Froggy Bottom Happy Hour
FM is your bartender
Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!
Please be considerate and use the ashtrays provided.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
maryb says this frog looks evil. I think he looks happily drunk. He started happy hour before us.
THat’s an awesome picture. He looks like a stoner hatching an evil plan.
Ya’ll can see so much stuff I can’t. I thought it looked like a frog smiling.
I think it’s the way he’s rubbing his little…hands. It’s a mischievious smile.
Those are the best kind. They’ll plan to take over the world, but just for laughs, and then on the way to carry out their evil schemes they’ll stop for pizza and forget the whole idea.
Doesn’t look evil to me. Looks like my best friend! LOL
He is saying goddamn you human aberations for destroying my habitat and my species with your degraded, greedy life styles. While I rub my hands together, let me meditate on my revenge upon the human species.
I think you may be getting out of that place just in time.
Well hey it’s true that human toxic behaviors are destroying the frog and toad species, even though I can still hear them rivet-tiveting out my Pebble Beach window. It’s because their skin is such an absorbent membrane, they are absorbing all the pollutants that humans are dumping.
MM aren’t frogs used as a first indicator for pollution. I’ve always heard they mutate so fast that you can see it right away in a few generations.
They can’t hold a candle to my family!
Yes, I know but my statement still stands.
But now I keep thinking of that awful horror movie ‘Frogs’.
Yeah, right. Nice try, but you have to concede that I have insider information here.
Well I’m opening a new cafe. I hate to say it, but it getting a little late for me. See ya in the new one.
This one?
That’s the one.
I’ve got the gallon of Miracle Whip from Sam’s Club.
You now have the perfect southern home. See how easy it was.
I mean I brought it along for Happy Hour. I figured you’d know what to do with it. Maybe for the orgy later on…
I’m warning you right now, if Scalia shows up, I’m outta here…
Cali we only have high class orgies. He won’t show up.
But it’s such a great stress-reliever. Me? I like Ben and Jerry’s myself. Ice cream that is, not orgies.
I think the frog kind of reminds me of Scalia. eeeeeeewww. Yuk.
You know I was thinking it was kind of funny to have that much at home. And you know I’m to geriatric to stay up for orgies.
No more orgies for me. Now that I know Justice Scalia is finds them relaxing. I’m thinking maybe he’s been hanging out at the pond and that just gives me the creeps.
But if he’s your type SN … đ
I’m betting he has a hairy back and dinky wang. No thanks, Maryb…you can have him. I’m not into swarthy guys.
I’m not sure what’s worse…Miracle Whip…or the mayo on french fries that they kept trying to get me to eat when I lived in Germany…that’s BAD!
I must be least gourmet here. I loved mayo on fries when I was in Germany. Their mayo is nothing like ours.
That’s just wrong. That would be like potato salad! My husband puts Miracle Whip on, I hate to even think about it, on hot dogs!
I feel so sorry for you shut ins that don’t know true dining pleasure.
Family Man, you and Mr. Nature would get along well.
I sure we would. Mr. Nature sound like he know good food. đ
Have I told you how much I admire you for being willing to stick with a man who likes mayonnaise.
Are you packed and ready to go?
No. But I am thinking about worrying that I’m not.
Well, we have this bargain. He works full time and supports me and my kids while I sit on my ass and blog all day, and I put up with his mayonnaise habit. I realize my end of things is harder, but I’m just selfless enough to be able to pull it off.
You’re such a saint. I hope he knows how good he has it.
I’ll let him know that you think so. đ
Maybe he’ll come back from Japan with a wasabi habit.
When he gets back I’ll send you my recipe for road kill stew. Just make sure you don’t pick your road kill up to soon from the highway though.
Wouldn’t that be Critter du jour?
Definitely a happy hour! Home again and one less day that I have to cope with a toxic work situation. One chardonnay please!
Right away MM. I’m so happy your time is winding down at that place.
Yay! Winding down. But the energy has really changed there. Except for the SOB who I think peed in my water. But how do you socialize with someone after such degraded behavior?
A friend of mine contacted a long distance healer who did a reading on the office and cleared out lots of negative energy. Do I believe it? Something has changed, and yes I would like to!
I look at it if you can feel a difference, then it worked. You don’t socialize with them, or at least I wouldn’t. I’ve got this thing when someone has treated me badly, I don’t try to deal with it. I get as far away from them as I can. Not very mature, but that’s the way I am.
what can I say — gorgeous.
Is it just the time or year or is the ocean always rambunctious at Point Reyes?
This is one of the coves along 17 Mile Drive on the Monterey Coast and I think the tides have been especially rambunctious because of the storms coming down from Alaska.
A Black Sambuca, please, Family Man !!!
Suskind, you sure are into those mysterious, angst-ridden women.
Right away Suskind. I like your date!
Did she play roles in Rosselini’s films before he married Ingrid Bergman?
and in the last most mysterious film by…..
Roma (1972)
… aka Fellini Roma (France)
… aka Fellini’s Roma (USA)
in which at the very end of the film the cameraman is going house to house, comes to a half door and knocks… out comes the face of Magnani…. “do you want to do a film?” “No” says Magnani.
won the academy award for “The Rose Tattoo” with Burt Lancaster… which is how most Americans first got to see her….
Don’t believe a word of this review. I did a better one IN ITALIAN to two Italians, and I don’t speak Italian….
Note to self: write review of ROMA
Plot Summary for
Roma (1972)
A virtually plotless, gaudy, impressionistic portrait of Rome through the eyes of one of its most famous citizens. blending autobiography (a reconstruction of Fellini’s own arrival in Rome during the Mussolini years; a trip to a brothel and a music-hall) with scenes from present-day Roman life (a massive traffic jam on the autostrada; a raucous journey through Rome after dark; following an archaeological team through the site of the Rome subways; an unforgettable ecclesiastical fashion show)
Wikipedia is better
Roma is a poetic film depicting director Federico Fellini’s move from his native Rimini to Rome as a youth. It is formed by a series of loosely connected episodes. The plot is minimal, and the only character to develop significantly is Rome herself.
Historical Contrasts and Modern Alienation
Fellini repeatedly contrasts Roman life in wartime Fascist Italy with its counterpart in the early 1970’s. The wartime scenes emphasize the congregation of neighbors in Rome’s public places such as street restaurants, a variety show, and a bomb shelter. With the exception of hippies and a conversational scene with Felinni bemoaning the loss of Roman life with radical students, the analogous congregations of the 1970’s are between automobiles and motorcycles. Fellini makes a darker and more absurd comparison between the parade of prostitutes at wartime brothels and a fantasy runway fashion show featuring clerical garb and a papal audience.
Narrative Devices
The plot (such as it is) centers around two journeys to Rome by the director. The first is as a young man in the early 1940’s. The second is as the director of a film crew creating a movie about Rome. The film alternates these two narratives.
New York Times, ah this is better:
“Positively Stunning!” -The New York Times
Acclaimed director Federico Fellini (Fellini’s Satyricon, La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2 ) brilliantly demonstrates why he is regarded as “the last of the great epic filmmakers,” delivering “a thrilling personal memoir” (Newsweek) with this monumental and outlandish tribute to his beloved Rome – The Eternal City.
This lavish autobiography, full of “lush fantasy sequences and monumental pageantry,” (Los Angels Times ) begins with Fellini as a youngster living in the Italian countryside. In school he studies the eclectic but parochial history of ancient Rome and then is introduced as a young man to the real thing — arriving in this strange new city on the outbreak of World War II. Here, through a series of “visually stunning” (Los Angeles Times) vignettes brimming with satire and spark, the filmmaker comes to grips with a “sprawling, boisterous, bursting-at-the-seams portrait of Rome” (Interview), reinterpreting with his inimitable style an Italian history full of “rich sensual imagery and extravagant perception” (Playboy).
Cuz now I can see I’m the only one so far who has done this. Do not like to feel I am commiting a social gaffe of some sort!
I was waiting to see if it was worth it đ
I heard that!
What do you want to make me feel like a slut or something?
I don’t want to give Family Man too much validation.
Thanks for reminding me. đ
Why waste your energy?
I need to dig out my Robo-Recommender. It gives 4’s to everyone indiscriminately. Perfect for the cafe.
Unfortunately you need to be a geek, or at least be able to run a Perl program, to use it. I should rewrite it as a Windows executable and pass it around.
I would build an altar of match sticks and burn incense in your honor if you did that.
It could take a while. I’m not particularly a C++ programmer, although I might be able to take my Perl script and rewrite it in Python, which I understand you can convert into a Windows program without a great deal of undue effort.
That altar of matchsticks is a mighty tempting offer . . .
I need a good single malt. Without Susan I am starting to feel burnt out. I need to recharge the batteries. I think next week I may have a cool new front-pager to announce. Now, if I can just make it until then.
Poor Boo. I’m surprised you weren’t burned out before this. But a new front pager would be good.
That single malt coming up.
Will you settle for 15 year old scotch?
Drop by the house – just got a MacCallan 21…afraid to open it…
perfect. Two ice cubes, no water, and I’m happy.
The only single malt I’ve think I ever drank before was Glenfiddich and that was years ago.
glenfiddich is not bad. A little thin for my tastes, but tasty.
That’s the only one I ever tasted. I really should have broadened my horizons with single malt.
I’m partial to Black Bush. Probably because I got a terrible cold when I was in Ireland and it was the only thing that got me through the experience.
Ok, well the name just creeps me out.
It’s good stuff although now that I think of it, it may actually be blended. Most Irish whiskey is.
I had a terrible cold in Germany once and my landlady gave me this bottle of some type of alcohol to drink. It did make me feel better, for a while.
Having a cold in Ireland in April, in the rain … by afternoon I was always ready to just sit in a pub with something to sip.
Don’t blame you at all. Then again I’m ready to sit in a pub and sip any time of the day.
When I do my friends tax returns I feel I should charge them something…and money isn’t the issue…
So I charge them one bottle of single malt scotch, 12 years or better….amazing stuff that I accumulate! Lasts me most of the year!
Thank you. I’d be honored.
Seriously, has anyone heard from Susan? I keep thinking I ought to call, but I hold back. I’m not sure I’ll like what I hear if I do. (Especially if a male voice on the other end answers “NSA Port Angeles Field Office.”)
with all the changes and substitutions. Let me see…
The evil stoner frog is organizing an orgy, but it hasn’t started yet because SN didn’t get here with the Miracle Whip until just a minute ago. maryb won’t be here because she’s afraid Scalia might show up, so the host for the orgy is suskind’s angst-ridden date, and FM is tending bar.
Do I have that right?
Excellent! Now, sit down and have a drink. Family Man, pass the Miracle Whip!
I thought you had the Miracle Whip? Damn now no orgy.
oh I’m here. I’ve just called a moratorium on orgies until we’re sure Antonin (I CAN call him that can’t I?) isn’t watching.
Colin Firth….yummmy!
Jim Morrison as an alternate!
Colin as Mr. D’Arcy. Even better. You can keep Jim Morrison.
Agreed. Totally.
OMFG, I can’t believe it Sally Cat, you are totally a woman after my own heart. Colin Firth was never so ever so yummy as in his portrayal of Mr. Darcy. I still don’t quite get what happened there. I’m trapped in a time loop where I watch the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice over and over just trying to figure it out! LOL. P.S. You can have Jim Morrison.
So far, but this bartending is running me ragged.
He’s a great BarMan…get him outta the kitchen and behind the bar.
He’s gotten lazier than I have. He only wants to sit back there and drink beer.
when I’m in charge he works his little tail off.
He knows. That why he’s taking it easy now. Poor thing starts whimpering on Friday night because he knows Saturday is coming soon.
He loves it.
He must. đ
…leaving aside, of course, any that came from the White House or Capitol Hill.
If Tuesday was pi day (3/14),
and Wednesday was Julius Caesar day (the Ides of March),
is today George Eliot Day, on account of it’s the Middle – day of – March?
</suddenly realizes he has to go now>
and pi day? Math geek!
‘Fraid so. I had a special moment of celebration at 1:59:26
well be careful, we don’t want you to start any pi wars. Things are finally calm around here.
It gets worse. I’m excited about the fact that my car will pass 123,456 miles tomorrow. Unfortunately, the trip odomoter is defective, and spontaneously resets at times, spoiling my plan to have it read 789.0.
GR you need to get out more.
Don’t listen to maryb GR. She’s a lawyer. đ
He shouldn’t listen to me because I’m a lawyer?
Just seeing if you’re paying attention.
uh huh.
Because I’m so easily distracted. I remember.
Now I didn’t say that. The boss did.
Be careful dada. The way maryb is going on about supreme cout judges and orgies, if she see them in togas, might never get her to join again.
Is anyone watching Illinois – Air Force? The game just started but the arena is empty. Did they have another security issue?
Mary are you getting that on one of the national channels. I don’t see it.
OK I’ve got it. I just heard them say something about a bomb scare. Fans are still coming in.
I would be REALLY pissed off if I was part of that crowd and was going to miss most of the first half.
I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’ve all of a sudden got IONA vs LSU.
It makes sense that they would show you LSU and show me Illinois. It probably depends where you live what you get.
That’s what I was thinking too. I mean who would really want to watch Illinois.
Good night everyone, I’m signing off. Got things to see and places to be and….okay laundry and dishes.
You’re a natural host, Family Man!
Good Night — but you can really come back later can’t you?
Night SN. Enjoy those dishes.