Hey everyone. How has your day gone? I had to do some reading early this am and got involved in standing up for Russ Feingold. I have had to work each day since Sunday and I am really not worth a damn tonight. Where is the bartender? I could use a baileys and coffe right about now…
At least the sun shone today for about 45 mins. If it stays dry for about 48 hours, I can mow the grass! Yea! Isn’t it strange what some folks can get excited about nowadays….:o)…
It has turned of cool down this way. I feel so sad with having to use the furnace.
Me too, Brenda. Our weather went from the 80’s to the 40’s. But I’m not in a big hurry for the hot weather to return. I like in-between weather myself.
I happen to sleep next to a blast furnace, so even on the coldest nights I keep the window open. Mr. Nature is the hottest human being I know. Literally.
No I actually just woke up. I woke up at 2:00 am last night and couldn’t sleep and stayed up. The naps I’m always kidding about caught up with me today.
I flew from Guam to Japan and then straight to O’Hare and then finally to Boston. I was soooooooooooot tired. I walked right into a men’s room at my bro-in laws hockey game. And when confronted about my mistake.. I didn’t give a rats ass LOL
I never did recover from that day tripping the entire trip.
I have been known to visit the men’s room occasionally, never touching anything of course. But the lines to the women’s room are always impossibly long and sometimes you just can’t wait. Sorry fellas, but if it bothers you to listen to me pee, just plug your ears.
Reason I tend to go with the lime wedges and such IN the drink. 🙂
However one day I’m sure to choke on a wedgie but it’ll probably be ookay as I’ll most likely be in front of the tube watching sharks hockey… kinda sorta like now but without the computer and neck craning. 🙂
Hey I’m pretty excited today — word leaked out that the Blues were finally sold. So maybe we’ll be able to actually concentrate on, I don’t know, HOCKEY next year?
Thanks! (Of course I don’t expect you to like the Blues! That would just be … wrong .. for you.) But everyone is pretty happy and hoping things get back to something more like normal.
That is just way too frou-frou. It looks like it should be gliding down Colorado Boulevard on New Years Day with a bunch of smiling California girls waving from atop it.
Well, what do you know? My idiot divorce attorney sent my official divorce papers to my old address so that they had to be forwarded to me. I’ve been divorced for 14 days and didn’t even know it.
Now I am a bachelor for the first time since 1995.
I’m an easy client. But I had to save up for a year to be able to afford the lawyer for my simple divorce. I’m making $8.50 an hour at the time and paying $900.00 a month in rent not to mention frivolous things like food for four children and electricity…hahahahahahahaha.
For the record, everyone else’s pregnancies also seemed to go alot quicker than mine. 🙂
Congratulations, BooMan. I guess. It’s hard to know what to say when someone gets divorced. “Oh, that’s great — I mean, it sucks — I mean . . . “
In looking over the replies to this comment I have to ask: Am I the only guy on here who has never been divoced, isn’t getting divoced, probably is never going to get divoced, and isn’t gay? I know I’m not, but it sure seems like I’m in the minority.
make him sit up a bit 🙂 Not that I’d know… isn’t it a law of the homeland that only missionary sex is legal or.. is that only missionarys can fuck?? I’m so confused. 😀
Boy, I go away for an hour or so to do some work and a new Froggy Bottom opens up with 76 comments already in it.
I’ll have one of them virgin strawberry daquiris with French vanilla ice cream. Send the liquor over to Damnit Janet, she’s volunteered to drink it for me. 🙂
Happy Hour Begins!
Honey, in your time zone happy hour is almost over.
Yea I know. I just got back and decided I’d better open something.
What’s been going on?
we’ve been sitting on the curb outside the lounge wondering where you were. But then SallyCat raided the bar so everyone is happy.
That SallyCat, you can always count on her for liquor and sex.
(psst I’m glad we got our story straight!)
Story? I really was sitting out on the curb. I almost got run over by Omir driving the Fournicator.
It sure beats the one that most people have when they first meet me!
Then again this group know me better than most!
It sounds like you give off that shy librarian aura, same as me. We’re the kind you have to watch out for though!
is usually the way I’m described….
Self-contained…just like Kiluaea!
You can be a proper Goddess of the spirits. And a proper, liberal hootchie-mama.
Obviously you need to be reminded of the “no real life” rule for cafe hosts.
maryb and I have been sitting on the curb waiting for you to unlock the door.
Sorry. Free drinks for everybody.
Hey everyone. How has your day gone? I had to do some reading early this am and got involved in standing up for Russ Feingold. I have had to work each day since Sunday and I am really not worth a damn tonight. Where is the bartender? I could use a baileys and coffe right about now…
At least the sun shone today for about 45 mins. If it stays dry for about 48 hours, I can mow the grass! Yea! Isn’t it strange what some folks can get excited about nowadays….:o)…
It has turned of cool down this way. I feel so sad with having to use the furnace.
Anyhow, happy hour to all…hugs
Me too, Brenda. Our weather went from the 80’s to the 40’s. But I’m not in a big hurry for the hot weather to return. I like in-between weather myself.
I’m back to where I’m acclimated again and it has been cold to me.
I happen to sleep next to a blast furnace, so even on the coldest nights I keep the window open. Mr. Nature is the hottest human being I know. Literally.
Well, got called away to the phone…sorry
It is not good to have that kind of heat from another human is it SN..:o) Just kidding..
Baileys & Coffee with a chocolate liquer swirl!
That might even start me to drinking coffee again.
So, what have you been up to Family Man? Making dinner?
No I actually just woke up. I woke up at 2:00 am last night and couldn’t sleep and stayed up. The naps I’m always kidding about caught up with me today.
I had a feeling. 🙂
But now are you going to have trouble going to sleep tonight?
Yea but after a migraine it takes about two or three days to get back to normal.
I haven’t checked the other cafe, what’s been happening today?
It sounds like jet lag. Mr. Nature is still claiming that as the reason he keeps falling asleep watching tv. He’s been home from Japan for 5 days now.
Mr. Nature sounds like a very wise man. 🙂
That’s a hard one.
I flew from Guam to Japan and then straight to O’Hare and then finally to Boston. I was soooooooooooot tired. I walked right into a men’s room at my bro-in laws hockey game. And when confronted about my mistake.. I didn’t give a rats ass LOL
I never did recover from that day tripping the entire trip.
I have been known to visit the men’s room occasionally, never touching anything of course. But the lines to the women’s room are always impossibly long and sometimes you just can’t wait. Sorry fellas, but if it bothers you to listen to me pee, just plug your ears.
Well I’ve been know to visit a men’s room occasionally too.
No shit. Well, that sounded bad.
Well actually it did. 🙂
Okay that for some reason makes me laugh outloud LOL
(((Family Man))))
Oh my heavens…yum yum…what that could do for me!!!!….it would nto be legal to say here in front of all these young ears/eyes…:o)
I’m the designated froggy to suck all the alcohol out of all of his drinks. It’s a tough job but someone’s gotta do it. 🙂
did I say my brother was the bestest!!???
You did and he is. Though I’d never trade your hockey jersey for my Bernie Kosar jersey, circa 1990.
And I wouldn’t trade you for all the heath bar crunch ice cream in the world 🙂
BTW I’m not being a 4 prude – but dial up is suhhhlow today. Which sucked because of all the emailing that was needed this mornng/afternoon.
We were hashing out website revamping ideas in a non-catty way… that’s HURD WURK! :O
You get to be one of the first beta testers when I get the Fournicator into usable shape.
Well, actually, probably you and everybody else here. It is sort of the ultimate niche application, after all.
I couldn’t find the umbrellas to go in the drinks so we have flowers instead!
We don’t need the umbrella, just the alcohol. 🙂
I probably have a picture / pitcher(?) of most! tee hee hee
Love umbrellas and flowers in drinks 🙂
Family Man we need the umbrellas. It’s like bumper pads for drunks. Umbrellas keep you from chipping a tooth on the glass or something. 🙂
OK I’ll send George out to get some.
Then again you can poke your eye out with the umbrella, but at least you won’t chip your tooth.
Reason I tend to go with the lime wedges and such IN the drink. 🙂
However one day I’m sure to choke on a wedgie but it’ll probably be ookay as I’ll most likely be in front of the tube watching sharks hockey… kinda sorta like now but without the computer and neck craning. 🙂
Hey I’m pretty excited today — word leaked out that the Blues were finally sold. So maybe we’ll be able to actually concentrate on, I don’t know, HOCKEY next year?
Yup that sale could be a huge blessing for “hockey fans”.
THe season before the lock/walk out – Blues had it hard. I don’t like the blues – but I felt bad for the Blues fans.
Here’s to next years for the Blues Fans!! 🙂
Thanks! (Of course I don’t expect you to like the Blues! That would just be … wrong .. for you.) But everyone is pretty happy and hoping things get back to something more like normal.
Whew – thanks – cause that was really really hard to write with a straight face : )
Cause.. I hate freaking HATE the Blues 🙂 But I love you!
I appreciate the effort 😉
I think Shark fans having to say anthing nice about St. Louis or Dallas causes vericose veins or something…
That is just way too frou-frou. It looks like it should be gliding down Colorado Boulevard on New Years Day with a bunch of smiling California girls waving from atop it.
Well, what do you know? My idiot divorce attorney sent my official divorce papers to my old address so that they had to be forwarded to me. I’ve been divorced for 14 days and didn’t even know it.
Now I am a bachelor for the first time since 1995.
You need a celebratory drink. Two olives for you!
A entire jar of olives!
Forget the olives, get that man an entire jar of drink.
Congratulations? I’m sure you’re happy the process is finished.
How come everyone else’s divorce gets done so much faster than mine?
If you’re asking me that professionally I can’t help you since I don’t do family law. But maybe you’re just a difficult client 🙂
I’m an easy client. But I had to save up for a year to be able to afford the lawyer for my simple divorce. I’m making $8.50 an hour at the time and paying $900.00 a month in rent not to mention frivolous things like food for four children and electricity…hahahahahahahaha.
For the record, everyone else’s pregnancies also seemed to go alot quicker than mine. 🙂
Mine sure as heck didn’t.
and I am meeting the former boogal for celebratory drinks.
How many people do that?
I’d buy my ex a drink. Arsenic. 🙂
best part of my divorce was moving 500 miles away from him…to LA!
I actually quit smoking 2 1/2 packs a day to 1 pack a day and gave up migraines…it was really healthy for me!
not many
you’re either a really nice guy or a total pushover
I know I wouldn’t meet up with my X. Just being in the same state is too close for me.
Newly single people get to buy the drinks…and get the rest of us drunk and rowdy! 😉
I can live with that. 🙂
Congratulations, BooMan. I guess. It’s hard to know what to say when someone gets divorced. “Oh, that’s great — I mean, it sucks — I mean . . . “
In looking over the replies to this comment I have to ask: Am I the only guy on here who has never been divoced, isn’t getting divoced, probably is never going to get divoced, and isn’t gay? I know I’m not, but it sure seems like I’m in the minority.
Omir in responding to your responding. Nope, you aren’t the only guy, but you are probably a minority.
could be, as I’ve been divorced… not gay, however.
So it does seem you’re one of kind… as far as has been ascertained.
Sending someone over to keep you company for the evening…
i might need some help on this one…
dumb didn’t cross your mind 🙂
cuz she’s a democrat 🙂
….you’re a liberal man…
What exactly do you need help with?
Sweetness, – if you need help ON that one – then let her get on YOU.
Lazy man’s sex.
No man I know can be lazy in that position….hell they squirm just thinking about it….
Is there any other kind. 🙂
There are SO many kinds. Just put a straight back chair in yer room and… Whoa! 🙂
LOL I finally made it to a late night orgy.
Except it ain’t late night. 🙂
Lazy? I’m confused. That one care wear strong dudes out… like, for days. 🙂
I think I’m hopping on the wrong guy. 🙂
make him sit up a bit 🙂 Not that I’d know… isn’t it a law of the homeland that only missionary sex is legal or.. is that only missionarys can fuck?? I’m so confused. 😀
DJ’s givin’ lessons!!! 😛
Get yer camera ready girl!
or telephoto? 😉
Lessons? Me? No way LOL
Detroit against San Jose… ACK
Ooooh Butterfly Position LOL
You’re so crazy DJ! {{{DJ}}} 🙂
Boy, I go away for an hour or so to do some work and a new Froggy Bottom opens up with 76 comments already in it.
I’ll have one of them virgin strawberry daquiris with French vanilla ice cream. Send the liquor over to Damnit Janet, she’s volunteered to drink it for me. 🙂
Hey Omir.
Hey FM, I found Happy Hour just in time to get on the bus to go home it seems. 🙂
It will be waiting for you Omir.
I was thinking the same thing…give up on happy hour ever happening, go to get dog food, and look what happens by the time you get back…
Time for a mango mojito, I think.
Make mine a double. I just outed myself as having horrible sex.
In that case I’ll bring you a whole gallon.
And a straw please.
I can’t even tell you how hard some of this has made me laugh…I’m sorry I missed so much of it.
I had to send CBtE away from the computer, because he was reading over my shoulder with wide eyes…

I’m ready for duty!
New cafe open and awaiting orgy! Where are you guys?