Does anyone care about this basketball tournament?
Could Michelle Malkin be any more of a bad person?
Does this make you want to donate to Ned Lamont?
Does anyone care about this basketball tournament?
Could Michelle Malkin be any more of a bad person?
Does this make you want to donate to Ned Lamont?
God, they’re ugly and desperate. “Stunted morality” of the Christian “peacekeepers?”……WTF?
I guess real Christian morality involves kissing the flag while blowing up people in distant lands…your country, right or wrong. Yeah, Jesus would love that.
See that I’m not the only one in a mood! Gonna see if I can find a really short, nasty article re: Meidcare D(isaster)!!!
(That should keep me out of trouble!!)
well, I am not a basketball fan; however memphis is leading Bradley 42-33 respectfully….As you know I am from Il. but live in TN. I used to be around Bradley university a lot. They are a good team too. This is very unusal for the Tigers of Memphis to do this good..everyone is so excited for them at this point.
I’m from Cleveland but live in NC now, and I can tell you I am hoping that Duke loses big time. I’ll root for your team instead.
check out the screen shot i got of the pittsburgh v. bradley game last sunday.
i don’t know if the scoring graphic arrangement was intentional or not, but i guess angelina jolie has march madness.
it caught my eye
Damnit… Sharks are down by 3… against the Red Wings- and boy are the boys in teal SUCKING!!! DAMN DAMN they act like spectators tonight.
But… WHOOT hockey.. I love it. DAMN!!!
who’ll be in vegas in june? i will!
See ya there!
I gave up on basketball when they got rid of the nuthugger uniforms. LOL
Nuthuggers, huh? I’ll go for butthuggers, but the smuggling plums look doesn’t really do it for me.
Depends on the plums. LOL
Malkin..what a vile person. If Iraq is such a safe place and if their were enough troops there would be no kidnappings.
I care! my team plays Saturday! (Stanford v. Oklahoma, women).
for WV — how can you not love a team with a guy named Pitsnogle? 😉
The craveness of the Right knows no bounds, I’ve discovered…the only Christians they accept are those of the “Onward Christian Soldiers” variety. God, I still remember the words…
Onward Christian Soldiers
Marching as to war
With the Cross of Jesus
Going on before
Christ the Royal Master
Leads against the foe
Forward into battle
See his banners go
Onward Christian Soldiers
Marching as to war
With the Cross of Jesus
Going on before…
The hymn was prominently featured in the Lutheran Hymnal of my childhood — thankfully it did not make it into the current Episcopal Hymnal that I can tell… 🙂
(But interestingly enough, when you read the entire hymn, it has nothing to do with physical earthly battle, but rather battle against the forces of Satan. You can check out the entire hymn here, along with hearing a piano version of the tune. And the tune was composed by Arthur Sullivan, of Gilbert & Sullivan fame…never knew that…)
ummm ummmm how’s about ..GO ZAGS … !!!!!!!!!!!
I’m only interested so long as Washington and/or Gonzaga are in. Once they’re out, I’m out.
I used to be a basketball nut when I was a kid. The town I grew up in produced some pretty darn good high-school basketball teams. (The Sonics only came to Seattle when I was in about the 8th grade.) But since then, unless the Sonics, Storm or one of the Washington teams is doing something interesting, I’m pretty indifferent.
Right now about the only thing the Sonics are doing interesting are making leaving-town noises because the City Council and electorate don’t seem to be in a mood to give them a pile of money like they did the Mariners and Seahawks. Don’t get me started on this.
Living outside mainstream civilization … like I am here in Spokane .. I mean .. we got the library .. and a Catholic basketball team .. and funding’s down for the library.
Spokane, huh? You have my sincere sympathy.
Even worse, it looks like UCLA came back from way down to beat the Zags by 2. Darn.
Back to the library … um probably something in periodicals having to do with depression.
Stanford women are still in their NCAA tournament — playing Oklahoma Saturday which is going to be a very tough draw…
Let’s Go-o-o-oooo Mountaineers
…hope that doesn’t jinx ’em
Here’s a link for fun and interest.
More Medicare D(isaster) Limitations
What dooms it is social darwinism, which as an ironic by-product that nobody will notice, will prove once and for all the the theory of evolution is fact with humans. The end resultt of that proof will be the dumbing down of American thought to a complete fundamentalist christian antediluvian script.
How can it be otherwise? The college educated women are in debt over their heads and have to work to make the kind of living they trained for. They postpone having kids until it is too late or can have only one or two–and these are the ones with brains!
Meanwhile the fundies are forbidden from birthcontrol and look down on real science and education because they have it all alreaDY in their bible. They REproduce often from a young age and indoctrimate theIR offspring in their mindset (or mindlessset really). A few generation of this, and guess who runs a democracy?