Saturday Afternoon Cafe

Home of the Froggy Bottom Cheerleaders.
Cheerleading Captain today is Maryb .
Way to go Janet, Way to Go! (clap, clap)
Way to go Janet, Way to Go! (clap, clap)
NCAA cheering allowed.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
No Competition. Everybody gets a 4
I’m watching Basketball of course.
Who did you pick?
Milwaukee or Florida?
Wichita or Tennesee?
Of course it has to be Florida and Tennesee.
I could watch with some cheesecake. π
You too?
If you’re refering to cheesecake, then yes. Cheesecake and beer are good at anytime of the day. π
If the two of you are hinting that I’m supposed to provide real cheesecake, it won’t work. The only cheesecake I’m providing is in plain view above.
Real cheesecake is Manny’s job.
I can live with that. π
We’re having the Radical Cheerleaders at the rally tomorrow! π
Of course — Pink Pom Poms. Although they did get the guys hot and bothered π
Hi Maryb! I’m thinking about running out for some Cheesecake.
Bring me back some?
If we thought about it yesterday, the other Mary could have brought you a piece. She went back to St. Louie this morning.
How’re you doing today?
Hi Olivia — I’m taking a day mostly off and spending on couch reading. (yawn)
watcha readin?
I hope you’re not too shocked:
I just finished JD Robb’s Memory in Death and just started Stephanie Lauren’s What Price Love?
Next, I’ll read Jill Mansell’s, Making Your Mind Up.
I’m trying desparately to not read the new Katie Fford book, Practically Perfect.
Why would I be shocked? I love mysteries.
I’ve never heard of Katie Fford though.
Katie Fforde’s website.
I sent her a fan letter yesterday and she replied right away! Very nicely too!
she writes romances?
Is she related to Jason Fforde who writes those wonderful but weird mysteries?
I don’t think so, but it’s funny that you said that because her sister just published a novel & I bought it without knowing they were sisters.
That’s why I wrote her, in fact. They both right romantic novels (with a lot of humor)
right = write (sigh — I’m going back to my couch)
Which of his books should I try first?
I’m still trying to get over the fact that the two Ffords aren’t related. I’ve never seen a name that starts with two Fs.
I was wrong, his name is JASPER Fforde, but still Fforde with two F’s.
I think I liked his latest the best and since its the first of a new series you wouldn’t have to catch up. It’s called The Big Over Easy.
Here’s the pathology on the victim:
You have to know your nursery rhymes π
Oh my God, I knew the victim well. They say crime eventually touches us all, but still, this is shocking.
It IS shocking. But those crack detectives Jack Spratt and Mary Mary are on the case.
I’m watching the french street demonstrations in Toulouse (thanks to Alex) and all over France…
Thanks for the link to Alex’s photos and comments. It’s not likely that we’d see any of that in our news media here.
Well, in all, we had around one million people (500 000 according to the police, 1,5 million according to the organisers) demonstrating against the government today…
And France won the six-nations tournament!
the issues that have generated this particular demonstration. Who organized it?
I need to spend more time at ET. Seems that my focus has been totally over on this side of the big pond lately.
I’m watching Jaws … ya, I know:
I listened to Omir’s excellent link-y of DJ’s radio debut, and dada is right: sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy voice oh la la!!! π
Hi Olivia, wonderful picture (art) today.
I was just over there, and read your wonderful comment.
So, I hear you’re a serial napper — is it true? π
Nah not really. If I napped as much and drank as much as I said, I’d be……..Wait a minute. π
I also ended up posting the same comment twice. I went back in to explain the deleted one, but it wouldn’t post.
I think I can delete it if you’d like … ?
It really doesn’t matter, but I had seen where it had a comment deleted by me and I just wanted you to know what happened.
Watchin’ The Wheels
People say I’m crazy doing what I’m doing
Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin
When I say that I’m OK well they look at me kind of strange
Surely you’re not happy now you no longer play the game
People say I’m lazy dreaming my life away
Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me
When I tell them that I’m doing fine watching shadows on the wall
Don’t you miss the big time boy you’re no longer on the ball
I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go
People asking questions lost in confusion
Well I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions
Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I’ve lost my mind
I tell them there’s no hurry, I’m just sitting here doing time
I just had to let it go
I just had to let it go
Lyrics: John Lennon
Music: John Lennon
Soundchecked by the Dead in 1995 but never played live.
I’m watchin the anti-war protest in Tokyo, actually, where a troupe of Buddhist monks joined in the crowd of 2,000….. just now looking for photos… you know orange mixes well with pink in a crowd…. SO PROUD OF YOU DAMMIT JANNIT, MILITARY TRACY, MARYB, AND ALL HERE… SO PROUD OF YOU ALL….
I hope you DO find pictures
Still searching, but these are the monks in Tokyo, September 2001. Thats 2001, folks……
Role of the International Community in the Peace Process
March 18, 2006 at 12:48 am · Filed under News Analysis, Politics
I’m watchin’ the Froggy Bottom Cheerleaders doin’ their cheers on that screen up above, patiently waiting for the camera-person to zoom in a little closer…
Ya me too. I trying to figure out who is who.
OK Mary which one are you?
I’m so glad you asked that question… I was sooo shy about asking…
I noticed Mary isn’t telling, or she has gone to the basement again.
Careful FM she’s lurking… no doubt waiting for one or both of us to incriminate ourselves in some way.
For the record… I plead the 5th in advance for any and all commments on this diary.
I’m back. The phone rang.
Whichever one you want me to be, that’s me. π
Mary, froggybottom rules clearly state that you are not permitted to answer the phone while hosting.
They do? Where? Where EXACTLY does it say that? And don’t you think that rule should be prominently displayed because I don’t think the rules around here are clear enough and …
sorry, I thought we were still in LAST week. π
I was setting myself up to say that line and you blew it. :::sniff:::
great minds think alike π
And that’s appropriate because you’ve always remind me of one of my good friends. We’re always thinking the same things. But we seldom talk live; we talk by e-mail all the time. Sometimes we e-mail the same thing at the same time.
Sometimes when you post something I have to remind myself that you aren’t her.
She must be so cool. I’m sure I’d like her. π
She is. But she always complains she isn’t π
You’d either love each other or hate each other because your lives are so parallel.
Well, send her my condolences. Or smack her upside the head. Your choice.
Please don’t give Mary a choice.
I’m learning how you do the cafe now, so I’ll just say.
whatever does it for you π
Snuck by on that one.
But, ya did say to “pick one” ya know.
and you always do whatever I tell you to do
I’m back. Ya gotta love cable TV. I was flipping through channels and stop on the History Channel. On right now is How William Shatner Changed the World.
Ya gotta love it.
I’ve got to go run and errand or take a nap. I’m not sure.
So, which was it? And did George join you?
It was a 1/2 errand. The place was closed. So in about 20 minutes I got to go to another place when they open.
since I was here until closing last night, I’m a little slow today, somewhat matching the speed with which comments are arriving at this FBC.
Cool site NDD.
when he visited Fargo to promote Direct Actions.
I remember the diary about Boston Joe’s visit. The site just makes it a little more real.
No if you have a lot of experience at both.
I’m so glad you stayed here Mary. I would have had to sedate you. One of the juvenile varmints liked me so much he jumped on my back while I was being shown the squirrel room. Stay away from raccoons this year in Alabama, they are doing rabies……when they have dyphtheria they can also be dangerous because it affects them neurologically and they will attack people. Squirrels pack nothing dangerous to people but can infrequently have mites. They start to potty outside the nest before their eyes open. Very clean little varmints that basically stay wild and can’t wait to leave once they are weaned. Learn something new everyday. Even when it is the third anniversary of the Iraq War and there is nothing new to learn there and just more suffering.
WHat’s up with Alabama? First you’ve got mad cow disease and now attacking, rabid raccoons?
here……..can’t ya tell?
(sigh) another squirrel lives to make someone’s life hell.
Mary I really can’t believe you feel that way.
Does that feeling also move toward chickens?
at least chickens are useful. Squirrels and rabbits are just a pain in the backyard. Although at least the bunnies are cute.
I can tell you’re a city girl. I guess you’ve never had roadkill stew?
there was a squirrel who shorted out the transformer across the street from my parent’s house. The transformer exploded in quite a fascinating fireball. So the little “devils” are capable of being rather entertaining.
Other than that one instance, they have their lives and I have mine… long as they keep their greedy little fingers out of the bird feeder.
I saw a show on Discovery one time and it showed a guy who made a course in his back yard for the squirrels to go over to get to the bird feeder. It was amazing the stuff he put up that they had to get through, by or over. They did though.
Unlike some people I know who use squirrels for target practice, I would never go out of my way to harm a squirrel. But I would never save any squirrel’s life either. It’s not like they are even remotely an endangered species.
The Queen of the Universe did very well in her talent show today, which included one of her friends showing off how she’d trained her dog, a couple of young piano players, a pair of four-year-olds doing a puppet show version of the Three Little Pigs, and a five-year-old magician who was actually quite good doing the cup-and-ball trick. For a five-year-old, anyway.
You just can’t buy entertainment like that.
Then we went out and spent $200 on over-the-counter medicine at Costco. Stuff like antihistamines, vitamin C and glucosamine for my wife’s joints. Thankfully, these nostrums should last us for about four to six months. (There’s no point in buying vitamins and the like anywhere but Costco, in my opinion. The quality is excellent, the quantity is high and the prices are a lot lower than I’d find at the neighborhood drug store.)
Now I’m all done in and my wallet is sore. Nap time.
Oh wait, I can’t take a nap. The other Queen of the Universe, age 15 months, is here to rule over us. Coming, your majesty!!
Sounds wonderful Omir. I used to love going to my daughters plays.
There’s something great about seeing someone overcome that fear of making a fool of themselves and getting up in public and performing. Especially when that someone is just small, uninhibited, and naturally charming (as most kids are).
How old is your daughter and what kind of plays does she do? My granddaughter just finished doing a part in her school’s drama club, an adaptation of The Five Chinese Brothers that involved everyone from the fifth-graders to a couple of kindergarteners. It was amateur, corny as all get out and more fun than you can shake a stick at. At the end of it they had a question-and-answer session. I asked the kids “How many of you think you would like to be actors when you grow up?” Every single one raised their hand.
Oh wait, I notice you said “used to.” So skip the “how old” part. π
Mine are in their 20’s now, but I did love to go to the plays.
So glad she had fun with it!!! HOORAY!!!!
Can I raise my hand, too?? π
The Tennessee/Wichita game has been really good. But the Illini are more important π
Watching hockey — Sharks were leading but stupid Mike Modano just tied it for the Dallas Stars (or as DJ calls them, the Phallus Scars π ).
Wish I was feeling better so I could be out marching — and very upset with the spouse because he’s just now getting in the shower; I at least, even in my unwellness, was able to get the bed made and put away my laundry…he has not done a $&*%@ thing… π
Going to go lay back down and listen to the rest of the game on radio…I feel another nap coming on…
Now I got to run another errand. Be back in a while.
Are ya comin’ or goin’?
[Derived from a local expression; “He doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going.”]
I guess I’m in the middle because I’m back. My Mom decided she wanted shrimp tonight and there’s a local restruant that has it every weekend, so just another errand.
mmmm shrimp. Fried or grilled?
Boiled and you have to peel off the shell.
all that work
but its worth it π
It is if you get enough. We have a yearly shrimp boil where well buy 15-20 pounds of shrimp depending on how many people. You get enough to get full and it’s just peeling and eat.
what else do you have with it?
Usually boiled corn on the cob, potatoes and slaw. But no one hardly pays attention to the sides. It’s usually get a plateful of shrimp and peel, eat and talk.
Do ya dip the shimp in any sauce?
Of course. The regular ketchup with horseradish and another sauce my Mom and sister make. But then we have our purist that won’t use any.
That’s the only way I like shrimp, cold boiled with cocktail sauce. Although Cabin Girl posted a recipe for a shrimp and tomato sauce dish with melted feta cheese on it that I made and served over angel hair pasta, and it was really good.
That sounds really good. Although I love pasta and feta, my family doesn’t, so…..
When you cook for a family you have to make things everyone likes. Sometimes I have to make something separate just for me…like when I have to feed my German tendencies for keilbasa and sauerkraut, which the rest of my family despises.
I don’t believe it, but I’m the same with keilbasa and sauerkraut. I’m the only one in the family who like it.
We must have a common ancestor.
My father in law was just telling the kids and me how his father ran a fish market in a small NC town. All day he’d clean fish and boil shrimp. As he walked home every night he’d have a half dozen cats trailing behind him.
After a shrimp boil I have noticed a few more cats around the house. Plus George just can’t get enough shrimp.
The Lounge now open. Since formal attire is required in the casino, you must leave the cheerleaders here.