Originally posted as a comment on the BooMan thread about Russ Feingold’s principled stand on the Senate floor today regarding the criminality of the Butch administration (Live Blogging Russ’s Speech) and the absolutely cowardly response of “our” so-called Democratic leaders to his attempt at getting this information on the record and into the little pie hole brains of the American sheeple.
Read on. ( I am SO angry at these fools.)
Feingold’s resolution not getting any backing.
Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., said he had not read it either and wasn’t inclined simply to scold the president.
“I’d prefer to see us solve the problem,” Lieberman told reporters.
Across the Capitol, reaction was similar. Feingold’s censure resolution drew empathy but no outright support from Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi “understands Sen. Feingold’s frustration that the facts about the NSA domestic surveillance program have not been disclosed appropriately to Congress,” her office said in a statement. “Both the House and the Senate must fully investigate the program and assign responsibility for any laws that may have been broken.”
And Hillary?
Silent as the grave.
All “Presidential” and such. (She IS a pro, after all…)
Like I said:
Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Bayh, Warner, Edwards, Small k kerry and the rest head for the hills.
The real left applauds Feingold.
Nothing happens in Congress on this matter.
Just as it always was.
I got yer DemocRatic party.
Right HERE!!!
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
Cowards, too.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But nothing lost, either.
The Democratic motto for today.
Hell…for this DECADE.
Russ…go talk to Howard.
Start another party before it’s too late.
They are not going to back you, these DemocRats.
What if an “At long last, have you no shame” moment occurred and no one in a position of power even READ it? Or made believe that they didn’t hear it?
Or weren’t even in the room.
“Russ who!!!???”
Senator Joe for Pres. No…not Biden. Not Lieberman. McCarthy.
Joe McCarthy for President in 2008.
What the hell…may as well go for the real thing.
At long, LONG last…there is no shame.
Mighty Casey done struck out; we are knee deep in Mudville, and the Big Muddy is swirling up around our knees already.
Who ya gonna call?
“Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn’t read it.”
Don’t be absurd.
Too LATE for politics as usual.
Time for ACTION.
Russ is the real thing.
That’s what SCARES ’em.
Dean and Feingold in ’08.
The New Party candidates.
FUCK these motherfuckers!!!
“Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn’t read it.”
Sweet JESUS!!!
Senator XYZ (D) of the great state of Gambling said that he had never even HEARD of Joseph Welch and that if he had he wouldn’t admit it. No comment.
“Joe WHO!!!????
“Russ??? Sounds familiar…”
We are in trouble here.
BIG trouble.
What if a tree falls in the Senate and no one admits to hearing it?
Russ Feingold.
“Russ WHO!!!???”
“Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn’t read it.”
Las Vegas.
It’s what’s for dinner.
What was it that Paul Hackett said after Reid, Schumer et al middled-of-the-roaded him right off the Ohio political scene last month?
Oh yeah. Here it is:
Get a life,
Get a PARTY.
“Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn’t read it.”
There it is.
<b.”Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declined to endorse it and said he hadn’t read it.”</b>
Wanna talk?
Feingold is one of the good guys. On the House side we got Conyers, McKinley, maybe Murtha occasionally, but otherwise, is there a Democrat party? Bwahahahaha. Let’s get real. And folks wonder why the voting rates in this country are so pathetic. The damned party IS Lieberman, Reid, Clinton, Pelosi and the rest of the damned gang of thieves.
I just skimmed the dKos thread put up by Feingold regarding this motion.
420+ comments…only ONE about the shame of this party.
Dead from the neck up.
And some wonder why people are getting more and more interested in a third party! Hello?
Yep. What is it AG’s always saying?
There – someone else said it for once. 🙂
I believe it’s Wake The Fuck Up. ;0)
Either way…
It’s the waking that’s the point.
Not the fucking.
I’m awake, Arthur, I’m awake!!!
Are you?
RING dem bells!!!
RING dem bells!!!
I’ve read and posted in that thread. Would you really expect many kossacks to rub Feingold’s nose in it by pointing to his reluctant comrades? He is, no doubt, abundantly aware of his lack of support without being reminded. Apparently most commenters just gave him a virtual pat on the back.
Rub HIS nose in it?
Or show him that the people are with him even if the bosses oppose him.
Rub THEIR goddamned noses in it.
THEY’RE the ones shitting on the rug.
Am I the only one who finds it fascinating that the media and the DINOs have a barrage of smear quotes out within four hours of the original speech?
Sounds like someone didn’t want to risk Feingold succeeding. After all, if he did, Reid might wind up in power, and might actually have to do something.
Smear quotes?
The ones you posted. Lieberman’s quotes sound an awful lot like an attempt to smear Russ as silly. And Reid simply dismisses him out of hand. They’re acting as though he’s totally irrelevant, not even a Senator.
Mah I remind you.
He is NOT a “Senator”.
99 to 1 was the vote about the Iraq invasion.
Feingold was the ONLY one who stood up and told it like it is.
“Senators” go wiith the flow.
He is just a temporary aberration in their eyes.
He’s not a team player.
They will bench him every chance they get.
Bet on it.
And what’s for dinner.
Boston cream pie and waffles.
LOTS of waffles.
From Small k kerry:
“There are a lot of issues right now we need to be focused on,” said Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat who lost the race for president in 2004 when Ohio went to Bush.
“We also do need to hold the president accountable. I want to make sure that is the best way to do it before I make that final judgment,” Kerry said.
And chock FULL of empty calories, too.
This is how the DemRats lost in ’04.
So…let me ask you.
Do you REALLY think that they are so politically stupid that they cannot see the forest for the fire?
These long-time, BIG time successful pro pols?
Or is the fix SO far in that it doesn’t even make the back of their pants fit funny?
How to beat BushCo?
Tell the American people the truth.
THAT’D work…
What’s wrong with this picture?
Dean and Feingold. I like the sound of that.
The wusses Biden, Lieberman, Reid, H. Clinton all want to position themselves to run for President. Are they too arrogantly amibitious to see that who the fuck wants any of them for President if they don’t have a principle or a backbone now? What possible reason, other than putting their own amibition ahead of the Democratic Party and the American people, could any of them have for not supporting the censure motion.
They are all balsa when we need teak. They need a Viagara enema.