What’s going on?
Please welcome Chris from Rowhouse Logic to the front page, and don’t forget to vote in the Koufax Awards.
What’s going on?
Please welcome Chris from Rowhouse Logic to the front page, and don’t forget to vote in the Koufax Awards.
Recieved an email from Fiengold’s camp today. He will be on the Daily Show TONIGHT! Set the tivos, this ought to be good!
“Just wanted to make sure you knew that Russ will be appearing on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” tonight. The show will be on at 10:00 pm Central (11:00 Eastern) and rebroadcast two hours later, as well as tomorrow at 7:00 pm Central. Hope you can tune in to see Russ!
George Aldrich
Progressive Patriots Fund”
last time i saw russ on a show that wasn’t on sunday morning was Bill Maher’s Real Time. Bill have him an earful.
but things have changed since then. i can’t wait to tune in!
Welcome, Chris! You’re complimentary BooMan fruit basket is on its way to you even as we speak.
Never been one for fruit myself, but I think I see some processed meats and booze in that basket so I’m a happy kid. I’ll give the fruit to the cat.
Coppola Wine Basket A little something from my part of the county!
I thought you re-named it BooFruits?
And by the way, my birthday basket never arrived. I’m beginning to think that maybe you, I don’t know, LIED about it?
Would you do that?
No, no, I would never lie. It’s just being held up with, umm, the change in port management. Yeah, that’s it. The port deal has held it up.
I saw on your site that you were in Az recently, thanks for sending the snow 🙂
It’s the least I could do.
that Julie Doolittle isn’t the only congressman’s wife skimming from campaign contributions.
Welcome! Good to see fresh blood around here. 😉
Welcome victim…er…um Chris! 😉
Seriously though, just read your first post here and I have to say that I like what I see already.!
Well I seem to be out of wise and witty welcoming sayings(not sure I ever had any) so I guess a simple ‘Welcome Chris’ will have to suffice.
how come i didn’t get no fancy showering of fruits!? i go cry now.
down the aviators, are you saying that your preferred method of appeasement involves a pineapple? 🙂
i never turned down aviators! i said i didn’t have such a pair almost begging for a present!
but the aviators – so cool! i’m a pilot! look at me!
Can you tell I’m avoiding a major deadline at work? 🙂
pineapples are healthy
I’ve got one more wine basket…from here in the wine country…
Sterling Vineyards….party tasting
How about a Major Award? 🙂

I’m the echo at the end of the thread here, but still sending warm welcome wishes from a cold place that should be warming up now.
Just got out of a meeting, read your first post here and appreciated it very much… it will be interesting to see if those results are borne out.
Oh, and don’t let MaryB steal all the good stuff from your welcome basket! She’s a sly one, she is.
Good to see a new face around these heah parts.
What??!?!? We vote again or what?? I’m so confused!
Welcome aboard the Booman Train, Chris. Drop in the Cafe and say ribbit why doncha.
You, too, Albert 🙂
Looking forward to reading more of your work. Welcome to BT!