Do you consider yourself an insurgent for justice and a restoration of the American way?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hmm, depends on what the definition of insurgent is …
I’ve always kind of liked rabble rouser but having sprung forth from the rabble, I guess that’s somewhat more appropriate for me.
I’ve been called some of the following –
Pot stirrer
Pain the butt
Thorn in the side
Political novice – heh
Sore loser
– my personal favorite because I bitched loudly
and repeatedly about a back door deal.
Interesting though my guy the ‘outsider’
actually won and the local central committee
endorsee lost. ~ [insert evil happy grin here]
I’m not running for office so I’m probably not an insurgent. I’m running candidate back offices…we’ll need a name for the “likes of me”.
How about Back Office Cat?
They might refer to me as an ‘alley cat’ but it probably wouldn’t be a flattering reference!
My local Dems are pretty entrenched and VERY resistant to new blood. This county has splinter groups of splinter groups in the progressive community. The “mainstream” dems are pretty resistant to the ‘progressives’. tee hee hee….we shall see!
I dunno Booman… but I’ll ask the airlines next time I try to do something as “FREE” as getting on a plane in a pink or magenta t-shirt
Hey, slap me some loving. I posted this diary on Eman and Portland photos over at the orange place
Thought it might do good to put Eman’s face out there. For people to see these women are US.
Recommended and commented…you go girl!
Oh crap. I read it earlier, dropped a comment and forgot to recommend! Thanks for reminding me, Sally.
to “Code Pink in Portland”
I added a comment that it was in Portland.
I have no idea how to make it so I can see the freaking comments. LOL
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Comments: _Expand _Shrink _Hide _(Always) | _Indented _Flat _(Always)
Then Click on Expand and Always….then Click on Indented and Always
Ahh thanks! That works.
Normally I don’t diary there. Last time I did.. I got the stupid smack crap. But Eman’s story and that these women are just like us… should be “out there”.
I felt safe here to share the “rape diary” so I feel kinda weird putting a diary up there… but booman did it and asked us to go read and rec…
Changed it to Women Say No To War. Which is what the banner said and the campaign 🙂 I can’t quit nor ever will forget her…
thanks for all the recs there friends.
Rec’d, no comment though…
Anyone else had their comment reading, rating and riting abilities shut down w/ the new system?
Just curious.
with the new system I got my TU mojo back in one day thanks to Saturday’s WYFP diary and a few other strategically placed comments. Was able to post a diary, which of course sank into the Ether(net) with nary a bubble to mark its demise… shrug
The trick is to set the comments to “Expand”, and I think to mark the “Always” box, unless you like clicking little triangles ad nauseum…(new comments while you’re reading you still have to click the little triangles, I think…)
I can now read comments, changed the preferences, per SallyCat’s post; but the problem is that I can neither rate, nor make a comment…tu status…BAH! Don’t care.
Sent a tech ? email but no response as yet.
one of the “not recommended” browsers? It bugged me at first, but I got the hang of it. There’s a page around somewhere that explains some stuff about using it.
Very wierd that you couldn’t post.
Yep, found it…unsupported browser…have to go to firefox.
and re-starting?
Just a wild idea, ya never know.
er, as on title, which is a bigger target, will expand it. Pretty easy.
Pseudo-insurgency here. I was appointed to an advisory committee in the local government. Now that I’ve been there awhile, I guess that I’m just another political hanger-on. 😉
(And why anybody would want my advice is a mystery to me.)
of the human who represents us Angry Trees.
Quit dissin’ yourself dude, we’ve gotcher back.
Yup – got that one pegged….and watching out for the ones getting in the way of progressive politics!
How’d that happen??? My photo diary is on the recd list on Kos??? Falls down.
Woo hoo fer you, DJ! I’ll take your word for it, since I never go to the orange place anymore. Still, nice to hear your good news! You go, girl.
DTF referred to me as a Medicare Insurgent! Does that count?
I’m not sure I’d know how to interpret that one either, StreetKid! I suspect it was meant in a complimentary way though… but I wasn’t there. 🙂
I took it as a compliment!! 🙂
who he sits on his lap and feeds peppermints, too… so I guess that would make me a “terrorist” LOL
We just want the US out of Iraq and a single-payer health care system!
Ha!!!! I’ll see about getting you one of these buttons. I am an UNREASONABLE WOMAN!!!
Cool! That makes two of us!
I signed a petition today to increase Missouri’s minimum wage to $6.50, does that count? <g>
I haven’t seen you around these parts in ages. Is this the signal of a resurgency of your BooTrib insurgency? 🙂
This was actually the first time I posted here since last August. (If you’re curious as to why, feel free to email me.) Booman found me over at dKos and warmly suggested I ought to come back, and yes–I’m back.
So, how goes it over here?
celebrated the 1 yr anniversary on the 13th, time flies when you’re causing trouble 🙂
Glad to see you back.
Me, I’m trying to get the NY metro area to secede from the Union;-)
What’s that make me? A nut I’d guess. Oh well…onward!
If interested, click here for pictures of anti-torture demonstrators yesterday. Also some questions about how to build the antiwar movement.
OH yeah.. she’s a real threat…
In fact, I’m going to go hide in my duct tape closet…
BTW I LOVED your blog account of your anti-torture really!!! you totally rock!!
Do you consider yourself an insurgent for justice and a restoration of the American way?
Dude, that’s sort of what the sig means . . .
(and by the current administration) I should be happy and honored, respectively, to be called seditious because I am a sedulous supporter of both.
[Time to put that hissing snake back in the box.]