The Chimperor is giving a speech on Iraq right now. It’s not any better than the old ones.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Any day that George debates Allawi and other Iraqi officials on whether or not there is civil war in Iraq is a day that peace is given a shot of adrenaline. The conversation is shifting, while the WH message is not. I think and hope that they will pay for it in the end.
This motherfucker never tires of the big lie.
‘Mr. President, do you consider the war in Iraq as a sign of the apocalypse?”
Please tell me that isn’t a real quote…
yes, it was a real quote (paraphrased). And he had no answer for it. He basically said he was a little more practical minded.
Bush goes on a long incoherent ramble wherein he congratulates Europe for not waging war any more because of all the democracies there.
Misses the twin ironies completely that he and his pals were, 1: bashing Europe relentlessly for not participating in the war against Iraq, and 2: that the US is a democracy and seems to wage war without end and is the primary aggressor on the planet.
Listtening to him in the background, his erratic tone of voice and haphazard style lets me know he’s striking out on his own with some of this commentary; misremembering the various soundbytes and struggling to fit them together for a coherent delivery.
The scope of his imbecility never ceases to amaze!
Is it, in any substantial way, any different from every other speech he’s given since 9/11?
in front of the WH saying Bush stayed on so long to show that he could “take the tough questions” – not a word about the fact that he didn’t answer any of the questions. If you try to grill me about a murder that occurred yesterday in New York and I’m allowed to tell you about my trip to Vermont last year instead, I can also say that I’ve taken the tough questions.
come on folks– tal afar! a kurdish city. In the Kurdish control section of the divided Iraq. Build a berm. Throw everyone out. Let back only the chosen! (like his speeches!) — This is an example of the winning policy? Damn, this piece of shit has zero scruples. BUT- let us not get cocky cause we ain’t got nuttin to be cocky about. When we can only get three(3) sens to support Feingolds’ censure proposal– there is trouble in Dem City- BIG TROUBLE and personaly, I won’t give them a dime until I see them getting their act together. Not a Dime.
has the live interview of guantanamo inmates, the ones from England, telling their story…watch//