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Your Host Today is Maryb
Coffee & Tea on the Coffee Bar
Put on a Name Tag so we know your name.
Put on a Name Tag so we know your name.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 Looks Good on You! Return the Favor.
Good morning froggies.
I think everyone is sleeping in.
Watch how quickly millions of men decide that fetal stem cells are…ah, not so bad!
ain’t it the truth.
I was just listening to one of our local access websites and they were reading from this website. Check it out. It’s supposedly a Victorian guide to sex on your wedding night.
that should have been local access radio stations. I’m still not too awake.
What an awesome site. Here’s my favorite:
Here’s to vile bodies.
that’s actually the point where I tuned in and I thought for a moment I had somehow re-set my station to one of those left end of the dial christian wingnut stations! Then I figured out that he was reading from something and intended it to be funny, so I kept listening.
This one really made me laugh:
babble about her housework … LOL
I wish Janet were here.
This just can’t be real. It’s too insanely funny.
Yeah, it seems to good to be true. And I find it hard to believe that anyone in victorian times would really write this. But it IS funny.
And, sadly, makes alot of sense. π
Don’t tell me. You’re thinking of babbling about housework? As an experiment?
I was thinking of lying really still in the dark so that he doesn’t take my movements as a sign of encouragement.
the sad thing is that a lot of women do and feel exactly like this…i know tons of men who are married to those women.
My husband already thinks his testicles are so great and NOW THIS!
All men think their testicles are so great, so imagine their horror at the thought of a giant needle coming near their precious scrotums to aspirate some cells.
I wonder what it would take?
I gotta wonder how the Every Sperm Is Sacred crowd is gonna respond to this — and how simultaneously amusing and horrifying said response is apt to be.
I thought every egg was sacred but sperm were MEANT to be wasted?
And I thought you were Catholic! π
12 years of Catholic school and then I left pretty much for good. But I love my Catholic family (and there are always weddings, funerals, family christmas mass, special anniversaries etc. so you never really leave. ) I guess I still think of myself as Catholic if I think of myself as anything (which is rarely), even though I don’t do anything Catholic and disagree with many of the official positions.
That describes me and almost everyone else I know who grew up Catholic. Why do we still consider ourselves Catholic if we don’t do anything Catholic and disagree with many of their official doctrines?
When I was little I didn’t know Catholic was a religion. I just thought it was us and everyone else we knew. So the thought of leaving it is like leaving my childhood.
For me, I think it’s because the people I know that still “officially” practice are part of a warm loving community. I don’t reject that lightly.
My father’s family is Very Catholic, and my grandmother tried hard to make sure I would be too (up to and including kidnapping me for a baptism), but formal religion of any kind never really took for me. I always asked questions that made everyone really mad and/or stammery, which I never understood until I was older.
I hope you know I was just jerking your chain a little bit with that comment, like, with a Catholic background surely you’ve heard about the Protect Sperm At All Costs philosophy. It was supposed to be playful. I should’ve thought twice about that kind of throwaway comment based on recent community conversations, though, and I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable regarding your faith background.
you think I wouldn’t have told you if I thought you had crossed a line? π
I’m not uncomfortable talking about it, I just don’t usually because it doesn’t come up.
I forwarded to my family a certain comment that was directed to me yesterday as part of our weekly “good laugh for a Friday” e-mail and we all had a really good laugh at the idea that anyone would accuse me of being some kind of fundamentalist conservative cult member π
All except my aunt the nun who thinks this means there may be hope for me yet.
I feel weirdly ambivalent about those arguments but the Cafe ain’t the place to talk about it so I won’t. π For now I’ll just leave it at: happy I didn’t offend you, and pleased to know you’d tell me if I had.
Ok π
if all men out there donated one of their testicles to the cause we wouldnt need fetii.
i mean you guys have two testicles and you only need one.
as a champion pig castrator in college i would volunteer to do some of the harvesting.
I’m over here. What are you doing today? I’m spending the morning beginning the wardrobe shift from winter to summer. I hate this time of year, I don’t have enough closet space for everything at once, and yet for the next month I need both.
i spent the morning having sex…then i went to visit my husband for a bit and lend him my car so he could go run errands and take the dog to some dog park to visit his doggie buddies…..im going to spend the afternoon writing my thoughts on v for vendetta and watching the food channel….and if my boyfriend gets home early enough tonite from spending the day with his ex wife at dave and busters with their kids im planning on tying him up and taking pictures of him for the new porn site im working on.
sounds exhausting. Isn’t this the weekend and time to just relax?
yes i am supposed to be relaxing and i never go online on weekends as a rule but the boy is out of the house and i wanted to find a recipe online and of course i got sidetracked by the blogs but im gonna go relax right now i swear.
Anna, why is your day always way more exciting than mine? I haven’t tied anyone up in years, let alone taken pictures of it. Maybe I’ll tie up my husband and grab his wallet…
are you still there? I think I am going to have an f-ing saturday night party.
F-ing according to anna’s definition, or as in Andi and Jim? π
andi and jim
it’s hard to use anna’s definition unless you’re in the same room thinking about it at the same time just isn’t the same. π
what would I serve (and I KNOW, edible panties taste like crap)?
Actually I think edible panties taste like crack.
I was googling “F” drinks but the only thing I come up with is frangelica and fruity punch
I have to go look at a chair I just saw on Craigslist. Back soon.
SN, yer one sick puppy…LOL…where’s RF69 when you need him?…love it!
you’re no help
what’s a drink that starts with the letter F
F drinks
Frozen margs
Flaming Pumpkin
Frosty Noggin
Fog Blower
for starters…Google is yer friend :{)
hmmm I must have been googling wrong. but this helps. thanks dada!
Good Morning Everyone.
Good morning! Did you sleep late or were you just busy with other things?
I slept. I ended up sleeping all yesterday and last night. It doesnt’ happen often, but when it does I take advantage of it.
Sounds like you’ll be able to stay up late tonight? π The F’s are coming home tonight, hopefully they will check in.
Yes I knew they were home today. It will be good to get them back.
The staying up late – I feel like I could sleep some more.
That often happens to me. If I get a lot of sleep I just want to sleep more. If I’m short on sleep I tend to continue to short myself.
Yes I’m the same way.
So how’s you week or Saturday been going?
It’s always so quiet around here without you, FM. Hope you got enough sleep and that you’re ready to dazzle everyone with your whit.
Thanks, but I not sure today. I’m wanting to go back to sleep and I think sleep will win out in a minute.
Don’t do it, Family Man!
I’ve got to stay up because my sister is coming over, but I might doze.
Maybe if you went for a walk with George it would wake you up?
George has already been for a walk and it make me that much more tired.
**Nag Alert**
Aside from your trips to the hospital for migraine, have you had a complete physical lately?
maybe you have mono.
Yes I had one about a year and a half ago. Went through the whole thing. I’ve been this way since I was a kid, so it’s nothing to worry about. π
Here’s a little squirrel humor (?) for you Family Man, via Firedoglake Although I agree with Christy that the guys who took these pictures are idiots. But since it’s squirrels …
What idiots? I’m going to try and train my squirrels that way. π
George is whinning and going crazy to go out again. I’ll check back later.
I thought you’d see the humor. π
Pfft, only the incompetent use string when Squirreling.
How’s everyone doing around here? I’ve not been around much this week. Busy & tired.
tell me that’s you?
Yes ma’am. Circa 1973 on my grandmother’s patio.
LOL HOW did they get the squirrel? Or how did YOU get the squirrel.
and BTW everyone has missed you this week. But we figured you were busy with move stuff and all.
I’ve always been good with animals and they dig me. I used to feed this squirrel; I guess it liked me because of that, and probably wasn’t afraid of me since I was so small. Except I should admit that the same year as this photo was taken, I am told that I made a habit of putting my mother’s housecat into the oven (not on) because it bit me once. So, to every rule an exception and all that.
I have really missed hanging out with you guys! Yeah, I’ve been cleaning and sorting and packing, ugh. I’m taking the weekend off mostly, and then the whole thing kicks into high gear on Monday.
But was the oven on ?
It’s been quiet without you and AndiF. I’m glad you’re taking the weekend off. The F’s come back from vacation tonight, but I’m not sure how late.
Did you see this MaryB? This is a cute little baby squirrel!
and since it’s obviously NOT dying I wouldn’t lobby for its death.
I wouldn’t have let my kid HOLD it either though. eeeeewwwww.
Aw, dere’s dat widdoe Indy again!
i love squirrel fishing!!!
i used to take my nephew squirrel fishing at the park at 5th and ritner in south philly.
Mornin, all, FM, SN and Mb and others, how’s it going..
I like Mary b have the summer/winter clothes problem, yes even here in socal we have that, and I have so very little space for clothes and right now it’s the twix and tween weather so both types are required from one day to the next.
I am watching mad tv right now, interesting way to start the day.
Mornin Diane. Madtv this early in the morning? It’s either going to be a really good day or a really strange day for you π
I’m glad to know Socal is not the complete paradise some make it out to be.
(Almost)Every day is really strange for me and also really good, it works together to come out fine. Paradise in Cal, well that’s what we tell the folks outside of the state, lol…don’t know why, it’s too crowded already in some areas, but we have do have our weather and other probs here, wind storms, mudslides, forest fires, earthquakes and some really stoooooopid people like everywhere.
Episode of mad tv is featuring Lance Bass from Insync, so it’s pretty old.
Military Ball last night. Didn’t feel like going myself for reasons that will be quite obvious to everybody here. The major “Ball Theme” was get inebriated….and that was the goal of the officers and spouses, perhaps the enlisted had loftier goals (they probably did!). Brigadier General E.J. Sinclair is a notorious alcoholic/drunk but as long as you are an asshole in this here military right now you are just what they want! He was so ripped at the very start of the whole thing that when he was introducing couples I am told that he introduced someone, “and his woof Elaine” instead of saying “and his wife Elaine”. All such affairs are video taped now, I wonder if I could get a copy just so I could see for myself what I missed? I was also told that at the retiring of the colors numerous people standing could be observed swaying like skyscrapers during an earthquake. Just another clear example of how the COMMAND sets the tone and the rules and the goals for the whole military under them and it’s just another fine fucking day in George W Bush’s Army! Oh hell, I suppose if you were sober you might notice that Iraq is bullshit and everybody is dying and you will probably be next. It probably helps to be drunk now while you help your spouse pack and it probably helps to be drunk now every night when you stand in front of the mirror and take off the uniform.
yuk, it sounds awful. I don’t blame you for not going. (although some would say that babysitting was more onerous duty …)
What are you doing today to take that bad taste out of your mouth?
Your tax dollars at work ya know!
That’s a better use of my tax dollars than many others that are considered legitimate!
Cali, was it you who asked for help a while ago about converting cassette tapes into mp3 files? If I’m remembering right, I wanted to bring this to your attention — there’s a product review of the PlusDeck2 over at PCMag, if you want to check it out. It’s a cassette player periperhal that will fit into a 5.25 bay on the PC, plugs into your sound card and lets you convert your tapes into mp3 files without having to go through your stereo. I don’t know if it’ll work for Apple but if not then it probably won’t be long before someone makes one that does.
Glad I spotted this before the spouse and I headed out for breakfast. π
Probably won’t work on the Mac, since there are no bays (5.5 or otherwise), but it might give me a good starting point. It sounds like someone may have adapted some old tape drives that were used for backups back in the days before 250GB+ hard drives (I still want to get an external HD for backups).
A teeny bit under the weather today; may have a slight fever but have to get out and errand; spouse wants me to go back to bed as soon as we get home, and he’ll do the laundering — sounds good to me. π Can’t get sick now with the trip to SoCal here in just about 5 days! π
See you folks in a while…
Cali, take care and don’t get sick, pleaaaase. We all have to get in or stay in good health for the meetup…
i have been womdering if there is a way to put my vinyl records on my external hard drive where i keep all my music.
is this possible?
I have the same question
It’s really pretty easy:
PC Users
Mac Users
Lots of free software so all you need it a good TT and amp/receiver and the proper patch cord…probably avail at your local RadioShack or Computer store.
You’re Welcome.
you rock
I’m going to put on a name tag that says “Man Eegee.” Think anyone will know it’s me?
Can you provide us with great southwest cooking?
I’ll treat everyone to Taco Bell. How does that sound?
Actually I know how to make a chile relleno casserole made with eggs, cheese and chiles, but I never make it because my wife doesn’t like chiles.
would your wife be jealous if you made it for us? It’s lunchtime here.
Sorry, I was out gathering ingredients. Tell ya what, I’ll make up a couple of pans, and they should be ready by the time tne next cafe is ready to open up.
Since I’m thinking about taking a nap, I opened the afternoon cafe.
Be sure to unrecommend this one on your way out.