What else are we going to “privatize” in this country?
Storm-Wracked Parish Considers Hired Guns
ST. BERNARD PARISH, La. — Maj. Pete Tufaro scanned the fenced lot packed with hundreds of stark white trailers soon to be inhabited by Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Shaking his head, he predicted the cramped quarters would ignite fights, hide criminals and become an incubator for crime, posing another test for his cash-strapped sheriff’s department, which furloughed 206 of its 390 officers after the storm.
Tufaro thinks the parish has the solution: DynCorp International LLC, the Texas company that provided personal security to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and is one of the largest security contractors in Iraq. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency approves the sheriff’s department’s proposal, which would cost $70 million over three years, up to 100 DynCorp employees would be deputized to be make arrests, carry weapons, and dress in the St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Department khaki and black uniforms.
So, after starving public institutions for decades, the plan is to replace underpaid, laid off civil servants with … more expensive mercenaries. Can there be any other reason to pursue this wrong-headed course of action than to ramp up militarism while hiding uniformed “security” behind a veil of corporate limited liability? It’s certainly NOT to save money:
But while the plan is for the DynCorp employees to eat and live with the other deputies in the same trailer camp, the hired guns would earn “significantly more” than the $18,000 annual salary of an entry-level deputy and the $30,000-a-year salary of a seasoned officer.
After all, there has already been widespread use of mercenary forces in the Gulf region, so why not just go ahead and use them for permanent policing?
We are returning to a world where the wealthy, the connected, the landowners make their own law, and enforce it with their own law enforcement. And, as it was with medieval Lords, one can see that it is the Keep, the Lord’s personal assets that will get the most security, while the peons are left to fend for themselves, when they aren’t fending off the Lord’s goons. We can already see this in the gated communities and upper floors of corporate campuses, where the layers of security tighten and the goons get more confrontational toward “outsiders”, all while factories and vital infrastructure go unsecured in order to cut costs. YOU and your coworkers are protected by some flimsy locks, maybe a magnetic keycard … the bosses have Praetorian guards, layered locked entryways and extensive video surveillance.
THIS is where the real danger was in the UAE ports deal – a feudal monarchy, known for it’s brutal treatment of labor, being given the keys to so many entry points vital to this country’s security and trade. As more and more falls under the all-but untouchable control of closely held corporations, up to and including the security of your streets, accountabilty and civil liberties will be ripe for the dustbin of history. Our emirs envy the Emir, and there is increasing pressure to bring us back to a that future.
It is increasingly clear that the hurricane zone is where the new militarism will be field tested. Slowly ramping of the use of professional soldiers in the place of peace officers, getting Americans used to seeing armed goons patrolling the “homeland”:
For DynCorp and other private security companies, the post-Katrina Gulf Coast, like Iraq, is a land of opportunity. Hired shortly after the storm to protect several New Orleans hospitals, its first domestic security job, the Texas firm has earned about $14 million from work in the Gulf Coast since Katrina, not all of which has involved security.
Blackwater USA, which protected the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and lost four employees in a brutal ambush in Fallujah in 2004, earned about $42 million through the end of December on a contract with Federal Protective Service, a unit of the Department of Homeland Security, to provide security to FEMA sites. Most of the 330 contract guards now working in Louisiana are employed by the company.
The Homeland Security Department’s Inspector General said the company’s costs in its FEMA contract — it earns $950 a day for each employee — were “clearly very high,” and it expressed hope that competition would lower them. But costs are not the only concerns raised by critics of the companies.
“Katrina broke all of the rules. It was the first time you had the deployment of armed private security contractors in the U.S.,” said Peter W. Singer, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author of “Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry.”
What will you do if some disaster strikes the community where you live, and you find yourself confronted by faux-cops demanding your papers, with no badge number in site, only a weapon and some official patch deputizing them as “homeland security”? In many communities, badges are already used as an excuse for the abuse of power … how much worse can it get when you can’t get a name, when it’s not a guy who lives in your community, but a soldier who’s company can rotate him out if there is some kind of problem? Where will you turn if some over-hyped thug takes his newfound power too far?
Wearing black polo shirts and khaki pants and carrying pistols, more than a dozen Blackwater employees now patrol FEMA’s disaster-assistance center in a Wal-Mart parking lot.
Their strict style — “no, sir,” for example, instead of “How you boys doing?” — has come to irritate St. Bernard Homeland Security Director Larry Ingargiola. “They’re a little sterner, more military-type” than people from Louisiana, said Ingargiola, recounting how he has been denied entry to several FEMA sites.[…]
The proposal to work with DynCorp would be a more permanent solution, lasting up to three years. Under the plan, DynCorp employees working for the sheriff’s department would take over security at several FEMA trailer sites and establish three highway checkpoints. The DynCorp guards would report directly to a sheriff’s deputy, who would be on site to supervise them, said Tufaro.
The department did not hold a competition before recommending DynCorp for the work but would consider other contactors if FEMA recommended it, said Tufaro. The department thinks DynCorp is the cheapest alternative, noting that it would charge less than $700 per day, compared with the $950 a day charged by Blackwater, he said.
We continue down a very dangerous road, a road that is bankrupting this country financially, morally and socially. Militarism is embraced in the name of security, yet with fewer and fewer protections left in place to protect the citizenry from the hired guns of our increasingly isolated ruling classes. It’s happening now in the communities devastated already by Hurricane Katrina and Republicrat neglect. Don’t be suprised if it comes to your community next.
I almost did one on this today. Maybe we need to infiltrate these companies to stay ahead of the game.
the wealthy, the connected, and the landowners have ALWAYS made their own laws (and enforced it with their own law enforcement.)
Where do you think governments come from?
Social contract, my ass.
well, it’s more complicated than that. The Common Law grew up along the fault line between the rulers running roughshod over the peons and said peons demanding protection from the rulers. The entire legal system is the rope along which that tug-of-war is fought. To just throw your hands up and to say “well, the law ALWAYS favors the rich” is to betray all those who’ve come before who tried to make it more than that.
OF COURSE they have more power, and OF COURSE they will corrupt and twist EVERY institution that people try to erect with the purpose of containing their imprecations, but they still need to be resisted. Miranda resisted, and then law enforcement was forced to educate citizens of the rights that the schools neglected to offer instruction on. Fighting to establish the PEOPLE’s rights over the OWNER’s rights is really the basic underpinning of politics AND the courts, isn’t it?
Ha – you must be a lawyer, then? 😉
nope, though I’ve come to have a deep appreciation for how important a legal system is, however imperfect. Courts are, after all, sublimated battlefields, and if they stop working, pressure builds which eventually comes out as civil unrest.
We’re well down the road toward that.
Great post Madman.
This is important (and very scary) stuff.
I posted the url to your Liberal link for my hockey friends with a few excerpts from your story.
As brotherFeldspar and a few other here know I had my own run in with the Para type in DC. I was led back to the trains by a man in olive green clothing and bandes around his arms and boots. When I got the tunnel… I realized anything could happen to me. So I turned and faced him -to get a better look and … no badge, no tags, no name – NOTHING. I then looked him in his eyes and said, “Could you help me with the ticket machine then?” He must’ve been in his 30’s. NOt a young guy. He had nothing but… hate on his face. I drew the picture of the gun he had. It was olive green, too, for my husband and now I forget what he told me it was… an MP5 (is that right??) A smaller gun that kinda looks like a monkey wrench than gun.
These guys are scary. It was jaw dropping to see HOODED GUNMEN on roofs in DC. Being followed just inches from your back by a para-military man with NO BADGE, NO NAME – but a gun…and a contract. This is not a FREE country at all. People need to wake up.
really changed
the last one i went to in cummings georgia in jan 1987 i was followed into a wendys by men in white sheets and hoods carrying shotguns.
i havent done a protest since….they are now just parades with no real message….if im gonna be in a parade i want a float to ride in.
great post madman….its kind of scary but i also remember living in north camden nj and at one community meeting the people from the neighborhood begging the mayor to make the governor send in the national guard and section off north camden from the rest of the city and not let anyone in unless they lived there….these people had such feelings of surplus powerlessness they were willing to have the military on their street corners and willing to force everyone who lived there to have to show id to get in….can you imagine what its like to live in conditions bad enough that thats a better situation? it was like the wild west when i lived there….i got shot at driving my city truck many times and had my van windows blown out….anything not nailed down was stolen….i chased people out of my house twice who were trying to rob me….i finally gave up when the fourth fire in 18 months burned down every house on my block except mine.
that was 20 years ago in an american city.
would you want to live in a fema trailer city?
right now i live in a lovely neighborhood in suburban delaware and there are 4 megans law ex cons living in the apts behind me….last week the police came over with a 2 page list of every car that had parked in our spaces out front in the last several months…..they wanted to know who every car belonged to and what their business was in coming to our apartment….i felt very invaded…..like we are constantly being watched over here….which is scary enough considering my former line of work…..so are we being protected or are we being harrassed? i cant tell the difference.
god bless america
protected or harrassed …
funny how they’re often flipsides of the same coin.
The Pinkertons are back, with better weapons and even more resentments. We are in for an ugly period, esp. once some shock sends the economy totally off its pins. Scary, and the ease w/which this militarisation is happening is truly frightening.
anna, I am fascinated but bemused. What is your former line of work… it is crucial to the story given your points about being watched. Also, i have to admit to being a hopeless furriner… are ‘4 megans law ex cons’ convicted sexual offenders?
i considered myself a professional eroticist….other people have other words for it.
i knew we had ex cons living behind our building….we live in a farmhouse split into 4 apts…one of them has a very nice guy who has a monthly visit from his probation officer….in back of us in what i would describe as old rehabbed slave quarters (thats what they look like…or chicken coops maybe) are 4 more apartments and all those guys also get visits from probation officers….our landlord gets these tenants thru his church somehow…..anyway one day i got a phone call from the delaware state police….a taped message no less….informing me under megans law that in one of the apts was a convicted sexual offender etc etc….i mean they didnt even come over to tell us…..and i have the only house phone so the other 2 tenants who are friends didnt get a call at all…..then we found out all 4 tenants in back are on the megans list website for the state…..amazing huh?
This is pretty scary, DJ, what do you mean by I was led back to the trains by a man in olive green clothing and bandes around his arms and boots? You mean that someone forcibly deported you from DC because you were there to demonstrate?
I was on my way to the Codepink protest where we were to deliver the pink slips to the whitehouse. Recall Sheehan getting arrested there and several others bussed to nowhere?
Well that area was blocked off. So only those who got there earlier were able to protest. I was packed to go and check it out and determine what I was oging to do. I didn’t want to be arrested in DC and miss my flight home – plus it’s not good to be arrested when so far from home.. anyways.
I couldn’t get through so I started back. That’s when someone grabbed at my backpack hollering (I don’t know what they said), I had a flag sticking out of it with a bring them home now postcard showing through the mesh of my pack. There was a brief “ruckus” and I was kinda swept away along with the crowd.
I was shaken so I started back to the train. That’s when I could feel the presense of this man RIGHT BEHIND me and I mean RIGHT BEHIND ME.
I did one thing wrong: I didn’t walk into a store. I continued on to the train – which leads underground. When I reached the tunnel I realized my error so I turned to face this para-type to if nothing else LOOK at them to get a description. I thrust some money at him and said, what I did about could he at least help me with the ticket.
I got to the airport, called my husband my friend and BrotherFeldspar. I saw Sheehan and my sisters had been arrested — and I sat cried.
My coutnry is not free.
the man who grabbed at my flag – wasn’t the para-type. It was some guy in the crowd. Many were pissed that street was blocked off.
My husband said I did good in turning and confronting the para-type with the ticket question. He did help, no words from him. I thanked him. We stood looking at each other and I got on the train. My husband says I shifted the power in that turning and asking him. That it took the predator prey aspect of it a bit. But… it was very scary.
There was just me, him and the guy in a booth. There had been two eldery women when I got down there but they had already passed through.
I got on the plane… then transferred in Utah – and got to sit diagonally from the biggest asshole ever who during a fucking thunderstorm kept harrassing me “don’t you support the troops?” I kept saying that I just wanted to get home to my kids. I’m afraid of flying. Coming into Sacramento in a storm was very scary. The man just went on and on and on. As we disembarked I finally turned and said something to him… two nice business types walked me out and told me to forget the jerk.
Alot happened that trip. Many good things. Many bad things. Alot has happened to me since. I’ve changed and am better for it.
good instincts once you got to the tunnel (I’m glad that he didn’t push his advantage before then).
NEVER turn your back on an aggressor. When I was a kid, being harrassed by a bully, my uncle just out of the Navy was living with us. He was a submariner, so all he had to do for long stretches of time was lift weights, and box. That’s what he and his buddies did for fun. He and my dad taught me to defend myself.
The FIRST lesson he taught me was this: confront and close. Step into them and make eye contact. Bullies and bigger opponents generally aren’t used to this. It’s worked for me every time, and almost always they’ve stepped back and broken the confrontation.
Madman, yup – I can see my errors now. I was very… emotional that time in DC. And at that point – alone.
My husband was former navy, 3rd Platoon. We as a family took judo/jujitsu. It was just… surreal. But then I got my wits about me at the last possible moment and turned and faced him.
What’s kinda “funny” about this is – I never did figure out how the hell to use the DC subway token machine. What a mess those are LOL. So my last token… I had the para do it.
Believe me, I don’t turn my back anymore. I’ve faced a few other people since – not at extreme as the above – but enough to know that these Bush supporters are mean, angry and BIG COWARDS.
Plus, now I am not alone as I was in Calif with my daily “duties”. I have CodePink and their suporters.
The people that want to be gun-toting contractors are also the people who least need to be gun-toting contractors. They are the administrations revolutionary guard. This is not good.
Are police officers required to take courses in dealing with stressful situations involving the public? If so are the mercenaries taking the same courses? There is going to be a bad scene involving these guys its inevitable.
Great diary, great pix! You’re quite right, I’m afraid, that New Orleans is the laboratory for What’s To Come. It’s time we stopped calling the response to Katrina “incomeptent” & see it for it is (just as it may be time to stop calling the Dems “spineless” on Iraq, wiretaps etc & accept they are proceeding according to plan).
Kurt Nimmo has a great piece up on this & goes into great detail about DynCorp & its ‘aggressive behavior’ with journalists, diplomats, military personnel in Iraq, their complicity with CIA covert operataions in Latin America, as well as their direct involvement, according to Jeremy Scahill, in the Kosovo sex-slave trade (“DynCorp employees in Bosnia, where the company plays a major policing role, have engaged in organized sex-slave trading with girls as young as 12, and DynCorp’s Bosnia site supervisor was filmed raping a woman”).
it’s really dangerous. Legal authority and a weapon are already invitation enough for someone black-minded enough, but add a layer of corporate deniability to the mix …
Very, very dangerous.
If that comes down we’ll be under martial law and they’ll probably want to suspend elections for security reasons. Its not that far-fetched these guys are a bunch of self-righteous, power and money hungry fascist goofballs.