“How many times are we going let George Bush and (Vice President) Dick Cheney say, ’You guys don’t support the troops. You’re not patriotic,’ and let them push us around? We have to stand up to them.” – Russ Feingold on The Daily Show, March 22nd, 2006.
Here in Philly, the progressives are not just sitting around letting Ed Rendell and Chuck Schumer push us around. You can read about our insurgency against City Hall here, here, and here. The response from the Democratic Party? Fistfights, slashed tires, and nasty phone calls and emails from the offices of wardleaders, Representative Bob Brady, and Governor Ed Rendell. We are aren’t going to let them push us around.
Politics ain’t beanbag, and it’s prudent to have bodyguards when you set off to take away someone’s power and position. It’s unfortunate that we have the charge of fighting entrenched Democrats just to get to a point where we can fight the real insidious enemy, the Republicans. I encourage everyone to get involved in your local party and to organize to put in fresh blood that is unafraid to stick up for core American principles.
But, that is a long term project. In the short term we have to live with the fact that the Democratic Party has a different set of priorities than we do. And they have decided to recruit and promote a lot of candidates in the primaries that we don’t particularly like. Now that we know what we are up against we are getting organized. The fact that the goons are coming out to intimidate us means that we have enough power to be taken seriously. And there is no way that we are going to go back to being passive witnesses to the kind of appeasement the Democrats have displayed over torture, illegal domestic surveillance, illegal detention, and preemptive war.
Russ Feingold is our standard bearer by default. It’s already too late for any other Presidential aspirant to get on the bandwagon. Over at Daily Kos, Markos ran a poll of the Big Orange citizens. The results?
dKos reader poll. 3/21. 11,117 respondents.
Feingold 48 30 19 19 16 10 10
Clark 15 22 26 34 35 34 26
Warner 11 12 14 4 3 5 5
Edwards 7 8 12 10 7 7 8
No Freakin' Clue 4 6 6 6 9 13 17
Other 3 6 2 3 4 4 7
H. Clinton 2 3 6 8 9 10 10
Richardson 2 3 5 3 4 4 4
Kerry 1 3 2 2 1 2 2
Biden 1 1 1 3 3 3 3
Bayh 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
Vilsack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dascle 0
The ship has sailed for Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, and any other Senators that have failed to take the principled stands that Russ Feingold has made ever since 9/11.
No one can question our patriotism, and no one can cower when our patriotism is questioned. That is, not if they want our support. Political calculations and poll-driven policies are not what it is about anymore. It’s about a lawbreaker in the White House. It’s about lawbreakers in Congress. It’s about our fourth amendment rights, our children’s future…it’s about our role as an international citizen, it’s about our legacy, it’s about who stood up and fought when it still mattered.
Feingold was there. The rest of you were not.
The best way to find a candidate is to allow one to meet the needs of the people. It’s genuine representation instead of people being forced to accept a preselected candidate and make the best of it. I’m still hoping that the challenge to other Democrat leaders will be met and bring some of them back around.
The common bond is that he speaks for us.
Yo… Boo… What about my man Al Gore???
i’m not interested. My ass still stings from Bradley’s campaign. And I don’t want to go back to the Clinton administration and buddhist monk fundraising. Russ is about doing away with that bullcrap.
and Feingold said it again last night on the Daily Show, PUBLIC FINANCING OF ELECTIONS.
exactly. We have to be ready for when the shit really hits the fan, and then a lot of policy that seemed impossible will have public support (for a short time). If Abramoff’s case really blows up it could be the right time.
I’m not real familiar with a lot of the political intricacies but is there a way to allow corporate contributions to a pool of funds to be distributed? If it could be done by issue or advocacy maybe a good compromise could be found. These amounts that are considered standard to win are mind boggling. It would be nice to cut that down but still have the cash flow in the economy, only have it directed to filter downward instead of up to CEOs.
“…the response from the Democratic Party? Fistfights, slashed tires, and nasty phone calls and emails from the offices of wardleaders, Representative Bob Brady, and Governor Ed Rendell.”
Fistfights, slashed tires, and nasty phone calls?
Oh BOY!!!
I can see the WAPO headlines now.
Now THAT’S good news.
Really, BooMan.
Make the REAL DemRats come out of their holes.
And then…STOMP ON ‘EM!!!
Need some help at the barricades?
I’m only a couple of hours away…and I’m scarier looking than hell when I have a mind to be.
They’ll never be able to figure out if I’m a plainsclothes cop, a spook, an IRA hitman or just plain nuts.
i’ve been trying to tell you this for a while…
we woke up a long time ago. 2002, in fact.
. . .we woke up a long time ago. 2002, in fact.
Congrats. Few thousand down, only 110 million to go.
you’ve already got the folks declaring Feingold a loser:
Reasons, he’s Jewish, he’s divorced, he’s a Senator, and he’s a (gasp!!!) Northern liberal. So, to play it safe, we have to find a Christian white male (sorry Hillary!), happily married with the requisite 2.5 children who were either born through natural childbirth or adopted from poor teenage rape victims who “chose life” and carried their fetuses to term while working two jobs and graduating summa cum laude from Harvard.
Of all those reasons, the “Senator” tag might be the most credible, just because in the last several elections, Senators sucked. (Think John Kerry, Bob Dole, Walter Mondale…)
But you know, I’m tired of “electability”. I’m tired of “playing it safe”. I’m 47 years old…by the time 2008 comes around, I’ll be within shouting distance of 50. I don’t know how much time I’ve got left before I stick myself on that Alaskan ice floe and float out to join the Great Spirit. I’d like to know my greatnieces have at least a fighting chance at a decent country.
We’ve tried “electability” and “playing it safe”…and where the f–k has that gotten us? More firmly in the grasp of the Republicans and the Religious Reich, the latter determined to remake this country in their God’s image and the former determined to make sure they’ve got enough money to get the hell out of here when it happens.
We’ve really got nothing to lose — we can take a risk and perhaps reclaim this country for all Americans (not just the white Christian males), or just watch it go further toward the Abyss which might be just desserts.
Here endeth the rant…
Nice rant
The inability of any candidates to advocate accountability now makes it doubtfull they will with a majority. There will likely be another reason why they can’t…2008 elections, so we would be asked again to wait.
That is their definition of job security–wait. I say bullshit to waiting–do your job and represent those who voted for you!
We can’t wait any longer. It’s already too late, now.
Agreed. But that is the mentality of the government/bureaucrats. Say what a person wants to hear and do the exact opposite. No matter who gets screwed over, or what funds are gutted, make sure their is enough leftover to justify your salary and those of the staff.
Government doesn’t care about how long aperson has to wait, or what harm is caused in the meantime.
Don’t mean to snap at you rumi, but I have been getting the runaround from a bureaucracy for too long. It is a long and tragic story–giving some thought to writing it in a book. If I get sued for slander, the publicity is cool! </snark intended on the last sentence.>
one of the reasons Senators have lost is that many of them are LOUSY campaigners. Used to giving long-winded speeches, laundry lists of talking points.
Russ kicks ass on the campaign trail. I find it really funny that the Republicans are trying to attack him on the PATRIOT Act again in their new ad: Michaels tried that in ’04 and Russ grabbed his crappy attack, turned it around and beat him up with it. Do yourself a favor and go watch some of his old ads.
Here’s the transcript to one of his ads responding to the attacks over the PATRIOT Act:
You WILL NOT get another wimpy, spineless and ineffective Kerry-like campaign out of Russ.
Feingold is a good candidtae (if he’ll run) but who should run with him: Obama, Boxer ?
a Feingold/Boxer lineup (though I’d hate to lose Boxer’s voice for California in the Senate), but he might need to reach down into the South for a running mate to shake the alleged Northern Liberal (don’t say that too loud, musn’t scare the children) label. Don’t know if there are any decent southern Democrats though, other than possibly Wes Clark and I don’t know if he’d take a second-string role after a turn on the main stage…
What about John Edwards as a running mate?