This Saturday marks the 3rd anniversary of what I fondly call the Debacle in the Desert — the invasion of Iraq.

As was pointed out in Suskind’s excellent diary, as many military men and women have been killed in action in Iraq as there were people killed in the 9/11 attacks. And God only knows how many Iraqi men, women and children have died…and for those who are left, their lives have been altered forever.

But what can we do? Do we just shake our head, make a few comments, and get on with our lives?

I say it’s time to empty the Frog Pond — for at least a day.
This morning I Googled the phrase Iraq protest rally “March 18 2006”, pulled out some web sites, and am listing them below.

But this list by no means complete — I’m sure there are many of you who know of local events (along with the big one in San Francisco, for example, there are smaller events around the Bay Area), or who can find out about them. In fact, these smaller events can be a key — it’s easy for the media to dismiss marches in NYC, LA, SF and DC as just the usual crowd of radicals…but groups of citizens gathering in Smalltown, USA around the country, exercising their rights to free speech and peaceful protest, would hopefully cause people to stand up and take notice. Please post any events you are aware of (with website if available) in the comments. If I get a chance, I’ll come back and add those events to the main list in the proper region.

On Saturday, let the Froggy Bottom Cafe be silent…let the diaries list be stagnant…let the front page be still. If there is no event in your area, please take some time to think of the families that have lost loved ones, whether they they be American, Iraqi, or citizens of other countries.

Then, in the evening, let us gather together and post our stories, share funny or insightful signage, and gird our loins for the approaching mid-term elections.

Oh, there are some areas that aren’t doing their marches until Sunday — if you go to one of those we want your story Sunday night. πŸ™‚

See you on the streets!


Thomas Merton Center Anti-War Committee — Pittsburgh PA

Troops Out Now! Rally in Times Square
(this site also has a great list of events around the country)

NC Peace & Justice Coalition — Fayetteville NC

DC Anti-War Network


Chicago Actions

Hoosiers for Peace — Rally at Monument Circle

Critical Moment (Detroit)



ANSWER Coalition March in LA (Indymedia link)

ANSWER Coalition March in SF (Indymedia link)

Seattle Activism


Stop the War Coalition (GB)

Stop the War Coalition (Sydney Australia)