It’s Happy Hour! ~ Part II
Foul language and crude behavior encouraged!
Still serving birthday cake!
Dogs must be leashed or will be considered part of the kitchen staff.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I hope Omir brings the poopy cake over.
One look at that disgusting thing was enough. LOL
Drink a few more Kamikazes and you won’t care what the hell the cake looks like!
And you might end up dancing on the tables with you know who.
I don’t know who. George?
I was thinking more of someone leaving to pick up kids. I heard she like to dance on tables.
LOL Luke is coming to dance again tonight?
You’re trying to draw Mary back to the cafe. You know you can’t talk about Luke.
I thought she would want to know all the news and what kind of tan lines he has from Maui. LOL
Table dancing is a huge myth.. those things tip over very easily. Especially if it’s a pedestal type table…
Floors are much more forgiving… usually. 🙂
or on top of the bar (oops did I SAY that?)
Watch out for those lit candles on bars. Whooosh!
Even drunk I am a picky eater and if it looks disgusting I politely dump my plate in the enarest planter or trash can. LOL
Since once again I am the designated driver, I guess I have to pick up the boy from tae kwon do class.
See you all in a few.
and waiting for dishes to clean.
Some of the best looking kitchen staff I’ve ever seen.
Sniff really is photogenic
Unlike Hopeful, the sadsack coonhound?
that really is an anomalous name
how did that happen?
As soon as he finishes eating, he looks at his dish with such fervent hope that it’s really hard not to fill it again (and when he was a youngster he didn’t look quite so appropriately hangdog).
What cuties!!!!
Happy happy! Love that photo, Andi — the icing on the cake for my stellar mood.
Just emailed the following to a good friend:
They’re still passing over as I write. I picture the tail-end of Winter fraying in the breeze from their wings.
Luscious writing, WW. Really beautiful.
P’shaw. It’s the geese that do it! But thank you.
Loved the visual writing!!!
And you’re not “poor”. 🙂 You’re rich with goofy bastards like us that you can call friends 🙂
Thank you, dear one. How sweet of you!
They look like a handful! Can you tell us more about their personalities?
Hopeful (the coonhound) is 12, the slowest dog in the universe, afraid of everything, and abundantly sweet.
Giddy (the malamutt) is 11 and she was named for her personality. She’s definitely the alpha but she’s also very loving.
Sniff is 4 and his beagle nature really shows — he loves to sniff (duh), run, dig, chase but also snuggle.
Which one (or all) wakes you up with wet nose at 5am?
That would be Sniff — which is good since he’s about 40 pounds lighter than the other two.
Sniff — Nose. 🙂
He was named for his nose-to-the-groundness. His liking to lick noses was a later discovery (I guess he thought he should settle in before he got too familiar) but he has the nickname of Booger Dog.
Give me a minute, I’ll figure it out. Hmmmm…
are those noses runny??
Runny noses = salt licks?? 🙂 EW!!
I’m still trying to come up with a name for the little kitty. She’s not content to sit on your lap, she MUST stand up and start licking your face and then snuggle up next to your neck. She also races around the house like she’s a schizophrenic on fire. And she eats like a pig.
There’s an autism-slas-grateful dead connection…
But there’s a saying “When in doubt; twirl”
Sounds like Kitty a bit. She twirl’s around, never content??
The dancer quoted… let me find her name.
I can’t remember now.
I thought it was Twila something.
According to the Grateful Dead Almanac it was Ted Shawn.
How ’bout Shawn?
Thanks Lil 🙂 “Teddy”?
Or since SN’s in such Doubt of what to name the kitten… how about “Twirl”? 🙂
The only thing to do is try it out and see how it fits!
I want to come to your house, spend the weekend, just so I can soak up the reality of all your wonderful photos of your property, house and poochies as well as Andilightful.
I think it would be heaven.
Well we’d be ecstatic to have you come but you’re going to need more than a weekend unless we can come up with some instant way to transport you here.
Hey, have they started the dragon boat racing yet?
Dragon races??
Okay We’ll make it for longer and I’ll bring Olivia along with me 🙂
I’ll even make Swedish pancakes for breakfast and the poochies can help me clear the table.
They do dragon boat races on the Wilamette River. It’s very kewl. The races are in June, I think, but they start practicing in the spring.
Ahhh cool!!!! We just got the 50 things you MUST do in Portland. I love it here. So much to do. I feel like I have wings growing out my between my shoulder blades some days.
I feel liberated… without Bush’s need to shoot me or torture me.
I envy you being so near the Oregon coast, which I just love. Especially Cannon Beach. And the ice cream at the Tillamook dairy. I’ve always wanted a house along the coast — up on the cliffs. But I imagine myself there in the winter not the summer. Is that weird? But I do.
No it’s not weird. I think of the northwest and I think of calm winters and cool summers. … but I didn’t think of global heating…
It is so beautiful here. So much to do and be a part of. Tillamook creamery joint just down the road. NOt even 4 miles away. 🙂
I’d love to be close enough to visit Andi-land!
I’ve got to go on an errand. Be back in a while.
Family Man’s been gone for an hour. He must be rolling naked in the mud again.
so … you’re missing him and imagining him naked.
I’m gonna tell Mr. Nature when he gets back
Mr. Nature doesn’t got any back.
I don’t know if I should jump in here, being all muddy and all.
I’ve been back, but we had a big thunder storm come through. I think it’s gone now.
Still can’t help imagining this guy.
The resemblance is uncanny!
it not only stopped raining for the first time since Wednesday but also the sky has cleared.
Proof by JimF.
3/13/2006 7:20 p.m.
Oooh, very nice.
Ooh, I was just outside admiring the moon. I don’t think my camera takes night shots very well. Wah.
Mine wouldn’t either (I tried) so I made Jim go out with his Nikon D70 and do all the complicated stuff he knows how to do so well and get me a good shot.
that’s beautiful. We had a clear but windy day today. Did you get any of our bad weather? It looked like it was headed your way.
We got yet more rain and heavy winds with a few thunderstorms but we didn’t any tornadoes. The big problem in the southern half of the state is flooding.
I was reading the forecast for Cleveland: 68 today and 38 and snow tomorrow. Spring’s over folks.
You guys just took that shot! Wonderful! What are the deets?
Because it is very windy tonight, and I am shooting in the woods with swaying trees, and I was shooting for web posting not for printing, I bumped the ISO up to 1600. I exposed on the moon and its surrounding area. I think I overexposed it, or it could have been some haze in the atmosphere. Shutter speed was at 1/4 sec. with a 4.5 f-stop.
I really appreciate this — your photos are wonderful and it is so helpful to hear about your set-up and settings etc. :~)
Never thought I’d have the chance to say this, Andi — but you’re sending me into ecstasy tonight!
This is lovely — a vision accompanied here by the roll of thunder.
Except it’s not me tonight — it’s Jim but I’m sure that you’re quite flexible. 😉
Certainly — even better!
Andi, you are simply amazing!!! Gawsh this place is chock full of creative, talented, gifted, awesome, brave… horny frogs.
All the credit is Jim’s. I couldn’t take a shot like that to save my life. (I can do the horny part just fine, though.)
Ah, yes:
creative, talented, gifted, awesome, brave… horny frogs
.. and the woodland monks who love them.
horny frogs and woodland monks seems like a combination that can result only in frustration.
sounds like my marriage, but I’m not going to tell you who’s who.
Thankfully, if you’re a proper monk, your affection is mainly cerebral.
and I am leaving the kitty litter cake in the other lounge.
For now, anyway . . .
can you go back and get the stuff from the french patisserie that showed up at the end?
and how appropriate for a frog party.
Thank you!!!!! LOL
Thank you!
Caution when viewing…
Yes, I made those. Hard part was making em and then hiding them from the kids at the same time.
Ok, the toasted coconut is over the top. Ew.
what?? no coconut on those pups. All frosting.
I didn’t even use sweetened condensed milk for “spurtage” which I thought would be fun.
I know… I’m sick & twisted.
I thought the, um, testes had toasted coconut on them. Must get eyes fixed.
Nope, no lice on my cockies. 🙂
And the frosting.. it got HARD. 🙂
ooh, there’s so much I WANT to say, but I’m Catholic, so I feel guilty just thinking about it.
Ah go ahead — we’ll figure out just the right penance.
More like, Peni-ance 🙂
I wish I had pictures of some of the creations I have made for adult themed parties but I would hate to be banned. LOL
I have no idea why the PTO never again asked me to help out with bake sales…
Just kidding 🙂 It was for a bunch of hockey friends at a pleasure party at my house.
I think in Texas, we would have all been strung up by our necks.
Time to run a political errand will be back later
Well, folks, after a few days of blessed sunshine the sky’s just opened up with pouring rain; thunder sounds again & again.
Won’t be surprised if we lose power at any moment. Ergo, I’m off to prepare.
See you later!
Lergo my Ergo! 🙂
Hope the power stays on. Remind me tell you tales of when my son was younger and how that would fuhhhreak his shit out.
I’ll bet it was pretty bad for him.
Not so for me, thankfully — I’m pretty used to it. This winter we’ve seen an average of one power out monthly (yes, we all still get our monthlies), with the longest one lasting about 2 days. Phone went out for about a week — most difficult at the time because the frog pond was off-limits to me.
Still haven’t left the computer tonight, in fact. Just checkin’ in again before I start doing what I’m supposed to be doing. The usual routine
The rain’s let up some & the storm seems to be moving off, but who knows. This tends to be when those big tree branches decide to dive for the power lines.
i have decided that i need to build an editing portfolio – i’m thinking a collection of articles/papers/whatever that i could use to show people my work. editing’s a bitch like that.
so, please, if you’ve got something that i can edit and use – it will be emailed around – let me know. a good example would be this exchange, in which someone sought LTE help.
so yeah; who wants to be an editorial guinea pig?
: p
* smoochies *
I’m back. Bad thunderstorm and had to shut down when I got back from the errand.
All clear now?
Hi Mary. Yes all clear, no lighting at least. I was wondering where everyone was, or if it was just me being all muddy.
I don’t know, I left the party for a bit to do some other things and when I came back it was quiet.
I don’t think it was the mud though. I’ve noticed that people here really like to muck around.
LOL we really do, don’t we.
I was off uploading more photos — it did get quiet here fast though. Like a whirlwind.
It does that sometimes. So does this mean I should check your site? For new pictures?
Sure — I’ve got one more photo of inner tulip. I’ve got a new theme for tomorrow. I’m off to bed now too, so have a great night and we’ll see/talk to you tomorrow. 🙂
I’m gone again, bedtime. I’ve got a dental appointment tomorrow with a different dentist. I’ll tell this dentist what happened last time and let them know I’m not going through that again.
I’ll check in tomorrow with either a ton of pain or dancing off the ceiling from what they gave me.
Closing down folks, turn off the lights when you’re done. All-nighter open.