Nice analogy there, DJ… and love David Lynch, even if I still don’t have a clue what was going on in Mulholland Drive! Now, when you eventually compare me to some filmmaker, it won’t be Lynch… I’m more likely to be an Almodovar or John Waters type. hehe.
I love it here – I hit “post” and almost (from my official SJ chat hockey days) thought I’d have to esssplayyyne David Lynch LOL
Yeah.. what was up with Mulholland Dr?? I’m a Twin Peaks type as well as Freeway and Blue Velvet. I think Drive was Lynch trying to “do Lynch” – Lynch for the sake of being Lynch.
Almodoar… Whooooooooooot. Smokin’ Hot and Sexy.. and subtitled. 🙂
Thanks, although it’s not mine. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure if it’s okay to snag stuff off the net? This one and that coffee shop one I’ve been using both come from this excellent site called The Food Section. The photos are great, especially in The Street Faire section.
Anyway, I just really liked the photo, too. It’s from somewhere in upstate New York I think.
Okay.. the codePink info email is nucking futs today!! 🙂 Lots of new emails and other groups asking for help and support with their ideas. WOW! Some film screenings and such and sharing ideas on how they can get their word out.
And still fighting with the to be evicted neighbors from hell. They are worse now. The apt complex is “sorry but the laws.. blah blah”
I am so hopeful right now as it seems CP likes some of my ideas and I just… I feel so much at home here in this area. It’s great!!!!
And I love the subtle irony of having a protest diary that was covered in pink up on that other place. 🙂 I hadn’t thought of that when I decided to post it there – I truly just wanted to get Eman’s story and photo out there so we all could see how those women are so brave and ARE US.
Okay… … my husband who is home today.. wants me to get off this so he can check bills and see about taking me out to Mongolian BBQ. It’s been a long 24 hours. My mind won’t shut up LOL and I feel like my pink head is going to burst with excitement and stuff.
I LOVE YO GUYS!! Psst go check out Stories in America’s diary. DAMN!!!
However, we got home to find out the neighbors AGAIN for the second afternoon let their dog PISS in our doorway. Apt managaer has her hands tied.. This. Sucks.
I’ve been reading about all this as if it’s new and no one knew. I was prescribed ambien a couple of years ago and I stopped taking it because I would get up in the middle of the night and do stuff. Next morning I wouldn’t remember a thing. I got very scared because I thought what if I decided to take a ride at those times. But one of the side effects the company admits to is amnesia. Go figure.
You’re right — they have known. They gave it to me in the hospital once at the end of 2002 and I ended up somehow wandering the halls with my IV pole trying to chat with the nurses. They told me it was a known side-effect and never to take it again.
When I had my bypass surgery they gave it to me and I think it was the only time my sister-in-law, who was sitting with me that night, go scared. She told me I was sitting in a chair by the bed and was carrying on a conservation with George.
I vaguely remember it, but George was there talking to me and I didn’t find anything strange about it. 🙂
What stuff did you do? I have these boring, but vivid dreams that I clean the house and do all of the things I really hate to do, like cleaning bathrooms. Then when I wake up and notice the house isn’t clean I get all disappointed. Maybe if I take Ambien I’ll clean the house in my sleep.
The stuff I would do was waking up relatives to talk and sometimes cleaning, but the cleaning was not that great and afterwards it would take me days to find stuff I had put away. 🙂
Absolutely correct. But in this one story one of the partners (ok, let’s get real, it was the wife) didn’t especially like to do something that her husband liked. So every couple of weeks she’d take an Ambien and get it over with. We all know what that is, right? Or suspect anyway.
You know, one of the stories Arlo told last night was about how one night he had a dream where someone was singing a song, and he got up and wrote it down, and the next morning he couldn’t remember whether he was singing it or someone else was singing it to him, but there it was on paper. And that’s how “Darkest Hour” got to be written.
I turned to my daughter and asked her, “Why can’t I have dreams like that?”
Of course later on he was talking about how sometimes you have these blinding flashes of revelation, and one day he had one and grabbed a pen and just started writing. And when he was done writing he looked down and the paper and saw:
and thought, “What the HELL is that?”
“But I wrote it . . . and people liked it.”
More about Arlo in another post later in the diary.
lol! That poor woman who gained 100 lbs cooking in her sleep! Although you would think someone would’ve mentioned earlier. I think I would’ve started asking questions around 10 or 20 lbs. Or at least wondering out loud.
Feel free to visit anytime. Your photos are really lovely too! I really liked the last one w/ the birds sitting on the rock — one of them had his wings extended, like he was the independent thinker of the group. 🙂
Didn’t you say your weather had changed this weekend? I wondered if your headaches could be triggered by drastic changes in barometric pressure. I regularly get headaches when the weather changes.
Thanks Mary. Actually I think I know exactly what caused it this time. I had eaten some marinated tuna that day and it was the only new thing I have eaten in a long time. So marinated tuna joins my list of foods.
I’m kicking myself because I missed Prison Break this week. They split the season in half and ended it in a cliffhanger. I’ve waited months to see how it turns out, watched the repeat of the first half last week, then totally spaced it somehow this week. It doesn’t look like they’re repeating it either.
I got your message over at the Eegee Board, MaryB and scurried over here as fast as I could waddle. Alas, I am going to be such a disappointment to you. I missed 24 this week. But I think I read that it was heavy on Political Wife drama. Don’t worry about spoilers. You can tell me. I’ve been longing for her to shoot him. And then shoot Logan on GG, even though he is cute.
Hmm, President Logan on 24. . .Logan on GG. . .his secret son, perhaps?
I’m thinking Mexican food for lunch…but then again this CA girl will eat mexican food 4 or 5 meals a week! I love it so much I planted my own selection of Habanero peppers and they’ve all sprouted…yum!
Mmmm… you people are making me even hungrier! Sally, I’d like some carnitas, with a side of beans and rice, and some nice home made pico de gallo and guacamole. Thank you very much!
BTW, you actually eat habaneros? I can’t cook with those anymore due to a bad burning experience with them… hehe. Let’s just say they don’t exit “gracefully.”
I always plant serranos and jalapenos, with the occasional ancho and hungarian wax and cherry bomb peppers. Haven’t grown worth a crap the last 2 years though, so hoping this will be a better year.
I took a creative writing class a couple years ago and one of the assignments was to write about a time when you felt extreme emotion.
I wrote about the time when my 3 year old was missing at the beach and I thought he was dead.
But while I was reading it to the class I had a panic attack that included hyperventilating, shaking, nervous twitches, etc.
I fought my way through it looked up and the whole class was crying. They thought that my story ended with my child dying because I was so upset reading it.
So now you know how painfully shy I am in real life.
So we went and saw Arlo and his band, currently consisting of him on guitar and piano, his son Abe on keyboards, his sideman Gordon Titcomb on dobro, guitar, mandolin and banjo, and a trio of women from New York whose name I forget, but they were very good.
And as usual, he was all over the place:
A Gene Autry song called “Ridin’ Down the Canyon” that he used to listen to on his dad’s 78 RPM record player (a wonderful and unexpected opening — I remembered this song from when I was a kid too)
Bob Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man” and the requisite Bob Dylan stories (he always tells a few, and they’re always great)
Steve Goodman’s “City of New Orleans,” of course
Cisco Houston’s “Gambler’s Blues” (a/k/a St. James Infirmary Blues)
Several of his own pieces, including “Darkest Hour,” “Popular Demand,” “The Motorcycle Song,” “Coming Into Los Angeles” and of course in honor of the 40th anniversary of the incident itself, a slightly updated version of “Alice’s Restaurant”
And three pieces by Woody, “Oklahoma Hills,” “This Land Is Your Land” and “My Peace”. “My Peace” was one of the last things Woody ever wrote, when he was in the hospital dying from Huntington’s disease. Arlo set it to music and it made a beautiful encore.
Of course Arlo told stories all the way through. One of the best came in the middle of “Coming Into Los Angeles.” After talking about how all the airport security these days was nothing new to him (“I tell the kids doing security ‘I’m nowhere near the threat I once hoped to be'”) he said he was sitting in the airport in Boston and there were a couple of Secret Service types with the sunglasses and the earpieces and all watching him, even though they weren’t watching him.
Then one of them gets up to walk over to him, even though he wasn’t walking over to him. But he was.
“Are you GUTHRIE?” the Secret Service agent growled.
Well, what could he do? “Yeah, I’m Guthrie.”
And in his best accusatory voice the Secret Service agent asked him, “Are you bringin’ in a couple of keys??” and a big ol’ grin spread across his face. He’d grown up with the music, just like the rest of us.
It was a great evening and I came out of it about $120 poor, with a hat, four T-shirts, two CDs and a sticker in tow. Musicians love it when I go to their shows. (That’s the real reason I can’t afford to attend very often.)
I was first introduced to Arlo as a freshman in high school. The occasion was a party for incoming members of the Thespian Society (high school drama nerd club). Someday I’ll have to go back and look up who was president of the Thespians chapter that year, because I am forever in her debt. At that party I was introduced to two of my favorite things in life: Arlo Guthrie’s music, and fried rice flavor Rice-A-Roni.
Have you looked her up recently? On my last trip home I saw my first serious boyfriend from when I was 17. He’s still awfully cute and there’s always some weird connection thing going on.
Hey, here’s an (IDEA) – of which I’ve been full of them today… Anyways, next time Arlo’s in town and he’s NOT coming to Portland but only Seattle, why don’t our families meet up at the concert area and see the show together?? I promise, we don’t bite… too hard and my kids both dig Guthrie’s work. Jr. and Sr. Guthrie that is 🙂
I’ll have to keep that in mind. Keep two things in mind, though.
1 – When he comes to Seattle Arlo usually plays Benaroya Hall, the home of the Seattle Symphony. Our tickets for last night’s gig were $45 each, and that was for the next-to-last row on the left side of the main floor. (If you look at this seating chart we were in the section marked “Rear Orchestra” in row QQ, stage left, i.e. the right side of the picture.) Not all tickets are that expensive, but I remember getting some tickets to see James Galway once in the Founders Tier that were something like $60, but it was just me and my wife and some special occasion (our anniversary, I think) so it was worth ponying up the ducats.
2 – The concerts generally start at 7:30 and run 2 1/2 hours, so by the time it’s over you’ll have a pretty tired crew when you pull into Portland. (Although you could spend the night if you’re not concerned about school or work the next day.)
With those two caveats, it sounds like it could be fun. He usually plays here every year or two.
Why do I always miss those infamous orgies too? I think everyone runs and hides when they see me coming LOL. One of these nights, though, I will surprise them in flagrante delicto.
Okay, so maybe it’s not the kind of deli you’re used to, but the sandwiches are great!
Awesome photo Izzy! Kind of sinister, I have to admit, but I like it.
Izzy is the Cafe’s version of Davd Lynch 🙂
Eerily sinister but… it’s a goood sinister that leaves you wanting more more more more 🙂
Nice analogy there, DJ… and love David Lynch, even if I still don’t have a clue what was going on in Mulholland Drive! Now, when you eventually compare me to some filmmaker, it won’t be Lynch… I’m more likely to be an Almodovar or John Waters type. hehe.
I love it here – I hit “post” and almost (from my official SJ chat hockey days) thought I’d have to esssplayyyne David Lynch LOL
Yeah.. what was up with Mulholland Dr?? I’m a Twin Peaks type as well as Freeway and Blue Velvet. I think Drive was Lynch trying to “do Lynch” – Lynch for the sake of being Lynch.
Almodoar… Whooooooooooot. Smokin’ Hot and Sexy.. and subtitled. 🙂
Thanks, although it’s not mine. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure if it’s okay to snag stuff off the net? This one and that coffee shop one I’ve been using both come from this excellent site called The Food Section. The photos are great, especially in The Street Faire section.
Anyway, I just really liked the photo, too. It’s from somewhere in upstate New York I think.
Good question. I don’t know if it iz or izn’t. 🙂
At you service:

clik to enlarge
or you can call the Pastrami Taxi in Brooklyn
Oh, man! Why oh why don’t we have a Pastrami Taxi where I live?!? I’m totally jealous!
Okay.. the codePink info email is nucking futs today!! 🙂 Lots of new emails and other groups asking for help and support with their ideas. WOW! Some film screenings and such and sharing ideas on how they can get their word out.
And still fighting with the to be evicted neighbors from hell. They are worse now. The apt complex is “sorry but the laws.. blah blah”
I am so hopeful right now as it seems CP likes some of my ideas and I just… I feel so much at home here in this area. It’s great!!!!
And I love the subtle irony of having a protest diary that was covered in pink up on that other place. 🙂 I hadn’t thought of that when I decided to post it there – I truly just wanted to get Eman’s story and photo out there so we all could see how those women are so brave and ARE US.
Okay… … my husband who is home today.. wants me to get off this so he can check bills and see about taking me out to Mongolian BBQ. It’s been a long 24 hours. My mind won’t shut up LOL and I feel like my pink head is going to burst with excitement and stuff.
I LOVE YO GUYS!! Psst go check out Stories in America’s diary. DAMN!!!
You’re a treasure, DJ! I’m so happy for you!! You’ve been doing some amazing stuff. Relax and enjoy your lunch — you deserve it!
Thanks Iz 🙂 We’re all treasures 😀
However, we got home to find out the neighbors AGAIN for the second afternoon let their dog PISS in our doorway. Apt managaer has her hands tied.. This. Sucks.
You deserve a night out Janet! Enjoy…!
Mmmmm Mon GO li yum bar-b-cue…. <slavers>
MM..corned beef on rye, please.
Have you all welcomed the new front pager yet?
Coming right up!
Hey, did I sleep through getting a new front pager? How’d that happen? Why didn’t anyone wake me? Thanks for letting us know!
Don’t tell anyone, but I just woke up from a nap too…
Nap, did someone say Nap.
So, you’re awake… I mean “back” from your “errand.”
If I could learn to nap and run an errand at the same time, I think I would be in heaven. 🙂
All this talk about naps is making me sleepy. But I’m also famished. If I could sleep and eat at the same time, I would. IV anyone?
As long as it’s a caffeine drip!
Well from what I been reading, you just need some ambien.
LOL! A thousand 4s for that one, FM.
I’ve been reading about all this as if it’s new and no one knew. I was prescribed ambien a couple of years ago and I stopped taking it because I would get up in the middle of the night and do stuff. Next morning I wouldn’t remember a thing. I got very scared because I thought what if I decided to take a ride at those times. But one of the side effects the company admits to is amnesia. Go figure.
You’re right — they have known. They gave it to me in the hospital once at the end of 2002 and I ended up somehow wandering the halls with my IV pole trying to chat with the nurses. They told me it was a known side-effect and never to take it again.
When I had my bypass surgery they gave it to me and I think it was the only time my sister-in-law, who was sitting with me that night, go scared. She told me I was sitting in a chair by the bed and was carrying on a conservation with George.
I vaguely remember it, but George was there talking to me and I didn’t find anything strange about it. 🙂
What stuff did you do? I have these boring, but vivid dreams that I clean the house and do all of the things I really hate to do, like cleaning bathrooms. Then when I wake up and notice the house isn’t clean I get all disappointed. Maybe if I take Ambien I’ll clean the house in my sleep.
The stuff I would do was waking up relatives to talk and sometimes cleaning, but the cleaning was not that great and afterwards it would take me days to find stuff I had put away. 🙂
Sounds kinda fun. I saw on TV that many people have sex while on Ambien and do things they normally aren’t that fond of doing while awake.
Goes back to what I saying. You do something but don’t have the pleasure of the memory.
But your partner does. 🙂
Still no fun if it’s a one-way street. 🙂
Absolutely correct. But in this one story one of the partners (ok, let’s get real, it was the wife) didn’t especially like to do something that her husband liked. So every couple of weeks she’d take an Ambien and get it over with. We all know what that is, right? Or suspect anyway.
No I’m still a little hazy from yesterday.
Could you expain in detail. Graphic detail. 🙂
Nah better not. Might have the FCC step in.
You know, one of the stories Arlo told last night was about how one night he had a dream where someone was singing a song, and he got up and wrote it down, and the next morning he couldn’t remember whether he was singing it or someone else was singing it to him, but there it was on paper. And that’s how “Darkest Hour” got to be written.
I turned to my daughter and asked her, “Why can’t I have dreams like that?”
Of course later on he was talking about how sometimes you have these blinding flashes of revelation, and one day he had one and grabbed a pen and just started writing. And when he was done writing he looked down and the paper and saw:
and thought, “What the HELL is that?”
“But I wrote it . . . and people liked it.”
More about Arlo in another post later in the diary.
All I want is a motorsycle. 🙂
You’re so fickle.
“Sing it like you’d just squashed a cop.” 🙂
lol! That poor woman who gained 100 lbs cooking in her sleep! Although you would think someone would’ve mentioned earlier. I think I would’ve started asking questions around 10 or 20 lbs. Or at least wondering out loud.
At least she did have an excuse. It would really piss me off to gain all that weight and not have the pleasure of the memories at least.
Hi Family Man, you feeling better?
Since I delurked to Panda the front page I might as well take a complete break 🙂
It’s been too quiet without you around during the day.
pot, kettle, black?
Guilty as charged.
(and here I didn’t think anybody had noticed…)
Hi Olivia,
I just took a tour of your photos! They are really lovely! Nice website, too!
Feel free to visit anytime. Your photos are really lovely too! I really liked the last one w/ the birds sitting on the rock — one of them had his wings extended, like he was the independent thinker of the group. 🙂
Hi Mary. I’m back and not napping at the moment. 🙂
I missed you and felt bad about your poor head.
Didn’t you say your weather had changed this weekend? I wondered if your headaches could be triggered by drastic changes in barometric pressure. I regularly get headaches when the weather changes.
Thanks Mary. Actually I think I know exactly what caused it this time. I had eaten some marinated tuna that day and it was the only new thing I have eaten in a long time. So marinated tuna joins my list of foods.
Your secret’s safe with me. 😉
I wonder if kansas is anywhere around right now? We need to catch up on 24.
She was here this morning, relieved about her first review.
And what about Luke and whoever on GG? 🙂
It’s been a repeat the last two weeks!
YOu mean I missed my chance to get caught up?
So sorry. I think there’s one on tonight?
I’m kicking myself because I missed Prison Break this week. They split the season in half and ended it in a cliffhanger. I’ve waited months to see how it turns out, watched the repeat of the first half last week, then totally spaced it somehow this week. It doesn’t look like they’re repeating it either.
2 hours of repeats last night. I’m almost caught up. Another hour tonight, but I won’t be home to watch.
Did you see the previews for the end of the season? I think they want us to think Rory gets pregnant. Which means she won’t.
That’s what I was thinking, too.
I have it on good authority that she wakes up from a bad dream in which she was starring in a crappy show with impossibly bad characters.
What authority would that be? Are you listening to those voices in your head? 😉
Somebody has to listen to them, Izzy. Or they get very upset!
They probably saw the Mystery Musical thread and old Luke is going to have more than one child.
Sacrilege I know. 🙂
I wish I had watched 24 when it was relevent. Now it’s just bugging me because I don’t get it.
You can call me computer engineer’s wife. Or just wife, though I don’t really answer to that one.
you’re catching on?
Let’s just say I know who but not why.
You need to watch the DVD of season 1. Then you’d get it 🙂
Or get TiVo.
I got your message over at the Eegee Board, MaryB and scurried over here as fast as I could waddle. Alas, I am going to be such a disappointment to you. I missed 24 this week. But I think I read that it was heavy on Political Wife drama. Don’t worry about spoilers. You can tell me. I’ve been longing for her to shoot him. And then shoot Logan on GG, even though he is cute.
Hmm, President Logan on 24. . .Logan on GG. . .his secret son, perhaps?
I missed it too but I heard that PW’s been learning sign language because she’s so deaf to her would be constituents.
Her to shoot HIM? Not until after the election honey.
Snicker. Well, then, maybe he could shoot her?
I’m thinking Mexican food for lunch…but then again this CA girl will eat mexican food 4 or 5 meals a week! I love it so much I planted my own selection of Habanero peppers and they’ve all sprouted…yum!
next week? 🙂
I don’t know if I can transport habanero plants on the plane…but we’ll see….
And we should be able to find at least one superb restaurant in San Diego!
I know of several in Old Town. I can’t wait!!!
Mmmm… you people are making me even hungrier! Sally, I’d like some carnitas, with a side of beans and rice, and some nice home made pico de gallo and guacamole. Thank you very much!
BTW, you actually eat habaneros? I can’t cook with those anymore due to a bad burning experience with them… hehe. Let’s just say they don’t exit “gracefully.”
I always plant serranos and jalapenos, with the occasional ancho and hungarian wax and cherry bomb peppers. Haven’t grown worth a crap the last 2 years though, so hoping this will be a better year.
Hey Family Man, over here. 🙂
You’re so funny. Just when I think I’ve embarrassed you you go ahead and make me laugh.
Oh so you set out to embarrass me. Well it’s kina of hard to do, but if you had gone into graphic details that might have worked. 🙂
Usually people try to embarrass me because it’s apparently quite humorous to watch my ears turn red.
I have the same problem, except the nervous twitch in my chin will get started and the more embarressed I get the faster my chin shakes.
I took a creative writing class a couple years ago and one of the assignments was to write about a time when you felt extreme emotion.
I wrote about the time when my 3 year old was missing at the beach and I thought he was dead.
But while I was reading it to the class I had a panic attack that included hyperventilating, shaking, nervous twitches, etc.
I fought my way through it looked up and the whole class was crying. They thought that my story ended with my child dying because I was so upset reading it.
So now you know how painfully shy I am in real life.
Yes but you have a great sense of humor. So I doubt anyone would guess how shy you are.
according to this are getting our asses beat in the Koufax Awards by much smaller blogs. Of course, it doesn’t include mail-ins.
So we went and saw Arlo and his band, currently consisting of him on guitar and piano, his son Abe on keyboards, his sideman Gordon Titcomb on dobro, guitar, mandolin and banjo, and a trio of women from New York whose name I forget, but they were very good.
And as usual, he was all over the place:
A Gene Autry song called “Ridin’ Down the Canyon” that he used to listen to on his dad’s 78 RPM record player (a wonderful and unexpected opening — I remembered this song from when I was a kid too)
Bob Dylan’s “Mr. Tambourine Man” and the requisite Bob Dylan stories (he always tells a few, and they’re always great)
Steve Goodman’s “City of New Orleans,” of course
Cisco Houston’s “Gambler’s Blues” (a/k/a St. James Infirmary Blues)
Several of his own pieces, including “Darkest Hour,” “Popular Demand,” “The Motorcycle Song,” “Coming Into Los Angeles” and of course in honor of the 40th anniversary of the incident itself, a slightly updated version of “Alice’s Restaurant”
And three pieces by Woody, “Oklahoma Hills,” “This Land Is Your Land” and “My Peace”. “My Peace” was one of the last things Woody ever wrote, when he was in the hospital dying from Huntington’s disease. Arlo set it to music and it made a beautiful encore.
Of course Arlo told stories all the way through. One of the best came in the middle of “Coming Into Los Angeles.” After talking about how all the airport security these days was nothing new to him (“I tell the kids doing security ‘I’m nowhere near the threat I once hoped to be'”) he said he was sitting in the airport in Boston and there were a couple of Secret Service types with the sunglasses and the earpieces and all watching him, even though they weren’t watching him.
Then one of them gets up to walk over to him, even though he wasn’t walking over to him. But he was.
“Are you GUTHRIE?” the Secret Service agent growled.
Well, what could he do? “Yeah, I’m Guthrie.”
And in his best accusatory voice the Secret Service agent asked him, “Are you bringin’ in a couple of keys??” and a big ol’ grin spread across his face. He’d grown up with the music, just like the rest of us.
It was a great evening and I came out of it about $120 poor, with a hat, four T-shirts, two CDs and a sticker in tow. Musicians love it when I go to their shows. (That’s the real reason I can’t afford to attend very often.)
I’ve been a fan of Arlo since “Alice’s Restaurant”. I’d love to see one of his concerts.
I was first introduced to Arlo as a freshman in high school. The occasion was a party for incoming members of the Thespian Society (high school drama nerd club). Someday I’ll have to go back and look up who was president of the Thespians chapter that year, because I am forever in her debt. At that party I was introduced to two of my favorite things in life: Arlo Guthrie’s music, and fried rice flavor Rice-A-Roni.
My life has never been the same since.
As I said, my first introduction was the movie, but I seem to remember very little.
I think the reason was I was in high school, drive-in movie theater and fogged windows.
From what little I heard, I liked it. 🙂
I think those fogged windows were a sure sign you smoked too much even back then. 🙂
Yea it was smokin, but I didn’t even smoke back then. 😉
Have you looked her up recently? On my last trip home I saw my first serious boyfriend from when I was 17. He’s still awfully cute and there’s always some weird connection thing going on.
No she moved away after graduating from college. She was the first love of my life and there are some very fond memories.
You should see if she’s single again. It beats yard work and napping with George. 🙂
No she’s very happily married from what I’ve been able to gather. Plus if she was single, I would be afraid I would mess up some very fond memories.
I missed the part about the movie. From the sound of it, in some ways, so did you. 🙂
Whoot! Glad you had a great time!!!!!!!
Hey, here’s an (IDEA) – of which I’ve been full of them today… Anyways, next time Arlo’s in town and he’s NOT coming to Portland but only Seattle, why don’t our families meet up at the concert area and see the show together?? I promise, we don’t bite… too hard and my kids both dig Guthrie’s work. Jr. and Sr. Guthrie that is 🙂
Hey, if you guys have a get-together let me know! I’m in the Seattle area. In fact, why wait for Arlo?
Hey that’s great!!! Izzy you’re so close! Waiting for Arlo would be alot better than waiting for Dylan 🙂 lOL
But you’re right – we should hook up.
Psst I like the name Izzy, my actual nickname is Azul and some call me Azzy. So I’ve always liked your nameroni. 🙂
Azzy — I like it! Izzy’s a real life nickname, although mostly from childhood.
I’d love to meet you guys. Feel free to email me.
It’s getting sort of crowded in here, so I’m off to put up a new cafe.
Careful now, you never know where this sort of thing could lead. 🙂
A get-together could be a lot of fun. If we do though I want to see if we can induce Susanhu to come back over this way (assuming she’s up to it).
I’ll have to keep that in mind. Keep two things in mind, though.
1 – When he comes to Seattle Arlo usually plays Benaroya Hall, the home of the Seattle Symphony. Our tickets for last night’s gig were $45 each, and that was for the next-to-last row on the left side of the main floor. (If you look at this seating chart we were in the section marked “Rear Orchestra” in row QQ, stage left, i.e. the right side of the picture.) Not all tickets are that expensive, but I remember getting some tickets to see James Galway once in the Founders Tier that were something like $60, but it was just me and my wife and some special occasion (our anniversary, I think) so it was worth ponying up the ducats.
2 – The concerts generally start at 7:30 and run 2 1/2 hours, so by the time it’s over you’ll have a pretty tired crew when you pull into Portland. (Although you could spend the night if you’re not concerned about school or work the next day.)
With those two caveats, it sounds like it could be fun. He usually plays here every year or two.
I’ve got to go run an errand. Behave while I’m gone! I’ll be back soon.
Izzy you’re starting to copy me. Errands and naps…..
Okay, I’m back. I’d love to blame your bad influence, FM, but I’ve been this way since long before I met you.
My bad influence? I used to be a very shy and quite person until I came to the cafe. I’ve been corrupted. 🙂
It’s nap time again. Got to conserve that energy so I can maybe stay up late and participate in one of the infamous orgies. 🙂
Why do I always miss those infamous orgies too? I think everyone runs and hides when they see me coming LOL. One of these nights, though, I will surprise them in flagrante delicto.
Have a nice nap, FM! Good to see ya back again.
The Froggy Bottom Pub is open!