Froggy Bottom Lounge and Casino

This is an Entertain Yourself Night
Everybody starts with a 4
After that it’s up to you.
After that it’s up to you.
NCAA betting in the corner.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Slot Machines only take 4’s
Since I’m going to be out most of the evening, I thought you might want to entertain yourself in the casino. Some of you are already betting on the NCAA tournament. But I’m sure the rest of you can think up lots of bets to entertain yourselves with 🙂
are ya goin’ do live blogging from your remote location?
why no, I’m not 🙂
Sounds like you’ll be doing something dirty and evil. Have fun for me too!
ya mean like mud wrestling?
Has she got a mud pit in the basement now?
seems like that would match up with that rumor we heard about “dirty” and “evil”.
So Mary had a double life. Who knew. 🙂
Well, I figured it had to be something good enough so that she didn’t miss being here with the kewl krowd, and wholesome doesn’t cut it. It had to be dirty and evil to be worth it.
You have a point. It has to be something really good to leave us. 🙂
Yes, that’s what I was thinking too. And after looking forward to this evening… all week long, :::sniff:::
Mary said to entertain ourself, so should make up a story about what she’s doing tonight.
I’ll let you start the first ten chapters. 🙂
You know, I haven’t left yet … I can hear you having fun at my expense.
But . . . I’m leaving now. Everybody have a good evening. I’ll see you later.
Bye Mary. Is she gone yet. Damn I want to get this story started.
Begins with a new outfit made of sheer silk that fits like second skin in blood red and six inch pumps with fish nets & garters.
Obviously Mary isn’t planning to spend much time on her feet tonight.
IMJCLT = I may just croak laughing tonight
All right refinish, we got the nasty Mary story started.
Remember I’ve lead a sheltered life, so not to graphic. 🙂
Nah you better not. She comes back and reads this, she’ll give us both hell.
ah hah, we’re off to a good start!!!
I’m starting to agree with you NDD. Where are you Refinish. We’ve got to keep this story going.
I cannot be the only one writing or I am the one who gets killed. LOL
Damn, you saw through the plan.
Mary walk out to the street to hail a cab. A man in trench coat walk up and comes close to Mary and whispers, Luke.
My Mama didn’t raise no fool. LOL She just married one.
It’s too early in the evening… my creativity starts around 10PM, CST. Let’s wait until then. All the children will be in bed… no FCC fines, etc.
Good idea.
Have a good time tonight Mary.
Thanks FM. Don’t let SN drink, you know she’s easy when she drinks.
But she can organize all the orgies she wants. She’s good at that. I’ll be back for late night. Although I’m sure everyone else will be asleep 🙁
I’m betting that Mr. Nature falls asleep while watching the NCAA tournament and begins snoring loud enough to wake the dead before 7:15 PM.
He sounds like a very happy man. You must have cooked some grits today. 🙂
You’d never know he spent the week in Japan. He ate at McDonald’s and Starbucks all week. His hotel served fish and rice for breakfast.
I fed him a sensible meal of lemon chicken, wild rice and asparagus.
Well I guess if he has to a southern boy can get by on that. 🙂
So not to jump back and forth between diaries. I got into sauerkraut and German food while I lived there. My landlady used to make homemade sauerkraut.
Never had homemade stuff. Does it taste better than the stuff in the jar?
Have fun!!!!
Deer at Dusk

The white-tailed deer bunch up in large herds during the winter, part of their survival mode. Here they’re foraging in a field looking for something to eat.
They break up into smaller groups, 6-8 appox when the trees start budding and leafing out, which is their favorite food.
That picture is excellent.
A wonderfully peacefull photo NDD! Well done! I love the hints of pink in the sky… I see you were able to get the large size view working. That’s great! 🙂
How do you get that larger thing to work?
First thanks for the compliments, it was fun catching them even though this one is not a likely candidate for enlargement.
And FM thanks for the question, as it required some delving to figure it out. The file at photobucket on the deer one is 1024×768 at 56K filesize. The other two that would did not come out enlarged were 229×324 (24K) and 768×576 (102K).
So I was wondering how that happened, and I recalled that I had cropped the latter two with Microsoft digital image pro 7.0, saved to file, and then I used Outlook Express to mail them to myself, using one of the options to reduce size of file, since normally they are all around 1M. The deer one was not cropped in any way, as it did not pass through MDIP 7.0 on the way.
So it must be that using the cropping feature locks in the lower pixel dimensions prior to photobucket getting them.
I intend to experiment more with photobucket and do a diary “some day” and then everyone can throw in some suggestions… most like on how I’m doing it all ass backwards… but most of the time it works. (So it must have been the cropping the screwed things up.)
I’ve got paint shop pro and I’ll usually reduce mine in size before I put them in photobucket. I’m going to have to try putting a normal sized one in and see what happens.
let me know how it goes, I’m still learnin’ myself something too.
Kota, da problem ya goot is da damn micro$oft…now iff’n ya goot Mac…ya joost crop, export to desk top and poost to PB. Den ya set da image size thusly:
< img width=X src=URL > close brackets;
ta imbed da big image ya do dis:
[ < img width=X src=url>url ] close brackets;
clik image to enlarge
Simple…ya shure…eh.
Yer frend
clik paw for devil in a red dress…any relationship to maryb or RF69, is purely coincidental…names have been changed to protect the innocent
Thatks dada, I’ve copied that down.
The picture is too cute!!!!
vee vill c vut vee can doooooo
ah ya the picture… cracked me up again tonight, for about the sixth time what with FM and the J toilets…
That looks great. The Germans have a sauce, sort of like Worcestershire Sauce, that I used to put on it. It’s called Magg—, can’t spell it. Oh I want to go back to Germany and just eat.
I want to go to Japan. Mr. Nature tells me they have heated toilet seats.
LOL that caught me by surprise. I guess out of all the reasons to go to Japan that would be in the top 10.
He said the toilets have ‘butt washers’ which are apparently different from bidets. Obviously they are very clean people. 🙂
Why is it we’re talking about toilets and ‘butt washers’ under the heading of For you, Family Man?
LOL! Completely unintentional.
Still LOLing. Now I’m going to laugh myself into an asthma attack.
I don’t know how we went from sauerkraut to ‘butt washers’, but I guess in the scheme of things we covered from beginning to end. 🙂
and in the process, chased everyone else away.
You know I saw Refinish up thread. Refinish were are you. Stop that lurking.
Ok, you know we’re really bad when we can gross out Refinish69.
I fear we’re looseing our touch.
you have to do a lot more than that to gross me out. Like the cat turd cake… that was nasty. ROTFLMAO
I admit that even got to me a little.
made me even more thankful I am gay and without kids LOL
The most fun part of having kids is to see who can gross out the other one the most. You or the kids.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! all this without me????
It’s about time. What’s up.
I, myself, was following the WWRF69D?…credo in your absence. You inspired me.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I must have one hell of a reputation in here.
ROFLMAO… best one of the day, maybe of this week
I’m still laughing. This is one of the rare times when ROFLMAO really describes it for me.
they have those in the outhouses in rural Alaska too, only there they use a styrofoam ring…
My gosh, it could be dangerous without one! You could be in there all night before someone in your family discovered you were gone and came out with a bucket of hot water to get you unstuck.
You gotta be quick.
you musta heard those stories about the kid with his tongue stuck to the flag pole…
That’s in a Xmas movie I’ve seen over and over.
I’m still cracking up, Family Man. You’ve given me the biggest endorphin rush in weeks. 🙂
If that the case, we’ll have to bring up Japanese toilet-training later on.
Is that toilet training or geisha training. LOL Two different types of seats.
Hi folks!!!!! Been a wet and strange day been working on designs and napping all day. LOL
The napping all day I can understand.
What new designs?
Here are some of the new designs.
I love the rainbow cowboy one.
Thank you!!!!
Did you see the gay cowboy movie montage from the Oscars? Hope this link works, it’s awesome!
I saw it and loved it!!!!! It was a total scream.
I like all of them, but I agree with SN on the Rainbow Cowboy.
Thank you!!! That one is my favorite also of the ones I did today.
Willie Nelson’s cover of Pansy Division’s “Cowboys are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other”? It’s absolutely wild…and Willie’s the only one who could’ve pulled it off…
You know better than to say ‘pulled it off’ in here.
The last thing I ever want to picture in my mind is willie nelson pulling off his clothes. LOL The wrinkles on his face are bad enough. I don;t want to think about the others. LOL
I heard it and laughed so hard I cried. LOL
Olivia, thank goodness you’re here.
A lot of testosterone in the frog pond tonight! 🙂
Things were deteriorating rapidly.
What are you up to tonight?
I’m just hanging out doing not too much of anything — watching two hockey games — Habs v Penguins, Leafs v Rangers and listening to Ottawa v Sabres on the radio. I’m in heaven… 🙂
Olivia they’re using my name and talking about Japanese toilets. Make em stop. 🙂
I’m going to have stomach cramps from LMAO if you mention that just one more time.
I might feel bad for you if you weren’t conspiring up above with refinish60 and NDD on that story about maryb right now … Hmmm? 😉
HI Olivia!!!!
Ever since I learned what your name means from that diary, well, I get the most explicit images in my head whenever I see your name… 🙂
Just don’t be posting any macro images of it, okay?
well I don’t do both at the same time. LOL
… giving me more mental images! LOL!
Well, I do try to keep everyone entertained. LOL
(no pun intended) on the conversation — I was doing some research. Saw a mention on the Air America site (the podcast feed page for Laura Flanders show) that New Orleans Public Library was looking for book donations — I decided to do some digging and it turns out they need money more than books, as does the Jefferson Parish library system; both were heavily damaged by Katrina.
Donations can be sent to:
Friends of Jefferson Public Library
P.O. Box 9391
Metairie, LA 70055
New Orleans Public Library Foundation
219 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans LA 70112-9824
(click here for a donation form)
Wonder if I should diary this…
Yes definitely Cali. We’ll see it here in the cafe, but it would get much more attention in a diary. Cross posted too.
I’ll take care of it later tonight — have to go out grocery shopping and figure out what we’re doing for dinner…
I’ll be very intermittently posting over the next couple of hours.
Which little froggybottom wants to put up another lounge? I’ll do it unless you want to, FM.
I just saw this. I’ll go ahead and do it.
I just did, FM.
New lounge open.