Froggy Bottom Lounge — All Night

This is an unhosted lounge. Help yourself.
Please try not to spill more beer – the floor is sticky enough.
Last one out turns out the lights.
Last one out turns out the lights.
Beer nuts and pretzels available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The Jukebox and Pool Tables take only 4’s
Hello all Frog men and women.
I’m calling it quits for tonight. I’ll see all of you tomorrow I’m sure.
Goodnight and sleep well! You’ve had quite a day of it.
Thanks for another great day of hosting. Good night, and great dreams!
G’night! Great job today.
… here’s a link to Route 50 in Nevada.
I like this bit:
I’ve pretty much concluded that I’ve never been on that stretch of road. But I’m intrigued by it. Usually for me the less civilization and the more desolate the landscape the better.
Most people haven’t. That’s an excellent link. Thanks for finding it.
Here’s how stupid I am. My son was an infant when I took this drive. It was July or August and I decided to leave in the evening hoping 1) the baby would sleep through it; 2) the car wouldn’t overheat and 3) the tires wouldn’t melt.
I just figured if I got tired I’d stop in Stage Coach or Austin or one of the many towns listed. WRONG. There are no towns there, I don’t care what people have named the area. I was exhausted and kept hanging on to the next “town” and there’d be nothing there but a sign.
Finally, about 3 a.m. I got to Ely. There, like the proverbial Oasis, was the biggest Motel 6 I’ve ever seen in my life. I could’ve wept with joy. I turned towards it and there was a SEA of semis. And a no vacancy sign. Then I did cry. There literally was nothing on the map heading east.
Luckily, this is Nevada we’re talking about so I headed to the casino. I got the last room above the bar and fell blissfully asleep to the pounding honky-tonk.
That puts a whole ‘nother perspective on it. It would seem one would almost have to be totally self contained, or self sufficient, for that trail.
driving through ND during winter blizzards can be quite challenging for the unfamiliar also.
Think of the same sort of desolation and then add something like -20F and 30-40 mph winds. Of course, we have cities and towns at great frequency along most routes, but if visibility is near nonexistant then at 5-10mph, it can seem to take forever to get to safety.
That’s a great travel story, Izzy. We should crank up a diary for crazy travel stories sometime….
Used to be if you took I-80 east from San Francisco, when you got to Sacramento you could either stay on the same road and end up on Route 50, or take and exit and stay on I-80. The way you would know you were on 50 was you’d pass a sign saying something like
Placerville 46
South Lake Tahoe 107
Ocean City, MD 3073
Well, there’s been a lot of construction in the past several years, and CalTrans has put up a lot of new signs. But it’s nice to know the agency has a sense of tradition. If you’re coming east on I-80 from SF, you still have to take the exit ramp to stay on I-80, and if you don’t, you’re still on Route 50. And there’s a new sign that says something like
Placerville 46
South Lake Tahoe 107
Ocean City, MD 3073
Go back to the home page of and you’ll see that there’s also a sign in Ocean City saying “Sacramento, CA 3073.”
it’s about the weirdest sky I ever saw in this lifetime.
[copyright protection imbedded in photo]
that is an awesome photo.
That’s a great photo.
W o w …
Absolutely amazing, NDD.
Just had to de-lurk to say this.
I’m about to brew some tea, then back to bed.
Thanks so much for sharing this image. Holy moly!!
Thanks, hope you’re soon feeling better!!!! That’s been dragging on way too long.
Agreed, it has. Thanks again for your good wishes!
This is quite a weird illness; if I’m outdoors I feel far better. I s’pose the body’s saying it’s time to vacate the ol’ collander.
thanks, Izzy and ej!
Did you see my last comment on the previous thread?
I have now… boy you get around don’t ya.
OK all, I’m out. Good night, most likely see you at some point tomorrow!
Have a good night, ej.
I’m ready to hit the sack too. See y’all soon!
so unless Izzy is still around I’ll have to say good night to myself, ha!
G’night! Sorry I missed you. I got distracted telling you a bedtime story.
still here, I’ll go read it now.
G’night NDD. Just checking in here and seeing who’s areound, and glad to see the usual suspects. Great pic up thread, man. Must. Head. To. Bed. Here. but cheers, kudos, cocktails and whatever to frogsters here tonight.
Saw an awesome Henry Rollins show on IFC tonight… think it may be a diary coming soon to here… he was spot on brilliant in his assessment of the country right now. And though I don’t know the date, it’s very recent because he mentioned the Cheney shooting incident. Details to follow….