Goodmorning my friends. The time is rapidly approaching for the Great SoCal Meetup!! I thought it was time to get a handle on who is actually coming, when and a tentative itinerary. I believe our main purpose is to get to know one another, exchange ideas and start the revolution…lol.
Friday 3/31
Frogsters arrive throughout the day.
Welcome Wagon throughout the day at Leezy’s Place.
5PM Happy Hour out and back to Leezy’s/hotel.
Sat. 4/01
Many have shown interest in a variety of interests as varied as just hanging out, walking the beach, Sea Kayaking, Going to the zooor maybe even whale watching. Whatever your interest there is plenty to do.
5PM Cookout and Jam Party, maybe some live blogging at Leezy’s Place. Time to let our hair down and have a Get To Know You time.
Sunday 4/02
To Be decided, depending on when folks have to leave. Open to all ideas not just for Sunday but the whole weekend!!
Please take the poll so I can get a head count. Also please email me with your arrival times, if you are renting a car or need a ride. The only one I know that has a car right now is JanetStrange and she is willing to pick folks up at the airport if need be as she is arriving late Thursday night.SanDiegoDem has also offered to shuttle folks but depending on how many are actually coming I am sure we could use a couple of cars. Public transportation is minimal to Del MAr.
I am so excited to be meeting you all and seeing others again.
alohaleezy at sbcglobal dot net
See You All Soon!!
Please don’t forget to email me with arrivals etc. Any suggestions are greatly welcomed here in comments. Also, recommends so all get a chance to see this diary!
Airline confirmed for 11:30ish arrival…on 3/31
4 door mid-size (Taurus size) car confirmed for all weekend…until noon on 4/2 for return…lots of people and luggage space for shuttle service!
Hotel confirmed
Wine is purchased…
Please let it not rain!
This is so great! I hope it warms up too. It has been windy and chilly but today is bright sunshine, blue skies and white puffy clouds. See you in two weeks!
I am keeping fingers crossed for the weather, forcast for this weekend is warmer and sunny so far, so hopefully that will continue.
Aloha we should also get everyone’s cell number and make a list and then send to all on the list, I can do that if it’s easier or whatever….my email is
So excited, can’t wait, I only have 8 days to wait for Shirl as she is coming on the 28th so….wow….
Just emailed you my cell number — now I got to go make sure the dang thing is charged…
I’ll email home and work #’s….no cell phone….gave that thing away a couple of jobs ago! insert giant happy face here!
Diane…if you could get everyone’s number that would be great and then email it to me. I will have more time later in the week. Thanks for the offer. Can’t wait to see you. It was great fun chatting on the phone the other night.
Looking forward to it very much… 🙂
I’ll be there! I’m driving, but still haven’t nailed down an exact time of arrival yet. It all depends on work that day (Friday). Can’t wait to meet you all!
Just so long you get here…that is great! Manny email me if you need directions from the 8. it is very easy to get here….really!
Thanks for the updates! Now I know to arrange for the older brother to stay home on Fri and Sat night 🙂 My days on Sat and Sun will be pretty much dominated by Little League activities and a school carnival (doesn’t everything always smash together at once?) but I will make sure I am off work on Friday and have the evenings free.
Alrighty! I am also taking Friday off. We will finally get to meet. Sorry I haven’t been in touch but have been extremely busy both at work and doing basketball games on the weekends with my grandleezy. Talk to you soon!
Just thought of something we need to think about reg. cell phones, and since I am a neophyte on this subject I am not sure of the answer.
Subject is roaming, check if you have it, because otherwise I believe the phone may not work when you are out of your subscribing area. I have to find out about mine too, fill us in if you know the answer to that question.
I think our Family Plan includes free roaming (it’s one of the things we wanted, especially for our trip in June), but I’ll double check that this week…the plan is with Cingular, BTW, a union operation… 🙂
Hi Diane, I’m not attending, just putting in my two cents here. The phone will work outside of your designated area, but you will be hit with an extra roaming charge. These can be substantial.
Family man mentioned something on Village Blue about podcasting some of the meetup….Just to let you all know Shirl is bringing a recorder and we can then upload to the podcast site on VB….so you can all listen in to our meetup and hear all the voices and no doubt the fun and laughter too.
Manee I am so glad you are coming, been wanting to meet you forever!!!!
I’ve had some happy but major life changes take place, and I’m not going to be able to get out there that weekend. I so would have loved to meet you all, but it is not to be right now. I hope you all have a fun and a wonderful time… I’m sure you will! Give each other hugs from me. 🙂
I am majorly disappointed but life does these things sometimes. Hope all is well and you will be missed.
You know that I will be there! Diane and I will try to arrange our arrival Friday afternoon. . .AmTrak unless someone has some weird desire to drive to Santa Ana and pick us up. . .LOL
Solana Beach is the station nearest Del Mar, so it will be lovely if someone is able to pick up the two Goddesses. We will give you an arrival time a bit later.
Too kool!
Sorry Sherm can’t make it, I was so looking forward to seeing her. But glad that things are going well and happy!
Hugs everyone.
Kool Shirls. I spoke to Diane last week and told her I could pick you two up as the train station is but five minites or so away. Can’t wait to meet you!
We should be easy to pick out of a crowd
And LOL again.
I would also like to mention that if anyone lives in the socal area and wants to attend, it’s not to late, email me or Aloha and we can add you to the list.
Yes, EVERYONE is welcome. Come one, come all. The more the merrier. Now where’s that Supersoling guy? LOL
My computer is down at the office so I will only be responding on breaks etc. Again…greatly appreciated if people email me with arrivals. Later!!
I just want you all to know that I am feeling totally like the dumpy chick that didn’t fit in with the kewl kids and their kewl plans. :::sniff:::
Take lots of pictures! Have fun!
some even postable… 😉
(Watch for the special offer of $14.95 for the super secret XXX photos… lol)
considering I’m the only male at the moment, your comment is particularly amusing 😛
Supersoling! Can you hear me through the ether?
Make sure you wear dark glasses, Manee!
Awesome! Now you can feel free to be wild and unrestrained in total anonymity.
SN…you are the kewlest of the kewl kids! I sure wish everyone could make it. When the original poll was taken there were at least 16 yes’ and now I am only seeing 8.:( Hope its just that things have come up or others haven’t seen the diary today.You will be with us in spirit for sure kiddo!!
Thanks, leezy! I’m really excited about seeing the pictures, and the follow up diaries!
SN, you are still the koolest in my book! Now you just tell the hubby to hand over the credit card, booka flight and get yourself out here!!! Really, wish you could, we are all so anxious to meet you in the real.
We will miss you. I hope I can get to the east coast if you guys ever get your date and place together, I will try to plan for it. Meantime, we will just talk behind your back and set a place at the table for you.
Love ya,
I’m really looking forward to you and Diane sharing your thoughts about finally getting to meet face to face. Hopefully it will lead to another diary about Two Strong Women. 🙂
You can count on another Strong Women diary! and MeetUp diaries, and podcasts and more. . . .
There will be lots to talk about.
My husband always hates to set up plans for socializing. But lately, he’s been able to use an excuse… “I don’t know if we can make it or not – Janet might be in jail or something…” 😛
House still isn’t sold – been snowing down there on it. AND
CodePink really seems to want my ideas and such.
I’ll still keep hoping things will pan out – because I really really really like that Darth mask 🙂
that you’ll bring back even more ideas from Southern California… 🙂
Oh, did you see my poem? (Albert has a link to it in his front pager.) Feel free to share it with your crew… 🙂
Damn it! Janet!
We really like your ideas too. . .! Hard to spread yourself around sometimes, but we are all so hoping that you will be able to be here with us! DamnitJanet!!!
Got my fingers crossed, cuz I really want to see you and hear all that you have to tell us.