Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
All Night Long
All Night Long
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
New cafe open and awaiting orgy!
I’m still nervous about the whole orgy thing with Scalia running around looking for them to “relax” him.
We’ll just call it another name and maybe he won’t notice.
Yes, that was a particularly nasty thing to read about maryb. 🙂
What’s up Olivia?
Hi Family Man! I just read DJ’s last lesson comment LOL…
She’s a natural born teacher. 🙂
a nasty thing to read about me? with Scalia? where?
I’m so sorry that you even had to think that I was referring to you w/ Scalia lol! I meant the original news article about the story. And I’m sorry if it set ::ahrem:: anyone off — I now know how little it takes for 6″pump, fishnet, skintightredsilk stories to take off! 🙂
As if we would do anything like that. 🙂
LOL well maybe in that clingy silk number.
another here with innocent expression
Innocent??? ROTFLMAO!!!!!! and I’m the Pope.
Yeah, right, your holiness!
How ya been RF?
ROTFLMAO!!!! I am doing great just exhausted and too damn busy. How are you doing?
all in a row! 🙂
ya, vell, den, I yoost coodn’t resist…
Thanks Olivia, you got them all lined up for me. Now … what to do? I could troll rate all of them …
LOL we have to keep everyone entertained,
somehow it would seem to be one of those things I’d be better off not knowing, eh?
I want to hear how Mary got involved with it. 🙂
Wow,I go off for a few hours and come back to Scalia inspired orgies? That thought makes me shudder almost as much as Dana Milbank evoking the image of Dick Cheney in a towel, roaming the hotel hallways looking for ice! (that was on KO tonight, I didn’t make it up…Milbank did).
Thanks for doing double (triple?) duty recently FM… it’s good to see you back and being ornery.
Thanks IVG.
I read your comment as: Thanks for doing double (triple?) duty recently FM… it’s good to see you back and being orGery.
LOL! That’ll teach me to speed read in “delicate” diaries.
Thanks for the hearty laugh you just gave me, Olivia! Hasn’t anyone told you I’m the king (not Pope) of the salaciously misread comment? Why, I even do it myself sometimes! 🙂
… for the laugh I had at the misread IowaVG. I did not know that about you. I will remember however to read all your future comments w/ diligence! 😉
Magic fingers perhaps.
All seeing and feeling finger tips perhaps. 🙂
lol! maryb — I’m so sorry!!! I can’t get them to stop! 🙂
on the last one I had time to make one comment, read the rest, and by then it was closed, and DANG, I wasn’t there to help booman in his time of need…
That was a quickie!
Got yer email! ((((NDD)))))
Barry Lopez gave one hour lecture this past Tues evening at UND’s Writer’s Conference. (Author of Arctic Dreams, which I highly recommend.)
He was absolutely amazing! I haven’t heard a speaker like this since R Buckminster Fuller. 500-600 people, dead quiet the whole hour, I don’t recall even one cough. He was very serious, very seriously concerned on the issue of global warming. (I’m trying to find his essay on global warming, so far no luck.)
Thank you so much! I have to finish Kansas’ book. I’ve been so tired by the time I get to bed I’ve had to re-read the stuff I’ve read.
But I’ve jotted that down. Highly intrigued.
I saw a little crow pendant the other day in the window. I should go get it.
Better get typing… 🙂 You can leave Boo some advice here in this one.
I was thinking more of a “hands on” demonstration!!!
… you and DJ are going to educate us all?
yeah, but now I’m struck totally mute!
Grabbing for an answer!
SallyCat you amaze me with how fast you can get these picture up.
They’re all right at the tip of her fingers… so to speak
Did you ever read C&J at the orange site? well I’m one of the original Wankers, Spankers, & Pervs!
Secret: I’m really good at google – and have a premium photobucket account with hundreds of photos!
I keep running from thread to thread with this damn straw sticking out of my mouth!!
LSU just beat Duke!
LOL I will have fun with that tomorrow at work. One of my managers is a big Duke Fan. LOL
Duke fans are so difficult 🙂
But I do love teasing them when Duke Loses.
Well looks like I missed the wild thread again. LOL
You didn’t miss anything. Since you’re here, now the wild threads can start.
LOL I have never discussed positions before. LOL
Well I got home from work…had a small glass of wine…and ready to continue…
We’ll get to favorite positions…oh any time now!
I think you’re just in time — DJ’s here and she’s giving us lessons! lol 🙂
Well, I’m not sure I need lessons. A partner would be nice. LOL
Howdy Olivia!!!
the wet look
I’m guessing male for you…but if you want female…I can find a pic for that too….
Is it okay if we share? He looks like he has a load of…..stamina.
There are many things I will share but a man is not one of them. LOL
Ok, if he’s straight, he’s mine.
Ya’ll better watch out. I hear his name is Luke and you know Mary will swoop down on you if you try to take him. 🙂
But I had luke> LOL
You can have the straight ones. and even the ones that are confused. I like my men to know they like men. LOL
Hot Damn!!!!! I do love a salt lick!!!!
that ain’t sweat glistening, it’s carnaba wax…
Sort of works for me, but put some hair on his chest, LOL! And that ‘bra’ up-thread… wow. I’m pretty jaded, but that was a new one for me! Very humorous, though, hehe.
If I want floss I will buy that at the drug store. LOL
That just gave me a scary flashback to maryb’s birthday bubble-bath boy with the prosthetic six-pack. <shudder>
Six pack. Did somebody say six pack?
I don’t think beer was the topic. LOL
Her knowledge is all encompassing, I’m quite sure. 🙂
Self love is a good thing….
Discreet… Only Adult content
Been shopping there for years…..
I really don’t need solo lessons. LOL I could write several volumes on that.
LOL r69! You guys crack me up! So, uh several volumes, eh? 🙂
Oh yes!!!! After a certain amount of time single you start becoming an expert at solo to keep from being bored. LOL
Hi everyone, you might say I’ve had my head in the clouds for the last two weeks as I prepare for the big week ahead, yeah….only 5 more days till Shirl gets here and then only a few days after that the big meetup. Wish you could all be there.
Hi Diane. Are you getting excited about meeting Sherl face to face?
Have fun!!!!
You must be so excited! I wish I were coming out there.
Wish we could too. I would love to see both your faces when you and shirl meet up! We’ll definitely be thinking of you, and waiting to hear all your stories!
To everyone who responded above, it’s going to be a big day and then week, finally getting to meet at least some of you wonderful folks. We are taking lots of pics, will try to get one of the moment we meet, lol…also we will do a podcast together with Shirl and then everyone at the meetup if we can persuade them. Still waiting to hear from Supersoling, hope he is still going to come.
Diane, FamilyMan pointed me to the podcasts you have up now and it was so lovely to hear all your voices. You sound so calm and soothing!
I like listening to all the voices, it makes people more real when you hear them speak. What about you, why don’t you make one…if you don’t have a mic. i have a phone number you can call to make one of about 2 min. anyone interested can email me, like you Olivia.
Olivia of the beautiful pics. that I adore and hope to someday have both a camera capable and skills to take those kind of pics.
That’s what I thought. It was a real treat to hear you all. Great! I’d like to do that! I’ll send you an email diane, but I’ll wait ’til after your big w/e.
And diane, I was looking at your pix of your garden. It looks like you’ve settled in, and it looks quite homey!
I really enjoyed listening to those. Thanks for putting them up!
How are you doing? 🙂
Hi Olivia! I’m doing okay, you?
Hi Diane! Nice to see you again, of course. I so envy you folks out there on the coast gettin together, and sure hope you all have a boo-tastic time! Give my best to all, will ya? Don’t think I’ll have any flowers blooming by then (except the crocus, which just re-emerged from the snow!) but will be envying you again, as our green things begin to emerge from the ground. Cheers to ya!
My team si going to turn me into a nervous wreck of a freaked out fan! CRIPES!!!!!!
that must be the squirrel that shorted out FM’s transformer, when he lost power recently.
Nope, it doesn’t look fried enought. 🙂
back in 69-70
Looks like what I still call fried. LOL
That looks like me during 69-70. 🙂
ya got a belly laugh out me with that one.
Right now every game is to the wire important. We are fighting for LAST place in the play off so we’ll have play off hockey … DAMN the Wings scored again..
anyways so we’re watching tons of hockey because some teams we want to see win so that our sharks have better odds… and DAMN… I can’t believe the Sharks tonight
another goal off our own guy!
anyways, hockey fans are freaking out right now – at least the ones in this house. because our team are a bunch of slackers!!!!!
Hockey should be fun for the fan… but right now it feels more like crapping razor blades would be better thing to do.
I’m not totally sure, but those pills look suspiciously like Viagra to me … death by….?
If it is viagra does the squirrel have a smile on its face. 🙂
To me he looks Dazed and Confused at best … I guess maybe only DJ can tell us, hehe.
it’s incentive for the team to finish higher than 8th or 7th, so they don’t face the Dead Things in the 1st round… 😉
Got to go back and nag the spouse about when we’re eating dinner… 🙁
Did maryb have something to do with this?
gotta go choke down some dinner during this horrible hockey game. At least it’s the Wings kicking our pathetic asses and not the Bl… runs away. 🙂
so are you having “Hot Wings” for dinner?
after 3 late nights out in a row for politics and not sleeping much. I need to try and get some sleep. I will try and check by in the am before work but doubt I will check in after that till late tomorrow or maybe even saturday morning. I have to help set up for the county convention tomorrow night and then attend it on Saturday.
Night Refinish. Don’t over work yourself.
Get some rest, RF! Sounds like you have a busy weekend lined up doing the good work, so you’ll need your energies. Be sure to let us know how things work out … but then, maybe you can get a few winks in at the convention when people are presenting resolutions and such, LOL. I know I could have done that in 2004 at my caucus, where there were umpteen resolutions presented….
Froggy Bottom is going to open up the 24/7 cafe in just a minute.
24/7 Cafe opened for Business!