This Saturday marks the 3rd anniversary of what I fondly call the Debacle in the Desert — the invasion of Iraq.
As was pointed out in Suskind’s excellent diary, as many military men and women have been killed in action in Iraq as there were people killed in the 9/11 attacks. And God only knows how many Iraqi men, women and children have died…and for those who are left, their lives have been altered forever.
But what can we do? Do we just shake our head, make a few comments, and get on with our lives?
I say it’s time to empty the Frog Pond — for at least a day.
This morning I Googled the phrase Iraq protest rally “March 18 2006”, pulled out some web sites, and am listing them below.
But this list by no means complete — I’m sure there are many of you who know of local events (along with the big one in San Francisco, for example, there are smaller events around the Bay Area), or who can find out about them. In fact, these smaller events can be a key — it’s easy for the media to dismiss marches in NYC, LA, SF and DC as just the usual crowd of radicals…but groups of citizens gathering in Smalltown, USA around the country, exercising their rights to free speech and peaceful protest, would hopefully cause people to stand up and take notice. Please post any events you are aware of (with website if available) in the comments. If I get a chance, I’ll come back and add those events to the main list in the proper region.
On Saturday, let the Froggy Bottom Cafe be silent…let the diaries list be stagnant…let the front page be still. If there is no event in your area, please take some time to think of the families that have lost loved ones, whether they they be American, Iraqi, or citizens of other countries.
Then, in the evening, let us gather together and post our stories, share funny or insightful signage, and gird our loins for the approaching mid-term elections.
Oh, there are some areas that aren’t doing their marches until Sunday — if you go to one of those we want your story Sunday night. π
See you on the streets!
Thomas Merton Center Anti-War Committee — Pittsburgh PA
Troops Out Now! Rally in Times Square
(this site also has a great list of events around the country)
NC Peace & Justice Coalition — Fayetteville NC
Hoosiers for Peace — Rally at Monument Circle
Critical Moment (Detroit)
ANSWER Coalition March in LA (Indymedia link)
ANSWER Coalition March in SF (Indymedia link)
Stop the War Coalition (Sydney Australia)
I know, I live in one of those places where more than 50% of the population still supports the current admministration. I live in nutville…. the professional birth place of Sean Hannity. Is it okay if I meditate on manifesting peace and love that day?
Doesn’t living in an area w/a bunch of wingnuts suck? There are more than a few here, and this area is changing, but everyone is afraid of pissing off the wingnuts.
If it is not a Military (Tracey) secret, where abouts in the great state of Alabama do you reside in? My Mother grew up on a farm in N.W. Alabama.
Some people refer to it as S.E. lower Alabama, so my husband always says he lives in Southeast L.A.
I just found out about another event — a Multifaith Gathering for Peace at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Palo Alto, followed by a two block march to the rally at noon in front of the City Hall.
Guess where the spouse and I will be Saturday… π
Sacramento: 16th and Broadway, from 5 pm to 8pm.
I’ll be there from 4pm. Anticipating a solemn occasion.
Thanks for what you are doing.
This is still the best resource I’ve found
United For Peace and Justice Event Calendar
I’ll be at the counter recruitment rally in Times Square that you linked to above.
over the phone? My daughter’s new beau is a car nut and seems to be pretty talented. He plans on joining the Air Force when he graduates this year because his dad left the family and his mom is super stretched. I don’t think he is fully aware of the opportunities out there in doing what he loves to do. I have offered to find and help him fill out the paperwork for what ever college or trade school loans he would need. He is very visual and knows a little bit about body work along with mechanics. If he were over and I happened to call your old number that I have from Crawford could you maybe have a speak with him about the opportunities in the field he loves? Most people assume the Air Force would be a safe place. I guess they didn’t notice that we lost one Airman for everything three Marines in Fallujah there for awhile about a year or so ago. They are pulling usable MOS’s out of other branches of the service and attaching them to combat troops in Iraq where ever and when ever they can, and you can bet the recruiters are steering unsuspecting young men and women into MOS’s that can put them right on the front lines in Iraq as soon as they are trained. They’re doing the same thing in the Navy too. Nobody is going to find any safe haven within the military branches right now……not like “W” found in the National Guard during Vietnam!
I have a different number now Tracy that I’ll email you in a bit when i get back home. I forgot to email Janet with the number too.
I’ll be back in an hour or so and sure, I’ll be glad to talk to the kid :o)
Wednesday, March 15 – Peace Song Sing-Along
Thursday, March 16 – A Free Reading of Extended Excerpts From: My Name Is Rachel Corrie
Friday, March 17 – Day of Lobbying
Sunday, March 19
Monday, March 20
Ongoing Peace Events
To find ways to act or support your local CodePink ladies:
CodePink Actions this weekend
If you can’t march, that’s understandable, please know that we need your support. Anything you can do – emailing your CongressCritters (even thought they’ll all be on vacation….) call the local media and demand they cover the local march. Call your friends and tell them to call the media. Babysit a marchers kid for free. Anything. π
Denver, March 18-19. 2006
End the War March and Rally Sun 19th.12:30 – 3pm+-
For workshop info and details go to:
Colorado Communities for Justice and Peace Winter Convergence