Mr. Bush’s intent is clear from the very first sentence of the national security strategy paper issued yesterday: “It is the policy of the United States to seek and support democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.”
It is our policy to end tyranny in our world. Can we have a vote on whether the American people want to fund a campaign to end tyranny in our world? Just ask every voting age American if they want to borrow a few trillion dollars from the Saudis and Chinese over the next decade so we can end tyranny. If the American public doesn’t get the irony of asking the House of Saud and Red China to front us the money so we can rid their tyrannical ways from the world, then I suppose we can go with the Bush Doctrine. Somehow, though, I don’t think most Americans will fail to miss the irony.
should begin at home.
begins at home, too!
Disgusted in St Louis, your handle sums up my emotions, deserving of billboard exposure all over the country.
I’m disgusted with “Vichycrats” pretending to be democrats – so out of sync with the rest of the country. We despair there’s no loyal opposition as we are labeled repubcrats. MIA.
Here’s a sample of UK reaction:
Blair on Iraq: “I’do it all again’
The same front page has his twin,
“Bush threatens force to end Iran’s nuclear threat”
Looks like there’ll be a coalition. But
We in blogsphere can criticize Bush all we want. It won’t change a thing when our Democratic Senators and Congresscritters are cowered. It’s not that the balance in the Senate is like 75-25.
and it’s a policy a plurality of Americans from both sides of the political spectrum are opposed to. In the Bush form.
This is an area where Dem candidates can win with voters because it’s both a failed foreign policy and, in some rather nasty ways, a failed domestic policy, too.
Read Promoting Democracy: Whither Mainstream America? for details on how to unify America to a Progressive issue.
In the unlikely instance where I would end up running the country, it would be the policy of the United States of America to not stick its nose into places where it doesn’t belong and wasn’t invited.
It would also not solicit invitations.
This is only one reason among many why I shall never be President.
you’ve loggin in on your new/old account. It’s so confusing….
If I told a machine to remember me, apparently it remembers the user ID number, not the name. So I have to log out and log back in for it to know me as Omir rather than O.M.I.R.
I didn’t even notice until someone said something in the cafe.
no worries, I understand.
to follow America’s leadership, and pre-emptively form a coalition to liberate Americans from tyranny.
Does that mean that he is resigning? (Didn’t follow the link yet.)
Ending tyranny the Repug way ususally involves the use of death squads. In Iraq, these may be U.S. Troops.
Always winning hearts and minds . . .
Closer, but still not completely honest.
Frankly, I think the administration’s overall goal actually resembles the final shot of James Cagney in ‘White Heat’.
Top of the world, Ma!
At the begginning of the “War on Terror” I read an article in wich a US counter terror expert/commander of some sort said that to fight terror you had to use the means of your opponent. Right there I said then you’ve already lost the WoT. It’s the same thing now. BushCo purports to fight “tyranny” with tyranny.
He ought to have learned by now that it’s a very demoralizing kind of thing to fight what you more and more are perceived to be yourself.
It isn’t just Saudi and CHICOM we borrow from.
It’s also Libya, Angola, Algeria, UAE, Kuwait, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Cameroon, Qatar and Indonesia. And that’s just oil.
We also have a 23 billion dollar trade deficit with Malaysia alone, a country which literally has a two-tiered system of human rights.
Have a look here for the grim statistics.
I’m with MLK on this one:
Don’t let anybody make you think that God chose America as His divine messianic force to be — a sort of policeman of the world
orders of magnitude above their worth.
I’m with MLK on this one
“One day we must come to see that the whole Jericho road must be transformed so that men and women will not be constantly beaten and robbed as they make their journey on life’s highway. True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”
Sign me up.
…Doctrine is that, stripped of its high-falutin’ democracy rhetoric, it’s still just a rationalization for pre-emptive aggression. Such a doctrine is something EVERY government with megalomaniacs in charge would heartily approve.
Bush needs to protect democracy in the USA from himself.
Oddly or not so oddly,Democracy is beginning to flower in Latin America after the US model of death squads,assassinations of elected leaders and assorted criminal acts have been thoroughly discredited and the people have truly established their power.
It seems almost axiomatic that in order for Democracy to bloom,the US has to be driven out from the region.QED.
The Bush Doctrine is worthless paper. Bush is a corporatist, not a republican. Corporations believe in dictatorships because they’re stable. Democracies are bad for business. Our history in Latin America is just as shameful as our treatment of American Indians, going back at least to the 1840s.
I pointed out to my republican brother recently that his family of four had contributed almost $4000 to fund our Iraq misadventure. He’s not real big on ending tyranny anymore. I doubt many republicans are when they know the cost.
Maybe a bit off-topic, but as someone who was raised in a funamentalist Christian family, the association of Bush with the word “doctrine” is pretty much all I need to get nervous.