Heh . . . for some reason that reminds me of the segment Grandpa Jones used to do during his Grand Ole Opry act (and afterward on Hee-Haw). Nobody seems to know how it started, but at some point the audience would yell, “Hey Grandpa! What’s for supper?” and he’d come back with something like “Chicken and gravy with mashed taters, buttermilk biscuits and strawberry jam, an’ a big ol’ slice of Grandma’s peach pie.” and the audience would respond, “Yummmm, yummmmm!”
I seem to remember that at least some of the examples he did on Hee-Haw rhymed but I couldn’t find any in the short time I had before I had to drag my carcass off to work this morning.
Dad says that the earlier you catch it the better. He’s been known to jump up in the middle of a sentence to take care of it. But, I’m sure his have never been as severe as yours.
Seriously though, I know they’re debilitating. I’ve only ever had two in my life (which is odd they tell me), but it had to be one of the worst things I’ve ever gone through. Both times I ended up in the hospital. You have my sincerest sympathies for having to go through that AND for remaining a kind and cheery person. I am very glad you’re better today.
I was just going to run out, but no. I don’t see him until next month. I’ve been doing research for a diary I’ll be putting up at Eat 4 Today. It’s mostly site and remedies people have told me. I’ve got yours and KB’s remedies in it. Hopefully people will start submitting sites and remedies to it.
Howdy Folks!!!! Getting a slow start today and will most likely be going into work a little late. Still fighting with the insurance comapny over the claim and am planning on registering a complaint with the Department of Insurance about the way it is being handled.
The claim went from them bending over backwards last week to try and finish it to not returning my callas again yesterday. I am really pissed!!! This has been going on since last summer and I know they have broken several DOI regulations as far as timely response. Every time my Chiro faxes anything in for me I have to call his office and have them fax it at least two more times before it shows up in the file and I know my doctor’s office knows what they are doing and are working with me on this. It is just frustrating as hell.
I am also in a strange mood this am as I was at an endorsement meeting last night where some candidates where asking for the GLBT Community endorsement. I was stunned at the stupidity and intolerance some of the candidates showed while still asking for our support. One was not even prepared to speak but showed up and basically made a fool of himself. Another candidate who knows people in the Community basically insulted us with his answers to the survey and was surprised he didn’t get the endorsement.
I will say there were some great candidates there and I was very happy to vote to endorse them. It is for the city council and mayor’s race this spring in Austin. One candidate for mayor did not respond at all but since we know he is anti-glbt we didn’t expect him to show up anyway.
Have you done any face time down at the insurance company? You know the saying, ‘Out of sight, out of mind’.
Those politicians that acted like fools or didn’t show up. That’s just what they are, politicians. Sounds like they aren’t there to help people, just get elected.
One of the things I am planning on doing today is driving 2 or more hours to hand deliver the paper work from my chiro if they say they still don’t have it. I am pissed!!!!!
The politicians I was just amazed at last night. LOL There was one high point as a college student who is 20 years old is running. He doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected but I liked his fire and passion and think he is a young Democrats we need to groom for the future. I am hoping to speak with him again and talk with him about this. I love seeing young people involved and want to keep their fire and passion alive. We need them in the party and in politics.
I also did a new diary at my blog about the official campaign gear I am doing for candidates this am.
NO that has been my blog since I caught the fever at Demfest this past summer. Stonewall Democrats of Austin was one of the host for a bloggers breakfast and I got to meet some national and international bloggers. I started my own and then started posting at a few of the larger ones. I know mainly post at my own, here and at MLW. I read many of them when I have the chance but there is no way I can post to them all. LOL
Thanks!!! I love comments and try and respond to them. I am also going to work on doing more local stuff on my personal blog since it doesn’t make sense to post that too often to the larger blogs. I keep giving myself more assignments. LOL Sometime next month I will actually be setting up 3 or 4 web sites also. LOL I will let everyone know when they are done. They will be a combination of blog and my design stores and reviews of other designs.
Hey there. I have been so busy and the rest of this week will be even worse. LOL It tis the season for political insanity. The county convention is this Saturday, I have political meetings almost every night and work. LOL Someday this will all calm down…. like when I am dead. ROTFLMAO!!! But I do really enjoy being involved.
Busy day here, but stopping by to say hello. Good to see Family Man back and sending hugs to refinish69 — hope that you get all that insurance stuff worked out soon.
Whew. I just read the first of the pre-publication reviews on my new novel. Publisher’s Weekly calls it a “mesmerizing suspense novel,” and says it’s a “memorable read.” You’d think this wouldn’t make me nervous after 17 books, but it still does, and it’s a great relief to have the first review over with. Now I wait for the Kirkus review on April 1. Ha! What a day to get reviewed! Sorry for this being all me me me, but I just had to say whew some place in public.
Thank you! And I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better today.
Honestly, you’d think somebody with as much experience as I have could laugh off reviews, but I have not yet developed that particular zen. I’m still working on not caring!
Ha! But the funny thing is that the pre-pub version PW got didn’t have the blood on the cover yet. The blood dripped onto it later. (Did the art director open a vein. . .?) Just think how mesmerizing they might have thought it was if they could have seen the blood spots. Snort.
Oh, god, yes it is, CG. They had one small criticism, but although I can see their point, I must respectfully disagree. 🙂 I’d still do it the way I did it, stubborn writer that I am.
So, I have little doubt that a bad review could sink a book, but do you find that good reviews really help sell books? Or do they have much effect? Or does it depend on whose review, and where and when?
SF writer Ed Bryant, who I knew casually when I was in Texas, once said he had thought about writing a novel about publishing called TEN MILLION COPIES SOLD but decided against it. (H. Allen Smith reported on a similar idea back in the 40s, when one of his writer friends said he intended to write a novel called TAUT AND GRIPPING SAYS THE NEW YORK TIMES but couldn’t come up with a plot to match the title. 🙂
At least I think it was Ed Bryant and H. Allen Smith. The stories sometimes blur together after all these years.
There’s at least one way that good reviews do help, and that’s in library sales. Most libraries that I know of need two or three fairly positive reviews in major places before they’ll put in an order for a book, or at least before they’ll order books by authors they don’t know. So the early reviews–Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, Kirkus–are important for that reason.
Certain rave reviews in certain locations can make a writer. For instance, early in Sue Grafton’s career a reviewer wrote a love letter of a review to her heroine on the front page of the Sunday book section. Sue said,about that, that she thought she’d died and gone to heaven. It gave her a huge sales boost, but then it was a remarkable review.
My experience is that reviews do boost sales but they need to be big reviews, not just a paragraph in a review column, and they need to be real raves.
But there are many many examples of successful books that didn’t get any such reviews–romance novels, for instance, which don’t get no respect–and of unsuccessful books that got great reviews.
Thanks so much, Olivia. Yes, those are great book jacket blurb words! 🙂 Also thanks for making it possible for me to comment on your beautiful blog. I hope you don’t live to regret it because of spam.
Inadvertently slept in today — now I’m trying to decide what to try and tackle. Weather looks good for the next several days, so I don’t absolutely have to go out today — could try tackling assembling the lateral file that’s been sitting here for about a month…after the hassles of putting together the desk all by my lonesome, I haven’t been quite up to furniture assembly.
Good morning, everybody! What’s for breakfast?
Heh . . . for some reason that reminds me of the segment Grandpa Jones used to do during his Grand Ole Opry act (and afterward on Hee-Haw). Nobody seems to know how it started, but at some point the audience would yell, “Hey Grandpa! What’s for supper?” and he’d come back with something like “Chicken and gravy with mashed taters, buttermilk biscuits and strawberry jam, an’ a big ol’ slice of Grandma’s peach pie.” and the audience would respond, “Yummmm, yummmmm!”
I remember that and some of the stuff he named was even too down home country for me.
I seem to remember that at least some of the examples he did on Hee-Haw rhymed but I couldn’t find any in the short time I had before I had to drag my carcass off to work this morning.
Hi FM, glad to see you’re feeling better.
Hi Omir Thanks.
I read about your auto 4’er for the cafe. I want to hear more about it, but I’m running out the door now.
Talk to ya later.
I guess FM still has a migraine this morning…where is everybody?
Nope, FM is here feeling better.
Thanks everyone for their thoughts.
I’m glad you’re feeling better! Did you see the F’s stopped by the lounge last night (mid-vacation)?
Yes I did and I hate I missed it. Beautiful pictures though. Can’t wait until they get back and start posting all their pictures.
Family Man, I’m sorry about your migraine, but glad you’re feeling better. Have you tried the hot/cold water thing and does it work at all?
{{Family Man}}
Hi KB. Yes I did try it and it did work for short periods of time. But after a certain point I had to go with the old method of treatment.
Thanks for the hugs.
I’m sorry about that — I wish it worked for you.
It did for a while and for that I’m thankful.
I think on the less severe ones it might do the trick though.
Dad says that the earlier you catch it the better. He’s been known to jump up in the middle of a sentence to take care of it. But, I’m sure his have never been as severe as yours.
Hey katiebird, nice to see you.
Hi Second Nature — I was struggling with The Commitment this morning. So what could be better than hanging out at a Cafe?
I don’t know KB. I’m a supreme whiner. Your Dad’s probably are, but he just handles them differently than I do.
I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Hi Izzy. Thanks.
I think even if I wasn’t, I had gone to long with my Boofix. I was starting to get withdrawl from not talking with all of you.
Hey, maybe it wasn’t a migraine — maybe it was withdrawl from not commenting through the night! You’ll have to step up your schedule. 😉
Well that is a different way of looking at it, but I don’t think so. 😉
Seriously though, I know they’re debilitating. I’ve only ever had two in my life (which is odd they tell me), but it had to be one of the worst things I’ve ever gone through. Both times I ended up in the hospital. You have my sincerest sympathies for having to go through that AND for remaining a kind and cheery person. I am very glad you’re better today.
Well thanks again Izzy, I do appreciate it.
I’ve got to go run an errand, so I’ll be looking for your new cafe later.
Did you talk to your MD about muscle relaxants?
I was just going to run out, but no. I don’t see him until next month. I’ve been doing research for a diary I’ll be putting up at Eat 4 Today. It’s mostly site and remedies people have told me. I’ve got yours and KB’s remedies in it. Hopefully people will start submitting sites and remedies to it.
Gotta go, check back later.
Howdy Folks!!!! Getting a slow start today and will most likely be going into work a little late. Still fighting with the insurance comapny over the claim and am planning on registering a complaint with the Department of Insurance about the way it is being handled.
FamilyMan I am glad you are feeling better!!!!
Thanks Refinish.
You’re still having trouble with the insurance company? That’s a good idea about the complaint. Might get them to moving a little.
You are welcome.
The claim went from them bending over backwards last week to try and finish it to not returning my callas again yesterday. I am really pissed!!! This has been going on since last summer and I know they have broken several DOI regulations as far as timely response. Every time my Chiro faxes anything in for me I have to call his office and have them fax it at least two more times before it shows up in the file and I know my doctor’s office knows what they are doing and are working with me on this. It is just frustrating as hell.
I am also in a strange mood this am as I was at an endorsement meeting last night where some candidates where asking for the GLBT Community endorsement. I was stunned at the stupidity and intolerance some of the candidates showed while still asking for our support. One was not even prepared to speak but showed up and basically made a fool of himself. Another candidate who knows people in the Community basically insulted us with his answers to the survey and was surprised he didn’t get the endorsement.
I will say there were some great candidates there and I was very happy to vote to endorse them. It is for the city council and mayor’s race this spring in Austin. One candidate for mayor did not respond at all but since we know he is anti-glbt we didn’t expect him to show up anyway.
Have you done any face time down at the insurance company? You know the saying, ‘Out of sight, out of mind’.
Those politicians that acted like fools or didn’t show up. That’s just what they are, politicians. Sounds like they aren’t there to help people, just get elected.
One of the things I am planning on doing today is driving 2 or more hours to hand deliver the paper work from my chiro if they say they still don’t have it. I am pissed!!!!!
The politicians I was just amazed at last night. LOL There was one high point as a college student who is 20 years old is running. He doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected but I liked his fire and passion and think he is a young Democrats we need to groom for the future. I am hoping to speak with him again and talk with him about this. I love seeing young people involved and want to keep their fire and passion alive. We need them in the party and in politics.
I also did a new diary at my blog about the official campaign gear I am doing for candidates this am.
refinish69: Political Candidates at Doing My Part for the Left
Great site! Is that new or did I miss something?
NO that has been my blog since I caught the fever at Demfest this past summer. Stonewall Democrats of Austin was one of the host for a bloggers breakfast and I got to meet some national and international bloggers. I started my own and then started posting at a few of the larger ones. I know mainly post at my own, here and at MLW. I read many of them when I have the chance but there is no way I can post to them all. LOL
Well I went ahead and bookmarked it. I see you have comments with it. I hope you don’t mind if I throw one in every now and then.
Thanks!!! I love comments and try and respond to them. I am also going to work on doing more local stuff on my personal blog since it doesn’t make sense to post that too often to the larger blogs. I keep giving myself more assignments. LOL Sometime next month I will actually be setting up 3 or 4 web sites also. LOL I will let everyone know when they are done. They will be a combination of blog and my design stores and reviews of other designs.
That sounds great. I’ll keep and eye out for them.
to everyone, but now I reeeeeallllly need to make some coffee. Be back later.
Glad you’re feeling better, FM, and can back to your rigorous schedule of naps.
Good morning!!!
Hey there, RF. Missed your lols around here lately.
Hey there. I have been so busy and the rest of this week will be even worse. LOL It tis the season for political insanity. The county convention is this Saturday, I have political meetings almost every night and work. LOL Someday this will all calm down…. like when I am dead. ROTFLMAO!!! But I do really enjoy being involved.
Thank you SN.
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. Don’t you know it’s not good for you.
Ahhhhhh Naps.
You’re right, FM. I’m thinking of giving up the beans and taking up smoking instead.
Stick with the coffee…really.
Ya think? I’ve officially had my first sip so now I feel almost human. But I’m still a nag.
Just don’t eat any more tacos…they make you think too much.
Does that mean I’m wrong? 🙂
SN wrong? Can that happen?
I’m wrong occasionally, I just have trouble admitting it.
SN you can’t admit it, otherwise the world as we know it will come to an end. 🙂
I do both. LOL
I was trying to do a reverse nag. Didn’t work did it. 🙂
Sorry, I’m the master nagger. You can’t come close.
I guess I’m just a rookie. 🙂
I feel a nap calling, so I’ll check back in a little while.
Ahhhhhhh Naps.
Visit the recent diaries and give them some love.
Good morning to all! < hears echo >
GOOD MORNING, BORAN2! You’re right, it is echo-y in here!
Smart aleck. I’m bored. I need to go do something.
I’v had my coffee, so now I’m thoroughly civilized. How are you?
I have to be in court this afternoon and I’m kind of dreading it. Other than that I’m fine. How are you?
I’m okay. Good luck with court. It can be awful. My job takes me there much too much.
Busy day here, but stopping by to say hello. Good to see Family Man back and sending hugs to refinish69 — hope that you get all that insurance stuff worked out soon.
Aster, taken 10.02.2005 (view large)
Whew. I just read the first of the pre-publication reviews on my new novel. Publisher’s Weekly calls it a “mesmerizing suspense novel,” and says it’s a “memorable read.” You’d think this wouldn’t make me nervous after 17 books, but it still does, and it’s a great relief to have the first review over with. Now I wait for the Kirkus review on April 1. Ha! What a day to get reviewed! Sorry for this being all me me me, but I just had to say whew some place in public.
Wonderful kansas! I’m so glad to hear that.
Thank you! And I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better today.
Honestly, you’d think somebody with as much experience as I have could laugh off reviews, but I have not yet developed that particular zen. I’m still working on not caring!
I guess the trick is to care when the reviewers aren’t looking and act aloof when they are.
However, I just can’t picture you as aloof. 🙂
lol! I’ll have to work on my “aloof” look!
Mesmerizing sounds good! I guess it was the blood on the cover that did it. 🙂
Looking forward to reading it.
Ha! But the funny thing is that the pre-pub version PW got didn’t have the blood on the cover yet. The blood dripped onto it later. (Did the art director open a vein. . .?) Just think how mesmerizing they might have thought it was if they could have seen the blood spots. Snort.
That’s great news, kansas!
Oh, god, yes it is, CG. They had one small criticism, but although I can see their point, I must respectfully disagree. 🙂 I’d still do it the way I did it, stubborn writer that I am.
Congratulations kansas! And the review uses good teaser words too — mesmerizing and memorable!
So, I have little doubt that a bad review could sink a book, but do you find that good reviews really help sell books? Or do they have much effect? Or does it depend on whose review, and where and when?
SF writer Ed Bryant, who I knew casually when I was in Texas, once said he had thought about writing a novel about publishing called TEN MILLION COPIES SOLD but decided against it. (H. Allen Smith reported on a similar idea back in the 40s, when one of his writer friends said he intended to write a novel called TAUT AND GRIPPING SAYS THE NEW YORK TIMES but couldn’t come up with a plot to match the title. 🙂
At least I think it was Ed Bryant and H. Allen Smith. The stories sometimes blur together after all these years.
Hi, Omir, Hope you find this.
There’s at least one way that good reviews do help, and that’s in library sales. Most libraries that I know of need two or three fairly positive reviews in major places before they’ll put in an order for a book, or at least before they’ll order books by authors they don’t know. So the early reviews–Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, Kirkus–are important for that reason.
Certain rave reviews in certain locations can make a writer. For instance, early in Sue Grafton’s career a reviewer wrote a love letter of a review to her heroine on the front page of the Sunday book section. Sue said,about that, that she thought she’d died and gone to heaven. It gave her a huge sales boost, but then it was a remarkable review.
My experience is that reviews do boost sales but they need to be big reviews, not just a paragraph in a review column, and they need to be real raves.
But there are many many examples of successful books that didn’t get any such reviews–romance novels, for instance, which don’t get no respect–and of unsuccessful books that got great reviews.
Depends. 🙂
Morning all. Another cold, snowy, gray day here…haven’t seen the sun since sat AM…the view from the porch

…in lousy light.
Great news Kansas! Zen or not.
That light’s not “lousy,” it’s mysterious. 🙂
Thanks, dada.
The only mystery is “Where’s the sun?” 4 days-o-gray and us mountain folk start to get a bit testy.
Nice picture dada. Cold, gray and snowy.
What a lovely view you have dada — with or without the sun!
Thanks so much, Olivia. Yes, those are great book jacket blurb words! 🙂 Also thanks for making it possible for me to comment on your beautiful blog. I hope you don’t live to regret it because of spam.
I just sent you Eegee mail! (It was fun too — I love that idea!)
Ooo, must go read my Eegee mail! I wish Boo had an Eegee Board link!
We could put the whispering tapir on the bulletin board?
These can be used at Eat4Today and by anyone that is feeling a little out of it today…
Me – I’m crawling out from under the pie crust…thinking I need more coffee…busy day. First meeting today was at 8:00am – ewwwwww…
I like the second one too! Keep going SallyCat — we’re getting through it — we’re at the halfway point!
Morning SallyCat. Love the pictures. I usually feel more like the bottom one though.
Inadvertently slept in today — now I’m trying to decide what to try and tackle. Weather looks good for the next several days, so I don’t absolutely have to go out today — could try tackling assembling the lateral file that’s been sitting here for about a month…after the hassles of putting together the desk all by my lonesome, I haven’t been quite up to furniture assembly.
First things first…breakfast…
Morning Cali.
If the weather is good, just sit back and enjoy it.
I’m one of the assembling dummies. It takes me forever to get things put together. Getting a desk together is no small task.
My desk now is two wooden shelves with a piece of plyboard on top. Works pretty well for me. 🙂
Morning all. Hope everyone’s doing okay. I just woke up — my face doesn’t even have any sharp edges yet — but I’m on duty for the next cafe.
So what’d I miss?
The Froggy Bottom Deli is now open!