Speaking of things I’d rather not think about — I finished thinking about worrying that I hadn’t packed yet and went ahead and did some packing, even though it bugs the shit out of me to plan ahead.
Oh. Well in that case we’re not so dissimilar — I’ve been awake for hours. In fact, I talk in my sleep and have been known to sit up and open my eyes. Maybe I never sleep?
I go away every summer to the north woods. No television signal, no cable (satellite in bars maybe), no telephone lines and NO CELL SERVICE either. It’s wonderful.
Hellman’s is one thing. But I wouldn’t go near Miracle Whip unless it was on an Oscar Meyer bologna on Wonder bread sandwich and I was some kind of class field trip.
I am so disgusted with this conversation! Everyone knows that good, godfearing Americans use Cool Whip in their orgies. All this stuff about Miracle Whip is just sick and wrong.
I don’t watch them anymore. In this one an old money aristocratic family is having a get together on a swamp island, maybe Louisiana, maybe Florida. For reasons I don’t entirely remember (environmental degradation leading to retaliation by mother nature?) all of the amphibians in the area rise up to start killing the human population. If I remember correctly, the patriarch was involved in whatever (environmental?) horror was at the root of the rising of the swamp creatures. I think it was trying to play on the structure and impact of (Hitchcock’s?) The Birds.
My sister and I are in the throes of planning a 50th anniversary party for our parents. We’re kind of between a rock and a hard place because (1) our parents (especially Dad) don’t like parties one little bit and (2) if we don’t have some sort of party, Mom will never, ever let us forget that we failed to live up to daughterly expectations.
We’ve decided to have an informal cookout-style party at my sister’s house, have most of the food catered, and enjoy ourselves. I’m thinking about undertaking my own private drinking game–every time Mom makes a snide remark about the food, the guests, or any other party-related thing, I drink a shot of tequila. Unfortunately, that would leave me unconscious within an hour, even given my fairly impressive capacity for booze.
Anyone else have impossible parents? Or party tips?
No my parents are very possible. They like everything I do. (sigh)
But I think you are doing the right thing by planning a party that YOU can enjoy, since you won’t be able to make them happy.
Be sure to invite lots of people they like who can be relied on to telly you what a WONDERFUL party you threw; preferably saying it very loudly in front of your parents.
We’re inviting everyone we can think of (if we limited it to people Mom likes, the guest list would have two or three names on it). With any luck, there won’t be any fistfights or divorces.
I think when the host(ess) has a good time everyone else has a good time. So once you’ve made the plans, you just go with it. It’s best not to overthink parties once they start.
Well, we’re talking about a woman who, in the middle of my wedding reception, walked up to me, said, “I can’t deal with this,” and left. To this day, I don’t know what it was she couldn’t deal with.
Dad will simply find a chair and a television and will say very little to anybody. He’s pathologically shy.
I have impossible parents, but not really in any normal ways. However, I was raised by my gran and she had 4 sisters — every single one of them was breathtakingly impossible. Each in a different way.
So my one piece of advice in dealing with impossible people? Ignore them. I know it’s hard, but you just have to. You’re never going to change their minds, win them to your side, or make them happy. If you can somehow be okay with that, perhaps you can just enjoy the party.
I always found it helped to have an ally (perhaps your sister?) and map out how bad it was gonna be and make a private game out of it. I had a cousin who served that function — we’d guess things like how long after the drunken singing turned into the hokey-pokey would it take for the fighting to start and what the topic would be.
My sister and I have been a Mom-Anon support group our whole lives. She has more fortitude than I–she lives a few miles away from the folks. I fled halfway across the country.
When my in-laws had their 50th wedding anniversary, three of their kids sent them on an Alaskan cruise, something my father-in-law had always wanted to do. The three kids in question went along, as did their significant others (plus my daughter and a friend of the family who had always wanted to do an Alaskan cruise).
I’m glad they did, because my father-in-law has since died. We were all glad he got to go before he went, as it were.
It sounds like you have a good idea with the low-key cookout, but be careful with the tequila. Sounds like you could end up with alcohol poisoning in short order.
We’re struggling with gift ideas, too. A cruise (or any sort of trip) is out of the question, because the folks don’t travel. Dad’s never even been on a plane (except a crop-duster once, about 40 years ago).
Fruit of the month might work. Dad drinks, but only beer (and only Bud or Michelob). Mom drinks endless amounts of coffee, but only Maxwell House. I don’t think there are any clubs for those.
Do you have to get them something for both of them — a joint gift? Or could you get them two separate gifts? Would your mom do a trip with you and your sister and your dad could get something else (a week without your mom?)
An upgraded TV is a possibility, funds permitting. And I’m laughing my butt off at the thought of my Mom and Dad with iPods. Imagine the “American Gothic” couple with ear buds, and you’ll get the picture.
The date, went fine when we got to the theatre. Neither kid had actual social skills for each other but were wanting so much to be friends. At times too much. That is what happens when you’re lonely – you try too hard. But… it all ended up super.
The theatre was almost empty so the kids were able to laugh really loud and for long periods of time. 🙂
I’m very proud of my son AND my daughter, who played mediator and translator at times for each. 🙂
Okay I’m going to try and make a “diary” about the radio gig. I heard from Katie (CP) and we’re just gonna let it fly from the seat of our pants. 🙂
PS I love you all! I saw those kids and I kept thinking of how I wished I could share their smiles with you all.
The Little Girl was so happy 🙂 She had THE TIME 🙂 When it came to getting the sodas and popcorn, she was a bit overwhelmed (or maybe just happy) that she took some time trying to form the words of the drink. The young girl behind the countery seemed impatience so I managed to covey to her “Have another line open up… this is IMPORTANT” and wasn’t as if the TWO people behind us were dying of thirst or missing a movie.
I don’t know why so many are no longer patient or understanding.. Anways..
It was fun and Danni had a good time. I think her and I are going to go back and catch a flick ourselves. AquaMarine or the Hoot (which looked like a totaly Danni flick) 🙂
Psst Sharks are doing well against the Blues tonight. I will NEVER try to get a diary up, watch hockey and “help” the kids make Otis Spunkmeyer cookies… ACK!!! 🙂
They’re cookie dough shaped in rounds that you just put in the oven. From School fundraiser sales. 🙂 We’ve got Choc chip and organic milk. I figured the organic milk would take some of the “sin” out of the cookies 🙂
YES Cheechoo is el fuego tonight!!!! Whooooot!!! He has like 4 hat tricks this year. DAMN!
I’m not sure if my mom in the Centralia area was going to be able to figure out her laptop or be able to listen to it on the radio – so maybe she can through your work 🙂
By the time it’s done I should have a URL that will open up the stream in Windows Media Player, Winamp or any other MP3-playin’ program. So simple even your mother can do it. 🙂
Caveat: It will be about 21 MB in length, which is the best compromise I could come up with between audio quality and download size. Since this is going to be all spoken, I doubt it will affect the audio quality much. Still kinda long for dialup, but that’s the way it goes.
Nope. I didn’t even notice. Booman switched my names around so Omir has the lower user number, but that has caused some minor difficulties. For one thing, when I go to a computer where I haven’t signed out and signed back in, this happens.
Since about a dozen computers remember me, this could take a while. Off to change my shirt.
Hey. Just thought I’d step in to say hello before closing time. Hope everyone’s had a good day.
For the first time in at least six months (due to various disgusting tensions), I was able to listen to music tonight & enjoy it. In fact, I wept real tears. It was a great experience.
Good to see the East Coast meetup taking shape, too. Hope it’s possible for me to attend!
Certainly seems that way. It’s amazing to me how I’ve ‘divorced’ myself from it lately, considering how very important music of all types has been as part of my life, from a very young age.
Once personal & community concerns start clouding my appreciation for music, something’s definitely quite off-kilter. Hopefully I’m beginning to regain a bit of balance.
Some old-time country blues is sometimes just the ticket with me. Anything after Patsy Cline I don’t much know about 😉
Good to see you yourself have a wide musical appreciation. I don’t much understand folks who generally listen to only one type of music, but tend to disparage all others — like enjoying one type of flower only!
Given their differing styles of writing it would be fascinating to see if they even listen to anything the other one says. I suspect they would talk right past each other.
Frankly, I’m tired of rants. But if it makes you feel good, I’ll go along with it 🙂
(I hope you’re making a note on your calender — “March 16, 2006, Mary was nice to me”)
Through the magic of time zones (or the fairies) it is St. Patty’s where you are and not where I am. Bring your drink over to the new cafe and maybe I’ll stay nice.
New cafe open. Come in and enjoy yourselves.
I brought this over for Andi
is that Dick Cheney’s hand?
You’re going to get an orgy started with a supreme court judge one way or another, aren’t you.
He probably sees his name keep popping up and is just waiting.
Cold green flesh …
LOL I couldn’t have thought of a better phrase.
a croak, a scream
Yeah, that sounds like an orgy
Speaking of things I’d rather not think about — I finished thinking about worrying that I hadn’t packed yet and went ahead and did some packing, even though it bugs the shit out of me to plan ahead.
Good for you – I think?
GW just won. Damn.
I thought GW was located in Froggy Bottom.
near FOGGY bottom
our sister city
I think Foggy bottom is a better name for when I’m hosting the cafe (especially those hellish early ones at the crack of noon).
Izzy some people just don’t know how to live the “refined” life. They think getting up early is good for em. We have to teach them. 😉
Who wants the stinkin’ worm anyway, is my opinion.
You’re right. We aint no damn birds!
Hi Izzy. Did you just wake up?
How do you define “awake?” I have a feeling my version and yours may not be the same.
For me awake means at least one eye open but not necessarily the ability to talk.
Oh. Well in that case we’re not so dissimilar — I’ve been awake for hours. In fact, I talk in my sleep and have been known to sit up and open my eyes. Maybe I never sleep?
Can you walk from the kitchen to the living room without tripping over the rug? If yes, you’re awake. If no, go back to bed.
That means I’m never awake 🙁
Hey Andi, I hope you have a really good trip! Bon Voyage and all that!!
Thanks Izzy. That is certainly the plan.
Andi you know you’re going to be thinking about us the whole time and wanting to plug in every chance you get. 🙂
Actually, we might have some internet access so I might just pop in at some point.
Not that I’m not going to miss you terribly but … if I were you I’d RESIST. Leave the world behind.
For some reason I have the feeling you’re going with Mary’s plan.
I go away every summer to the north woods. No television signal, no cable (satellite in bars maybe), no telephone lines and NO CELL SERVICE either. It’s wonderful.
We have to figure out how to hook up you and Jim so ya’ll can give us a play by play of the vacation.
Ya’ll may not like it, but think of all the froggies that would be on the edge of their seats reading it all.
Like maryb said above, I hope you both get so caught up in your vacation that you forget all about us until you get back home. 🙂
(PS thanks for linking me up w/ Jim — and thanks for all the info!) {{{Andi and Jim}}}
Screaming is OK, but if I’m going to croak during an orgy, sorry, I’m not interested.
I can’t think of a better way to ruin an orgy than to lather yourself in Miracle Whip. Maybe that is just me.
I think that’s just you.
Some people think Miracle Whip is like Miracle Gro 🙂
hmmm. I don’t know.
Hellman’s is one thing. But I wouldn’t go near Miracle Whip unless it was on an Oscar Meyer bologna on Wonder bread sandwich and I was some kind of class field trip.
Yes, that could be a problem since most classes don’t take field trips to orgies. And unless it was an orgy from Hell, Hellman’s just won’t work.
And neither one goes with single malt.
I’m not sure if any condiment is appropriate…
I am so disgusted with this conversation! Everyone knows that good, godfearing Americans use Cool Whip in their orgies. All this stuff about Miracle Whip is just sick and wrong.
It’s a southern thing. Personally I like real cream, whipped. Sticks better.
Have another, it’s been a hard half week.
sorry I ran out of ice
now that is a condiment that goes with anything.
Well, make it last. Just because you’ve had a hard couple of weeks doesn’t mean we’ll let you become an alcoholic.
okay, I’ll nurse it.
Are you watching basketball?
yes, syracuse is losing and I know Bowers is stressing.
Oh man, I remember watching that on tv one night when I was about thirteen and having the worst nightmares.
I don’t watch horror movies so I’ve never seen it. I assume it has something to do with … out of control frogs?
I don’t watch them anymore. In this one an old money aristocratic family is having a get together on a swamp island, maybe Louisiana, maybe Florida. For reasons I don’t entirely remember (environmental degradation leading to retaliation by mother nature?) all of the amphibians in the area rise up to start killing the human population. If I remember correctly, the patriarch was involved in whatever (environmental?) horror was at the root of the rising of the swamp creatures. I think it was trying to play on the structure and impact of (Hitchcock’s?) The Birds.
out of control mutant frogs.
You know I started to do another theme night and have favorite classic movies.
Sounds like Frogs might have fit in there. 🙂
I’m glad you didn’t do another musical this week. I can’t do lyrics two weeks in a row.
Mary you’re the best I’ve see so far, but I understand, genius takes time.
I’m still having the same nightmares, only Dick Cheney is in them.
Hey GW where ya been?
West Coast time. Left the office, came home, had dinner. Contemplated my misdeeds in the previous cafe. Came back.
I keep forgetting about you west coasters. You just can’t keep your time straight can ya.
Come back to talk about imaginary numbers?
if I told you I’m just back from playing chess with my eight-year-old, would it?
better? Was it bad? Come to the new cafe and you can be all math geeky to your hearts’ content.
I need to go to do some more packing.
Night Andi.
It’s officially past my bedtime.
See everyone in the am.
good night FM. You were a great host today.
Except for this part where you leave me all alone . . .in the empty cafe . . .with the killer frog …
I had to reply before I left.
You know I can’t keep up with you and thanks for the complement.
Well, I gotta eat in a few, but I’m still here. I won’t let the frog getcha.
G’night, FM!
My sister and I are in the throes of planning a 50th anniversary party for our parents. We’re kind of between a rock and a hard place because (1) our parents (especially Dad) don’t like parties one little bit and (2) if we don’t have some sort of party, Mom will never, ever let us forget that we failed to live up to daughterly expectations.
We’ve decided to have an informal cookout-style party at my sister’s house, have most of the food catered, and enjoy ourselves. I’m thinking about undertaking my own private drinking game–every time Mom makes a snide remark about the food, the guests, or any other party-related thing, I drink a shot of tequila. Unfortunately, that would leave me unconscious within an hour, even given my fairly impressive capacity for booze.
Anyone else have impossible parents? Or party tips?
No my parents are very possible. They like everything I do. (sigh)
But I think you are doing the right thing by planning a party that YOU can enjoy, since you won’t be able to make them happy.
Be sure to invite lots of people they like who can be relied on to telly you what a WONDERFUL party you threw; preferably saying it very loudly in front of your parents.
We’re inviting everyone we can think of (if we limited it to people Mom likes, the guest list would have two or three names on it). With any luck, there won’t be any fistfights or divorces.
That’s a good plan. Safety in numbers.
I like how you and I approached this from opposite ends and both came to the same conclusion of ignoring them. 🙂
I think when the host(ess) has a good time everyone else has a good time. So once you’ve made the plans, you just go with it. It’s best not to overthink parties once they start.
long as they’ve got plenty of folks their own age to talk to everything will be fine!!!
Well, we’re talking about a woman who, in the middle of my wedding reception, walked up to me, said, “I can’t deal with this,” and left. To this day, I don’t know what it was she couldn’t deal with.
Dad will simply find a chair and a television and will say very little to anybody. He’s pathologically shy.
I have impossible parents, but not really in any normal ways. However, I was raised by my gran and she had 4 sisters — every single one of them was breathtakingly impossible. Each in a different way.
So my one piece of advice in dealing with impossible people? Ignore them. I know it’s hard, but you just have to. You’re never going to change their minds, win them to your side, or make them happy. If you can somehow be okay with that, perhaps you can just enjoy the party.
I always found it helped to have an ally (perhaps your sister?) and map out how bad it was gonna be and make a private game out of it. I had a cousin who served that function — we’d guess things like how long after the drunken singing turned into the hokey-pokey would it take for the fighting to start and what the topic would be.
My sister and I have been a Mom-Anon support group our whole lives. She has more fortitude than I–she lives a few miles away from the folks. I fled halfway across the country.
When my in-laws had their 50th wedding anniversary, three of their kids sent them on an Alaskan cruise, something my father-in-law had always wanted to do. The three kids in question went along, as did their significant others (plus my daughter and a friend of the family who had always wanted to do an Alaskan cruise).
I’m glad they did, because my father-in-law has since died. We were all glad he got to go before he went, as it were.
It sounds like you have a good idea with the low-key cookout, but be careful with the tequila. Sounds like you could end up with alcohol poisoning in short order.
Sounds like the cruise was lovely!
We’re struggling with gift ideas, too. A cruise (or any sort of trip) is out of the question, because the folks don’t travel. Dad’s never even been on a plane (except a crop-duster once, about 40 years ago).
Gift certificates for a few nice dinners?
Unfortunately, the only halfway-nice restaurant in town closed about a year ago. And I’m thinking a coupon book from Mickey D just wouldn’t cut it.
No that wouldn’t work. What about some kind of gift club — fruit of the month or something.
I’m guessing they don’t drink so wine of the month wouldn’t work?
Fruit of the month might work. Dad drinks, but only beer (and only Bud or Michelob). Mom drinks endless amounts of coffee, but only Maxwell House. I don’t think there are any clubs for those.
Do you have to get them something for both of them — a joint gift? Or could you get them two separate gifts? Would your mom do a trip with you and your sister and your dad could get something else (a week without your mom?)
LOL–I’m sure Dad would appreciate a week without Mom, but we’d never be able to pry Mom out of the house (she doesn’t travel, either).
All in all, it’s like trying to figure out what to give the village hermits. In fact, it’s exactly like that.
Maybe new easy chairs or something for the house?
ooh, good idea. His and her recliners 🙂
I’m considering one of those massage chairs, but that may run out of our price range.
Big screen TV?
matching ipods?
An upgraded TV is a possibility, funds permitting. And I’m laughing my butt off at the thought of my Mom and Dad with iPods. Imagine the “American Gothic” couple with ear buds, and you’ll get the picture.
The date, went fine when we got to the theatre. Neither kid had actual social skills for each other but were wanting so much to be friends. At times too much. That is what happens when you’re lonely – you try too hard. But… it all ended up super.
The theatre was almost empty so the kids were able to laugh really loud and for long periods of time. 🙂
I’m very proud of my son AND my daughter, who played mediator and translator at times for each. 🙂
Okay I’m going to try and make a “diary” about the radio gig. I heard from Katie (CP) and we’re just gonna let it fly from the seat of our pants. 🙂
PS I love you all! I saw those kids and I kept thinking of how I wished I could share their smiles with you all.
That’s wonderful Janet. You described it so well I can imagine their smiles.
The Little Girl was so happy 🙂 She had THE TIME 🙂 When it came to getting the sodas and popcorn, she was a bit overwhelmed (or maybe just happy) that she took some time trying to form the words of the drink. The young girl behind the countery seemed impatience so I managed to covey to her “Have another line open up… this is IMPORTANT” and wasn’t as if the TWO people behind us were dying of thirst or missing a movie.
I don’t know why so many are no longer patient or understanding.. Anways..
It was fun and Danni had a good time. I think her and I are going to go back and catch a flick ourselves. AquaMarine or the Hoot (which looked like a totaly Danni flick) 🙂
Happy One day past yer Birthday 🙂
Did you and Danni sit with them or did you sit apart from them?
They wanted to sit with us. So it was Danni, Me, Wayne then the two kiddos : )
How cute!
How wonderful! I’m so glad that it went well. 🙂
(Wishing you loads of luck tomorrow — I’ll be thinking of ya!)
Hey there Olivia 🙂
Psst Sharks are doing well against the Blues tonight. I will NEVER try to get a diary up, watch hockey and “help” the kids make Otis Spunkmeyer cookies… ACK!!! 🙂
story. What are Otis Spunkmeyer cookies?!
(Ottawa lost to Boston tonight in the shoot-out.)
They’re cookie dough shaped in rounds that you just put in the oven. From School fundraiser sales. 🙂 We’ve got Choc chip and organic milk. I figured the organic milk would take some of the “sin” out of the cookies 🙂
YES Cheechoo is el fuego tonight!!!! Whooooot!!! He has like 4 hat tricks this year. DAMN!
How very cool. 🙂
By the way I did a dry run today, recording an hour’s worth of content from KBOO, and it went quite well. So I think we’re set for tomorrow.
Thank you so much OMIR 🙂
I’m not sure if my mom in the Centralia area was going to be able to figure out her laptop or be able to listen to it on the radio – so maybe she can through your work 🙂
By the time it’s done I should have a URL that will open up the stream in Windows Media Player, Winamp or any other MP3-playin’ program. So simple even your mother can do it. 🙂
Caveat: It will be about 21 MB in length, which is the best compromise I could come up with between audio quality and download size. Since this is going to be all spoken, I doubt it will affect the audio quality much. Still kinda long for dialup, but that’s the way it goes.
Yaaaay Illini.
So, is that some sort of sports thing?
not gonna explain. You either know or you don’t.
I’m teasing. The husband and son are both watching. Together via cell phone.
Those of us watching on TV saw more of the game than those who had tickets.
I’m a back-door Illinois alum (my college was absorbed into the U of I system after I graduated), so I’ll second that.
Why is it that I never manage to make it into the cafe until there are a bazillion posts already?
Of course that way there are lots of cool comments to respond to.
The rating thing gets difficult. I’d be interested in your auto-rate gizmo.
Do you keep changing your name on purpose?
He has a program for a random name generator.
Nope. I didn’t even notice. Booman switched my names around so Omir has the lower user number, but that has caused some minor difficulties. For one thing, when I go to a computer where I haven’t signed out and signed back in, this happens.
Since about a dozen computers remember me, this could take a while. Off to change my shirt.
I have a friend who did a book on epitaphs, that would make a modern one,
“Here lies Omir the Storyteller, whose body has performed an illegal operation and must be shut down.”
Hey. Just thought I’d step in to say hello before closing time. Hope everyone’s had a good day.
For the first time in at least six months (due to various disgusting tensions), I was able to listen to music tonight & enjoy it. In fact, I wept real tears. It was a great experience.
Good to see the East Coast meetup taking shape, too. Hope it’s possible for me to attend!
Hi WW! I’m glad you have music back in your life 🙂
Certainly seems that way. It’s amazing to me how I’ve ‘divorced’ myself from it lately, considering how very important music of all types has been as part of my life, from a very young age.
Once personal & community concerns start clouding my appreciation for music, something’s definitely quite off-kilter. Hopefully I’m beginning to regain a bit of balance.
Doing ok, maryb?
I know what you mean; when I find myself listening to country music — I know there’s a problem 🙂 It’s a barometer.
Lately though, I’ve been listening to pretty much anything.
Some old-time country blues is sometimes just the ticket with me. Anything after Patsy Cline I don’t much know about 😉
Good to see you yourself have a wide musical appreciation. I don’t much understand folks who generally listen to only one type of music, but tend to disparage all others — like enjoying one type of flower only!
I’ve spotted a talented diary writer, and one I’d like my brother to take on. The ensuing debate would be fascinating.
a great diary, I recommended it.
(I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hanging out in the cafe before…)
Very interesting link.
I sent to Ms NDD. She liked it so well, that it’s now the background for her computer screen.
That is so cool! I’m like a virtual florist! 🙂
Have a good night NDD — see you tomorrow!
has a nice ring to it, sleep well!
Given their differing styles of writing it would be fascinating to see if they even listen to anything the other one says. I suspect they would talk right past each other.
Frankly, I’m tired of rants. But if it makes you feel good, I’ll go along with it 🙂
(I hope you’re making a note on your calender — “March 16, 2006, Mary was nice to me”)
What time is it? Is it St. Patty’s Day yet? Mary is being nice to me?
I think they would learn from each other, actually. My brother is not a close-minded person.
Through the magic of time zones (or the fairies) it is St. Patty’s where you are and not where I am. Bring your drink over to the new cafe and maybe I’ll stay nice.
Ugh. There’s Miracle Whip all over this cafe. Let’s move to a nice clean cafe