different waiters tonight, so just grab the nearest dog by you and tell em what you want.
well, I think it will take George and sniff and a few others to get my drink over to me. LOL
Guess I better open up a new lounge. Give me a minute.
New lounge open, come on over!
I have not been here for the whole year, but it seems that the site is doing very well for a one year old, walking, talking, becoming toilet trained π and growth seems quite remarkable. BooMan has to buy server space that is usually worn by five or six year olds!
Although it may have some differences from the vision that BooMan had for it a year ago, he as he gazes around at the unusually high percentage of readers and thinkers, people sincerely committed to human rights, to a better world for themselves and their children, and as we have seen recently, a number of very remarkable ladies whose courage surpasses adjectival classification, he has every reason to feel as proud as a penguin with a new powder puff!