Froggy Bottom Lounge
Your host is AWOL.
Your Bartender is Rosie from the Jetsons.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Sunday Snacks by to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
A little Froggy said it might be Omir’s birthday?
Happy birthday, Omir!

What would we do without your delightful animations, CG? Hmm, I guess I would have fewer smiles, so keep them coming, please. Got those bookcases finished yet? heheh
Aw, shucks, that’s like my only animation, and I borrowed it from SallyCat…thanks, though!
Didn’t you see the Friday afternoon cafe?
Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope it is a fabulous one!!!!!
Omir’s birthday?
Well, happy birthday! Hope you had a great day, today.
A big Jetson’s Happy Birthday to you, Omir.
Happy Birthday, OMIR!
And hi to AWOL, our host, too!
How was baseball practice? Do you coach or just watch?
Practice was good. I coached, so I’m reluctant to say it was great, though I enjoyed it a lot. These are 7- 8-, and 9-year-olds, and at that age our Little League plays pitching machine — there’s literally a machine on the mound, reliably throwing strikes at 40 to 45 mph. It’s fun to watch some of these kids hit; no less so to watch them occasionally pick up a grounder and wing a throw to first. And they’re starting to figure the game out a little bit. Second-best experience in baseball, only behind playing the game, and just ahead of watching the big leaguers play it.
Thanks for asking, maryb.
Happy Happy Joy Joy Omir … oops, that was supposed to be BIRTHDAY! Anyway, hope you’re having a good one, and here’s to many more stories to come …
Happy Birthday Omir!!
got to run, concert at 7PM, (my 75 yr old friend is conducting). Hope I’m as lively at that age as he is.
Hey, OMIR, just remember you’re as young as you want to be.
Happy, Happy Birthday Omir!
I’m here w/ the cake — made just for Omir! 😉
Happy Birthday!
Payback is…..
How ya doing Family Man — how many naps today? 🙂
About all I’ve been doing. 🙂
It’s been overcast and rainy all day here.
How are you today?
… that means no yard work, right? 🙂
I just got back from a hockey game — so the grand total for the w/e is 2 live games, 4 television games, and 2 radio games. This is the best time of year! 🙂
Got the Sharks on the tube right now, up 3-1 over Avalanche — important game (actually all important from here out).
Bought tickets for two of last four home games: 4/9 vs. Stars and 4/15 vs. Ducks.
Other than the Sharks, not the greatest of nights around these parts — spouse and I are having a bit of a disagreement. Actually had to go out and take a walk around the complex to cool off…proud of myself for that at least. I really need that SoCal getaway next week…hope I can hold out till then and not run away to a local motel…
The Sharks aren’t out of things yet… I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they make it in. (I think that you, DJ, and myself are the only hockey nuts here at BT.)
Good for you for taking control of the situation, to get away from each other and cool down — heat of the moments can get messy.
I hope you’re feeling better — I know that you’ve not been well the last little while. Take care!{{{Cali Scribe}}}
That is disgustingly wonderful!
Hiya maryb… How are you today? 🙂
I’m very well Olivia. I love the pink flower you’re hilighting first on your site. Very springlike.
Mmmmmm. I should hang that up in my kitchen. I’ll bet it would help me swear off sweets forever.
What that was a real cake?
Looked a little too real for me, with that chocolate frosting. {{{shudder}}}
… “Happiness is Poop” SN?
(It is pretty bad isn’t it? LOL! I apologize to everyone — but note that I linked to it, instead of posting the photo!)
It’s not up to your usual standards for incredible beauty, and thank you for linking to it.
I had to clean the RL litter box today, and Pussy McFlabbington never confines her gifts to the interior of the box, if you know what I mean.
…know what you mean. Although, he has been much better about it all since we got a covered box. The mess — flung litter — is reduced greatly.
I’ve lately switched to that whitish, pearly litter. It lasts a good long time if you remove the, um, solid waste and just stir the wet stuff around. More than a month with one cat, and about half that for two cats. But they still kick it all around.
I’m picturing you in June Cleaver pearls saying those exact words in a television commercial — looking straight into the camera. “I’ve lately switched …”
I am exactly like June Cleaver; you’ve read me perfectly! Except for the dresses. And the makeup. And the pearls. And the apron. And the cheerful demeanor. And the baking skills. And the clean house.
But everything else…yes!
Oh, and Ward, I think you’ve been too hard on the Beav.
I know you AREN’T June, I was picturing you acting June.
I guess I should have said that you could be writing the script for June 🙂
I would like to see a remake of Leave it to Beaver where you could hear what June was really thinking while she was sublimating everything. Don’t you think that would be fun? And the nicknames: Beaver and Whitey…think they could pull that off today?
Beaver? No way.
Whitey you might get away with.
Maybe you could make the words come out of her head in cartoon bubbles.
Hey, kids! Let’s talk about kitty litter! lol
I use some terrific stuff called ‘Cedarific’ — made of cedar shavings. It’s great! Lasts forever, no smell at all, no clay dust to irritate tiny lungs & it creates no unsightly waste. I just throw it all down the slope & by the following season you can’t even see it!
I want to throw all of ours “down the slope” too. Unfortunately it would roll into our neighbor’s side door. Sometimes I hate suburbia.
Can’t imagine that would do much for neighborly relations, SN.
This cedar stuff is great for composting, too, if you’ve got a little compost pile or container. The urine makes it extra special, believe it or not.
I’m sure I haven’t mentioned the patch of bare earth under one of our nearby hemlock trees. Nothing at all ever grew there ’til the Queen of the Woods started using it for her litter box. Now it’s filled with plants & grasses!
WW, don’t you love when you hear a phrase that you know you’ll never hear again..and that makes it extra special?
You know it!
Really, though, you could use the phrase again for the ‘happiness is a warm poopy’ cake.
I’ve never heard of that before — it sounds wonderful! Where do you get it?
Howdy, o purveyor of lovely things!
Cedarific comes from our local Agway pet supply chain. I believe it’s a Canadian product, actually — give me a second, let me check on that.
Everything you always wanted to know about Cedarific cat litter.
Turns out it’s made here in New York, in the Adirondacks. I must’ve confused it with our favorite brand of cat food, which is Canadian.
Ah well — cat litter, cat food, it’s all the same to a curious toddler ..
Thanks for the link ww. I will go straight-away to read about it. 🙂
If you’d like to try it, see if one of your local pet supply outlets will order some. That way other folks can check it out, too.
(Disclaimer: No, I don’t actually work for Adirondack Crafts!)
oh, sweet jesus, turn on WXPN. Animals.
Warm & bountiful birthday greetings to our very own Omir!
May your next journey ’round the sun bring you love, beauty & serenity.
Can you pick Janet out of the crowd?
Not out of one that big!
It seems kind of funny to me that the main focus of that picture is a sign calling for an action that Barbara obviously did 50-some odd years ago.
(too low? nahhh.)
Did you get to show Andi any of your pictures before she left on vacation? It occurred to me that your blue pictures may be photos of the holy ground of the blue dot. 🙂
Or whatever kind of homeland the blue dot would have.
No, I didn’t…but I guess if she’s on vacation now, when she gets back the cafes are going to be a dial-up nightmare between the two of us.
she’s gone all week. I think she gets back this weekend.
Thank god I upgraded to DSL
Awesome! Here’s one that should take advantage of your upgrade…this is part of the ‘Animate’ company complex in Ikebekuro:

the Blue Dot has a building. and we thought the blue dot was just spiritual.
How many pictures do you take to get a good one. Or do you just point and click?
I usually just point and click…but with something like this one, I know the limitations of my camera. Namely, that if I take it with a flash, it will look like crap, but if I take it with the flash turned off, it slows down the shutter speed which makes things blurry if you move the camera.
So with this one, I braced the camera against a railing to make sure that it didn’t turn out completely blurry. It turned out ok, but you can tell that it’s still not totally clear. It’s more or less a perfect capture of how I was seeing things that night 🙂
always nice to have an accurate memory 🙂
I second WW’s comment below.
I never say this, ej — but that’s truly a great-looking building!
I can’t take credit for the building, but I probably wouldn’t have taken a picture of it if it wasn’t my favorite color. They chose well 🙂
It’s a terrific color!
‘Course, I’m probably responding to it especially strongly because I haven’t seen much outdoor color at all lately.
Does it look like this at your place?
Wow! No, not quite. What is it that we’re looking at?
Siberia, from the window of a Boeing-777 🙂
Amazing. What an incredibly different landscape than anything familiar to me!
Frankly, ej, as a sworn homebody, the pictures you share from your travels are very fascinating to me. Thanks so much for sharing them!
Who’s around. My light just came back on.
UUURRRRP! Excuse me!
I’ll take mu usual 29!
what light?
My lights went out. A transformer blew just as I was typing to you, Olivia, and SN. They just got them fixed.
What’s going on tonight?
You’re in charge of entertainment since there is no basketball.
OK. Where did Refinish leave off with that story. 🙂
why does all entertainment have to involve me?
I’m giving you a warning for that.
Mr. Nature’s beloved Wolfpack lost and is out of the tourney.
But did you see West Wing? It was a pretty good one and makes me sad that it’s coming to an end.
No, what happened?
Bruno (Ron Silver) who is the chief Vinick advisor “found” Matt Santos’s briefcase and wanted Arnie to leak what they found inside to the media. A checking account and one check each month made out to a woman with a seven year old child.
(gasp) and did we find out who the woman and child were?
Arnie took the high road and gave it back to Santos without using the info., but he advised him to get it out into the open instead of having it come out later. Santos said it was his no-good brother’s child, but we really don’t know now.
Arnie is NOT a real Republican.
Of course not. Way too much integrity. But Ron Silver is a real republican. Smug, self-righteous, bad hair, sexually repressed.
To switch shows. They have a new Lost coming on Wednesday.
Are you sure? Because if you’re toying with me, that’s just cruel.
Nope. I heard the announce it earlier on the TV.
I wondered where you disappeared to — I didn’t think you left to nap that quickly! 😉
No I wouldn’t leave without letting ya’ll know. That would be rude. 🙂
between here and hockey chat…and deciding if I should go ahead and eat without the spouse — we’re feuding because he had a large meal while he was out erranding, when I told him dinner would be ready by 4pm. Now he says he’s not ready to eat till 7. I really want to start having dinner earlier so I(we) have time to work it off instead of it turning to fat overnight. His body clock seems to work different than mine though — his parents tend to be late diners; I usually try to have a light snack before heading over there for dinner. I’m almost at the point where I hate to cook dinner — I never know when he’ll be ready to eat…
Well, I could at least go get the Caesar salad tossed; maybe that’ll coax him to eat… 🙂
Go ahead and eat without the spouse. Keep it warm if he wants to eat later. You did the work, you eat when you’re ready.
Just my .02
You eat when its ready and he’ll eventually fall into line.
Just tell ol’ spouse that if he isn’t ready to eat when you are, you’ll just invite your Tribber friends (meaning me of course) to come and eat his portion. You snooze you lose!
Wait a minute Cali. You’ve got more hungry Tribber friends than EJ. Sorry EJ. 🙂
Blast! Well, I suppose the more competition the better if Cali’s spouse is going to get the message 🙂
My thought was if nothings there, maybe in the future when Cali calls he’ll come running. I know I would. 🙂
Well I’ve had knid of a rough day, so I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow.
Everyone have a good night.
such a geezer!
Hope tomorrow is better for you. {{{FMan}}}
I’ve opened a nice clean cafe where pictures may be posted without fear of harm.