Now I’m sure you’ve seen that hottest thing ever piece of crap news about Cheney and what he wants when he shows up at his heavily guarded hotel suite to make believe that he is going to sleep. (They don’t sleep, these creatures. They just…rest. Enter a sort of quiescent state while they reassemble their current shape-shift.)

Well…I had a communication from one of my many freelance alien fighter friends yesterday, and he gave me the real scoop.

If you have NOT seen the…the “document” (Obviously an attempt by his reality-controller Rove to humanize the beast)…here it is, courtesy of BooMan.

Now read on for…the REST of the story.
So…this alien hunter and I meet regularly on various street corners in NYC. He just kinda shows up (They’re like that. You’ve seen the X Files, right? Like THAT.) and gives me a CD that contains his thoughts on the subject. 148th St. Papo, he calls himself. Looks like a cross between Jabba the Hut and John Denver. Sorry but there it is. Ya gotta BE there to appreciate it.Then he’s just sorta…gone. Well…after reading the reactions to this news story, his CD contained this missive. Copy it to your hard drives, because as soon as I downloaded it the CD turned into a small dog and ran out my door into the woods behind my cave in the Bronx where he was immediately eaten by a VERY fat raccoon who ALSO seemed to have some Jabba-like features. You don’t believe me? Oh well…if George Butch can become President of the Uninhabited Stares of America than ALL reality bets are off, off, OFF.


Anyway…here’s what it contained, that CD.




You people…the Fox News thing. You’ve got it all wrong.

Y’see…he’s not watching Fox news. HE’S communicating with THEM.

They are watching HIM!!!

He actually provides the hypnotic content for Fox. The trancing underhum. He has to be tuned in 24/7, or damned near. The more TV sets he is exposed to, the more he can channel the other-dimensional technology that he receives through his large antenna.

YOU know…the one he keeps in his pants?

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He has to find out if it’s satellite or cable in order to decide which frequency to use. Right. The frequency the so-called “muggers” were after when they roughed up Dan Rather…a representative of a competing alien race, by the way from the star system Texarcana…and demanded to know “What’s the frequency” while calling him by his real name, Kinneth.

“Kinneth, what’s the frequency?”  they said.


Freelancers, THEY were…

Butch has got smaller ones secreted allll over his little body. Receivers only, of course. They’re afraid he’ll trash the code and Fox News will turn into a parade of giant Twinkies or images of naked Bush daughters cavorting in the bathtub together.

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And the Diet Sprite?

That’s as close to Cheney’s home atmosphere as he can get here on earth. He microwaves it and then snorts it all day, whenever he can get away with it.

Simple, eh?


You don’t believe me. Right?

Well…look right here.

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We even have photographic PROOF.

I mean, hey…it’s as good as that fake shit they used as an excuse to invade Iraq, right?

Probably closer to the truth, too, if you want to get right down to it.



It’s what’s for dinner.

Wrap it up and take it home.


Over and out…


Well…there it is.

Believe it or not.

(If only old man Ripley had lived long enough to see THIS shit going down!!!)



Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.-Frederick Douglass