Kathleen McFarland is the new Ross Perot. Remember when Perot accused Poppy Bush of using helicopters to spy on his daughters wedding? Well, apparently, Hillary can marshall the same dark forces, even when she is not in power.
A Republican challenger to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is bizarrely claiming that the former first lady has been spying in her bedroom window and flying helicopters over her house in the Hamptons, witnesses told The Post yesterday.
Former Reagan-era Pentagon official Kathleen “KT” McFarland stunned a crowd of Suffolk County Republicans on Thursday by saying:
“Hillary Clinton is really worried about me, and is so worried, in fact, that she had helicopters flying over my house in Southampton today taking pictures,” according to a prominent GOP activist who was at the event.
“She wasn’t joking, she was very, very serious, and she also claimed that Clinton’s people were taking pictures across the street from her house in Manhattan, taking pictures from an apartment across the street from her bedroom,” added the eyewitness, who is not involved in the Senate race.
I love crazy politicians. We don’t have enough of them.
The Clinton’s have been out of the White House for over 5 years yet somehow the right still thinks they have the power to control all those black helicopters.
It’s beyond weird, it’s a sign of a mass pathology.
By the way, head over to Red State if you want to find out who the right thinks deserves the death penalty these days. I’ll give you a hint — it has to do with the Fall of Ben Domenech.
isnt it nice to get a break from us eating our own and watch the right wingers eat their own?
jeez i am supposed to be relaxing.
by the way bidens office answer boy eric told me this week that biden isnt sure what the preznit did with wiretapping is illegal or not. thats why he isnt calling for censure…he wants an investigation first.
in other words the polls arent allowing him to stick his neck out and do something other than sit on his ass and collect a paycheck.
Biden=Useful Idiot for the GOP
i couldn’t find it, is it in the comments?
I saw Krempasky’s post last night, which devoted it’s last two paragraphs to excoriating Domenech’s critics for being “loathesome, vile, and disgusting.” You would think he has never read the comments to his own posts. I wonder if he really believes that he and his brethren would have reacted any differently if the Post had hired Steve Gilliard?
Putting a campaign aide in the apartment across the street and making your opponent aware she is being spied on, being very careful to make sure the press had no way of confirming her story, would be a pretty good way of painting your opponent as paranoid lunatic when she talked about it in public. Of course, it would be pretty dumb in this instance, Hillary is ahead by what, at least 40 points?
about Bushco, was Ross really being too paranoid? Wasn’t Dubya in charge of the dirty tricks part of his father’s re-election campaign then? Perot felt his family’s reputation was being threatened, specifically that doctored, i.e. nude, photos of his daughter where going to be slung about just before her wedding. For all we know G.W. was the unnamed Rethug that warned Perot and advised him to drop out — or else.
Poor Perot, the only wonky nerd to ever get that close to being president. I still feel a bit of fondness for his lectures with all the charts and graphs.
KT was a defense aide under GHWB. Her claims are probably true except for the people responsible for the surveillance. Instead of mocking her claims of illegal surveillance, wouldn’t it be in everyone’s best interest to give her claims some consideration?
From the linked article, references like this don’t help our cause.
by me.
I know how she feels. I believe that the ghost of Spiro Agnew is spying on us. < shakes fist > “Go away, Spiro!!!”
Mercy… it wouldn’t surprise me if the nuts continue to make allegations against Hill and Bill after they are dead, wreaking their deadly all-powerful lib’rul powers from beyond the grave!