Or at least that’s what Rep. Bob Brady PA-01 thinks. I’ve shared on these pages my interest in politics and my quest to take more ownership of the politics that swirl around me here in Philadelphia. I decided to get involved at the lowest level and run for committeeperson [an explanation of why committeepeople matter and what the hell a committeeperson is for those who don’t know at my personal blog]. After all this, I was forwarded two letters from local party leadership calling people who want to get involved for the first time, like me, “outsiders” “polarize[rs]” and “republican[s]” [sic].
If I’m a Republican, well, I’ll eat my shorts. I’ve been a Democrat since I turned eighteen eight not so long years ago. I’ve voted accordingly. Read on for the letters and some more analysis.
First off, the two letters I was forwarded.
* * * * *
30th Ward Democratic Committee
2213 Naundain Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146
P xxx-xxx-xxxx F xxx-xxx-xxxx
Terry Gillen, Ward Leader
James Burks, Ward Chair
March 12, 2006
Dear Fellow Committeeperson:
I wanted to pass along a letter from the Chairman of our Democratic Party, Bob Brady. He is concerned that many committeeperson throughout the City are being challenged by outsiders who are trying to created division within the Democratic Party and within some of our wards and divisions. I personally believe that some of the people who are doing this are working hand in hand with the republican [sic] Party.
This week, some committeepeople may receive a notice that their petition is being challenged in court. If you receive this notice, let me assure you that Bob and I and the Democratic Party will go to court and fight to make sure that you can run for reelection. Democratic Party lawyers will argue your case for free in order to keep your name on the ballot. We will do this because we all need to stick together and fight these people who want to divide us.
Let me know as soon as soon as possible if you receive a legal challenge of if you believe that someone is trying to remove your name from the ballot.
If we stick together we can stay strong. We won’t play into the Republicans’ hands and allow anyone to divide us!
Terry Gillen
* * * * *
The Democratic County Executive Committee of Philadelphia
Executive Offices: 1421 Walnut St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
Telephone: 241-7800
Robert A. Brady
Terry Gillen
2213 Naundain St
Philadelphia, PA 19146
March 8, 2006
Dear Terry,
It has come to my attention that there is an organized effort to file petitions to become a Democratic committee person in many wards in the city. It is clear that this effort has been started by forces that seek to polarize and destroy this party. I strongly urge you to oppose their efforts. I suggest that you immediately notify me at City Committee of the divisions where this has occurred. I will have the petition reviewed to determine if it is defective. If it is, I will assist you in filing a petition with the Common Pleas Court to have the person stricken from the ballot on behalf of your designated candidate in that division.
We are a family united. As your leader and friend, I will fight to make sure we remain united.
I will also prepare withdrawal slips for these individuals that filed and I will try to have them withdrawn.
Very truly yours,
Democratic County Executive
Committee of Philadelphia
# # # # #
This is not what I call a democratic process by any means.
Rep. Brady’s contacat info in PA: 1907-09 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19148 | Phone (215) 389-4627 | Fax (215) 389-4636 and his info in DC: 206 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515 | Phone (202) 225-4731 | Fax (202) 225-0088.
Last I checked Philly for Change and Neighborhood Networks were not Republican groups. I am, however, a member of both outstanding groups. The Committee of Seventy is a non-partisan group. Those, to my knowledge, were the groups who were leading the push to get newbies involved in the process.
Now where is all this hostility coming from? Partly from party infighting at the top. The Philadelphia County Chairan is Brady. He’s currently duking it out with the head of the Electrician’s Union, the Local 98. The Local 98 kicked off a nationwide effort to get their members involved in local politics encouraging members to fill up the empty committeeperson seats across the country. Here in Philly, the Local 98 members filed. And they also filed for seats that were already occupied which would result in contested races, something Brady did not / does not want.
Committeepeople represent small Divisions. They vote for Ward Leaders who represent large groups of Divisions. The Ward Leaders in turn come together to vote for the County Chairman, currently Brady. So, groups of Divisions with newbie committeepeople could be less likely to vote for their Ward Leader. If Ward Leaders get ousted [a very very tough process that Chris Bowers from MyDD accomplished out in West Philly] then Brady could ultimately lose his seat as Chairman.
There are some 3600 committeeperson seats. The Philadelphia Inquirer estimates that around 100 people affiliated with various “polarizing” groups filed. I think the number is much higher. I hear that the Local 98 got 100+ by themselves. The Chairman is freaking out over an estimated 5% change in power at the lowest level and trying to quash the uprising.
I called into the Board of Elections on the 13th to see if my petition was A-okay and that I was on the ballot. I was told everything was okay and that I would indeed be on the ballot. I was later informed that I would have the third position on the ballot out of four. After receiving these letters, I called up the BoE this morning at 8a to double check. Before I could tell the lady my name, Ward and Division, she told me that she could not tell me whether or not I was on the ballot. Why? Because the petitions were in court and she would not know who was on and who was off until the petitions were delivered back to the BoE in City Hall later on in the week. This thing gets more fucked up with each hour it seems.
And what’s going on in the courthouse? Apparently, yesterday, it came to fisticuffs, well, more like a sucker punch. From the Daily News:
Lou Agre, Democratic leader of the 21st Ward in Roxborough, slugged attorney Ira Shrager, of Electricians’ Local 98, in the head outside a hearing room yesterday, witnesses said, leaving Shrager unconscious on the floor for several minutes.
Local politics in a dirty city at it’s worst. Philadelphia is notoriously famous for it’s dirty local politics and the very powerful Democratic machine. Now I’m experiencing it first hand.
And for some reason, this just makes me want to get involved even more. I don’t want to divide and polarize this party of mine. I want to hold it accountable.
Oh, geez. Well you know the saying: People never give up power it has to be wrested from their hands.
I’m sorry you are being subjected to this nonsensical abuse. When I was in Chicago and doing research for DFA it was nearly impossible to get information about when ward meetings took place. They definitely didn’t want “nobody that nobody sent.” It is crap.
Thanks for having the dedication to your community to run for office. Best of luck.
Yeah, the Philly Committee does not have a website. It does not publicize their meetings. It does not say if those secret meetings are open to the public or are inherently private.
Oh yeah, and I know a person who was pushed off the ballot in 2000 by the party machine here. There’s plenty of precedent.
albert if they cant push you off the balot they will fix the machines…..thats what dems in philly do during every election and thats why dems dont call for paper trails or yell about republicans cheating in areas they control…so make sure you have watchers at the polls to read how many votes have already been cast on the machines when polls open on election day (not that that will help) cause nobody at the election commission will investigate it anyway.
you are clearly an insurgent. And insurgents are ripe for an airwar.
Keep up the good work Albert. You’re gonna win this election. Even if you need bodyguards to do it.
perhaps a bodyguard with a ferocious dog that will shit all over the voting booths in a ferocious panic. one of those big huge dogs that shit medium-sized-dog shits.
Sounds like Mr. Brady’s afraid of losing his turf.
Now these folks will sit around and do nothing or the bare minimum in their communities…until someone asks them what their doing and why they haven’t been more effective.
And that’s when they start believing that they have a divine right to whatever position they hold. There’s no weight like removing dead weight. Oh, heck no.
Who said Dems didn’t know how to fight? ((snicker))
Oh, but we’ll fight To. The. Death. For our positions, that is. Nothing else.
Unfortunately, this isn’t limited to Philly, though it may not necessarily include fisticuffs. Trust me.
…that is, wonder what they are doing…
I’m laughing so hard at their foolishness that I can’t type.
i’ve been told by my fellow newbie candidate in my division who has lived in this division since 1998 that she has never met the two Dem CPs in 8 years. not once. so these two seem to be literally sitting on their asses.
and yes, i know that this is not only a Philly problem, but cities like NYC, Philly and Chicago have notoriously nasty Dem Party machines. hopefully, some of us can start changing that here.
Oh, please believe me–I don’t mean to make light of the situation at all.
My laughter is more of the scornful, “damn, are they ever pathetic” variety. The history in Philly is more than deserved, according to what I’ve heard from folks with direct experience. (And I’m surprised…not even a meeting with Chaka Fatah? Wow.)
We’re seeing some of the same types of behavior in my neck of the woods, only they are merely certifiable instead of nasty with a violent streak. But it comes from the same place.
You are fighting the good fight–the necessary fight–and I wish you luck and strength in this journey. You will need it.
We all will.
oh, no, i wasn’t saying you were making light of this!
The good thing about this is that you “insurgents” are about to discover how totally hollow the “Democratic organization” will turn out to be. I’ve watched this sort of thing in a number of cities and states. Unless they have done something criminal they cover up with actual Mafia tactics, real community organizing can almost always blow away our low level Democratic “leaders.” They haven’t organized anything in years and are shocked by community involvement.
Keep up the good work!
Kick Ass Albert! Do some polarizing and destroying.
an organization dies — whether it’s a club, a church, a movement or a political party. When a club stagnates into cliques and “who’s in/who’s out”, there’s no energy left to focus on what’s really important.
Maybe we do ultimately have to kill the Party in order to save it, or let it suffocate through its own inertia like a fat person who refuses to get off his/her butt and get moving. (I worked out today, can you tell? π )
The Republicans realized that, and harnessed the energy of their base — unfortunately, that base happens to be fully in the control of the Religious Reich. The Democrats need to harness the energy of the young, the poor and the middle-class folks who are concerned with the direction this country is going — but they’re not going to get that energy when they’re ignoring our interests.
I’m planning to head to the local naturalization ceremonies tomorrow; the Democratic party is looking for volunteers to talk to the new citizens and encourage them to become politically involved. I’ll have a good opportunity to judge the energy level of my own local organization there, and decide if it’s a direction I want to head in…
At first I thought BooMan wrote this diary and was wondering when he suddenly went back to being 26.
Then I was hoping the party he was seeking to polarize and destroy was the Republicans.
Now that my synapses have caught up with the electrons on the screen I see what’s going on and I say: Good on ya Albert. Make a ruckus. Make ’em fight for anything they’ve got. And above all, if you manage to get elected, let ’em know it’s no longer business as usual.
good luck, albert! wish i lived in philly, i’d vote for ya!
There for the, um, incident between Lou and Ira (who are- BTW- the last two guys in the city you’d expect to get into a kerfuffle).
There for the inane challenges to petitions, there for the inane defenses to petitions.
There 9-5 for the last two days and back again tomorrow at 9.
I’m tired- I’d like to share with y’all, but I’m tired, maybe later.
BTW- Albert, if you weren’t served with challenge papers by last Sunday you should be okay- I’ll check tomorrow just in case.
I’m worried that this could be one of those “oh, it must’ve gotten lost in the mail [smirk smirk]” type of things since this is coming down from the top so viciously. And even if I’m not one of the ones to get challenged, there seems to be hundreds of others in the Local 98, PfC, Lib City Dems, Neighborhood Networks, PA Clean Sweep and Committee of Seventy who will be / are being challenged.
And thanks for taking a looksy for me π
clean sweep is GOP backed. Local 98 are labor, but there is the small matter of their leadership being squarely in the sights of the US Att’y.
To the best of my knowledge, not one PfC’er got challenged. Cof70 and NN folks have actually fared quite well and very few of their petitions were challenged or thrown out, except in a few wards- like yours.