In the previous posting June seemed to be the preferred time period.  Personally that would work better for me as school would be ending at that time.  Also, yearlykos is June 8-11 for those involved, and I know that there are a few here.  (I am and donated a painting for fundraising purposes.)

Please indicate a weekend (or other time) that you prefer.

There seemed to be agreement on Full Moon in the Catskills (NY) as the site.  This facility can handle groups such as ours.  I have been unable to get them on the phone directly but will leave a message once we decide on a time.  (Myself or CabinGirl)

And of course, feel free to suggest any other ideas you may have.

Finally, there was also a suggestion about the Baltimore area as a site. (See CabinGirl’s comment below.)  That might be more of a problem for some including Spiderleaf, coming from Canada.

Please recommend, not for the great glory of being on the rec list, but so that all can see this post.  ğŸ˜‰