Democracy is like a box of chocolates…never know what you’re gonna get…’

You don’t say, Forrest.

It seems a majority of the American public feel that way right now. What they sniffed at, inspected, and finally purchased is not what they believe they were actually buying..

A majority of the populace is now NOT supporting President Bush. A majority feel the direction he is leading this country is off-track and view his job performance negatively.
Just look at the late January 2006 polls:

    * USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll: Americans Believe Things Have Gotten Worse Over Past 5 Years; 62 Percent Say Country Is Off Track.

    * Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times Poll: 62 Percent of Americans Want A New Direction.

    * New York Times/CBS News Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Think Country Is On “Wrong Track.

 I say let’s add these questions for the pollsters to ask:

    * has President Bush lived up to his 2000 campaign pledge to ‘restore honor and integrity to the White House’?

    * has president Bush lived up to his 2000 campaign pledge ‘to clean up the toxic environment and restore civility to Washington D.C.’?

    * has President Bush lived up to his 2000 campaign pledge to “ask not only what is legal but what is right, not what the lawyers allow but what the public deserves’?

Methinks if President Bush was aked these questions his responses would set a new low on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.  

President Bush declared ‘Mission Accomplished’ aboard an aircraft carrier.

Currently, he seems ensconced on a submarine hurtling to depths uncharted.