I’ll just step in to say good night. Hopefully things will start to clear up (stupid career choice – English teacher gotta grade all these blankity-blank papers) soon.
A long time ago in a galaxy far … oops wrong story.
I put up this picture of the grand canyon at sunrise. kansas asked me if the ‘blue dot’ was me. Since the blue dot as the colorado river, much hilarity ensued. The next day I posted a picture with me in the distance and said to kansas that this time the blue dot was me. I posted some more and then ejmw posted a radar shot with a blue dot insignia on it and said that the blue dot was everywhere because it was on every radar shot he saw which led me to claim that the blue dot was both omnipresent and omniscient and that led to whole set of mythology being created for the Blue Dot.
I have been wanting to come to the cafe all day and say hi, but never had the chance, so hi. Looks like the cafe is pretty empty right now, who’s still up.
Hi Maryb, how are you doing…you live in Maryland right, hows the weather there or wherever you live. In socal we are having another coooold night and I am sitting here with two sweatshirts on trying to stay warm.
a true font of information? How can I pass that up? I know that Luke has a daughter and he didn’t tell Lorelei immediately? And Lorelei and Rory made up? Is the wedding on or off? And what’s going on with the grandparents?
Ah, but did you know that Luke’s daughter’s mother is the actress who played Laura Palmer on Twin Peaks? It’s a good thing you’ve got me here.
Luke didn’t tell Lorelei for a long time and the wedding is still delayed. Lorelei is still feeling left out — she has yet to hang out with the daughter. Lorelei and Rory have indeed made up, but after having gotten back together with Logan, Rory has broken up with him again. The grandparents are fine now, but they were upset that Rory allowed her dad, Christopher, to pay for Yale. Last week, Lorelei babysat for Christopher’s daughter and it came to light the kid is a spoiled brat.
Oops, sorry. The font is wrong! (or maybe the fount is wrong?) It wasn’t Laura Palmer (who was blonde) it was… damn. I forget her name, but she was the brunette who was later in Boxing Helena… Sheralynn Fenn?
Christopher inherited millions from… his grandmother, I think. He suddenly called and said he wanted to help out and offered both Rory and Lorelei all kinds of stuff. They settled on him paying for Yale. The grandparents were really offended.
That’s what it was looking like last week. She offered to babysit, but the day was so horrible that she seemed really done with it by the end. She told Christopher straight up that the kid was spoiled and that he had to step up and do something. He got mad at her and left. Then, at the end, he called and apologized and said she was right. She then said one of those “any help you need…” type things. I have no idea where it’s gonna go.
I announced by intentions of going to bed but the dogs are punishing me for the trip to the vet today and won’t come back in. So I’m up but hoping to disappear any moment.
Hi Diane. Are you still thinking about doing the Welcome Wagon? This site keeps attracting new visitors — might as well entice them to come out of the woodwork.
Unfortunately I have not yet perfected my Perl programming skills to where I can transmit scents over the Internet, or I would fill the Welcome Wagon diary with the aroma of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. That would get them to show up, for sure.
The only bit of it I ever saw was the part I couldn’t avoid as I watched the lead-in to 24. Now that I’ve kicked the 24 habit, I don’t even see that much.
Now, the great majority of you have noted that in the reality-based world this theory of the crime is exceedingly improbable. But I for one would at least like to stand up for it on the basis of originality and sheer neo-Brady Bunch theatricality.
And it got me to thinking how many other Bush administration crimes went unexplained for the lack of this straightforward approach. Has Melvin “Dutch” Libby saddled his brother with his intrigues? Can Brownie get in on the act? Dick Cheney? The possibilities are endless. Help us spin them out.
I was just reading Atrios (which takes MUCH less time than TPM) and he reports that BooMan drank liberally. Not that we didn’t know that already but … Atrios gives it the aura of respectibility. Right?
Back from Japan…I’m very tired now (I don’t really even know what day it is to be honest), but am going through some of the hundreds of pictures I took on my trip. I thought I should at least drop one off here.
I can’t believe you admitted to going to Epcot. A chink in the hard-ass armor?
btw, did you know that when you fly from Chicago to Japan, you fly over Siberia? I didn’t either. These are the Cherskogo mountains, as seen from 39000 feet out my window:
Yep, I really took that picture from the plane. Here’s another one…it took me a minute to remember what it was. This was from before we encountered the mountain range…it looks like an abstract painting to me now though.
As for why they are blue, my guess is because they are really all very snow covered, and from there it’s the same trick that makes the sky blue.
Great photos. Great Circle routes look strange on the map, sensible on the globe. My favorite is the route from San Francisco to Singapore. Singapore’s on the equator, more or less, so where do you fly first from SF? Alaska, of course. Over Nome, then the Kamchatka Peninsula, then Seoul (the SF-Singapore flight stops there), and on to Singapore. Get out your globe and a piece of string if you don’t believe me.
That’s actually pretty close…we made a turn eastward just before going over Korea (I figured it was mostly for political reasons, but I’m not totally sure) that basically brought us to Japan from the East side.
Umm…I honestly don’t know. I know I was awake for a little over 50 hours on the way there. I napped a little bit (maybe 2 hours?) on the plane today. But, I left Tokyo at 7pm and got to Chicago at 3:30pm (same day), so it’s like there was a whole other half day in there.
The only thing that I do know for sure is that it is about quarter after 3 in the afternoon in Tokyo right now.
Yeah, maryb, and if you’ve never crossed the International Date Line, that’s even stranger than flying over Siberia to get from Chicago to Tokyo. As ejmw says, you leave Tokyo at 7pm on Tuesday, and arrive in Chicago at 3:30pm Tuesday, 3-1/2 hours earlier. Basically, you race the sun around the world, but take a short cut.
Actually, the exact Great Circle Route looks like it passes just north of Anchorage and a little east of Siberia, but if the jet stream is far enough north, the actual route of flight could be more northerly, which would carry you over Nome, the extreme eastern end of Siberia (just across the Bering Strait from Alaska), and the Kamchatka Peninsula.
It was weird, everyone else who flew out there (a few from detroit, one from Seattle, etc) basically passed over Anchorage. But my flight really did go above Alaska (at least according to the in-flight real time map). This is pretty close to the route we took:
No, but it did make me forget that you are in the central time zone.
I think if I’m in bed by around 3am that will be a small victory. I have lots of political news to catch up on…all that CNNj wanted to cover was the death of Slobadon.
Welcome home. I was just wondering about you and your trip today when dada brought up pink floyd in an earlier café. Thanks for stopping by and giving us a taste of what’s to come … ::ahem:: hint, hint. π
Don’t worry, with all the pictures I’ve got from this trip I don’t think I’ll be able to keep from posting π
Did you know that David Gilmour (from Pink Floyd) just came out with a new CD last week? I picked it up, and it is pretty good…I’ve never thought that his solo stuff was as good as his work with Pink Floyd, but it is worth a listen just to hear his unmistakable guitar and voice again.
The agreement in the household is I plan the menus and do the cooking, spouse serves up and cleans up. (He’s putting away the leftovers now — got enough left for at least two more meals.)
I was channel-surfing this evening and came across an interesting show on of all things the Game Show Network; it was a show made a few years ago about a scandal on the game show “Press Your Luck” back in the 1980s. And they’re doing a “Press Your Luck” marathon on Sunday — this is all because the host, Peter Tomarkin, died with his wife in a small plane crash over the weekend. Kind of a nice touch.
My mom was a game show fanatic, and I’ve sort of picked up the gene; I tried to get on “Wheel of Fortune” a few years ago by going up to San Francisco when they came to town to find players, but unfortunately no luck. π Us kids all though Mom should’ve gone on “Jeopardy” because she was super smart. π
Okay, I’m going to go catch up on my podcast listening; will go to bed after the spouse brings up the laundry because I’m out of PJs…
I’m responding to you here b/c of the margins above…
Yes, I am fully aware of March Madness. Though I was quite disappointed to hear upon my return to the U.S. that my Wolverines sucked it up in the Big10 tourney and will have to be happy with winning the NIT instead of the Big Dance.
Just a little joke about how Michigan has won the NIT championship 3 times, but once didn’t count because all of the Fab Five years have been disavowed as having ever happened.
Okay, the wearing pink and protesting I can do, but you guys are killing me with the red and green drinks. What do you think the alcohol’s gonna kill the bug up my ass?
the quote is from Tommy Boy. But regarding the Rascals, that was indeed Alfalfa, he’s my favorite too, mostly because I have the same problem with the back part of my hair.
I have a double cowlick, one on each side, it tends to give the barber grief, so I make sure to warn them ahead of time not to cut too short. My biggest concern is keeping my hair as I get older…baldness runs through the blood in all directions.
Yup, that’s exactly what my boy has to do. And it’s surprising the amount of hairdressers who’ve just ignored him over the years and cut it short on top anyway.
I’m thinking I should maybe put up a new cafe, do you think?
I’ll just step in to say good night. Hopefully things will start to clear up (stupid career choice – English teacher gotta grade all these blankity-blank papers) soon.
Everyone have a lovely and peaceful evening.
good night Toni. (And it wasn’t a stupid choice, I’m sure you’re a great English teacher.)
Spouse still hasn’t started laundry, and we’re not eating dinner till after he gets it started.
This is why I hate cooking dinner — he’s never ready to eat when it’s ready to eat… π
You’re so much nicer than me (well, almost everyone is). I’d just eat without him.
And maryb, be careful with those blue dot drinks — we wouldn’t want to start seeing them.
I’ve never really understood the blue dot reference. It was all pmb (pre maryb). I guess I could ask you to explain; but I hate to beg.
A long time ago in a galaxy far … oops wrong story.
I put up this picture of the grand canyon at sunrise. kansas asked me if the ‘blue dot’ was me. Since the blue dot as the colorado river, much hilarity ensued. The next day I posted a picture with me in the distance and said to kansas that this time the blue dot was me. I posted some more and then ejmw posted a radar shot with a blue dot insignia on it and said that the blue dot was everywhere because it was on every radar shot he saw which led me to claim that the blue dot was both omnipresent and omniscient and that led to whole set of mythology being created for the Blue Dot.
thanks! I look forward to great blue dot photos from your vacation.
Blue dots? Reminds me of a story. Big surprise.
“Geez, I feel awful. All day I’ve seen blue dots floating in front of my eyes.”
“Oh my goodness. Have you seen a doctor?”
“Nope, just these blue dots.”
Here’s to you, Henny Youngman, wherever you are.
lol! and that reminds me of “Doc, it hurts when I do this, what do I do?” “Stop doing it!”
If adherents to the Flying Spaghetti Monster are pastafarians, what do we call believers in the Omnipresent Blue Dot?
I have been wanting to come to the cafe all day and say hi, but never had the chance, so hi. Looks like the cafe is pretty empty right now, who’s still up.
Hi Diane, I’m still up. I just got home a little while ago.
Hi Maryb, how are you doing…you live in Maryland right, hows the weather there or wherever you live. In socal we are having another coooold night and I am sitting here with two sweatshirts on trying to stay warm.
Missouri. It’s beautiful today — high forties and blue sky. A little chilly but not bad.
Hi Diane and Mary! I’m up, too. Going to eat dinner in a minute, but then no new Gilmore Girls! Nothing’s on till Amazing Race at 10.
I wondered if I missed a new episode. Guess not.
Yup. No Luke for you.
I’ve hardly seen it at all this season, and when I get a chance its always a repeat. Oh well.
Do you know about the wedding? Luke’s daughter? Do you need me to catch you up? Anything, maryb, I’m a font of information.
a true font of information? How can I pass that up? I know that Luke has a daughter and he didn’t tell Lorelei immediately? And Lorelei and Rory made up? Is the wedding on or off? And what’s going on with the grandparents?
Ah, but did you know that Luke’s daughter’s mother is the actress who played Laura Palmer on Twin Peaks? It’s a good thing you’ve got me here.
Luke didn’t tell Lorelei for a long time and the wedding is still delayed. Lorelei is still feeling left out — she has yet to hang out with the daughter. Lorelei and Rory have indeed made up, but after having gotten back together with Logan, Rory has broken up with him again. The grandparents are fine now, but they were upset that Rory allowed her dad, Christopher, to pay for Yale. Last week, Lorelei babysat for Christopher’s daughter and it came to light the kid is a spoiled brat.
My recollection is that the only thing Laura Palmer did was lie there dead. Did she do more? I only watched twin peaks for half the season.
How can Christopher pay for Yale?
Oops, sorry. The font is wrong! (or maybe the fount is wrong?) It wasn’t Laura Palmer (who was blonde) it was… damn. I forget her name, but she was the brunette who was later in Boxing Helena… Sheralynn Fenn?
Christopher inherited millions from… his grandmother, I think. He suddenly called and said he wanted to help out and offered both Rory and Lorelei all kinds of stuff. They settled on him paying for Yale. The grandparents were really offended.
Sheralynn Fenn. I know who she is.
Wow, Christopher with millions. And a spoiled brat daughter. Will Lorelei feel it necessary to save the daughter?
That’s what it was looking like last week. She offered to babysit, but the day was so horrible that she seemed really done with it by the end. She told Christopher straight up that the kid was spoiled and that he had to step up and do something. He got mad at her and left. Then, at the end, he called and apologized and said she was right. She then said one of those “any help you need…” type things. I have no idea where it’s gonna go.
I’m moving to the left down below
I announced by intentions of going to bed but the dogs are punishing me for the trip to the vet today and won’t come back in. So I’m up but hoping to disappear any moment.
Good for the dogs!
Ha! They’re back.
Really good night.
Hi Diane. Are you still thinking about doing the Welcome Wagon? This site keeps attracting new visitors — might as well entice them to come out of the woodwork.
Unfortunately I have not yet perfected my Perl programming skills to where I can transmit scents over the Internet, or I would fill the Welcome Wagon diary with the aroma of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. That would get them to show up, for sure.
Does anyone here watch American Idol….I do and it’s going to be on soon…can”t wait..lol.
Nope. The one tv vice I haven’t succumbed to.
I’ve seen it a couple of times, but I haven’t watched it in a long time. But it sounds VERY relaxing for a night like this.
It will be over here anyway because we’re ahead of you. But I can’t spill the beans because I didn’t watch it.
The only bit of it I ever saw was the part I couldn’t avoid as I watched the lead-in to 24. Now that I’ve kicked the 24 habit, I don’t even see that much.
I was just reading Josh Marshall and, damn, the Republicans have picked up on my “evil twin” excuse. I knew I should have trademarked it or something.
A friend was just telling me about that! Apparently they’ve even dug out high-school yearbook photos?
Yeah and they are identical. Go look.
And I like his later update:
Thanks for the link — that’s hysterical! You just know poor Floyd is going down for this.
poor Floyd ha!
I was just reading Atrios (which takes MUCH less time than TPM) and he reports that BooMan drank liberally. Not that we didn’t know that already but … Atrios gives it the aura of respectibility. Right?
Back from Japan…I’m very tired now (I don’t really even know what day it is to be honest), but am going through some of the hundreds of pictures I took on my trip. I thought I should at least drop one off here.
This is the pagoda at the Chinzan-so gardens.
Welcome Back! I bet you ARE jet lagged.
Great picture. Looks like the pagoda at the Japan exhibit at Epcot
I can’t believe you admitted to going to Epcot. A chink in the hard-ass armor?
btw, did you know that when you fly from Chicago to Japan, you fly over Siberia? I didn’t either. These are the Cherskogo mountains, as seen from 39000 feet out my window:
I have hard ass armor? ::sniff:: Mickey and his friends at Epcot don’t think so.
Did you really take that picture from the plane? That’s amazing. Why are they blue?
Yep, I really took that picture from the plane. Here’s another one…it took me a minute to remember what it was. This was from before we encountered the mountain range…it looks like an abstract painting to me now though.
As for why they are blue, my guess is because they are really all very snow covered, and from there it’s the same trick that makes the sky blue.
Or maybe its for the same reason that icebergs are blue. Something about the ice having no bubbles in it and reflecting back the light as blue.
Great photos. Great Circle routes look strange on the map, sensible on the globe. My favorite is the route from San Francisco to Singapore. Singapore’s on the equator, more or less, so where do you fly first from SF? Alaska, of course. Over Nome, then the Kamchatka Peninsula, then Seoul (the SF-Singapore flight stops there), and on to Singapore. Get out your globe and a piece of string if you don’t believe me.
I’m still unclear how flying from Chicago to Japan takes you over Siberia. But I don’t have a globe handy. Unless you come into Japan from the back?
That’s actually pretty close…we made a turn eastward just before going over Korea (I figured it was mostly for political reasons, but I’m not totally sure) that basically brought us to Japan from the East side.
Well at least I have a vague idea of asian geography.
I forgot to ask — how was the wedding?
Spectacular. The ceremony was awesome, the food was unbelievable. The afterparty was great.
Pretty much the most impressive thing I’ve ever been to.
I can’t believe you’re still awake. How many hours have you been up? (and is it tomorrow or yesterday in Japan?)
Umm…I honestly don’t know. I know I was awake for a little over 50 hours on the way there. I napped a little bit (maybe 2 hours?) on the plane today. But, I left Tokyo at 7pm and got to Chicago at 3:30pm (same day), so it’s like there was a whole other half day in there.
The only thing that I do know for sure is that it is about quarter after 3 in the afternoon in Tokyo right now.
Yeah, maryb, and if you’ve never crossed the International Date Line, that’s even stranger than flying over Siberia to get from Chicago to Tokyo. As ejmw says, you leave Tokyo at 7pm on Tuesday, and arrive in Chicago at 3:30pm Tuesday, 3-1/2 hours earlier. Basically, you race the sun around the world, but take a short cut.
Actually, the exact Great Circle Route looks like it passes just north of Anchorage and a little east of Siberia, but if the jet stream is far enough north, the actual route of flight could be more northerly, which would carry you over Nome, the extreme eastern end of Siberia (just across the Bering Strait from Alaska), and the Kamchatka Peninsula.
I need to look at a globe. I’ve never been able to visualize things — I have to see them.
It was weird, everyone else who flew out there (a few from detroit, one from Seattle, etc) basically passed over Anchorage. But my flight really did go above Alaska (at least according to the in-flight real time map). This is pretty close to the route we took:
NOW I get it.
Oh yeah, and
What the hell are YOU still doing awake?
Did this long journey make you forget that I’m a night person? After all our good times?
Never fear, I’m beginning to start the process of thinking that I might have to soon go to sleep. But it’s only 12:30.
No, but it did make me forget that you are in the central time zone.
I think if I’m in bed by around 3am that will be a small victory. I have lots of political news to catch up on…all that CNNj wanted to cover was the death of Slobadon.
How soon they forget . . .
You’d better work hard at catching up by the end of tomorrow. Because March Madness starts Thursday.
Good to hear that the wedding was a success! π
Now this is what I was waiting for! Awesome e! It looks like another planet. π
Welcome home. I was just wondering about you and your trip today when dada brought up pink floyd in an earlier café. Thanks for stopping by and giving us a taste of what’s to come … ::ahem:: hint, hint. π
Don’t worry, with all the pictures I’ve got from this trip I don’t think I’ll be able to keep from posting π
Did you know that David Gilmour (from Pink Floyd) just came out with a new CD last week? I picked it up, and it is pretty good…I’ve never thought that his solo stuff was as good as his work with Pink Floyd, but it is worth a listen just to hear his unmistakable guitar and voice again.
The agreement in the household is I plan the menus and do the cooking, spouse serves up and cleans up. (He’s putting away the leftovers now — got enough left for at least two more meals.)
I was channel-surfing this evening and came across an interesting show on of all things the Game Show Network; it was a show made a few years ago about a scandal on the game show “Press Your Luck” back in the 1980s. And they’re doing a “Press Your Luck” marathon on Sunday — this is all because the host, Peter Tomarkin, died with his wife in a small plane crash over the weekend. Kind of a nice touch.
My mom was a game show fanatic, and I’ve sort of picked up the gene; I tried to get on “Wheel of Fortune” a few years ago by going up to San Francisco when they came to town to find players, but unfortunately no luck. π Us kids all though Mom should’ve gone on “Jeopardy” because she was super smart. π
Okay, I’m going to go catch up on my podcast listening; will go to bed after the spouse brings up the laundry because I’m out of PJs…
Izzy? Izzy?
I’m responding to you here b/c of the margins above…
Yes, I am fully aware of March Madness. Though I was quite disappointed to hear upon my return to the U.S. that my Wolverines sucked it up in the Big10 tourney and will have to be happy with winning the NIT instead of the Big Dance.
Somehow I knew that the long journey would NOT make you forget March Madness.
Poor Wolverines.
Meh. I’m not too worried about Michigan. After all, they’ve won the NIT three out of the two times they’ve ever been in it π
You’re losing me there
Just a little joke about how Michigan has won the NIT championship 3 times, but once didn’t count because all of the Fab Five years have been disavowed as having ever happened.
I forgot about that. I just thought your math was screwy.
Can’t it be both?
Yes, mary?
Just sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong and doing an intervention. π
It’s so tempting, but really, I’d think twice. If I were you.
Just my 2 cents.
Which you can ignore.
Shit! How’d you know about the drinkin’? Point taken. Thanks. π
Ha! I was more concerned with gang activity on your part.
and looking at the diaries, why did I bother intervening in one battle when …
How many hail marys do I owe? Is there hope of redemption if I promise never to do it again?
Your only hope for redemption is lots of green beer on St. Patrick’s day followed by an entire weekend of protesting while dressed in pink.
Forgive me for shouting.
Holy crap. What an event to return to.
Well that probably woke everybody in the pond.
Apparently, that means you, me, and Izzy.
Here, try a few of these.
Okay, the wearing pink and protesting I can do, but you guys are killing me with the red and green drinks. What do you think the alcohol’s gonna kill the bug up my ass?
Yeah its weird. But it would have been even weirder if ej had remembered St. Patrick’s day and actually put up a picture of a green beer.
We don’t do this on purpose. It’s just … weird.
shot of tabasco in mine?
Welcome back, amigo.
Of course you can!
Thanks, ManEe. It’s good to see you here!
Where ARE my manners?
(that was too easy)
Indeed it was…I think with that, I am going to attempt to go to sleep.
Hopefully, I will wake up tomorrow and it will be Wednesday morning. But I really have no idea if that’s going to work.
Good night all!
I’m heading off too.
Sweet dreams, maryb.
G’nite, ej, and welcome back. I hope you sleep well.
if all else fails, take a Benadryl (but don’t tell CabinGirl) π
Thank goodness you didn’t say goodnight, too. It was getting to be like The Waltons in here — goodnight John Boy. I was starting to feel kind of sad.
favorite Lil Rascal?
(movie trivia alert!)
Oh, I’m not so good with those! I liked the one whose hair stood up — was it Alfalfa?
the quote is from Tommy Boy. But regarding the Rascals, that was indeed Alfalfa, he’s my favorite too, mostly because I have the same problem with the back part of my hair.
I have a severe cowlick, too. My poor son has a double — one on each side — so if his hair is short on the top it goes into sort of a mohawk.
I have a double cowlick, one on each side, it tends to give the barber grief, so I make sure to warn them ahead of time not to cut too short. My biggest concern is keeping my hair as I get older…baldness runs through the blood in all directions.
Yup, that’s exactly what my boy has to do. And it’s surprising the amount of hairdressers who’ve just ignored him over the years and cut it short on top anyway.
I’m thinking I should maybe put up a new cafe, do you think?
it’ll leave a clean joint for the morning-glories π
have a great night Izzy, see you around soon. Paz
Goodnight, ManEe. I’m turning in, too.
New cafe is open.