Welcome Home F’s

Maryb is your host tonight.
F-ing language encouraged but not required.
F-ing language encouraged but not required.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Only give F-ing 4’s, OK?
I was getting a little tired of f’ing around, so that’s optional in this part of the party.
But since we finished all the foreplay, we can move on to this (blame it on ej):
I don’t know why I get blamed for this stuff all the time, but what the F.
Oops, I forgot…new rules.
I can already see this is going to go downhill quickly…
Well, I’m back! That ought to add a little momentum to the downhill acceleration.
As long as you’re not going to add any kind of Joe-mentum. I don’t think we can handle going downhill that quickly.
Joe’s-mentum had better be going downhill. I can’t think of a better primary in which to demonstrate grass roots dissatisfaction.
Here, here!! Back to the frivolities at hand. Are the Fs still with us? And not yet even a teaser photo from the trail… WTHay.
uh, look down
Not really BLAME, more like credit. After all, you gave me the idea and you know better than to give me ideas.
And f’ing language isn’t discouraged, just not required.
No, I should know better than to give you ideas…I obviously haven’t learned well enough.
I really think going to Japan put you off your game.
It’s possible. Everyone is so nice and polite over there, it must have lowered my defenses π
Just to show how much we like all you folks.
I know I’m new at this, but am I supposed to see the blue dot somewhere?
Blue Dot images get some kind of announcement. However, this picture does have an orange dot in it (but that’s just Jim who isn’t omnipresent or omniscient just omninuisance.
heh. You know he sometimes reads these things, right? π
Mr. Nature was in and around Tokyo. I’m glad you took pictures, because he sure didn’t. I don’t think he saw much besides his hotel and the IBM facility in nine days.
Did he have a little mini-room like I did?
I was in and around Tokyo the entire time I was there too. Of course, ‘in and around Tokyo’ refers to an area roughly the size of Rhode Island, it seemed…
Hard to watch TV while you’re in bed with the room set up that way.
Not to mention just a little bit claustrophobic.
Well, the TV is on a swivel-base. You have to remember, the Japanese are a very technologically advanced people π
That was the first hotel I stayed in…in the second one, to save space in my room they had put in a 17″ flat panel screen as my TV.
On the ceiling — to save room?
No, it was on top of the desk.
But the mini-bar was like a mini-mini-bar!
Did you drink the Poca Sweat? π
Not for $5 from the mini-bar, but I did buy one from a vending machine for about $1.50. It’s gatorade.
My memory from visiting Japan 25 years ago was that it was then known as Pocari ‘Sweat’. Don’t think I tried it, though…
What a cute little room? That looks like a pastel Precious Moments picture on the wall. π
You can travel across the world, but hotel room art stays the same.
And small rooms, too. I had a room that looked a lot like that in copenhagen but it was a bit smaller — I had to walk across the bed to get to the bathroom (the bathroom door slid into the wall).
do you have pictures of YOUR room?
No, I prefer not to have a reminder of that particular memory.
I have a friend who just got back from a semester abroad in Copenhagen. Her flat looked to be about the size of my kitchen.
Mr. Nature lived in Japan back in the 90’s, but he was very thrilled to experience heated toilet seats on this trip.
They should seriously include an instruction manual for the toilets over there. There are fewer buttons on my cell phone.
Um, he did say something about a “butt washer” that was different than a bidet. Different angle I guess.
Yep. And since the hotels know that there will be guests speaking all different languages staying there, they have these funny little pictures of each thing. I can’t believe I didn’t take a photo of it, I’m kicking myself for forgetting.
You have to admire their cleanliness.
Omnipresence and omniscience are mere constructs of those who have to put up with omninusiance.
Was he dressing with the intent of blending in? I can juuuuust barely see him in there.
I would NOT have noticed him if you hadn’t told me he was there.
He’s there for perspective (you know, so I can consider things like what would my life be like if I hadn’t met him.)
Much worse π
But after a week of togetherness I’m sure you’re glad you’ll be sending him back to the classroom.
LOL! I’ve never seen that site before. and I love the Guide.
That looks like a martian landscape. You know what it really looks like? One of those closeups of your dry, winter skin magnified like 10,000 times.
funny you should mention that.
Very martian. Almost like an eye too, in a creepy kind of way.
I think you should get that looked at. It could be cancerous.
Actually if you put this next to ej’s blue pictures, you could have illustrations for men are from mars/women are from venus — interestingly each taken by the opposite gender.
Or … red state/blue state.
ask and ye shall receive, I don’t remember if Andi was around when I posted this the first time…
No, I hadn’t seen it. Gorgeous. Is it a water/ice pattern?
That’s northern Siberia, as seen out the window of my 777 en route to Japan.
Wow, that makes the shot even more impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a decent picture from an airplane, let alone one that was as good as this one is.
Thanks π I think I actually like this one better though. This is the Cherskogo Mountain range, still in Siberia:
Do you have a point + click, or SLR-type camera? I have point + click, but I think I am going to have to upgrade soon. To take pictures out an airplane window, I have to turn off the flash and brace the camera against something (flash off = slower shutter speed)
Damn that looks cold.
I have a point and shoot. Jim has an SLR. But the airplane shots have all been with the point-and-shoot.
So what exactly IS this Andi?
It’s a macro shot of the surface of a petrified sand dune (not the same rock as in the picture but similar).
But it was hard to spot the human. I had to put on some spectacles,rub my nose on the monitor, and a humanoid appeared in one of the crevasses.
Welcome home Andi and Jim!!!
I’m not touching your subject line. π
Hugs and smooches to you. Good to hear you made it home safe. I’m sure the furry kids are ecstatic. π
How was your evening Olivia?
Yelled and whistled and cheered for a couple hours as our team rolled over the opp 8-4.
How ’bout you? Looks like you’ve been busy hosting!
woo hoo, you brought home a winner!
Olivia, your photos are so beautiful and classy that I have a hard time imaging you at a hockey game screaming as they slam each other up against the boards.
You should see the little old lady that was sitting two seats over! :o)
The reason we’re all so easy-going up here, is that once a week we get to yell and swear etc. in a totally accepted venue.
And thanks to everybody else for contributing to it and welcoming us back in style. This party was so good that it overcame my travel exhaustion and even kept me up past old geezer quitting time.
But I do need to go show my bed how much I missed it.
Good night everybody.
I’m surprised you made it THIS long. Good night, see you tomorrow.
Who (if anyone) is still around?
I think I’m turning in early tonight — so, I’ll say goodnight too. See you tomorrow maryb.
Good Night Olivia. See you tomorrow.
Any particular reason for a tour of Italy?
I like Italy.
We’re renting a house; no tour. Just hanging out, drinking wine, eating good food and relaxing.
That sounds like a great way to enjoy another country. All the chasing around on the tours never leaves any time to have conversations with people or really get acquainted with their culture and the local natural landscape.
That’s what I thought.
I’ve done the whole Italian tour thing, visiting a different city every day. I got art overload. We started in Milan and worked our way down to Rome. By the time I got to Rome I figured if you’d seen one Michelangelo you’d seen them all. But I never got tired of people watching.
I’ve not yet been to Italy, but I’ve been in N Europe some, and it’s about the same with the famous cathedrals… after so many of them, it’s, “who cares.”
Years later it’s the people, conversations, and places you got stuck for a while that you really remember.
I remember one of the members of a youth tour group mumbling, “What country are we in now?” one night on the train. After a while you just loose track, which is ridiculous.
I’ve only been to France and Italy (on the continent. I’ve been all over Britain and Ireland) so I can’t compare Italy to, say Germany. I just know that I feel very comfortable there. I like France, but I never feel particularly comfortable when I’m there.
everyone looks just like those I grew up with, and sometimes the drivers pulled over to the side of the road to ask me directions… ha! ha! That was pretty funny when all I know in Norsk is a bunch of swear words. Didn’t take them long to realize they were barking up the wrong tree on that one.
And then coming up from the basement bar we went out the wrong door and were locked out of the motel, and they wouldn’t let us in till they heard the English. ha ha.
new lounge open — one that norwegians would be comfortable in
Thanks to you and all for this evening. Good night all.
Good night Jim — glad you’re back!
I might be heading to bed soon too. Or maybe not. I haven’t decided.
well don’t get decisive on me or anything. π
If you don’t answer after a while, we’ll assume you’ve gone to bed. Are you SURE you don’t still have jet lag?
I don’t have jet lag, but there wasn’t a whole lot of sleep to be had this week. Anywhere from 2 to 5 hours per night was the norm.
I’ll stay up for a little while, I’ve decided to start practicing my British accent. What do you think?
<British Accent>Cheerio, Mary! How do you do this evening?</British Accent>
Wow, it’s even easier with html tags!
<british accent>who IS that vulger american attempting to sound like one of us?</british accent>
more importantly — why?
I saw a Geico commercial with the gecko speaking in an Australian accent, so it made me think of it.
That gecko is one crafty f’er.
But you didn’t want to practice your Australian?
<australian>put another shrimp on the barby!</australian>
Well, my australian accent is already impeccable, of course π
I said my accent was good, not that my stomach had adapted to consuming the battery acid that they package as ‘vegemite’.
Hey maryb and ej! Sorry I missed the f-ing party. And for the worst reasons, too… a nap and then… I can hardly admit it. The Seattle local version of American Idol. It’s hideous. I can’t look away.
American Idol? No, not EVEN American Idol, the local SEATTLE version?
You missed my f’ing party for that. Well f*ck.
How are you Izzy? π
I thought I was fine, but I’m taking this as a sign, a cry for help if you will. Obviously, there’s something very, very wrong with me.
How’re you?
I was just getting ready to serve some coffee to sober these guys up, but since you just arrived we’ll have to put something in it.
Not sure about the whole banana liqueur — but of course that’s what monkey’s like π
Thanks! Just what I needed. I was feeling a little low on… potassium.
Too late for some…
I’m outta here
Night yawl…Catch ya on the flip.
Hey Izzy!
I believe that the hideousness of American Idol (local or national) is indeed the main attraction of the show. So, you’re at least not alone.
Misery loves company, and whatnot.
I’ve never seen American Idol. I’m not sure it can’t be as hideous. Can it? I don’t want to believe that about humanity.
On ours, all the judges were nice. There wasn’t one mean thing said.
I don’t know….I’ve never seen it either.
I have cable TV for 3 reasons only : sports, Family Guy, and Daily Show.
You’re missing out on a lot.
To quote Office Space, I wouldn’t say I’m missing it π
Okay, that’s a good example! Office Space wasn’t on your list (was it?). Or, for instance, the E! True Hollywood Story of Tori Spelling is on right now. Wait. That’s not helping…
I mean, there was a woman with curly hair and a cane singing that Linda Ronsadt song (which I now have stuck in my head)
I ain’t sayin’ you ain’t pretty, all I’m sayin’ is I’m not ready…
I mean, I sometimes walk with a cane, but I wouldn’t go singing that song in a prom dress! Or at least not in front of anyone!
F-ing bloody hell!! What have I done to myself? I may never purge these images!
MARY! I need more banana liquor stuff!! STAT!
coming right up!
You’re quickly becoming my best friend.
Yo! Izzy, ej, NDD — let’s head out to someplace a little more suitable to us at this time of night.
Just leave this f’ing mess for George.