Froggy Bottom Lounge
Your host is AWOL.
Your Bartender is Rosie from the Jetsons.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Sunday Snacks by to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
to vote for your faves in the Koufax Awards…voting by email is the easiest.
Second the advice to vote by email. The server is crawling . . . .
Yippee! I was wondering when happy happy joy joy hour would commence! Now, where’s MaryB when you need her cocktail skills?
maryb is avoiding us…I haven’t seen her all day. Or maybe she’s (oh, the horror!)…working? 🙂
I’ve actually had a lot of slacker time here at work today, so that’s why I’m around so much more. Not something that happens often, but I try to enjoy it when I can!
How those shelves looking CG? Got them crammed full of stuff yet?
Ya know, with the snow and all today, I may just have a Hendricks Martini when I get home tonight … haven’t indulged in one of those for quite some time.
What’s a Hendricks martini?
The shelves are slowly getting filled. I have a stack of stuff to deal with yet…
Hendricks is perhaps one of the tastiest, smoothest gins in the world. It’s made in small batches in Scotland (of all places) and their not-so-secret ingredient is cucumbers. I know, that sounds nasty, but it’s very subtle and adds a lot to the gin. It comes in a really cool apothecary looking type dark blue bottle, very unassuming when you see it on the shelf. I also love Tanqueray 10 and Blue Sapphire martinis, but Hendricks makes the best ones, especially with blue cheese stuffed olives.
Mmm…blue cheese stuffed olives.
and the “secret ingredient” is cucumbers and we would just be three lonely girls running a Still? Hmmmm…..Come on Cabin, you know that backwoods Still is calling to you. Remember plan B if plan A of saving the world from evil fails?
My husbear would be all over that… He loves Cosmos, but personally, I’ve never had a taste for vodka. He makes his with this super expensive 100% cranberry juice w/no sweeteners and I have tasted them and they’re good!
The vodka though… I dunno… maybe it’s because of those jello shots I ate once at an MLA convention that messed me up … or maybe that time when my students threw a party for me, got me to drink iced shots of vodka and I passed out at my own party? Hmm… I just don’t know! 🙂
Erm…I’ll pass.
Whatcha been up to, SN?
Oh, nothing much, Cabin Girl. Just the usual. 🙂
I can’t wait to hear if you passed the tryouts and made the team tomorrow…rah, rah and all that, ya know. 🙂
I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe I can have some friends call in and stuff the ballot box.
cosmo? boo says no.
it’s a little known fact that Boo loves pringles.
Just don’t give him the ones with Olestra. Unless you want a repeat of that unfortunate bathroom poopy episode.
Rolly, one of our dogs likes Margaritas, but only in very small sips. We tried giving him Guiness once and he didn’t like it. Pepa, my dog, prefers Jelly Belly jalapeno jelly beans, believe it or not. But she’ll hoover up just about any kind of snack.
Right now he is rolling the empty pringles can around my living room as though he can use a centrifuge to magically enrich new pringles.
Had a catmiliar once that was every bit as much of a coffee fiend as I am. I finally got her a coffee dish to go with the water dish and the food bowl because I got really tired of putting my coffee down to do something and seeing furry ears sticking out of it when I got back.
And a caffeinated part-abycat is an awesome thing.
I miss her…..
I find it quite odd that both Family Man and Maryb have disappeared on the same day.
I’m just sayin’…
I thought FM had a migraine … I suspect he’s hiding in a dark room hopefully away from bright light and noise.
Well, that’s the story anyway. 🙂
You conspiracy theorist you! hehe
You do, do you?
admit it. it was the picture of FM in his jeans…
Picture? Did I miss a picture? 🙂
You can probably be a delegate to the conventions, and perhaps a precinct captain.
Come on, let’s take this party over like the religious right did with the Republican’s!
I’ll have to skip the cocktails currently. Meeting with the boss at 3ish…but he’s in a good mood so what the heck…
Way ahead on two deadlines today…and the sun is temporarily shining!
especially SallyCat’s… 🙂
Spouse called while I was in the shower; he’s stopping to pick up prescriptions and my vitamins, so will be home about 3-ish. Hate to tell him that I’m dragging him out to go erranding again…want to pick up something for tomorrow’s dinner and have to stop by Target for a few things.
Been making good progress on my project (transferring recipes into the computer)…ready for a break tomorrow…
You sound busy, CS. Don’t forget to take time out for Keith tonight, hehe.
to record it automatically — a leftover from when the spouse didn’t get home till 5:30 Pacific, half an hour into it. Plus, we’ll probably be monitoring a hockey game (Sharks are radio only, DJ) when he’s on, so we’ll catch it later; FF through the commercials and it only takes about 45 minutes to get through an episode (and I can back up and repeat any of the great bits if the spouse dozes off…).
I heart the DVR — definitely worth the extra $10 Comcast charges…now the spouse has got to figure out when he’s going to catch up with the two Sopranos episodes he’s missed (we don’t have In Demand here yet, boo hiss)…
My kitty has a major itch on his back (by his tail)…no fleas just kind of dry skin.
Any ideas on what to feed him to get some oil into his skin? He’s 15 on April 1…and both indoor / outdoor. The vet had no suggestions – she thought fleas – none that I can find (white fur and pink tummy it’s easy to check). Currently I’ve trimmed his fur a bit and put a little Aloe on the itchy spot twice a day which seems to help some.
My kitty Trouble – aka the “Twit”
My cure-all is olive oil. When my cat has dry skin I mix some in with her dry food, or I rub it on the dry spots. She often gets a dry spot down by her tail in the winter and that seems to help.
If he doesn’t like olive oil, maybe cod liver oil?
He didn’t like cod liver oil…maybe the olive oil will work. He does like it when I give him chicken from my plate cooked in olive oil! I hadn’t considered putting it on his dry skin directly..
I’ve never had a kitty with a biting / itchy skin problem before…and I’ve had lots of kitties!
Thanks SN…!
Poor Kitty!
Haven’t a clue, but I do know I didn’t give her that nasty crap called Poison Ivy. 🙂
I pulled out my vinyl copy of Van Morrison’s Veedon Fleece and I am SO glad I did. Fuck, what a good album this is!
don’t look now.. but somehow we managed to get a meaningless march diary up on Kos
For some reason… this is giving me a perverse sense of IRONY 🙂
congrats Janet. We’ll all prevail (we marchers) in the end…
Just hanging around to pass out fours (4s) liberally (or should I say progressively?) and kill some time while the clock ticks me ever closer to getting the flock out of here and heading home to my cat Shadow and a nice glass of chilled chardonnay.
In about an hour I’m getting out of here, going downtown, snarfing down some overpriced food and then I’m going to go see Arlo Guthrie put on a show. This is going to be about the fourth or fifth time I’ve seen him, and he only gets better.
He’s only about 4 or 5 years older than I am (I think) but boy, the people he’s met and the stories he gets to tell. I don’t know anybody more famous than the people who hang out here. I’ve met a couple of famous people, but only one I would consider more than a passing acquaintance (and he’s only famous among roleplaying gamers).
One of my best friends in Texas was Willie Nelson’s veternarian’s assistant, though. Maybe that counts.
I’m jealous of you. I saw Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger many many years ago and it was such a great concert.
Do me a favor and count the braless women, the bearded men, and the Birkenstocks.
I can tell you right now I won’t be able to count that high. It’s amazing going to one of his concerts and seeing the guys in the nice-looking turtlenecks and sports jackets, with gray hair down to their butts and beards to match. Compared to some of them I look positively normal.
Besides, if I start counting the braless women my wife will whap me up side of the head, and telling her I’m doing it because a friend on the Internet told me to won’t help.
I am pea green jealous 🙂
We have a tradition here of playing Alice’s Restaurant during Thanksgiving day dinner.
sing a little louder – we’re trying to stop a war!!!
Have a great time, great friend!!!
During the after-concert CD signing session I’ll be sure to tell him Damnit Janet said hello, and he’ll look at me and say, “Who??”
Darn, I just checked his home page and it looks like he’s not going to Portland this time around. 🙁
He might say “Damnit Janet? that sounds like a fantastic song!” 🙂
He’ll be back this way. 🙂
Well, Happy Hour my a..!
In full time training this week, but they still expect the work to be done. Anyway, I’ve had it for tonight – heading home for a dose of Countdown (I’ll miss the beginning). See you later.
Missing Family Man today…hope he’s feeling better. Never had a migraine (that I know of) but I’ve had some doozy headaches in the past — best thing to do was to put a warm damp washcloth over my forehead/eyes and just lay in a darkened room.
Back in a while…
Poor Family Man. I hope George is taking good care of him.
He gets the worst migraines I’ve ever heard of. Just absolutely terrible. Hope he’ll be back soon.
me too
On my way out of here in a few minutes…a couple of errands…and then scotch!
Time to let Booman know the MacCallan is being served!
Wow, you have the good stuff Sally! Can I teleport over for a spot or two? Didn’t have that Hendricks martini after all tonight, but am winding down with a nip of Wild Turkey on the rocks.
Cheers, and glad to see you got got good suggestions from SN re:itchy spot. I asked my hubby what he would think of (he’s a bit of an herbalist and such) and said olive or some fish oil would probably be best. Which reminded me that I had some friends with an itchy dog and they used the olive oil for her and it worked. Good luck, kitty!
Have you ever had the Wild Turkey with Honey liqueur?
Funny you should ask … we actually have a bottle of it, but don’t dip into it very often. For me, it’s a bit on the sweet side, and I’m more to the bitter end of the liquor spectrum, but it’s good stuff. Wish I felt flush enough to buy a bottle of Woodford Reserve right now, though. 🙂
I like it on a cold night with a fire. But it’s hard to get down here. So I haven’t had it in a while 🙁
The culprit behind the Pie Wars has been caught!
OMG!! Manny, today I thought I must’ve just heard that in my head. Nothing was made of it you know so I thought I must’ve been… losing my mind.
and of course exploited it, so I thought I would do my part to spread the wealth. 🙂
That is, by far, my favorite pick of him. LMAO
We’re having fun — the F’s.
Hi F’s. Are you live or is this a postcard ?(blogcard?)
It’s a live postcard.
We miss you.
How many miles have you hiked? More importantly, how many pictures have the F’s {combined} taken?
We’ve hiked about 30 miles and we’ve taken (this is sort of embarrassing) almost 400 photos.
400? I pity the people on dial up when you 2 get back 😉
Plus you have a few days left. You may have 800 or 1,000 by the time you get back.
Favorite experience so far?
that’s what digital does — makes you go ‘oh hell, why not’ as you shoot yet another picture. Don’t worry, the majority of them will end up in the bit bucket.
Today’s hike to an amazing and gorgeous place called The Wave, though yesterday’s in Buckskin Gulch (longest slot canyon in the world) was very, very fine.
Great to see you were able to stop by, and the photos are fantastic! (per usual, of course) Looks like the boots are getting well trodden too. Hope you two have many more to share … any “adventures” to recount so far?
We have many, many photos and I’m sure we’ll be upping the total considerably.
The weather which has included snow, sleet, rain, high winds has been making most of our hikes an adventure (not to mention driving on the bentonite back roads — which do to the tires what it did to my boots).
Hi FM!
Say hi to George and the cats. We’re off to go hiking.
Jim typing for Andi.
Looks like your hiking is successful so far!
It looks like our beloved Andi stepped in Clifford the Big Red Dog’s shit! 🙂
Very good hiking, though the weather has been — well, let’s just call it interesting

That looks absolutely amazing…interesting weather or not.
coming back to utah — everywhere you look there’s something to amaze you.
been interesting here too. We had this huge march and then I diaried it and I freaking put it on Kos.. and it hit the recd list there. Slightly ironic! 🙂
OH… and and and and my nasty ass neighbors are being evicted. They let their new dog piss on my door way and that was a big no no. I took photos and complained big time… and and and
We MISSSSSS YOUuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (pout)
so you could take over kos.
I miss you guys too — but I’ve got great distractions to help me get over it 🙂
what day are you back?
Saturday night.
We’ll keep the party going until you show up 🙂
This is gorgeous! Oh, I so cannot wait until the two of you get back!
You’re keeping warm though, right? And Jim’s not positioning you too close to any steep edges, is he? :~)
Great shot. Rugged yet soft.
Nice photo, very nice. Sounds and looks like a great trip, mud and all…keep clicking those shutters.
southeastern utah
that picture is on the east side of zion national park
We miss you!!! You really, uh, should watch where you step. Might want to hose that dog shit off your boots
Return safely to us!!!
Hi DJ. I missed your radio show. Did it go well?
Yeah, I said I’d do it again, too.
Hey, OMIR has a copy of it on a linky thingy. So when you come back, instead of unpakcing, you can give it an ear or two.
Are you able to check in on the pups??
Hi Andi! Glad you’re having a good time.
It would be nice if the weather was better but it is supposed to improve a lot starting tomorrow.
How’s everything with you?
Mr. Nature get back from japan okay?
We might check back in tomorrow or Thursday.
If not, see you all Saturday night or Sunday.