Although I am not sure, I don’t think I have ever slept with someone that was or was ever likely to be a registered Republican. So, I really am not the right person to make such comparisons.
I will say this though, I don’t find apathy or ignorance to be attractive, and I am not attracted to people that have no empathy. So, the pool of Republican women that might turn me on is vanishingly small.
Even Bo Derek, I think I’d just lie there looking at her, thinking, “How can you be so dumb?”
Cripes Booman, that made me laugh so hard it hurt my ribs!! Thanks π
I voted – I guess we voted again or something?? I dunno. But I voted for this place on two different thingies and for RubDMC and for DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
Ha! I don’t know which suprised my mom most… the fact I spoke slower or that fact I didn’t cuss. She actually called my husband all nervous and such. “But… Janet is so graphic” ROFL
I’ve embarked on my own personal crusade to switch the party loyalties of every single male republican, by sleeping with them one at a time. Or possibly two at a time. I just started with Mr. Nature.
Hang in there Sally! The weekend is almost here, well sort of. Which reminds me… urgh, I have to go get my taxes done at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday! There goes my drunken Friday night. LOL
Maybe we’ll just watch Good Night, and Good Luck again and take it easy on the beer.
I’m a tax person in my spare time until April 15. I have 5 clients tax returns at home when I leave here…AND a professional work related conference in SF that starts Sunday at noon….gag!
Yay, Happy Hour.
Here’s what I posted last night: Well, Happy Hour my a..!
In full time training this week, but they still expect the work to be done. Anyway, I’ve had it for tonight – heading home for a dose of Countdown (I’ll miss the beginning). See you later.
Training and test is now over, please bring a keg!
Actually, I’m afraid there will be some quaffing tonight. There is a NYC dKos meet-up tonight. Markos is in town and will apparently be there (book tour, I think). Also Armando (whom I met at a similar meet-up last June).
Heading out soon to pick up curly, then to meet-up at Yaffa’s.
Will do, Izzy – I’ll try to remember (I take it there is a history here re Armando).
There will surely be a diary on this tonight or tomorrow (by JaneKnowles) – there may also be live blogging.
Nothing that’ll get you in trouble. Now if I told you to walk up and say “the SCOTUS is ordinary” that would be a different story. π
It sounds great and I’ll keep an eye out for the diary or live-blogging. For some reason I always get excited about all the real life meetings. I think the book tour is coming here to the northwest as well and I’m going to actually try to make it out of the house this time.
Down a couple for me, Ask! That ought to be an interesting meet up. How come those folks never congregate out our way? I bet MaryB and I could throw a helluva kegger! I’d even cater the snacks.
That sounds like a great deal actually!!! 2.5 hr show and for Arlo!!! Whoooot!!! My kids are super duper at shows, too. They’re great about restaurants and gigs. Wesley even has been up on stage with Peter Himmelman and Peter remembers him. Hope he comes to Portland…
What would be perfect would be if we could convince him to come into town on a Friday night. Show on Friday, stay overnight, then off to the International District for a dim-sum brunch. I know this place that handles crowds with aplomb. (And aplomb sauce. HA! I made a funny.)
I know there are other Seattle area frogs out there. Howie in Seattle, for one. Occasional front pager Geov Parrish is here, if his health would permit. Gooserock lives around here someplace. And of course there are plenty of people on the Seattle DKos mailing list.
A get-together that doesn’t involve alcohol would be great. They have occasional meetups here but they’re always at pubs, and I’m just not really a pub person. (Unless I go to Canada, where the pubs are . . . pubs. Our favorite hotel in Victoria has a pub with a patio where they just serve the food — it’s where the families with kids eat, and anyone who cares more about watching the goings-on on the streets outside than drinking.)
Anyone know if Supersoling is out of town or anyhting like that? Haven’t seen him here in a couple of days and I emailed him yesterday about the meetup and haven’t heard back yet. That is so unlike him. Hope everything is ok with him.
I haven’t seen him but he blogged (on his own blog) about a death in the family. His wife’s grandmother, I think, last weekend? He might be tied up with that.
HI all. I went to my caucus last night. The four of us from my precinct voted to censure Bush. π I’m still the precinct captain even though I offered it to the other attendees and told them what a glamorous job it is.
I am trying to think of creative ways to GOTV. Calling everyone is getting so old.
I got suggestions here for synth pop for my ten year old (thanks!) Here is what we ended up with:
Baby, Oh No Bow Wow Wow
Bizarre Love Triangle New Order
Blue Monday New Order
Come On Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Everybody Tears For Fears
Everybody Have Fun Tonight Wang Chung
Genius of Love Tom Tom Club
Hold Me Now The Thompson Twins
It’s My Life Talk Talk
Karma Chameleon Culture Club
One Thing Leads to Another The Fixx
Popmuzik M
Relax Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Tainted Love Soft Cell
The Metro Berlin
Video Killed The Radio Star The Buggles
Why Can’t I Be Like You? The Cure
You sure you really want to know, Mary? <eg>
No offense to Emma Anne, but it’s not my pint o’ beer. But she might hate my lists so we just celebrate our musical diversity.
And with that lame ass remark, I’m outta here for now. Time to go home! All you guys behave now, ok?
Synthesizer I believe. It is a certain kind of pop music from the 80’s. My ten year got intrigued by it, so I solicited recommendations here and built her a CD.
Most of those are classics, but there’s a couple I’m not so sure are synth-pop. For instance, C’mon Eileen is certainly evocative of the 80’s, but doesn’t have much if any synth in it (lots of violins, though).
I’d definitely add Cars by Gary Numan and She Blinded Me With Science by that Dolby guy.
Okay – here’s my shot at the Liberal Women list….hey it was only 15 minutes worth…take your best shot!
10 Reasons Why Liberal Women are Better in Bed
1. Conscience! A liberal woman knows it’s not all about her. She knows there is a intelligent man attached to that hot body!
2. Tears! Liberal women’s tears – heh – not during sex – unless the orgasm makes her scream and her eyes water! Tears are for the crimes against society perpetrated by rethug governments and during chick flick movies.
3. A sense of perspective. A liberal woman knows that there is `marital duty sex’, good sex, great sex…and hot sweaty roll in the sheets sex. She knows that `marital duty’ is a Republican male idea and any of the other three is a liberal male goal. She prefers the last one most of all.
4. A sense of adventure. Liberal women are willing to try new things with consenting partners and believes location, location, location – means bed, sofa, floor, or wherever it works! Republican women are `good girls’ that don’t do it unless they are engaged or married.
5. Foreplay. Liberal women know there are many erogenous zones….from toes to nose…and a brain as well.
6. Size. Liberal women like size as well as the next woman….but they want some technique and finesse that goes with it. They also are comfortable with their own size…of bottom, top, and every other part.
7. Flexibility. See #4.
8. Largesse. Liberal women will never insist on going to a restaurant that is too expensive and then whine about the service and what everyone is wearing. They prefer money be spent on health care and education for everyone. They like quiet intimate dinners…sitting in bed naked with pizza is just fine.
9. Wooing techniques. Liberal women like being assertive….and sending messages and talking dirty on the telephone to their partners. Liberal women know the words to use on the phone…and they know how to perform them as well!
10. Nightstand reading. Sex Toys 101 : A Playfully Uninhibited Guide. Liberal women understand that toys can be used by both partners….
Hey Olivia π The guys in the hockey chat were trying to be “porny” with the hockey names “Butt Ending” and “high sticking” as Blue Movie names… typical.
So I tweaked it up a bit with asking about “Ti Domi Me UP, Ti Domi Me Down” π Almodovar would be proud π errr maybe not.
I picked Ottawa for Saturday again. I”m in like 4th place so far π
foreplay in da swamp: “git in da truck bitch”… ; )
that’ll get you a few things you don’t want;
1. a trailer in Alabama, with lots of kids and plastic shit in the yard
2. child-support
3. 4 mongrel dogs
4. 6 cats, (two of them cross-eyed)
5. more relatives than you can count, or care to!!
6. 1 Bush Car (that’s a car with bushes growing up through it)
7. neighbors that borrow everything…except the bills
8. a mother-in-law that hates your guts…(and tries on ocasion to cut them out)
9. a father-in-law who’s favorite trick is rattling his false teeth at the dinner table.
10. (drum roll) a Ford Pinto, with payments for the next 10yrs ; )
Missed you around here….and now ya’ll come in with redneck foreplay!
Okay…Utah redneck version…my high school boyfriends!
Substitute Utah for Alabama
No child support…rarely divorced…just 10 kids
Beat-up Ford F-150 or Chevy pickup – used to be your brother-in-laws before he rolled it down the side of the mountain. He swears it runs fine and he tightened all the loose nuts (except himself). Must have FM gun rack…fully loaded. Oh and need a sixpack of beer in a plain brown bag behind the seat. No drinking in Utah… but you knew that!
The big breasted rednecks are athletes. It takes training and perseverance to sit in front of a TV and chug beer. What they have given up for their sport. π
Only felt guilty once. That once was the one and only time I cheated on an ex. That marriage was 1 month from divorce – never cheated before that or again….
Sorry I have to leave this party but Peruvian Food calls. I’ll see you all later. (Actually, I’ll probably only see Izzy later, but I’ll be thinking about the rest of you.)
No spoilers from me. I was reading that the ratings for Lost are plummeting because people are so damn sick of reruns! I only watched about half of it…I’m losing interest in it. π
I left high school in 1978 and haven’t seen anyone since. My mom graduated in 1948 and still hangs around with 6 of her friends from high school. Her graduating class was 17.
I have a good core group of women friends. My best friend and I met in 6th grade and have been friends since. I have tons of girl friends from highschool that I’m still in touch with, including the core group of three that I see every month.
It give good balance to the fact that for the past 15 years I’ve worked almost exclusively with men. Most of the hours in the day are spent with men; most of my work friends are men. Law school friends — men.
Seems like happy hour to me, right?
Works for me. I’ve been pretty worthless this afternoon anyway.
I wouldn’t say worthless! I enjoyed our chat about tv.
Did you know that liberal men are better in bed? via the Orange Place.
I did know that, but thanks for the link!
Now we need 10 reasons liberal women are better lovers.
But I’m not sure I want to go there.
We’ll let you, with all your vast experience, come up with that list.
I particularly liked #5 on this list. Republicans ARE bigger dicks.
Although I am not sure, I don’t think I have ever slept with someone that was or was ever likely to be a registered Republican. So, I really am not the right person to make such comparisons.
I will say this though, I don’t find apathy or ignorance to be attractive, and I am not attracted to people that have no empathy. So, the pool of Republican women that might turn me on is vanishingly small.
Even Bo Derek, I think I’d just lie there looking at her, thinking, “How can you be so dumb?”
LOL Yeah, right.
Or you COULD be thinking
“No one’s EVER going to believe I’m having sex with Bo Derek.”
which would probably be true.
oh, you’re talking about how I might attempt to justify it in my mind…
Cripes Booman, that made me laugh so hard it hurt my ribs!! Thanks π
I voted – I guess we voted again or something?? I dunno. But I voted for this place on two different thingies and for RubDMC and for DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
I can’t believe DJ said cripes! That was some major snortage for me! What is this, DJ ver. 2.0? Cleaner and gentler? I sure hope not!
DJ is practicing her radio personality π
Ha! I don’t know which suprised my mom most… the fact I spoke slower or that fact I didn’t cuss. She actually called my husband all nervous and such. “But… Janet is so graphic” ROFL
I’ve always used “cripes” π Plus I blew out my f bombs this afternoon due to the neighbors from hell. They’re total fuckwads.
You mean Koufax voting? I voted for BMT (of course) and Firedoglake and Michael Berube and Water Tiger.
I can’t believe this blog is new. Internet time is kind of scary.
Mr. Nature is a registered Republican.
Make of that what you will…
Now that IS hilarious. You need the 10 and 1/2 reasons why Republicans are better in bed.
I’ve embarked on my own personal crusade to switch the party loyalties of every single male republican, by sleeping with them one at a time. Or possibly two at a time. I just started with Mr. Nature.
I really don’t want to do this corporate tax stuff today….
So sex is good brain diversion!
Hang in there Sally! The weekend is almost here, well sort of. Which reminds me… urgh, I have to go get my taxes done at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday! There goes my drunken Friday night. LOL
Maybe we’ll just watch Good Night, and Good Luck again and take it easy on the beer.
I’m a tax person in my spare time until April 15. I have 5 clients tax returns at home when I leave here…AND a professional work related conference in SF that starts Sunday at noon….gag!
Yay, Happy Hour.
Here’s what I posted last night:
Well, Happy Hour my a..!
In full time training this week, but they still expect the work to be done. Anyway, I’ve had it for tonight – heading home for a dose of Countdown (I’ll miss the beginning). See you later.
Training and test is now over, please bring a keg!
Actually, I’m afraid there will be some quaffing tonight. There is a NYC dKos meet-up tonight. Markos is in town and will apparently be there (book tour, I think). Also Armando (whom I met at a similar meet-up last June).
Heading out soon to pick up curly, then to meet-up at Yaffa’s.
Oh, please do tell Armando that Izzy from Unbossed sends her love!
Glad your stuff is all done and I hope you have a great time tonight! If you come across a diary about it later, will you bring the link here?
Will do, Izzy – I’ll try to remember (I take it there is a history here re Armando).
There will surely be a diary on this tonight or tomorrow (by JaneKnowles) – there may also be live blogging.
Nothing that’ll get you in trouble. Now if I told you to walk up and say “the SCOTUS is ordinary” that would be a different story. π
It sounds great and I’ll keep an eye out for the diary or live-blogging. For some reason I always get excited about all the real life meetings. I think the book tour is coming here to the northwest as well and I’m going to actually try to make it out of the house this time.
Down a couple for me, Ask! That ought to be an interesting meet up. How come those folks never congregate out our way? I bet MaryB and I could throw a helluva kegger! I’d even cater the snacks.
No problem, quite a thirst worked up.
Got to run now.
Ask!!!! Have a great time.
I have a work-related worry line with your name on it however π
Have a great time ask. But make sure you wear something green π
From the other thread:
That sounds like a great deal actually!!! 2.5 hr show and for Arlo!!! Whoooot!!! My kids are super duper at shows, too. They’re great about restaurants and gigs. Wesley even has been up on stage with Peter Himmelman and Peter remembers him. Hope he comes to Portland…
So… it’s a date! Whenever that may be.
OMIR the Storyteller
SusanHu – Susan where are Hu??
who else??
I miss Susan too … does anyone have any idea when she might return from her sabbatical?
Cross-pub threads. Will wonders never cease. π
What would be perfect would be if we could convince him to come into town on a Friday night. Show on Friday, stay overnight, then off to the International District for a dim-sum brunch. I know this place that handles crowds with aplomb. (And aplomb sauce. HA! I made a funny.)
I know there are other Seattle area frogs out there. Howie in Seattle, for one. Occasional front pager Geov Parrish is here, if his health would permit. Gooserock lives around here someplace. And of course there are plenty of people on the Seattle DKos mailing list.
A get-together that doesn’t involve alcohol would be great. They have occasional meetups here but they’re always at pubs, and I’m just not really a pub person. (Unless I go to Canada, where the pubs are . . . pubs. Our favorite hotel in Victoria has a pub with a patio where they just serve the food — it’s where the families with kids eat, and anyone who cares more about watching the goings-on on the streets outside than drinking.)
Coolness!!! I”m all ears and open to good meets.
Anyone know if Supersoling is out of town or anyhting like that? Haven’t seen him here in a couple of days and I emailed him yesterday about the meetup and haven’t heard back yet. That is so unlike him. Hope everything is ok with him.
I haven’t seen him but he blogged (on his own blog) about a death in the family. His wife’s grandmother, I think, last weekend? He might be tied up with that.
Leezy, I spoke to him on the phone (for the first time :)) Saturday afternoon. We talked ForEver.
there’s been a death on his wife’s side of the family. So that might be why he’s not online or chekcing email.
I was worried since I had seen him posting or seen any emails from him…
I heard from him Monday, I think…ditto everything everyone else said.
Thanks all. I do remember reading about his wife’s grandmother passing on his blog. Thanks for the update all. My condolences to Super and his family.
HI all. I went to my caucus last night. The four of us from my precinct voted to censure Bush. π I’m still the precinct captain even though I offered it to the other attendees and told them what a glamorous job it is.
I am trying to think of creative ways to GOTV. Calling everyone is getting so old.
I got suggestions here for synth pop for my ten year old (thanks!) Here is what we ended up with:
Baby, Oh No Bow Wow Wow
Bizarre Love Triangle New Order
Blue Monday New Order
Come On Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Everybody Tears For Fears
Everybody Have Fun Tonight Wang Chung
Genius of Love Tom Tom Club
Hold Me Now The Thompson Twins
It’s My Life Talk Talk
Karma Chameleon Culture Club
One Thing Leads to Another The Fixx
Popmuzik M
Relax Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Tainted Love Soft Cell
The Metro Berlin
Video Killed The Radio Star The Buggles
Why Can’t I Be Like You? The Cure
what is synth pop?
You sure you really want to know, Mary? <eg>
No offense to Emma Anne, but it’s not my pint o’ beer. But she might hate my lists so we just celebrate our musical diversity.
And with that lame ass remark, I’m outta here for now. Time to go home! All you guys behave now, ok?
Synthesizer I believe. It is a certain kind of pop music from the 80’s. My ten year got intrigued by it, so I solicited recommendations here and built her a CD.
It’s scary but I think I have most of those on vinyl (or tape). But I never called it Synth pop.
Damn, now I can’t get Karma Chameleon out of my head.
Most of those are classics, but there’s a couple I’m not so sure are synth-pop. For instance, C’mon Eileen is certainly evocative of the 80’s, but doesn’t have much if any synth in it (lots of violins, though).
I’d definitely add Cars by Gary Numan and She Blinded Me With Science by that Dolby guy.
Yeah, it isn’t very pure. Synth pop was kind of the muse of the whole exercise. π
Every time I hear “Relax” I think of the version Weird Al Yankovic dropped into his medley of tunes from the early 80s, done as a polka.
Okay – here’s my shot at the Liberal Women list….hey it was only 15 minutes worth…take your best shot!
10 Reasons Why Liberal Women are Better in Bed
1. Conscience! A liberal woman knows it’s not all about her. She knows there is a intelligent man attached to that hot body!
2. Tears! Liberal women’s tears – heh – not during sex – unless the orgasm makes her scream and her eyes water! Tears are for the crimes against society perpetrated by rethug governments and during chick flick movies.
3. A sense of perspective. A liberal woman knows that there is `marital duty sex’, good sex, great sex…and hot sweaty roll in the sheets sex. She knows that `marital duty’ is a Republican male idea and any of the other three is a liberal male goal. She prefers the last one most of all.
4. A sense of adventure. Liberal women are willing to try new things with consenting partners and believes location, location, location – means bed, sofa, floor, or wherever it works! Republican women are `good girls’ that don’t do it unless they are engaged or married.
5. Foreplay. Liberal women know there are many erogenous zones….from toes to nose…and a brain as well.
6. Size. Liberal women like size as well as the next woman….but they want some technique and finesse that goes with it. They also are comfortable with their own size…of bottom, top, and every other part.
7. Flexibility. See #4.
8. Largesse. Liberal women will never insist on going to a restaurant that is too expensive and then whine about the service and what everyone is wearing. They prefer money be spent on health care and education for everyone. They like quiet intimate dinners…sitting in bed naked with pizza is just fine.
9. Wooing techniques. Liberal women like being assertive….and sending messages and talking dirty on the telephone to their partners. Liberal women know the words to use on the phone…and they know how to perform them as well!
10. Nightstand reading. Sex Toys 101 : A Playfully Uninhibited Guide. Liberal women understand that toys can be used by both partners….
Not only do we know how to make love – we also know how to fuck.
I love your list Sally π
there is also that little something about ‘less guilt’.
Foreplay isn’t a shot gun wedding with guests trucked in from wal-mart.
Foreplay can be anything including Bruce Lee flicks and a big fattie. π
OR a heated debated about politics π
nothing like numchucks to get you in the mood…
The movie Slap Shots is pretty great, too π
Or a wicked good hockey game.
… you’re so awesome! :*
Hey Olivia π The guys in the hockey chat were trying to be “porny” with the hockey names “Butt Ending” and “high sticking” as Blue Movie names… typical.
So I tweaked it up a bit with asking about “Ti Domi Me UP, Ti Domi Me Down” π Almodovar would be proud π errr maybe not.
I picked Ottawa for Saturday again. I”m in like 4th place so far π
DJ!!! Argh my inner eye! lol! I can’t stand the dude. Reminds me of a poem I heard once:
Tie, Tie, Tie
Number 28
You ugly dumb cementhead
Your career is over.
LOL Man, that poem was worse than Belfour π
I like Ti π There’s always one special goon for a gal. LOL
foreplay in da swamp: “git in da truck bitch”… ; )
that’ll get you a few things you don’t want;
1. a trailer in Alabama, with lots of kids and plastic shit in the yard
2. child-support
3. 4 mongrel dogs
4. 6 cats, (two of them cross-eyed)
5. more relatives than you can count, or care to!!
6. 1 Bush Car (that’s a car with bushes growing up through it)
7. neighbors that borrow everything…except the bills
8. a mother-in-law that hates your guts…(and tries on ocasion to cut them out)
9. a father-in-law who’s favorite trick is rattling his false teeth at the dinner table.
10. (drum roll) a Ford Pinto, with payments for the next 10yrs ; )
infidelpig your description sounds so familiar for some reason, except I’d change the pinto to a Ford F-150 pickup with Easy Rider rifle rack. π
yeppers, but it must be at least 15yrs old, purchased at a “Buy Here Pay Here” lot, and 1/2 down ; )
Hope you’ve been well! π
I’ve been very busy Olivia, 7 days a week, great to hear from you…hope all is going your way.
Missed you around here….and now ya’ll come in with redneck foreplay!
Okay…Utah redneck version…my high school boyfriends!
ROFLMAO Sally and iPig π
No drinking in Utah?? Really? Cripes!!!
and I thought these damn blue laws in OR and MA were bad.
I completely forgot about the 6-pack of beer. No decent redneck would be caught without it.
6 pack of CANNED beer and a tube top aka banana smugglers π
LMAO…hav’nt heard that term in many moons ; )
As an added accessory the beer baseball cap with drinking tube. π
Some of those rednecks men could use bra, too. ACK! LOL
The big breasted rednecks are athletes. It takes training and perseverance to sit in front of a TV and chug beer. What they have given up for their sport. π
LMAO….sounds like fun…
good to hear from some you folks as well.
hope all is going well..
peace friends ; )
Only felt guilty once. That once was the one and only time I cheated on an ex. That marriage was 1 month from divorce – never cheated before that or again….
less guilt on OUR part? Or we make you feel less guilty?
liberal women have less guilt about sex, as evidenced by the whole specter of wingnuttia’s social agenda.
good, because if it meant we were less inclined to make YOU feel guilty, I was going to have to declare myself a moderate
couldn’t have me feeling guiltless, is that it?
wouldn’t be nearly as much fun for either of us
And the lack of Aqua Net is always a good thing — we don’t tend to have helmet hair.
Holy HairNet!!! That was fucking funny!!!
Good job Sal!
Naked with chinese food is good too though.
Only if you want snacks later from dropping stuff! I’m good with chopsticks but I still drop stuff!
I thought the point was to feed it to each other and lick the droppings …
never mind
Just posted the list as a diary at the Orange site
Should be fun to see what happens…
Wow, where can I get me one of those liberal women? Oh, wait, I am one. God, we’re hot!
I tried to keep the list gender neutral as well…
We liberal women like different kinds of partners as well!
Sorry I have to leave this party but Peruvian Food calls. I’ll see you all later. (Actually, I’ll probably only see Izzy later, but I’ll be thinking about the rest of you.)
Lost is over…where is everyone?
I’m here — somehow I’ve lapsed into lurking! And, please, no Lost spoilers. It’s hours away for me.
No spoilers from me. I was reading that the ratings for Lost are plummeting because people are so damn sick of reruns! I only watched about half of it…I’m losing interest in it. π
Was it a new one?!?
Finally, yes, it was a new one! Yay!
But… but… then why’d you only watch half? The mind boggles.
I think it’s getting really boring. Or I have ADD.
Hi SN, I just got home.
I’m so jealous of your social life.
Tonight wasn’t all that exciting. Wednesday nights are usually work related. Except for First Wednesdays when I go out with my highschool gal pals.
I left high school in 1978 and haven’t seen anyone since. My mom graduated in 1948 and still hangs around with 6 of her friends from high school. Her graduating class was 17.
I have a good core group of women friends. My best friend and I met in 6th grade and have been friends since. I have tons of girl friends from highschool that I’m still in touch with, including the core group of three that I see every month.
It give good balance to the fact that for the past 15 years I’ve worked almost exclusively with men. Most of the hours in the day are spent with men; most of my work friends are men. Law school friends — men.
I don’t have any friends. My life took a drastically different path than my friends from high school, and I never reconnected.
This thread is getting sludgy. I’m going to put up a new one. SN, we’ll examine your Lost behavior in there — I’m not letting this drop.
Okay, the overnight Cafe is up. Don’t forget to unreccomend this one!