This “Media” thing is becoming a wonderful exercise in dark humor. For
decades, the TV producers trained Americans to expect violence on the
news, teasing all day long, chumming the mental and emotional waters
with deliciously dangerous hints of bloody violence or perversion or
violent bloody perversion, whatever.
Then the promised “Film At Eleven” is run, and motherfucker it DELIVERS,
scaring -and titilating – the viewers, while at the same time
innoculating them from feeling anything about it, because, you know,
it’s just TV.
The entire cable TV industry bought into the “embedded” reporters during
Shuck And Jive, drooling over the instantaneous nature of broadcasting
American troops blowing shit up. They LOVED that shit. Violence truly
went prime time. A massive Invasion!!!, with gigantic real bombs going
off, and real brown people (well, and a few real Americans) dying in the
desert. Live.
And now, after all this training, they’re pissed off that we only pay
attention to stuff blowing up and people laying in pools of blood.
Think about it. The MSM bloviators are complaining that Americans
watching Bush fail in Iraq is somehow causing him to fail. Follow this
logic, and you see Bush blaming the very institutions he manipulated
into supporting the incredibly violent invasion, bombing, chemical
attacking, and outright execution of Iraqi civilians, for reasons which
didnt, and still don’t, exist.
Now Bush is avoiding any responsibility for failure by putting the
responsibility for succeeding on the Iraqi people he’s been bombing and
torturing and executing for three years.
The MSM is caught in the web of lies and manipulation they asked to
enter, with their hollow promises of ratings gold turned to a seemingly
never-ending stream of violent death.
They can’t have it both ways. They wanted the violence when it suited
them, so they have to suck it down now that it doesn’t.
(Cross-posted to: The Psychotic Patriot, Daily Kos, Bring It On!)
Funny you should say that, I just watched “Washington Week in Review” and there were 4 seemingly intelligent people parsing ‘what the President said’ this week. But, I kept thinking ‘he is a stumble-bum-f–king idiot, nothing he says makes any sense or is worthy of any kind of analysis.’ What the president says is only good for the Comedy Network or late night talk shows to mock and deride. I turned off the tv.