The week leading to the third anniversary of the start of the Iraq Illegal Invasion two Very Important Actions took place, lasting that whole week, ending on that Important Date of the Start of the Carnage.
One was a 241 mile walk from Mexico to San Francisco that, like many of the Actions taken by the citizens of this Country wasn’t Covered as it should have been by the MSM.
The other was a ‘Walkin’ to New Orleans’ carried out by Survivors of Katrina and Veterans of a number of U.S. Conflicts including Iraq/Afgan Vets.
These are extremely important because of the Sacrifice Involved and the Messages meant by both. Combining those Sacrifices and Messages, of both, they Spoke for the Well Over 700 Registered Actions taking place Around the Country, with 10’s of Thousands Partcipanting, Voicing their Combined Opposition of the Direction of this Country and it’s So Called Leadership, Totally Corrupt at that.
Below are Links to Video’s and Photo’s of both these actions. The Latino March for Peace I had posted at a few sites, the one here has a couple of more links, and with the Immigration Bill now in Congress and being Widely Protested, this weekend, this shows the Sacrifice of the Latino for this Country. And a Thought for you, before the Borders and Names these so called Illegals Inhabited Much of what is now called America!!
Pass these on as many don’t know about them and the Video’s and Photo’s Speak for themselves, Especially the ones contained in the ‘Walkin’ to New Orleans’ six months after the Devestation!!
Photographer – Diane Lent – Vets/Survivors 1
Photographer – Diane Lent – Vets/Survivors 2
Walkin’ to New Orleans – Videos – These are in Quicktime Video – video links below
Monday’s Press Conference Video
Michael McPhearson, executive director of Veterans for Peace
Tuesday’s Video
Leaving Mobile
Tuesday’s Camp Host Video
Mamie H. Mackey, storm survivor and the campsite host
Wednesday’s Video
Mississippi Vietnam War Memorial
Thursday’s Video
Iraq Veterans Against the War send greetings to the president
Friday’s Video
Kelly Dougherty co founder of Iraq Veterans Againt the War.
Saturday’s Video
House Gutting Vets
On the 3rd Anniversary of the 2nd Iraq War, Iraq veterans clearly spell out the problems with words and song. Words by Camilo Mejia and Michael Blake; song by VOICE.
Related Links:
Vietnam Vetrerans Against the War
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Camilo Mejia
More About the March
More Coverage of the March
More Photo/Information/Reports Links:
New Orleans Voices For Peace documented the march from Mobile to New Orleans on video for airing on T.V. Radio and Internet. Stay tuned to this site for daily updates from this historic march!
Photo Gallery:
Android Designs photo album 1
Android Designs photo album 2
For photos and videos and blogs on the march, please visit:
New Orleans VFP
Stan Goff
Bring Them Home Now
Union County Labor-Veterans For Peace
For More:
Stories and Photos From The March
Latino March for Peace – 3rd Anniversary of Iraq Illegal Invasion
VIDEO SPECIAL | Latino March for Peace
A film by Scott Galindez and Ted Sapphire
On March 12, 2006, Fernando Suarez del Solar and Pablo Paredes started a march with a coalition of the willing across 240+ miles in a quest for peace that aims at raising the Latino voice of opposition to the war in Iraq. The March will run from Tijuana, Mexico, all the way to the mission district of San Francisco, making strategic, symbolic and ceremonial stops along the way. The 241-mile march is inspired by Gandhi’s 1930 Salt March protesting British imperialism and will serve as a loud cry for an end to the bloodshed in Iraq.
Windows Media
Mexico to SF ‘March for Peace’ Rallies Fresno – Photos
Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Eric has Produced another Powerful Video:
Simply Called “3”
This one is a production of ‘Smashface’:
Katrina Video
This one is from the last day of the ‘Walkin’ To New Orleans’ March:
On the 3rd Anniversary of the 2nd Iraq War, Iraq veterans clearly spell out the problems with words and song. Words by Camilo Mejia and Michael Blake; song by VOICE.
[English, Español]
The Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) is looking for an experienced person or organization to create and manage an international register of people interested in and suitably qualified for NP field missions- working as nonviolent peacemakers and peacekeepers in areas of conflict. During the first year the registrar will verify, enter and track information for at least 500 peacekeepers and in the coming years include thousands.
The contracting party would need to provide quality assurance through reference checking, personal interviews, and observational assessments, in partnership with other NP member organizations and external parties assisting in this effort. It will be necessary to commit to maintaining the register in good order and ensure that it is accessible and relevant to people in all parts of the world. The contracting party will need to communicate on a regular basis with the members of the register and inform them of opportunities available with NP.
Applicant must have experience in creating and managing online registry services or related web based work.
Please provide curriculum vitae and work sample and bid to Gilda Bettencourt at gbettencourt@nonviolentpeaceforce.org by April 10th, 2006
Anuncio para una plaza como Registrador en Las Fuerzas de Paz Noviolentas (NP)
Las Fuerzas de Paz Noviolentas (NP) busca a persona u organización con experiencia para trabajar en la creación y manejo de un registro internacional de personas interesadas y debidamente calificadas para las misiones de campo de la NP como pacificadores no violentos en las áreas en conflicto. Durante el primer año, el registrador verificará, ingresará y monitoreará la información de al menos 500 pacificadores. En los años sucesivos, el manejo de datos incluirá miles de pacificadores.
La parte contractual necesita proporcionar confianza y seguridad mediante la verificación de referencias, entrevistas personales y observaciones de evaluación, en conjunto con otras organizaciones miembros de la NP y participantes externos que contribuyan con este esfuerzo. Será necesario comprometerse a mantener dicho registro en buen estado y asegurarse de que sea accesible y relevante para las personas en todo el mundo. La parte contractual necesitará comunicarse en forma regular con los miembros que se encuentren registrados para informarles de oportunidades disponibles en la NP.
Los solicitantes interesados deben tener experiencia en la creación y manejo de un registro por internet o servicios similares relacionados con trabajo en redes de internet..
Los solicitantes interesados pueden enviar su currículum y una muestra de su trabajo a Gilda Bettencourt a gbettencourt@nonviolentpeaceforce.org . La fecha límite es el 10 de abril del 2006
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Rue Van Elewyck 35, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium, +49-40-655-90-940
425 Oak Grove St, Minneapolis, MN 55403, USA, +1-612-871-0005
Online Free Mental Health Screening for Returning Vets & Families