What happened in the village of Isahaqi, north of Baghdad, on Ides of March? The murk of war – the natural blur of unbuckled event, and its artificial augmentation by professional massagers – shrouds the details of the actual operation. But here is what we know.
Long influenced by the work of takebackthemedia.com’s symbolman – I have always been intrigued the merging of text, images, and sound in a multimedia format. And one of the major reasons I wanted to work with Chris Floyd last year was to explore these territories – as I have always felt his writing style would work well in this kind of scenario.
Last week I decided to take, what can only be described as the Mi Lai (Iraq Lai) of the new war, and turn it into a Flash presentation. All three elements are finite – the number of images, the time span of the song and the length of the body of writing. It was a fairly complicated project – that spanned over an 18 hour period.
Link and more on the flip…
http://isahaqi.chris-floyd.com/ (Be warned: some of the images of the reality of George W. Bush’s handiwork in Iraq are very disturbing, and should not be viewed by children or those of a sensitive nature.***)
We have received a number of emails – most positive… however, we have also been taken to the task.
Chris stated to one critic of the piece who felt he was "lobbing emotional knee-jerk language".
"I reported what the Iraqi officials were saying about the case. I specifically said in my closing paragraphs that whether the incident occurred as the Iraqi officials reported, or was “merely” the result of “collateral damage” by soldiers on an ordinary mission, the incident was part and parcel of a war crime perpetrated by George W. Bush, who, as I said quite clearly, bears the responsibility for every atrocity committed in this action which he set in train. I specifically and deliberately racheted down the “emotive” language concerning the facts of the incident, saving it instead for the condemnation of the ultimate author of those children’s deaths. The post that I wrote made no automatic assumptions of “guilt” in the case — beyond, as I said, the guilt attaching to the man who launched this “war of choice.”
But yes, I am angry that those children are dead; I am angry to see the seven-month-old boy with a gash across his lifeless forehead; I do get a bit “emotive” about such things being done in my name, in the name of my own children, in the name of my country, and, as I made very clear in the post, whether the victims were “massacred” (a word I have never used for the incident) or killed in the “normal” course of events by good soldiers thrust into a hellish situation, it does not attentuate the atrocity of these needless deaths one bit. They did not need to die in this way; they would not have died in this way if George W. Bush had not decided to launch his war — and if the entire American Establishment had not countenanced the launching of this war.
It has been virally making its way around the Net – mainly via www.informationclearinghouse.info – and I thought I would share it here as the response has been quite astounding.
The verve behind the drive to build this work derives mainly from being a father – of (very, very soon to be three) girls. My outrage from seeing the very young children who were killed in this incident manifested in a self-flagellating journey of repetitive editing and building anger from having to see it over and over and over during the process of editing the piece. In the end, I was mentally exhausted and slept most of Saturday.
Chris’s writing was certainly a huge inspiration. As a former journalist, I am cognizant of what is great writing and – what my limitations are. I come from the Canadian small town press (and the Caribbean) and writing for me has always been more of a trade than an art. Floyd consistently takes it to levels that I use to hit once every few years. Hence the reason I decided to approach him in September of 2005 with a request to collaborate. Since I have been leaning towards design and community/blog architecture over the past ten years, I felt my skills were best put to use by working with someone who leaves me drop jawed’ most weeks rather than get in the fray as a mediocre blogger in a sea of mediocre bloggers.
And Flash projects such as this have always been part of my concept in working together with him – Flashblogging if you will. This was our first attempt.
What I don’t understand is the apparent callousness of so many on the right to this sort of atrocity, which we read about occurring everyday. But then these are the same people who got upset when ABC’s Nightline ran the names of all the soldiers who were killed in Iraq. If you want to support the war, fine, but be advised what it is that you are supporting.
I commend you and Chris for all the work you are doing. I have one son, nearing draft age should the draft return, and one daughter and I am appalled and sickened by what I see in your video. I cannot imagine any father or mother feeling otherwise, regardless of political persuasion.
Yet Americans remain unconcerned and silent…..I suppose they are busy tending to important things. I wonder what has happened to us and when we stopped knowing that we can’t be humane and loving to our families when we can’t be humane and loving to our fellow man……and when it is okay to murder the children we have lost anything that resembles civilized living and sanity. We have lost everything!
and for sharing your talent which leaves me drop jawed most weeks.
The reason outrage over this incident, in which it appears that a very brave Reuters stringer took a chance and ran with a story that appears to not have been vetted by crusadecom, is very sad and very simple.
The Iraqis, including Iraqi children, are not considered human by many in the west. In the US remember, even before this crusade, Iraqi children were being killed slowly for 12 years, for lack of potable water, from simple diarrheas and infections, and for the past 5 years Afghan children have been being killed by bombs, starvation, freezing to death, and then there is Palestine…
As the wise grandmother said to the little girl who, after a school lesson on the Holocaust, came home in tears, asking how could one human being do such things to another, without knowing which atrocity the child was referring to, the grandmother answered, “it does not happen overnight.”
While I seldom miss a chance to point out that the US never was a beacon of human rights and kindness with regard to those who have stood in the way of its rich men who want more money, I will also be the first to admit that without a massive, concentrated and systematic effort the scale and intensity of which Goebbels could only dream of, the America of thirty, twenty, even ten years ago, would not have sat and watched their own countrymen slow-cooked alive on CNN.
Even though most of those countrymen were countrymen of color, and poor to boot, there were at that time, in my opinion, a few threads of the social fabric left intact, and those threads would have been employed to do the necessary to prevent the worst of the horror.
And it is likely that the America of twenty years ago might have taken exception to this particular little slice of life in the war on terror, this very different kind of war.
As it is, however, I continue to keep the Reuters reporter and his family in my thoughts and prayers, along with all those who loved these children, these “big people,” and all others who have been slaughtered by Somalia with money.
As ‘Gruesome’ as many of these Flash Video’s can be I’ve been finding them and sending them out as they Paint the Reality of War and other Destructive Forces and Actions!!!!!
Putting Photo’s and Music together is an Art that comes from within and Leaves an Extremely Powerful Message, you’ve Accomplished that, and I’m going to Send Your Work On to many as well as save it for future messages as I have others!!
If not familiar with Erics work, at BushFlash you might want to check out his most recent and a few others I’ve been posting:
Eric has Produced another Powerful Video:
Simply Called
This one is a production of ‘Smashface’:
Katrina Video
This one is from the last day of the ‘Walkin’ To New Orleans’ March:
On the 3rd Anniversary of the 2nd Iraq War, Iraq veterans clearly spell out the problems with words and song. Words by Camilo Mejia and Michael Blake; song by VOICE.
You can also visit Erics Animation Archives for his past productions, They All Send A Message!!!!!!!
Eric… how could I forget him. He’s a ‘real’ designer and the founding father of this genre.
He coded those first movies in Macromedia Flash when text effects actually took a hell of a lot of work.
I just sent him yours, as I’ve been conversing with him for awhile, now if I had the Time and Knowledge I’d try my hand at it!!
They do work Wonders of giving True Emotion to Reality!
Hey thanks Jim…
I was thinking of sending him a link but got distracted by the kids and segued into the IRL.
His new work 3 is brilliant.
We need to get a way to podcast these, maybe a single progressive site where one could download the latest work of those who “flashblog” or something.
Exactly. Great idea Steven and you are thinking along the same lines as I am.
For some time, I have been mulling over an idea for a new progressive site revolving around multimedia and video.
I have been speaking with David from afterdowningstreet.org about this issue as he’s having problems with his audio podcasts and I have posted a number of them at Empire Burlesque using our Joomla merged Loudblog.de podcasting scripts.
However, all his work kind of gets lost in the myriad of content at chris-floyd.com and I think there is room for a site that deals more specifically with the shift to video and multimedia and the eventual fusion of television and the Internet.
In the Netherlands, I get cable TV via the same box as my internet at 20 mb/s (tele2.nl). It’s fast, and getting faster – especially in Holland where 25 percent of the population and 60 percent of all households have broadband.
I am thinking a Youtube.com type script/site that will covert all uploaded video (avi, wmv, mpeg, etc), to streaming Flash movie (flv) files after uploading. It can easily be modified to handle flash movie files (swf) and Audio (mp3, wav etc) is very simple.
Tutorials on building Flash movies (I use SwishMax, not Macromedia Flash for instance), editing video and links to commercial and free open source products with which to work with.
If you or anyone else is interested in getting involved contact me at expatforums @ gmail dot com
I have a VBS server in Michigan but this would take more than that – something dedicated with real bandwidth numbers. And the php/mysql script will cost some money.
Just an idea really…
Have you sent this to John at Crooks and Liars? Perhaps he can help set something up, or host something. He ought to at least be into linking to this.
No, I haven’t but I will.
I have had some contact with John in the past.