No, really. You are losing me, and thousands (maybe millions) like me who see our democracy in danger of collapse due to the actions and agenda of President Bush and the Republican Party. Why? Because you refuse to publicly acknowledge the danger we are in, and to take steps to condemn it.
Violations of the first amendment (arrests of peaceful protesters) go unquestioned. Violations of the fourth amendment (warrantless wiretaps) go unexamined. Voting irregularities, and outright voter suppression, in each of the last three national elections, always favoring Republicans, go unreported. Scientists who are supervised by GOP public relations hacks are told to keep quiet or they’ll lose their funding and/or their jobs. Corruption in Congress is rampant where Republican politicians are bought and sold as if they were commodities on the open market.
We went to war in Iraq based on lies, and our government literally let New Orleans drown. An outright racist was appointed to the Supreme Court. And our President openly asserts that our laws only apply to him if he willingly chooses to accept their limitations; i.e., he claims that his power and authority as Commander in Chief during “this time of war” literally knows no bounds. Indeed, the practice of torture is now sanctioned at the highest levels of our Government, as is the unlimited detention of prisoners without any due process review by our Judiciary. The waging of aggressive war in violation of the UN Charter is now official US policy.
Gay men and women are demonized as evil and held up as scapegoats, and women’s rights are under a constant and insidious assault. Liberal and progressive voices of dissent are called treasonous and marginalized in our Republican dominated and intimidated media. Whistle blowers are persecuted (and prosecuted) for disclosing the wrongs/crimes they see being perpetrated by the federal government at the behest of our Republican overlords.
Our national debt is increasing to astronomical levels with no end in sight, as is our trade deficit. Our schools are breaking, and our Army and Reserve forces are broken. Our veterans are ignored and their benefits are slashed. Wages and salaries for most Americans are stagnant or falling even as the wealthiest corporations and individuals profit all the more from government tax cuts and government largesse in the form of no-bid government contracts. Health care costs are on the rise, and more and more average Americans are without any health insurance coverage, living on the edge of disaster should a medical crisis hit their families.
Yet with a few notable exceptions (Senator Feingold and Representatives Murtha and Conyers please take your bows) most Democratic officials and their hordes of out of touch political consultants and staffers routinely sit quietly on the sidelines . . .
. . . with only the occasional meek objection to the raw, naked abuses of power by the ruling Republican Party. Anyone with half a brain can see that Democrats should be shouting from any media platform they can about the corruption, the incompetence, the lies, the erosion of our rights and liberties and the open destruction of our democracy by Republican politicians bent on one party rule at all costs.
Yet, our so-called Democratic leaders keep their mouths shut, afraid to rock the boat, hoping that this time the Public will finally put them back in power if only they don’t say anything that might be conceivably controversial. I got news for you, ladies and gentlemen in the upper echelons of the Democratic Party. You’re headed for another round of election failure unless you come out fighting.
To make my point a little more clear, let’s consider a hypothetical. In an alternate universe, say, one where Dems control the Congress and the Presidency. Where the Democratic President has lied us into war after war with no end in sight. Where government budget deficits are on the rise, and Democratic politicians are held in deep disdain by the majority of the country for their corruption and failure to respond to the needs of most Americans. A place where the Democratic President’s approval ratings have been steadily declining, and are now in the lower 30’s, heading toward the 20’s.
In that hypothetical world, where Democrats rule America (rather than the real world where Republicans do) ask yourselves just one question: What would the Republicans do?
Would they sit idly by hoping that the Democratic Party would simply self destruct come election time, or would they be kicking the Democrats while they were down, harping repeatedly to the media about the failure of Democratic policies and Democratic leadership? Well, I think you know the answer to that question, don’t you?
Republicans wouldn’t just be seeking a censure resolution, they’d be demanding the impeachment of the President every chance they could get, in every speech and in every television appearance. They wouldn’t threaten to shut down the Senate unless Congress investigated all the President’s crimes, they’d do it. They wouldn’t wait for good things to happen to them come the first Tuesday in November, they’d make them happen.
They’d be taking an active role to ensure that their candidates would be making victory speeches, not concession speeches. They’d be putting Democrats on the defensive, and the media too, with allegations of “liberal bias.” In short, they’d be following the maxim that “God helps those who help themselves.”
For over five long years this is what we, the political activists and concerned citizens of this country have been telling you to do. Stand up for your principles and forcefully attack your enemies, both in the republican party and in the media. Be proud of what your party stands for: civil rights, civil liberties, the rule of law and a concern for the welfare of all Americans, no matter how rich or how poor they might be. In other words, just stand up for the basic principles of a liberal democracy.
We aren’t fire breathing lefties, folks. We aren’t some weird fringe element of the party like your consultants claim we are. We’re ordinary Americans who believe the same things you do. We have backed you with our dollars and with our activism. We’ve campaigned for you, registered new voters for you and taken them to the polls to vote for you, even though you have barely acknowledged our service on your behalf. Our advice to you on the issues we care about has generally been dead on. Yet, for the most part you have ignored our advice.
And that’s okay. We don’t want recognition, and we don’t crave rewards. We simply want you to represent us like you said you would. We want you to advocate the policies and political principles that drew us to you in the first place. But be warned. If you won’t fight for us, we’ll abandon you. And that could come sooner than you think, my friends, much sooner.
Because we are fed up with your mealy mouthed excuses and your wishy washy public personas. We are tired of your concern that challenging this ludicrous President will make you appear weak on national defense. Most of all we are tired of voting for Democrats who, once safely in office, turn around and parrot Republican talking points, claiming that we, your most faithful and loyal supporters, the very people who got you elected, are a fringe group of leftist agitators that don’t represent the Democratic Party.
Well, that’s a lie, and you know it. Because the truth is, we are your base, like it or not. If you lose us, you will lose, period. And I don’t just mean the elections this year or in 2008. I mean your status as a major political party.
So it’s on your shoulders, Ms. Clinton and Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid, and all the rest of you. Come out swinging. For starters get behind Senator Feingold’s Censure resolution. Then shut down the Senate until you get real investigations of the administration’s illegal surveillance programs and its misuse of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war. Use the word impeachment in every other sentence that comes out of your mouth. Let America know where you stand.
Because if you don’t, I’m warning you, you’ll lose more than just this year’s elections. You’ll lose all of us too.
Outstanding my friend! WOW! Steven speaks for me! This should be read on both the House and Senate floors. I hope you crossposted this everywhere you are registered!
What ‘leezy said.
This is excellent.
Steve, your namesake (that’d be me) congratulates you on the best Diary I have read since I started reading on DKos or BooMan.
I would send this diary to every Democratic elected official in Congress. I’m sending this to my Senators and Congressman and to the ones I had in Louisiana, Minnesota, West Virginia and Illinois all places I used to live.
Thanks for putting words together to mean so so much.
Cross posted at The Orange place.
Better link to my diary here.
You are #2 on the rec list over there, right below Freaken President Jimmy Carter!!!! Wat to go man!
Now #! on Rec at Orange! Yahoody doo
Thanks Leezy. I’m always amazed when I get lucky enough to hit the recommended list, though many of what I considered my best diaries never got a sniff of the place. Unless you’re Jerome or Mary Scott or our own Susanhu, et al. its a mystery to me how you get a diary up there. More important to me was your response to the piece. I’m honored that you felt strongly enough about it to fax it to your Senators.
Thank you.
No, thank you for lighting a flame in me that was starting to burn out! I must receive 20 emails from all different politicos a day asking for help, money, sign a petition. I was reaching a point of “what’s the f’ing use”. THEN…two things happened…Fiengold and you!
Nicely done. Good that you posted it at the Orange Place, as for better or worse there’s a better chance that someone connected to the Dem party’s major players will read it. Hopefully, they will read, and act on what you’re saying.
I wasn’t planning to at first but Leezy’s enthusiasm convinced me to take a chance at the dkos carousel.
I’ll pay one of my rare visits there and recommend it – hopefully help to keep it visible for a while.
Really great essay, Steven D. Publish this thing as far and wide as you can. As most folks around here know, I’m not a Democrat, but this piece does a terrific job of explaining why lots of independent liberals who’ve always voted Dem in major elections are super pissed and ready to jump ship (or already have) as well.
“losing me”? or – LOST ME! As far as I am concerned, they have lost me and the ball is now in their park. They have to prove that they are offering me the kind of programs and actions that will draw me back cause right now they aren’t getting dime one and not a single second of my time! So “losing” just won’t cut it. I can tell yall that there are a lot more like me out there and don’t go crying when there isn’t the type of support that was expected.Ya go ta EARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you something important here, Steven.
No snark, no wiseguy shit.
You are barking up the wrong tree.
Now it MAY be the prudent tree. Only time will tell that.
But ultimately…it is the WRONG tree.
BushCo Lite is what you are going to get from these people, no matter WHAT they say. They will “move towards the left” if it is in their best interests to do so. In their short-term, “I want to get elected” interests. But their real constituency is their corporate money base. And it is the same money base, by and large, as the one that runs the Republican Party. Maybe a few points higher on the corporate IQ scale. Maybe a LITTLE more far-sighted.
Piltdown money men instead of Neanderthals.
But is a small step on the evolutionary scale enough right now?
I think not.
“Ms. Clinton and Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid” are NOT going to take drastic steps.
They are in the business of politics, and most of the time, that business is to win.
By any means necessary.
To compromise.
To prevaricate.
And thus to “win”.
NOT to be correct.
Every ONCE in a while, though…at a critical juncture of history…standard political action becomes insufficient for the task at hand.
That’s where we are right now, in my view.
Poised on the brink of W.W III.
Poised on the brink of the Fourth Reich, New World style.
And Russell Feingold has taken the initiative.
He has taken the bullshit by the horns.
These people will do ANYTHING to get over.
Our own Kristallnacht awaits us in the wings…if 9/11 wasn’t ALREADY the same idea in a BIGGER package.
As the Pelosis and Reids play old school American corporate politics.
They WILL stop him if they can.
He will be bad for business.
THEIR business, and the business of the Corps who run them.
Don’t ask them to be who they are not.
If they could be, they already WOULD be.
Go around them.
Grassroots Dem action or…preferably as far as I am concerned, but what do I know…a third party effort.
Shut these people OUT.
They are devolutionary.
Don’t ask…all you’ll get is lies.
BET on it.
far wider circulation…NYT or WashPost, for example…someplace that both the Democratic “leadership” and the general public will sit up and take notice.
Not all of us progressives or liberals (or whatever the insulting name du jour) are “smelly hippies” — some of us have jobs, and some of us even have some extra money lying around that we’d love to put to good use. I see very few Democrats that I want to throw money at…Russ Feingold and his Progressive Patriot’s Fund is one exception, and I’ll probably toss a few bucks his direction in the next few days.
The idea behind my previous sig, “Not one dollar more…” was that I’m tired of sending off money to people who are more interested in feathering their own political nests than in doing the work to serve the people who sent them. And I couldn’t f-ing care less that the Democrats are the minority party — there are pressing issues facing this country that should cross party lines: public health in light of the “bird flu” crisis, educating our children to meet 21st century needs rather than 19th, rebuilding our infrastructure before the next disaster wipes out more than just New Orleans. And if/when the Republicans balk, the Democrats will show how truly craven these people are, and how they put politics ahead of people’s lives.
I’ll still support the Democratic Party for the most part, but I’ll look closely before I click that “Donate” button on the web site or push that “Vote” button on the voting machine. (At least in Santa Clara County, we’ve got machines with a printed paper trail!)
Great rant, Steven…
Absolutely perfect and exactly how I feel. I am absolutely not going to support the Dems anymore if they do not stand up and speak out against the crimes being committed against the American people.
Excellent! The only thing I would add is how our Democracy is morphing into a Theocracy right under the Democrats’ noses… an authoritarian militaristic shit-for-brains theocracy. I applaud you, Steven.
Excellent, excellent diary!
Please submit this essay to the major magazines and newspapers as an op-ed piece. And let them know that you’re speaking for a large number of people in the blogosphere who are not the unibomber reincarnate, just American citizens who are fed up with the status quo – which includes them, until they demonstrate otherwise.
Excellent piece. But I have one beef.
You talk about women’s right being under constant assault, yet you praise a man who, even as a Democrat, has led that assault. John Murtha may have changed his stripes on the Iraq War, but he’s still rabidly anti-choice and equally anti-gay.
Give him props for his change of heart, but please don’t put him in the same league as Feingold.
Well, much like Feingold on the Censure issue and the NSA spy case, Murtha has been almost alone in the House in speaking out against the war. I don’t know what his views on women’s rights are, and I would object if he has been an opponent of women’s rights, but he has had the courage of his convictions on the issue of the war.
Of all the people stated, the best, most consistent one has been Conyers, but each of them, and Sen. Barbara Boxer to a certain extent as well, have been willing to speak out when so many of their colleagues have remained silent or hesitant.
Murtha’s NARAL rating is 0
His National Right to Life rating is 100%
Then I object to him for those views.
Please don’t depict Murtha as being against this war. His brave stand is for redeployment, permanent bases & increased air power. That doesn’t diminish the significance of his call; but we can’t make it mean something it doesn’t. (& yes, Murtha is a dinosaur on women’s rights.)
His stand in the house over the past 5 years can’t hold a torch to Barbara Lee or Cynthia McKinney or John Conyers. Their positions have been so marginalized the majority of the American people aren’t even aware they exist.
That said, you’ve written an outstanding piece here! I’d join with the others in urging you to try to publish this somewhere outside the blogospehere. It’s quite eloquent & needs repeating.
for he hears, echoing across the hard, cold marketplace, another voice of reason raised up in righteous disgust. Bravo, Steven, bravo.
However, I think they’re pretty much okay with all of the crimes you list, frankly, but perhaps a few Dem legislators will listen to what you’ve put so well. I doubt it though, and I think that Feingold and Bernie Saunders should just give up on them and split off, form a progressive party, and get the few other politicians of principle to join them.
It may come to that (a new party) and if it does I hope they take Howard Dean with them as well.
Dean will get run out of office after they fumble ’06 anyway. They’ll blame it on him, blame it on his 50 state strategy … the fact that they offer nothing to the voters won’t even be considered as the reason for their losses.
When that happens, I hope Dean leaves, and I hope he brings with him the activists that he’s helped bring into local parties all over the country. Increasingly, I think a separate Progressive Party is our only hope, and even then the fight would take years.
Steven D speaks for me!
I am not a radical lefty. I am a suburban middle class mom with two kids and a dog. I am a precinct captain and put books at the school library. And it is killing me to watch the leaders of this party – most of whom are lawyers and know better – let our constitution be eroded. Wake up!
Alrighty then! I just did a copy/paste and faxed to Fienstein and Boxer both here in San Diego and DC and Sacramento offices. Can we get an Operation Yellow feather going on this?
Here’s what will happen (prognostication time): Feinstein’s staffer will toss it sight unseen just for the title.
Boxer’s staffer may read it, and maybe pass it up the chain of command.
The trouble is, Feinstein is the one who needs to take it to heart. She still thinks she need to appear tough to appease Reagan Democrats (a vanishing breed since they are all Republicans now).
Can’t throw them away if they come in at a rate of one per minute…lol! Hey, an ol gal can have dreams. Thanks again for saying so eloquently what I feel. You Rock Steven!
Nice rant, Steven, but I wish you’d posted a cc of what you had already sent to the Senate, the House and the major news outlets.
The way I see it, we have two options:
We aren’t the only ones fed up with our leaders.
Still, I would prefer the first option.
I would too, but I fear we are running out of time, and the resistance from the “deadwood” is very high re: making the necessary changes to reform the party.
would stop lionizing murtha….he is with the progressives on one and maybe 2 issues at best….try and figure out where he stands on abortion rights, gay rights, and the environment….it wont be on his website…..guess why???????? i dont mind people thanking him for his stand on iraq but he is in no way someone who should be held up as someone who is deserving of the respect we can give a feingold.
The Democratic leadership have finally hit on the right message to describe Republicans: Incompetence. Now all they have to do to win votes is convince people that they will do a better job, and I for one haven’t seen any sign of it so far. It’s not about a specific ideology, though finding candidates who share my values on most issues would be a bonus, it’s about showing that you believe in something other than getting yourself re-elected.
I know I am long past the point of disgust. If I hadn’t promised several people personally that I would vote for them, I doubt I would bother to vote this year.
Your assessment of the vasaline-spined Democratic leadership is fairly accurate.
However, didn’t we try the “either support a hard line progressive agenda or we’ll desert you” routine in 2000 with Al Gore? And look what happened. Ralph told us there was no difference whatsoever between the Dems and the Rethuglicans. In retrospect, I think we can all agree that Ralph was wrong. Do you think Gore would have appointed Roberts and “Scalito” to the SC, or any of their ilk to the Federal benches?
I think you’re putting the cart before the horse. FIRST we get them elected, THEN we call in the markers. Then they OWE US. That’s how the right-wingers have done it with the GOP, and dammit, it works!
Of course, if standing on principle is more important than actually getting the Rethuglicans out of power, than do what thou wilt. We all know what the road to Hell is paved with.
this is our line in the sand, Joe. We can put up with triangulation, we can’t stand by while our rights are taken away. This is not 2000. The Dems HAVE TO STEP UP NOW.
Booman: “The Dems HAVE TO STEP UP NOW.”
Or what? We’ll blog them to death?
If the Rethuglicans retain power after November, how will that help us recover our rights? Or will it have the opposite effect?
By all means, keep up the pressure. I send a faxes to Feinstein and Boxer at least once a week, especially when they DO take a stand on something (like Feinstein did last week, to my great surprise). I tell them they have a constituency that has their back. It’s much more effective, I think, then flogging them for not toeing the line on every single progressive talking point.
What is the message to send them? “We think you all suck. We think you’re spineless idiots who are and always will be in the pockets of corporate robber barons. Now, PROVE otherwise or we won’t vote for you!”
Or how about: “here’s the deal: we put you over the top in the next election and help you take the Rethugs out of power. NOW, you’ve got one election cycle to get your shit together, or we walk out on you and move to Canada.”
It’s the old pusher’s trick: “here, kid, the first one’s free…” But after that, they have to PAY.
Which plan sounds like it’s more likely to succeed?
in this case, for me, ‘or what?’ is that they won’t have a prayer in the ’08 primaries. But pretty soon there is going to sprout up a party within the party that runs on an alternate platform. Maybe by ’08 we’ll have that put together.
Booman: ” But pretty soon there is going to sprout up a party within the party that runs on an alternate platform. Maybe by ’08 we’ll have that put together.”
That makes sense. That’s how the Christopath/Neocon axis stole the GOP out from under the old school paleocons.
But the FIRST thing they did was take control of the party apparatus (in 1994). THEN they changed it to their liking. We have to do the same — deliver victory to them. If there’s anything pols love more than campaign contributions, it’s POWER. If we can deliver that to them, they’ll jump through hoops to get more.
If we can give it to them in November, they’ll be hooked on our “dope” come 2008. And then the price goes up — Feingold for President!
i’m not calling for third parties and never will. That is just my bedrock analysis of our constitutional system, third parties help the party they are least ideologically attuned with. Never abandon the only left party we’ve got. Get inside it and rip outs it guts.
Yes, we need to win in November. Desperately. But it is the local elections that are where the real progress is going to be made.
The old guard is threatening us, threatening people’s jobs, threatening to take away state funding for our charities or grassroots organizations, slashing our tires, having the Governor’s office call us on the phone and berate us. You think this is easy?
I just got a call and found out a friend of mine dropped out of a race because she couldn’t take the level of heat she was getting.
Both parties are sick. Our whole political system is sick. We know it. But, if you look around you’ll see that we aren’t threatening to leave the party, we’re threatening to take it over.
That is also part of the ‘or what?’
after what happened in IL-06 and what they’re doing in your neck of the woods, we may be left with no choice but to leave, because I personally WILL NOT vote for Hillary Clinton, Bayh, Warner et al, and they are doing everything they can to make sure that I’m left with “no choice”. I can choose “NOT”.
Yes, look what happened. Al chose a right-wing lunatic as his VP, lost the progressive base, and turned an easy win into a close race, which the Republicans then stole. The strategy worked, we just abandoned it too soon. We must demand accountability from our representatives, and speak with our votes, or they’ll continue to do what they’re doing.
Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.
No, it’s not. The right-wingers refused to support any candidate that didn’t pass their ideological purity test. Those that did got elected. Those that didn’t got pushed out, and replaced in primaries by ones that did. They were willing to accept a short-term loss of numbers for a long-term gain in power.
So you propose we get the Republicans out of power by… Working to elect Republicans. Wonderful strategy, let me know how it goes for you.
I’m not following you. “The strategy” being defined as what? Voting Green? I agree with Booman: a third party candidate works to the advantage of it’s ideological opposite. A mere 1000 votes out of the 10,000-plus that were duped into voting for Nader in Florida would have surely ended up holding their noses and voting for Gore if Nader hadn’t been in the race. And Lieberman notwithstanding (who would have likely been a typical ‘ornamental’ VP anyway), the world would be a very different place today.
Exactly my point. If we send them the message that unless they campaign on a 100% liberal progressive agenda we won’t vote for them, they just write us off, and continue to do abso-fucking-lutely nothing. I say we put them in power first, make sure they know we did it, and THEN demand accountability — because we will THEN be the constituancy that put them there.
You didn’t see Bush in 2000 campaigning on the hard-right ideological platform he actually DID impliment once he got in to office, did you? Remember “uniter not a divider”? Remember “compassionate conservative”? But the wingnuts still turned out and voted for him, and made damn sure he knew that they made the crucial difference. So therefore he’s spent the last six years “pandering to his base” rather than being a “uniter”, hasn’t he?
I’m saying it worked for them, why wouldn’t it work for us?
Really? How do you explain Bill Simon, the ideologically pure right-winger who lost the CA governor’s race to GRAY DAVIS, of all people? So the next time, they wised up and backed Schwarzenegger over the ideologically pure Tom McClintock, and walked away with the election IN FOOKIN’ CALIFORNIA! And for all of Ahnold’s populist posturing, he’s become a corporate Republican shill just like the rest of them. Like they KNEW HE WOULD, once they held their noses and put him in office.
How do you figure that? The issue I was addressing was all the people who, for one particular ideological point or another, would rather refrain from voting for Democrats to “send them a message”, thereby allowing Republicans to continue to rule. Wonderful strategy, let me know how it goes for you. Wait, we already know how it goes…
Booman is on to the right idea (and so are you, in a way): the battle has to be fought at the primary level. Push strong progressive candidates in primaries, forcing the “front runners” to tack to the Left. But when the hard-core progressive candidate inevitably loses, we STILL back the primary winner in the general election with our votes, not pick up our ball and go home crying. Instead we make sure those exit polls show that we progressives VOTED, as a reward to the winner for tacking to the Left, even if they didn’t tack to the Left as far as we would have liked. Then we keep rubbing their noses in the fact that we made the difference that got them in office, loudly and often.
Great letter! It should be sent to many newspspers as an op-ed. Now if it was signed by the CEO’s of a few major corporations the DNC might pay attention. The sad truth.
Taking over the democratic party isn’t really an option — though it would be nice. They have already been taken over and they have locked us in the cheering corral and out of the decision making process.
Triple Amen.
Steven D, I signed up today for the sole purpose of thanking you for completely capturing my frustration with my party’s national leadership and so eloquently giving it voice.
Well done..
Hey thanks. Please stick around and check out our many outstanding diarists. And your welcome to post your own diaries as well. No limitations on the number you can post in one day.
Yes, welcome to the site.
Of course, there is a two-diary a day limit, but there is no limit on how many you can read and comment in a day 🙂
No one but you and Susan can write more than two a day anyway.
Funny how this diary is written in the future tense. “You WILL lose me.” “You ARE losing me.” What will it take to actually lose you? What are you waiting for?
Prediction: Every single person who has replied to this diary will vote for the Democratic candidate for President in 2008, regardless of what happens between now and then. The big money politicians have you in a headlock that you can’t escape. Until you agree that Ralph was right all along, you’re stuck.
besides writing about it?
You in the trenches? If so, how, specifically?
It is a ‘trench’
Words can touch hearts, and jump-start minds.
Throughout the history of the written word, this has occurred.
Writing is as much a trench as any other activity you would praise, and if you will go to those trenches that you consider worthy of the title, ask around and you will find that many, if not most people are there because of words written by somebody, somewhere.