You would ask that — we’re going to be in the Kanab area and they’ll get some of our money because they have the only restaurants in our area. ::hangs head in shame:: My only excuse is that we set up the trip back in Novemeber.
I’ll just have to ask you to forgive me because Jim and love hiking in southern Utah and since we can’t get the rocks to move, we’ll probably go back to there many more times.
It’s great to have a home that makes you feel that way. Enjoy your vacation, Andi. We’ll try to hold it together somehow while you’re gone. Now, don’t feel guilty or anything…
Oh but nobody comes to Sedona this year, where a featured activity would be Lunch with Indy, and I’m even classy enough to pick up the check for you people. I see how you all are. ;p
Once I leave Flagstaff this spring I will probably not get out west again for some time. I’m disabled and do not travel well at all. But I’m relocating to Ohio and I fully expect there to be several major election scandals in the near future, so it’s entirely possible that we could all meet up at some protest or another while we all try to save some last vestige of democracy.
If I was coming that way, I’d just as soon stop at Flagstaff and have Lunch with Indy at Macy’s (and we’d get the check) but it’s over 400 miles round trip. But this May (??) I sure am planning on Lunch with Indy in Cincy.
Heh, you’re damn tootin’ you’d get the check at Macy’s — I can’t eat anything there. (I kid, I am actually extraordinarily smooth about these things and the check would be paid before you even realized it.)
Yes, we definitely have an Ohio date for late spring/early summer!
Have a great trip, Andi! I’ve enjoyed southern Utah many times. (I’ve even stayed in < gasp > Kanab. In fact, we’ll be out there in August/September. Bring back some nice photos. (as if I have to ask.)
Have a great trip, Andi! I’ve enjoyed southern Utah many times. (I’ve even stayed in < gasp > Kanab. In fact, we’ll be out there in August/September. Bring back some nice photos. (as if I have to ask.)
This is our ninth trip to the Colorado Plateau and it seems like each trip, we get even more hooked. I’d love to go in the fall but no chance unless I can get Jim to retire.
A couple of years ago, during one of our visits to the area, we were actually able to buy a small lot in southwestern Colorado before the prices went sky-high. Now, I’m ready to pitch my tent and live there. Hmm, now I’ll need to work on Mrs.boran2.
I read below that you and Jim have considered Tucson as a hiking destination, I hope you’ll let me know if you ever decide to give the area a try. Mount Lemmon and Sabino Canyon have some fantastic trails. Be safe!
Yeah, Front Street, between Harrington’s, the Royal Exchange, and Irish-for-the-Day Schroeder’s, can get pretty wild. Hope it doesn’t rain, since the party usually takes up the whole street. And since it’s in the Financial District in the Pacific time zone, it really starts around 2.
Oh he’s been that since the first time I realized that he was taking pictures of me whenever he damned well pleased. He prefers to think of himself as the Camera Tyrant.
Pretty good considering half the stuff that was supposed to happen yesterday didn’t LOL I am still waiting for the settlement on the wreck and I suppose it will be next week now.
I hate that didn’t happen for you. Just think next week will be so much better, because you’ll get the settlement, and today is St Paddy day and everything has to be fun on St. Paddys day. 🙂
Good morning to all.
A hectic morning ahead. Got to run.
But off this afternoon. The phone company coming in the 1-5 time slot. Upshot; good reason to take half day off, maybe spend some more time in front of the screen 😉
I had a bout of insomnia last night and overslept this morning, but my aptly named Colin helped me out by blasting Irish drinking songs outside my bedroom door @7:15. So I woke up suddenly to:
Oh, what would you do with a drunken sailor
What would you do with a drunken sailor
What would you do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Put him in the bed with the Captain’s daughter
Ooo, that looks like a wedding photo. All the little bridesmaids in pink and purple are gathered around the bride dressed in white, beneath billowing white canopies. Or possibly canapes.
Well how about that — you’re right. It had completely slipped my mind.
I’m supposed to be working a half day but I’ve nicely worked everything to a very good stopping point so I’ve decided to abuse working at home and make the time up after vacation.
knows no time nor season — when the spouse and I have breakfast at the Buena Vista near Fisherman’s Wharf (across from the Hyde Street cable car turnaround), at least one Irish coffee is de rigieur. (And since we never drive into The City, we don’t have to worry about DUI.) Haven’t been there in a while…the Buena Vista is reportedly where Irish Coffee was introduced to these shores, a recipe brought home from Dublin Airport by the late Stan Delaplane, Chronicle columnist.
On the other side, friends don’t let their friends drink green beer…
Just stopping in on my way to work . . . you’ll notice I’m dressed for the occasion. (But only in here. I don’t want to do this to comments in any of the non-Cafe stories.)
Good morning, All. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. Life intervenes sometimes.
Have a great vacation, Andi. Vacation….what a wonderful word.
My question: I bought a new harddrive for my PC. It will be a second harddrive and a slave to my primary one. The bios and device manager both recognize that it’s there, but XP Home “My Computer” does not, so I can’t partition it or format it. I’m sure there is a simple answer but I have no idea what the answer is.
Help! Many thanks in advance. That 80 Gigs is just waiting for my photos….
Yes we did. It found the new hard drive. Device manager finds it and says it’s working properly. Troubleshooting concludes with a shrug. “My Computer” does not see it.
You might right click on your “My Computer” icon and then select “Manage” from that list, and see if you can see it in that window. If so, you may be able to right-click it from there and get more settings to mess with.
That’s where my potential usefulness drops out too, then. 🙂 Sorry I couldn’t help, Puget4, but I hope you & Gooserock get it adequately resolved and that you are both well and happy as can be.
Puget 4 this is probably completely wrong, but with my pocket USB drive I had to format it before XP would recognize it. Windows won’t ask if it has to be formatted, but it won’t recognize it until it is. That might be what’s happening with you.
How nice to ‘see’ you (and pass on my hi to Gooserock).
I don’t have XP and wink2k has never failed to recognize any of my drives. The only thing that I can think of is are dipswitch settings — are you using cable select?
Master is set for master and Slave is set for slave.
Great minds run on the same ribbon cable. We just called the store where I got the harddrive. They suggested bringing in the computer. NOT!! (Not yet) Then suggested putting the two drives on separate cables because there could be timing differences between old drive and new drive.
So, we’ll try that later. Time to go to work in the workshop.
Being a Mac user, can’t help you there (though I’m in the market for a 250-300GB HD so I can do regular backups on my whole computer rather than just my photos and music) — but I just wanted to say howdy, stranger! You and Gooserock have been missed…now that I’m in the midst of my vacation planning I especially miss the Puget Sound photos… 🙂
and go work out, but it just started pouring (again)…so much for that idea.
Spouse and I are going out for corned beef and cabbage — at least he’ll have that; not a big cabbage fan here so I may just settle for a corned beef sandwich. And no green beer will be served at our table — he’ll go with Guinness, while I’ll probably have a Harp (lager beer) which is more my speed.
The hard part about going on vacation is leaving home, both the dogs and the woods.
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Hi Andi!!! Have a great vacation!!!!! You will be missed while you are gone but we are looking forward to some great photos when you get back.
Thanks refinish. I’ll miss all of you, too.
I forgot all about it being St. Patrick’s Day. Thanks for the great reminder.
I am sure you have already talked about this but I have been so out of it. LOL where are you going?
I kind of hate to admit it — but we’re going hiking in southern Utah.
well if you avoid all bigoted areas of America you wouldn’t have many places to go on vacation. LOL Just please tell me you are not staying in Kanab.
You would ask that — we’re going to be in the Kanab area and they’ll get some of our money because they have the only restaurants in our area. ::hangs head in shame:: My only excuse is that we set up the trip back in Novemeber.
I’ll just have to ask you to forgive me because Jim and love hiking in southern Utah and since we can’t get the rocks to move, we’ll probably go back to there many more times.
You could always go to the sedona area of Arizona next time. LOL
It’s great to have a home that makes you feel that way. Enjoy your vacation, Andi. We’ll try to hold it together somehow while you’re gone. Now, don’t feel guilty or anything…
I was raised by the quintessential Jewish mother — you guys are an order of magnitude of effort away from being able to make me feel guilty.
Have a great trip you guys!…and if your dog sitter is anything like the lady I use, they’ll be spoiled rotten by the time you return.
We’ve used her quite a few times. The dogs love her and they always seem to be a little bit heavier than when we left.
Enjoy the hiking…avoid the wingnuts…and bring back lots of blue dot pictures!
I’m thinking Tuscon and Sedona next February/March…hmmm…maybe we can meet somewhere????
I think the wingnuts are unavoidable but they are ignorable.
We’ve talked about Tuscon several times but always give in to our Utah jones. I’d love to go hiking with you so we should keep this in mind.
Oh but nobody comes to Sedona this year, where a featured activity would be Lunch with Indy, and I’m even classy enough to pick up the check for you people. I see how you all are. ;p
Hey Andi, hope you have a great vacation!
I guess I’ll have to cry in my green beer later that I won’t meet you in Sedona…
Or maybe we can just plan a big party / meetup and all go the same year!
Once I leave Flagstaff this spring I will probably not get out west again for some time. I’m disabled and do not travel well at all. But I’m relocating to Ohio and I fully expect there to be several major election scandals in the near future, so it’s entirely possible that we could all meet up at some protest or another while we all try to save some last vestige of democracy.
If I was coming that way, I’d just as soon stop at Flagstaff and have Lunch with Indy at Macy’s (and we’d get the check) but it’s over 400 miles round trip. But this May (??) I sure am planning on Lunch with Indy in Cincy.
Heh, you’re damn tootin’ you’d get the check at Macy’s — I can’t eat anything there. (I kid, I am actually extraordinarily smooth about these things and the check would be paid before you even realized it.)
Yes, we definitely have an Ohio date for late spring/early summer!
I’ll be there later this year.
Have a great trip, Andi! I’ve enjoyed southern Utah many times. (I’ve even stayed in < gasp > Kanab. In fact, we’ll be out there in August/September. Bring back some nice photos. (as if I have to ask.)
Have a great trip, Andi! I’ve enjoyed southern Utah many times. (I’ve even stayed in < gasp > Kanab. In fact, we’ll be out there in August/September. Bring back some nice photos. (as if I have to ask.)
This is our ninth trip to the Colorado Plateau and it seems like each trip, we get even more hooked. I’d love to go in the fall but no chance unless I can get Jim to retire.
A couple of years ago, during one of our visits to the area, we were actually able to buy a small lot in southwestern Colorado before the prices went sky-high. Now, I’m ready to pitch my tent and live there. Hmm, now I’ll need to work on Mrs.boran2.
I read below that you and Jim have considered Tucson as a hiking destination, I hope you’ll let me know if you ever decide to give the area a try. Mount Lemmon and Sabino Canyon have some fantastic trails. Be safe!
We most certainly will. I’m sure we’ll get there eventually so it’s great to have you for a resource.
Good Mornin to ya all on this fine St. Patty’s Day. May the Luck of the Irish be with ya and all your beer be free- after 5 of course.
After 5????
Have you ever spent St Patrick’s day in downtown SF? Baileys or Irish coffee for breakfast and green beer starts at lunch time…
One of the best times I’ve had was that year I worked downtown….and St Paddy’s day was a friday!
Yeah, Front Street, between Harrington’s, the Royal Exchange, and Irish-for-the-Day Schroeder’s, can get pretty wild. Hope it doesn’t rain, since the party usually takes up the whole street. And since it’s in the Financial District in the Pacific time zone, it really starts around 2.
Good Morning Everyone.
Hi FM. How are you doing today?
I’m fine Andi, thanks. How are you today?
Get your packing done?
No. I went to bed instead of packing. I’ll finish it up later this morning.
I have to go take Jim to school since I’ve got to pick him up on the way to the airport.
See ya later.
Enjoy the day and don’t get too hurried.
May the Blue Dot be with you!
As long as the Camera Creep has a finger on the shutter, the Blue Dot will omnipresent.
Lol! I think I’ve missed something. Jim is now the Camera Creep? Isn’t that what police departments call men who. . .nevermind.
Oh he’s been that since the first time I realized that he was taking pictures of me whenever he damned well pleased. He prefers to think of himself as the Camera Tyrant.
I’ll bet he does, lol!
Have a great trip, Andi!
My mother raised me right — I always do as I’m told (so long as it’s something I want to do).
Howdy familyman!!!
Morning Refinish. How are you today?
We missed you in the cafe last night.
Pretty good considering half the stuff that was supposed to happen yesterday didn’t LOL I am still waiting for the settlement on the wreck and I suppose it will be next week now.
I hate that didn’t happen for you. Just think next week will be so much better, because you’ll get the settlement, and today is St Paddy day and everything has to be fun on St. Paddys day. 🙂
Good morning to all.
A hectic morning ahead. Got to run.
But off this afternoon. The phone company coming in the 1-5 time slot. Upshot; good reason to take half day off, maybe spend some more time in front of the screen 😉
Hye, that’s good planning on a Friday afternoon!
Morning Ask.
Don’t run to fast and any reason is a good reason to take off. Hope to see ya later. 🙂
How could I forget St. Patrick’s Day?
I had a bout of insomnia last night and overslept this morning, but my aptly named Colin helped me out by blasting Irish drinking songs outside my bedroom door @7:15. So I woke up suddenly to:
Oh, what would you do with a drunken sailor
What would you do with a drunken sailor
What would you do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Put him in the bed with the Captain’s daughter
Morning SN. Is it too early for a green beer?
I’ve learned that on St. Paddy’s day it’s never too early for green beer.
I’ll have green coffee, if you don’t mind!
Well if you insist, but it just doesn’t seem Irish.
I’m thinking of going back to bed. Or heading to the gym. Which do you think, FM?
Bed sound good and the gym sound better, but out of all the choices, I think green beer is the best. 🙂
Well then, bed it is! 🙂
I’ve got an idea. I was just over at Olivia’s site and told her one of her pictures reminded me of grits. Go out and get a big bowl of that.
That will get your day started I betcha. 🙂
But If you can’t do that, and since you didn’t sleep good, I think bed would be good.
I knew I could count on you to reinforce my bad habits. I’ll see you in a while. Zzzz.
Sleep well.
I’ve got to do some stuff, so I’ll check back later.
Sun is shining brightly and it’s Friday.
Andi and Jim — Wishing you a safe and fun trip!
White mallow/lavatera, taken 10.02.2005 (view large)
Good morning, Olivia.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Ooo, that looks like a wedding photo. All the little bridesmaids in pink and purple are gathered around the bride dressed in white, beneath billowing white canopies. Or possibly canapes.
It’s yummy.
Good to see you! 🙂
You, too, Olivia. 🙂 Your site is soooo purdy.
Good Morning everyone. It’s vacation day Andi!
Well how about that — you’re right. It had completely slipped my mind.
I’m supposed to be working a half day but I’ve nicely worked everything to a very good stopping point so I’ve decided to abuse working at home and make the time up after vacation.
So you’re on vacation now? woohoo!
Now you need to finish packing. And spend some time with the doggies. Who will miss you.
Yup, I have begun what we in the technology world call vacation shutdown mode.
I thought I’d use some of that extra time to take the dogs a longer walk.
If I don’t ‘see’ you before I leave, have a good week.
Thanks. I’ll miss you ! But maybe I’ll delurk a little bit today 🙂
Morning all!
T’underin Jaysus, doesn’t anybody sleep around here?
Happy St. Paddy’s Day, all.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
A little Irish coffee to start the day…yummy! Cold and damp in Northern CA…so a little tummy warmer!
I’m impressed that you can think about irish coffee at 7 a.m.
I’m 50% Irish….I have no choice – either Irish coffee or Baileys & Coffee!
One family was from Belfast and another was from Dublin…back in the 1800’s…
knows no time nor season — when the spouse and I have breakfast at the Buena Vista near Fisherman’s Wharf (across from the Hyde Street cable car turnaround), at least one Irish coffee is de rigieur. (And since we never drive into The City, we don’t have to worry about DUI.) Haven’t been there in a while…the Buena Vista is reportedly where Irish Coffee was introduced to these shores, a recipe brought home from Dublin Airport by the late Stan Delaplane, Chronicle columnist.
On the other side, friends don’t let their friends drink green beer…
Good morning, All. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. Life intervenes sometimes.
Have a great vacation, Andi. Vacation….what a wonderful word.
My question: I bought a new harddrive for my PC. It will be a second harddrive and a slave to my primary one. The bios and device manager both recognize that it’s there, but XP Home “My Computer” does not, so I can’t partition it or format it. I’m sure there is a simple answer but I have no idea what the answer is.
Help! Many thanks in advance. That 80 Gigs is just waiting for my photos….
This is probably a dumb question but have you tried the “Find New Hardware” wizard yet?
Yes we did. It found the new hard drive. Device manager finds it and says it’s working properly. Troubleshooting concludes with a shrug. “My Computer” does not see it.
You might right click on your “My Computer” icon and then select “Manage” from that list, and see if you can see it in that window. If so, you may be able to right-click it from there and get more settings to mess with.
That’s where it drops off the radar.
That’s where my potential usefulness drops out too, then. 🙂 Sorry I couldn’t help, Puget4, but I hope you & Gooserock get it adequately resolved and that you are both well and happy as can be.
Puget 4 this is probably completely wrong, but with my pocket USB drive I had to format it before XP would recognize it. Windows won’t ask if it has to be formatted, but it won’t recognize it until it is. That might be what’s happening with you.
How nice to ‘see’ you (and pass on my hi to Gooserock).
I don’t have XP and wink2k has never failed to recognize any of my drives. The only thing that I can think of is are dipswitch settings — are you using cable select?
Hi from both of us.
We are not using cable select. Master is switched for master and Slave is set for slave.
Bios and device manager both recognize the new drive.
So if you haven’t already you might check the dipswitches to make sure they are right for the slave setting.
If that doesn’t do it, the next thing I would do is to call the place where I bought it.
Master is set for master and Slave is set for slave.
Great minds run on the same ribbon cable. We just called the store where I got the harddrive. They suggested bringing in the computer. NOT!! (Not yet) Then suggested putting the two drives on separate cables because there could be timing differences between old drive and new drive.
So, we’ll try that later. Time to go to work in the workshop.
Thanks everyone, for your help and ideas.
Being a Mac user, can’t help you there (though I’m in the market for a 250-300GB HD so I can do regular backups on my whole computer rather than just my photos and music) — but I just wanted to say howdy, stranger! You and Gooserock have been missed…now that I’m in the midst of my vacation planning I especially miss the Puget Sound photos… 🙂
Ugh. I’m out of coffee and cash. I could use a pot.
you could use a few bumpersticker sales. I may start a new fashion trend, this look could become mainstream someday, you never know.
I rolled you a nice big “catnip” fattie
I’ll be dressed up as more of a FemBot than a leprechaun 🙂
Kiss Me, I’m … Janet 🙂
I’m going to miss Andi!!!
Nah, you aren’t going to miss me — you’ll be too busy and besides, I’m only going to be gone a week.
Andi how do you think we can do without you for a day, much less a week. Is the guilt getting to you yet?
You guys haven’t even made a pinprick.
and go work out, but it just started pouring (again)…so much for that idea.
Spouse and I are going out for corned beef and cabbage — at least he’ll have that; not a big cabbage fan here so I may just settle for a corned beef sandwich. And no green beer will be served at our table — he’ll go with Guinness, while I’ll probably have a Harp (lager beer) which is more my speed.
Off for a bit…
I’m putting up the afternoon cafe in a minute…it’s the “Home Improvement” edition today…back in sec.
Come on over!