Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Because our soldier says that he isn’t going back to the middle east if you say he has to go ever…..and he says that it isn’t because he is a conscientious objector either you peice of shit……he said he isn’t fighting any more illegal wars for you or any of the other fuckers on Capitol Hill who won’t stand up and END THIS INSANITY! He said he’s going to Leavenworth. Besieged you scumbag? Yeah we feel pretty besieged by you right now and Hillary too!
(((Tracy))))) if they lock up all the soldiers and Marines, the mothers and the children…. who will they have around???
My veteran is finally ready to attend VFP romps with the PPRC and NO War Drums people in public.
Mr. Bush,
You have destroyed everything decent in this country. You have killed and murdered innocent lives. You are a war pig and a war profiteer. You will be judged. By man. By women, By children… and by the dead.
Note the following from a piece by William Rivers Pitt on the PNAC, posted here in February ’03:
Iraq is but the beginning, a pretense for a wider conflict. Donald Kagan, a
central member of PNAC, sees America establishing permanent military bases
in Iraq after the war. This is purportedly a measure to defend the peace inthe Middle East, and to make sure the oil flows. The nations in that
region, however, will see this for what it is: a jump-off point for American forces to invade any nation in that region they choose to. The
American people, anxiously awaiting some sort of exit plan after America defeats Iraq, will see too late that no exit is planned.
As far as I can tell, the overall plan is unfolding ‘correctly’. Regional destabilization, imho, was not only foreseen in these plans, but considered completely advantageous to the justification of a lasting US presence, which is the final point.
Not a word out of Bush’s mouth tells us anything different; the attempt is only to justify the ultimate goal, for the American public, in terms of the established narrative (freedom, democracy & so on).
Yes! I agree the plan is unfolding pretty much as the neocons wanted; chaos, spreading and intensifying conflict designed to envelop the entire region.
Even now as the PNAC gang is making ready their departure from the centerstage of official power in DC, they surely believe they’ve set in motion the necessary requirements for unceasing conflict for the forseeable future in the Middle East and beyond.
Even though they are now posturing themselves as bemoaning the “failures” in Iraq, this is a sham, this is faux lament. In reality, they’re pleased that everything is really screwed up in Iraq and the broader MidEast, and they know that they’ll have not only Rumsfeld to blame in the here and now for the mess, they know they’ll have whoever comes after the current regime to foist the blame for the disaster off on, protecting themselves and their own precious delusional ideology from blame, (in their own minds at least), even as they celebrate amongst themselves like the demonic lunatics they are.
I forgot to add though that I don’t think the neocon agenda will advance the way they want because they miscalculated on the money angle and because they thought they’d be able to keep the domestic public’s collective ignorance weaponized at a high state of readiness over a long period of time.
But the American public is now tired of this war, worn out by having to think about it because they se stuff about it everyday. And the electoral realities for Repubs require they distance themselves now from the neocon rubric.
So violence will continue for a long time, but the active provocation of new violence instigated by the US will begin to wind down once the neocons start slinking back into their caves.
I happened to flip through the TV channels and found the latest soprano’s episode being rebroadcast, where tony is having the “dreams” whilehe’s lying in the hospital.
I was in a similar state for about 3 months back in 2004, not from a gunshot wound but from a major heart attack. I can say that the “dreams”, the hallucinations, are so real that they are “more real” than reality. I still remember all of my big hallucinations just as if they happened to me in real life.
One particular hallucination I remember that was based in reality was in March of ’04, after I’d been in hospital for month. I must have been in a regular ward recuperating from one of the surgeries because I remember seeing on TV the bobmbings in Madrid and scenesof the bloddy aftermath and realizing that the wprldwas coming to an end, completely engulfed in war, thanks to Dick Cheney and the Pentagon.
I remember weeping at this uncontrolably, (whether I wept in real life or not I haven’t a clue), but I did reflect on this particular experience yesterday on the observance marking the end of the third year after the invasion of Iraq.
Besieged by the fact that my great-nieces’ portion of the National Debt is $30K each before they even make it out of elementary school…
Besieged by knowing that our Congressional “leadership” thinks it’s okay to impeach a President who lied about sex, but cannot even censure a President who willfully and purposely broke the FISA laws…
Besieged by Democrats who cower at the very thought of standing up to the craven, corrupt “leadership” (there are a few bright lights in the darkness)…
Besieged by Democratic “leadership” that goes for “electability” over Democratic values, hand-picking their Chosen One and to hell with the voters…
Besieged by a misAdministration that only cares for the wealthy and connected, and lets the poor and middle class twist slowly in the wind…
Ever get the urge to drive Republicans mad? Are you ready for some March Madness?
Following on my suggestion (<elvis>thank you, thank you very much </elvis>) the Gillibrand campaign has started an internet fund raising campaign and come up with a March Madness theme in honor of the Dean bat!
Click the linksthen look for the basketball graphic on the right. While you are there help us drive the republicans mad by contributing a few bucks to Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaign!
Drive the Republicans mad by helping us drive John Sweeney from office, take a seat that shouldn’t be in play but is, and take back the House of Representatives at the same time!
What people read.
You are what you read . .
> 1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
> 2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the
> country.
> 3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run
> the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles.
> 4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the
> country but don’t really understand The New York Times. They do,
> however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.
> 5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind
> running the country — if they could find the time — and if they
> didn’t have to leave Southern California to do it.
> 6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the
> country and did a far superior job of it, thank you very much.
> 7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure
> who’s running the country and don’t really care as long as they can
> get a seat on the train.
> 8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who’s running
> the country as long as they do something really scandalous,
> preferably while intoxicated.
> 9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another
> country but need the baseball scores.
> 10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure
> there is a country … or that anyone is running it; but if so,
> they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional
> exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist
> dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country
> or galaxy, provided, of course, that they are not Republicans.
> 11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the
> grocery store.
> 12. None of these are read by the guy who is running the country
> into the ground.
So when is he actually gonna do something about it and resign?
Yeah, besieged by the fact that this country is going to hell and the asshole-in-chief is not doing a damned thing about it!
from the asshole king
Impeach the Bastard Sticker (Bumper)
I think this says it all.
Because our soldier says that he isn’t going back to the middle east if you say he has to go ever…..and he says that it isn’t because he is a conscientious objector either you peice of shit……he said he isn’t fighting any more illegal wars for you or any of the other fuckers on Capitol Hill who won’t stand up and END THIS INSANITY! He said he’s going to Leavenworth. Besieged you scumbag? Yeah we feel pretty besieged by you right now and Hillary too!
(((Tracy))))) if they lock up all the soldiers and Marines, the mothers and the children…. who will they have around???
My veteran is finally ready to attend VFP romps with the PPRC and NO War Drums people in public.
Mr. Bush,
You have destroyed everything decent in this country. You have killed and murdered innocent lives. You are a war pig and a war profiteer. You will be judged. By man. By women, By children… and by the dead.
What about the families in Isahaqi???
Murdering bastard Bush!
When Eman and the other delegates return, will you have them shot in the face, too???
Ghandi’s diary
If that diary doesn’t piss you off… make a person want to question WTF is going on….then there is no hope.
It’s nothing that a nice hunting trip with Dick Cheney wouldn’t resolve.
That was the best one that you’ve come up w/!
I suggest elephant guns for those very large Texas quail.
Ha! (((Boran2)))) I thought I was too mad to laugh this hour. Thank you!
You deserve a release, hugs to you, Janet!
That just earned my very occasional “roffle of the day” award! 🙂
roffle * 3
And of course, my sentiments exactly.
Thankfully, my family is feeling far less beseiged now that I can no longer put food on them.
Can’t help but wonder about the context of the above statement by the Cretin-in-Chief. I didn’t hear today’s monkey-chatter, myself.
I just had a thought…
He’s trying to explain why we are feeling so bad and that all this is for our own good. We just have to wait it all out see it to the end.??
Does this mean that Bush is going to try to win our “hearts and minds”?
Perish the thought, DJ — considering the most likely method.
Exatamundo darling.
His idea of “liberating” people means SHOOTING them and dropping bombs on them.
Sounds like he’s trying to play daddy punishing his childred–this is for your own good, it hurts me more than it does you, blah, blah, blah…
As I’ve been saying since news of the plans for these permanent bases in Iraq became known, BushCo has no intention of leaving Iraq.
This link, discovered at Think Progress, is but one more bit of news supporting that assessment.
Note the following from a piece by William Rivers Pitt on the PNAC, posted here in February ’03:
As far as I can tell, the overall plan is unfolding ‘correctly’. Regional destabilization, imho, was not only foreseen in these plans, but considered completely advantageous to the justification of a lasting US presence, which is the final point.
Not a word out of Bush’s mouth tells us anything different; the attempt is only to justify the ultimate goal, for the American public, in terms of the established narrative (freedom, democracy & so on).
Yes! I agree the plan is unfolding pretty much as the neocons wanted; chaos, spreading and intensifying conflict designed to envelop the entire region.
Even now as the PNAC gang is making ready their departure from the centerstage of official power in DC, they surely believe they’ve set in motion the necessary requirements for unceasing conflict for the forseeable future in the Middle East and beyond.
Even though they are now posturing themselves as bemoaning the “failures” in Iraq, this is a sham, this is faux lament. In reality, they’re pleased that everything is really screwed up in Iraq and the broader MidEast, and they know that they’ll have not only Rumsfeld to blame in the here and now for the mess, they know they’ll have whoever comes after the current regime to foist the blame for the disaster off on, protecting themselves and their own precious delusional ideology from blame, (in their own minds at least), even as they celebrate amongst themselves like the demonic lunatics they are.
I forgot to add though that I don’t think the neocon agenda will advance the way they want because they miscalculated on the money angle and because they thought they’d be able to keep the domestic public’s collective ignorance weaponized at a high state of readiness over a long period of time.
But the American public is now tired of this war, worn out by having to think about it because they se stuff about it everyday. And the electoral realities for Repubs require they distance themselves now from the neocon rubric.
So violence will continue for a long time, but the active provocation of new violence instigated by the US will begin to wind down once the neocons start slinking back into their caves.
I happened to flip through the TV channels and found the latest soprano’s episode being rebroadcast, where tony is having the “dreams” whilehe’s lying in the hospital.
I was in a similar state for about 3 months back in 2004, not from a gunshot wound but from a major heart attack. I can say that the “dreams”, the hallucinations, are so real that they are “more real” than reality. I still remember all of my big hallucinations just as if they happened to me in real life.
One particular hallucination I remember that was based in reality was in March of ’04, after I’d been in hospital for month. I must have been in a regular ward recuperating from one of the surgeries because I remember seeing on TV the bobmbings in Madrid and scenesof the bloddy aftermath and realizing that the wprldwas coming to an end, completely engulfed in war, thanks to Dick Cheney and the Pentagon.
I remember weeping at this uncontrolably, (whether I wept in real life or not I haven’t a clue), but I did reflect on this particular experience yesterday on the observance marking the end of the third year after the invasion of Iraq.
Besieged by the fact that my great-nieces’ portion of the National Debt is $30K each before they even make it out of elementary school…
Besieged by knowing that our Congressional “leadership” thinks it’s okay to impeach a President who lied about sex, but cannot even censure a President who willfully and purposely broke the FISA laws…
Besieged by Democrats who cower at the very thought of standing up to the craven, corrupt “leadership” (there are a few bright lights in the darkness)…
Besieged by Democratic “leadership” that goes for “electability” over Democratic values, hand-picking their Chosen One and to hell with the voters…
Besieged by a misAdministration that only cares for the wealthy and connected, and lets the poor and middle class twist slowly in the wind…
…and yes, I see no way out, at least for now…
Hi Folks,
Ever get the urge to drive Republicans mad? Are you ready for some March Madness?
Following on my suggestion (<elvis>thank you, thank you very much </elvis>) the Gillibrand campaign has started an internet fund raising campaign and come up with a March Madness theme in honor of the Dean bat!
Click the linksthen look for the basketball graphic on the right. While you are there help us drive the republicans mad by contributing a few bucks to Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaign!
Drive the Republicans mad by helping us drive John Sweeney from office, take a seat that shouldn’t be in play but is, and take back the House of Representatives at the same time!
While you are at it click my name here to go to Russ Feingold’s Progressive Patriots Fund and vote for Kirsten Gillibrand in his Pick a Progressive Patriot contest!
Server Error
Gmail is temporarily unavailable. Cross your fingers and try again in a few minutes. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
Got to love geeks with a sense of humor… 😉
What people read.
You are what you read . .
> 1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
> 2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the
> country.
> 3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run
> the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles.
> 4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the
> country but don’t really understand The New York Times. They do,
> however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.
> 5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind
> running the country — if they could find the time — and if they
> didn’t have to leave Southern California to do it.
> 6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the
> country and did a far superior job of it, thank you very much.
> 7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure
> who’s running the country and don’t really care as long as they can
> get a seat on the train.
> 8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who’s running
> the country as long as they do something really scandalous,
> preferably while intoxicated.
> 9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another
> country but need the baseball scores.
> 10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure
> there is a country … or that anyone is running it; but if so,
> they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional
> exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist
> dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country
> or galaxy, provided, of course, that they are not Republicans.
> 11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the
> grocery store.
> 12. None of these are read by the guy who is running the country
> into the ground.