We’re having an F-ing Party to Welcome Home the F’s

Maryb is your host tonight.
F-ing language encouraged.
F-ing language encouraged.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Only give F-ing 4’s, OK?
Well, it IS an F-ing party
Here’s the recipe:
Welcome home F’s, we missed you!
Hey Mary, how the F are ya?
I’m F-ing good. and you?
I’m pretty F’ing good myself. Drinking some F’ing whiskey, watching some F’ing basketball, playing some F’ing guitar.
How’s your F’ing grid doing, you still in? Or are all your F’ing teams eliminated?
I didn’t F’ing fill one out this year. You?
F’ing Big 10 sucked it up though. But U of M has a shot at winning the NIT (woo f’ing hoo)!
I didn’t F’ing fill one out either but I did enter the F’ing “luck of the draw” grid pool. F’ing Boston College was my last team to be eliminated. So now I’m F’ng pulling for LSU to win the whole thing as a show of F’ing solidarity with F’ing New Orleans.
Where’d you go?
Izzy and I missed you during late night lately. Are you still jet lagged or di the Japanese work ethic cause you to turn over a new leaf?
I’m in and out tonight…I’m multi-f’ing-tasking 🙂
Nope, not jet lagged, I’ve just had some real-life things going on. Nothing major.
in and out IS approprate
just wondered where the f you had been
and didn’t want you to think we didn’t f’ing miss you
Thanks 🙂
I missed you guys too.
OK enough of the mushy stuff, let’s get this f’ing party going!! I almost forgot, I brought some beer back from Japan.
yeah, the mushy stop has to stop
It looks like your computer has regressed to posting in telegram-ese.
Did you actually drink any Japanese beer when you were there? stop.
oops, I forgot to throw an f’ing in. F*ck.
I drank a f’ing sh*t-load of f’ing japanese beer while I was there. Several different kinds of Kirin, Yebisu, Sapporo, and a few more that are escaping me right now. stop.
careful — “f’ing sh*t-load” is changing the terms of this party.
I like to think of it as ‘enhancing’.
It IS giving me an idea.
I’m leaving this threadlet or we’re gonna bust the margins.
Yebisu? Hmm…
You sound a bit suspicious.
Well, you seem enthusiastic about it, so I guess I could try one… 🙂
Well, I’m not going to force you. But if you don’t like it, I’m sure that someone else would finish it for you (hint).
Gee whiz, Mary — this is so nice. Thank you. Jim and I have never had our very own effing before.
At our age, though, things have slowed down so we think more in term of six or seven play.
That’s me — nice.
Where’s Jim? What was the final total on pictures?
We slowed down there too — about 670.
By the time you’ve seen 100 great views, you start to think “what the F, it’s just another view” and don’t take the picture?
Not really because for us a lot of the reason we take pictures is to bring back the memory of that particular moment.
But the most important question —
how are the dogs?
They’re fine and very happy we’re home. Sniff was ecstatic to be reunited with the couch.
I saw in the last cafe that you’re planning a trip to Italy. Got any details to share yet (I love vacation-planning whether it’s mine or someone else’s).
I have a lot planned. I’ll pull up the websites tomorrow and share. I’d have to log into my work e-mail to get the latest details right now — and I don’t really want to even log into work on a Saturday night.
Just as well — my brain is travel-numbed and can’t absorb any details.
Thank dog F’n memory cards are small…that’s gotta be @ 3Gigs’s worth…
Welcome Home!
We took a long a laptop and offloaded on to it — which is especially nice because you get to enjoy the pics right away.
on the Seattle/Alaska trip for the same reason — along with my portable hard drive so I can store the photos on there, then just plug it into the big screen laptop to do all my image-play when I get home… 😉
Welcome home — you were missed! 🙂
(Hockey game back on…see you guys 2nd intermission…)
Plus when we had wifi we could use itunes to listen to npr news.
They have wifi in Utah? Who f’ing knew?
Not the f-ing Utahns who are happy pigs in their ignorance (with apologies to the three liberals hiding in hole-in-the-rock with butch cassidy and the sundance kid).
I’ll soon be caught up to ya!
Nice graphics up there maryb, ya musta been burning the midnight oil on that one.
ya know,
Foreplay always is better slow so don’t drink too fast 🙂
I ain’t learnt a t’ing.
uh huh — turn that keyboard over to your wife and let’s hear what she has to say.
I wouldn’t have opened my big trap in the first place if I wouldn’t have been confident in her reply to that one, ha ha!!
When you come to ND to do your photo tour the ND Badlands you can ask her yourself, in person.
That’ll be too long — all the brain cells that knew what I was supposed to have asked her will have long sloughed off their mortal coil.
Aw, gee, shucks.
What and F-ing nice welcome home!
I do believe we have a quorum in the FBC, let’s get this party underway.
Well, we F’ing missed you.
Sounds pretty f’ing good…I think I’ll make mine with cointreau instead of blue curacao, though.
You like your foreplay more French?
Paris est tout le foreplay vous le besoin.
I don’t know what you just said, but say it again. I love to listen to French 🙂
Mon nom est Henri, je suis ici pour voler votre petite amie.
Your name is Henry I got, but the rest ..
Lies sound SO much better in French
I said, “Paris is all the foreplay you need” and “My name is Henri, I am here to steal your girlfriend.”
that doesn’t sound nearly so sexy in English
but you can have my girlfriend because I don’t need her 🙂
That’s a line from an old Cheers episode.
How DO you remember these things? Maybe your remote being lost will be the best thing that’s happened to you.
So when’s the plane leave? 😉
hmm. don’t tempt me. I’d gladly blow cash I don’t have…
I think I see AndiF sneakin’ up on me again…
but too many of those and I’ll be sound asleep before the actual foreplay… 😉
(1st intermission in the hockey game so thought I’d stop by; Sharks actually f-ing leading 1-0!)
Where’s Omir and the fournicator?…time for a BETA Test…looks like we might need it.
and where’s Second Nature who came up with the name for that and for this party?
What have Second Nature and Omir been up to?
Omir has been inventing — I’ll have to leave it up to someone else to explain how, but basically a way to give 4’s all at once in the cafe. And SN has been honing her inate marketing talents by coming up with a great name for it and for tonight’s party.
I don’t know where she is — she told me she’d be back in a minute and that was about 4 hours ago.
I’ve had minutes like that — sometimes very good ones.
Family Man had one of his mega-migraines this week and he’s been sleeping ever since. Maybe he’ll wake up for the party – you KNOW George wants to be here.
Poor FM. I’m glad he’s got family around to look after him.
In other news, Sniff has just moved from the couch to the bed.
Already? What about Hopeful?
Well, Hopeful lives to sleep but I’ve already got one large fella sharing my bed who tosses and turns and snores, si I’m not inviting any more.
Woo-hoo-Omir will be saving us all from carpal tunnel syndrome.
see this
All I can say is I’ve posted a sentry at the door…
You seem a little, how shall I say it … obsessed (?) with that posting. Wonder why.
at least since Nov 3, 2004.
On the previous topic… someone needs to exert some discipline over the boys and girls here in these FBCs, ah… since the “host” has so far has just allowed them all to run totally rampant…
which previous topic, what are you f’ing talking about?
You’re gonna get yerself a time out…buck up laddie…it’s parrrrtaaay time!
damn f’ing straight
I better take a break for some chow, before I get myself in any deeper into the thicket.
I’ll be back when I’ve refortified the system.
I’m here! I told you I’d be back in a flash.
Welcome home Fs. woo hoo!
That was a long minute, I thought something happened to you.
I’ve been gone and then I actually sat through an entire movie with the nuclear family.
what movie?
House of D. Really good movie with David Duchovny.
How’s things?
I take it Mr. Nature and all his pieces and parts arrived home from Japan.
All of his parts arrived, minus his luggage again.
Are you sick of your F-ing welcome home party yet?
How did he like it? (Japan, not losing his luggage)
Where was he? I remember reading about it pre-trip, but don’t remember where he was going to be.
Glad you clarified that, because I’m thinking I can guess how he feels about his luggage. And it ain’t pretty.
I can imagine too…that’s why I always do carry-on only unless I absolutely have to check luggage (which has only happened to me twice).
This UCLA/Memphis game has been f’ing boring in the second half. I can’t believe it’s not closer.
I’m glad that f’ing Memphis is out of it now. They were part of both of the only two boring games of the weekend. Good f’ing riddance!
I f’ing agree.
I’m watching a replay of the BC vs. BU hockey game. I love college hockey.
Of course not. It’s my vindication that everything in the world really does revolve around me.
well …
OK I’ll let you think that for tonight since it’s your first night back. But after that, it’s back to all about ME.
Of course, according to Sniff, Giddy, Hopeful, George, Bu, Bud, and the Diva Dogs, we don’t know what the frell we’re talking about.
don’t forget Luna
Good thinking — never leave out dogs who are larger than grizzly bears (even if they appear to be teddy bears).
Rite F’ing On!!!
Hi folks. I am finally home for the county convention and the dinner and drinks we went to afterwards.
How WAS the f’ing convention?
Had a great time. I was elected to the resolutions comittee and all of the resolutions I supported passed and the ones I thought were crap got killed. LOL
That’s f’ing wonderful.
Hey RF, congrats!
If all I have to do is go on vacation for a month and when I get back you’ll be the POTUS.
I think we’ve trashed this f’ing place so let’s move the party over here.