Joel Chandler Harris’s Brer Rabbit escaped from Brer Fox by repeatedly pleading “Please, Brer Fox, don’t fling me in that briar patch.” When the fox did so, Brer Rabbit made his escape.
I remember elementary school, when the girls would chase the boys threatening to kiss them and give us the cooties. We pretended to be afraid, but we always found a phantom rock to trip over so we would get caught…and kissed.
These reverse psychology games are out in full force as the the Republican right is begging us to try to censure George W. Bush, all in an effort to psych us out and let him keep his new dictatorial powers. Just take a look at David D. Kirkpatrick’s piece in the New York Times.
Republicans, worried that their conservative base lacks motivation to turn out for the fall elections, have found a new rallying cry in the dreams of liberals about censuring or impeaching President Bush.
…”Impeachment, coming your way if there are changes in who controls the House eight months from now,” Paul Weyrich, a veteran conservative organizer, declared last month in an e-mail newsletter.
The threat of impeachment, Mr. Weyrich suggested, was one of the only factors that could inspire the Republican Party’s demoralized base to go to the polls. With “impeachment on the horizon,” he wrote, “maybe, just maybe, conservatives would not stay at home after all.”
…”This is such a gift,” the conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh told listeners on his syndicated radio program on Monday, saying the Democrats were fulfilling his predictions.
…Conservative Web sites and talk radio programs have lavished attention on the impeachment resolutions in California and Vermont for weeks, and for three days the Republican Party has sent radio hosts news bulletins suggesting Mr. Feingold’s unpopular censure proposal actually revealed the true intent of his party.
It might be true that an effort to censure Bush will enable some GOP operatives to rally demoralized supporters. But the more impeachment and censure are discussed on the radio, television, and papers, the more people become aware that it is an idea that is being seriously considered by a lot of people. And that can only mean something is seriously wrong with the President and his performance. For too long we couldn’t get anyone to mention the word ‘impeachment’. Now, we can’t get people to shut up about it. This is progress.
There is no defense against the charges Feingold has levelled against the President. So, the Republicans have decided to pretend that they welcome an attempt to censure Bush. ‘Please, please, throw us in the briar patch’ they say, trying to convince us that only by pursuing the truth and justice will we allow them to escape unscathed in November. This attempt at reverse reverse psychology should be transparent to everyone. Unfortunately, they are psyching out a good number of people on the left.
i called bidens office again this morning to ask them what the hell he is waiting for….to get off his ass and publicly support censure….the aide told me biden made public remarks on monday in support of the idea of censuring not only the presnit but also the intelligence committee…when i said he should join the other people supporting feingold the aide said there just werent that many senators supporting feingold… that is an excuse….biden has no balls at all….i guess he cant support someone he will compete with for the dem pres nom.
If I were advising Biden, I’d tell him his campaign for President is stillborn. And if he has any prayer of getting back in the good graces of the left he needs to be out front on this.
available in orange.
You got it, Boo. There is no downside to the censure resolution except the cowardly non-response so far by Democrats and liberals. The worst thing that can happen to the Bushies is that the American people finally, at long last, get some meat to satisfy their growing hunger for something other than the spun cotton candy of empty posturing by both parties. They cannot survive in the light of fact and reason.
What’s making me crazy is the Dems like Bailey (whoever he is) who STILL push the fear that we must not make Americas’ nutwing mad, no matter what. We should just wait in our little corners hoping against hope that the GOP will hand us power without us having to say a word.
Like it or not, Feingold’s resolution has brought us to the crisis point. If Dem pols continue to hide in the dark, the country is lost and so is the Democratic party. I really believe that we’ve reached a point where one party will be essentially destroyed for a long time to come. If the Dems don’t finally step up and say what they’ve been thinking for so long, that party will be theirs.
the GOPers were foaming at the mouth and making themselves totally obnoxious when the Dems had control. They didn’t “hide in the dark” and “wait in [their] little corners hoping” that the Dems would hand them control…..
I’m afraid that the Dems ARE AWOL.
But who will our Dem Quislings listen to? Us or Rush?
You know what my vote is.
Well, they just are like always with their eyes wired shut! Bush is getting lewer in his polls. They are not likes as much as the democrats are, according to the polls. They are gettin hell from their base. They are cornered. Now what do you expect them liars to do?! Just consider who Rush the limbo is and what he is saying. He is so full of feces that it is showing just about right now. He too has a history that is not good either.
The troops are saying what is really goin on right now in Iraq. It aint good either. We are bombing the country into oblivion and what do the repubs expect Americans to say or do? Personally I do think they are nuts. They are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Politics is not a fun is nasty and they will do all they can do to make it their game, the only game in town.
Just look at the investigations goin on right now and that has gone on since this administration got in the WH! Never have I ever seen such a crew of nasty ppl in my days.
Libby is about to get skined alive, Rove is still running scare with Fitz right behind him, for his skin…Cheney has burned all his bridges behind him. Bush is still in his own little bubble, Rice is not like anywhere she goes…they laugh at her, behind her back. Bolton is so full of himself it is all seeing. Our budget is busting. NOLA is still stuck in their problems. NO one can get a good job. They are still torturing….Getmo is till up and running as well as AG. The port deal put a linker on their dreams and hopes. The National Security is diong things with the Patriot Act that is taking our freedoms away. Afghanstan is till not safe. Shall I go on. They [the repubs] have made one hell of a mess out of just about everything. Sure they are scare of Russ. Only if the other dems could see this.
Man, could I go on all day long with this.
Not to mention that we have found someone who is a tratior among us with Isreal. That the lobbist are all crooks. What can I say. GEEZ! It just leaves me breathless. The repubs can not stand sex, but they are just as active in this as anyone. They commit adulty daily. The determine our 10 commandments only for others not them. They are frauds…every last one of them…
Confusing “censure” and “censor” — though I’d love for Bush to be censored…imagine a nice long “beeeeeep” through some of his more idiotic pronouncements.
The Republicans are showing their true colors — it’s okay to impeach a President who lies about sexual matters, but we can’t even censure (or censor) a President who is destroying the very Constitution he swore (twice!) to uphold.
Bush seems to have confused the responsibilities of the Presidency with the divine rights of Kings. Who is out there to denounce this modern day King George?
heh, i just fixed that at Kos and here.
but I still like the image of censoring Bush — would love to run his speeches through our Standards and Practices Department… 😉
One large part of the problem is that the Beltway Dems take the mainstream media far too seriously. I’ve long ago abandoned the niceties and have been freely using the words Treason, Traitors, War Crimes and Impeachment in public discussions. The Republicans are all cowards. All you have to so is be unafraid to speak the truth.
There must be
50 Ways To Dump The Dubya
It is much more effective with some of these wingnuts to get right to the point. They are cowards, hunkering down and being afraid of some ‘terr-ists’. There is no bravery in giving up your rights and freedoms in order to fight the terr-ists who want to take away your rights and freedoms.
By God, the First Amendment is in a shambles! Where is the Bravery in suppressing the speech of those who disagree with you or even offend you? Shut up and wave the flag, they say… or get arrested because you believe the Constitution makes ALL of America a FREE SPEECH ‘ZONE’!!! Dare to hand out leaflets advocating Peace, and get photographed by the government for ‘future reference’….
Haul out the truthspeak Subway Serenade, and don’t back down…. :O)
Please do this english major a favor, and replace “censor” with “censure”.
Uh, the front page version says “censor” as opposed to “censure,” though I’d like to point out that I’m all in favor of the chimp-in-chief putting a sock in it.
Just called Schumer’s office and got a very nasty staff member tell me that Schumer was too busy with a “budget crisis” to make any decision on the Censure motion by Feingold. I told him that was a load of horse hockey. It takes all of Five minutes to write a press release indicating whether or not he supports Feingold.
What a bunch of base hating Dems we have elected.
Thank you for your call to our shared senator, Steven D. This gives me some background as to my own approach.
Gotta wonder if the hired help isn’t ‘nasty’ because they’re getting more calls on this than they want.
But so be it; our role here isn’t to leave them alone.
I’m not at all encouraged regarding our junior senator either.
I think you can definitely write off Clinton, even if she doesn’t come out against publicly. If she has thought ahead at all then she is working day and night behind the scenes to sabotage Feingold and keep him from developing enough momentum to become a threat for the nomination. Self-interest always trumps the country’s best interest with politicians.