We’ve already heard about the Pentagon spying on Quakers, the NSA eavesdropping on and reading the email of American citizens, and the FBI spying on Churches and Mosques. Now we have evidence that the FBI has been breaking into lawyer’s offices and stealing privileged files.

On Sept. 23, 2005–nearly three months before the Times broke the NSA story–Thomas Nelson wrote to U.S. Attorney Karin Immergut in Oregon that in the previous nine months, “I and others have seen strong indications that my office and my home have been the target of clandestine searches.” In an interview, Nelson said he believes that the searches resulted from the fact that FBI agents accidentally gave his client classified documents and were trying to retrieve them. Nelson’s client is Soliman al-Buthe, codirector of a now defunct charity named al-Haramain, who was indicted in 2004 for illegally taking charitable donations out of the country. The feds also froze the charity’s assets, alleging ties to Osama bin Laden. The documents that were given to him, Nelson says, may prove that al-Buthe was the target of the NSA surveillance program.

The searches, if they occurred, were anything but deft. Late at night on two occasions, Nelson’s colleague Jonathan Norling noticed a heavyset, middle-aged, non-Hispanic white man claiming to be a member of an otherwise all-Hispanic cleaning crew, wearing an apron and a badge and toting a vacuum. But, says Norling, “it was clear the vacuum was not moving.” Three months later, the same man, waving a brillo pad, spent some time trying to open Nelson’s locked office door, Norling says. Nelson’s wife and son, meanwhile, repeatedly called their home security company asking why their alarm system seemed to keep malfunctioning. The company could find no fault with the system.

If this reminds you of E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, it should. I don’t know why anyone believes that the President had limited his extralegal domestic spying to terrorists. He’s just doing, as Arlen Specter said, “any damn thing he wants.”