In the previous posting June seemed to be the preferred time period. Personally that would work better for me as school would be ending at that time. Also, yearlykos is June 8-11 for those involved, and I know that there are a few here. (I am and donated a painting for fundraising purposes.)
Please indicate a weekend (or other time) that you prefer.
There seemed to be agreement on Full Moon in the Catskills (NY) as the site. This facility can handle groups such as ours. I have been unable to get them on the phone directly but will leave a message once we decide on a time. (Myself or CabinGirl)
And of course, feel free to suggest any other ideas you may have.
Finally, there was also a suggestion about the Baltimore area as a site. (See CabinGirl’s comment below.) That might be more of a problem for some including Spiderleaf, coming from Canada.
Please recommend, not for the great glory of being on the rec list, but so that all can see this post. 😉
Psst, please post lots of comments here. I have to divert CabinGirl’s attention from my procrastination. Shhh, that’s just between us.
If you add a poll to the diary with possible weekend dates, I won’t even remember that you’re a procrastinator… 🙂
And to clarify, there is interest among the MD, DC, VA, PA, NC, and DE folks (Feel free to jump in here, Carnacki!) to do something in Baltimore or Maryland as well, along the lines of the Harpers Ferry meetup last Memorial Day weekend.
I’ve made it so. 😉
I’m so glad you’re on top of this and keeping it moving, boran2. 🙂
I say we do it again on Memorial Day and pick between Fells Point in Baltimore or Harpers Ferry as the place. What do you think?
Either place sounds good to me, and that worked out perfectly last year with the long weekend. I’m looking forward to doing it again!
Which place are you leaning towards?
I’ll whip up a quick diary — you suggested that ages ago and it slipped away from me — and we’ll see what people think.
The Bonnaroo music festival and Father’s day are both on the weekend of June 16-18.
July 1st gets into the really busy season there.
Did I miss anything else?
I’ll be at YearlyKos the weekend of the 10th in June. Other than that, I’m open! 🙂
Rec’d…have fun…and the rest of us Pond dwellers are expecting pictures too…ya snobs.
Enjoy :{)
Oh no! You want pictures, dada ?
I think I might have another engagement that weekend ..
I hope this works out.
At the moment, any weekend in June is open.
Let’s do it!
Whoohoo! I voted June 3rd since I hate waiting (although I could do any other weekend except the 1st since that’s Canuck day).
Yea! And I get a mention in a diary! Whoohoo!
(okay, I’ll stop spazzing out and go to my SO’s b-day dinner now)
July 1 definitely not good … although … you could all come up this way to visit — whaddaya think spidey? :~)
now that sounds like it could be a plan.. i’ve never been in ottawa for canuck day… always wanted to tho’. any plans so far? Hip playing perhaps 🙂
I can let the decision be dictated by the needs of people how have commitments they must meet and have to be choosier about the time.
Hey there! Good to see plans moving along.
Just wondering: as much as I’d love to see y’all here in the Catskills, if we’d be able to have a larger gathering down south a bit, why not roll both meetups into one & have some of us travel a little longer? Baltimore’s only a few hours’ drive from NYC, as I recall.
In any case, I’m not a planner, just a watcher — so it’s all your call.
Aside: still trying to get the wheels in motion in order to scope out the Full Moon for you. Spare a dime for car repair? (Just kidding!)
Hope against hope that I’ll be seeing you soon!
Just another wee reminder: July 4th weekend (which will also be July 1st weekend) in this area of the Catskills is noits. You really don’t want to be leaving to head up here from the city environs any time after the preceding Wednesday! A 2.5 hour trip can literally be doubled that weekend.
Catskills is good cuz I can drive there from home even if I can’t stay the night. Baltimore is an unlikely location for me to be able to attend.
Dates are open at the moment but it is campaign season and I am involved in the campaign for the next Congresswoman for the Catskills, Kirsten Gillibrand.
Here’s a thought – The Clearwater Revival is June 17-18, Father’s Day weekend. Why not make it there? (tho, then again it isn’t a free event).
Clearwater site
Tho Full Moon looks really cool too! I grew up just up the road a bit, but never knew that was there.
I’d love to meet all you cheese-eating surrender monkeys, but as it happens, June 3 is my birthday, and I’ll be out <s>drinking</s> celebrating tastefully. June 10 is Yearly Kos, and on June 18th, I’ll be at my sister-in-law’s wedding. Up front.
So I’ve got a full dance card, froggies.