Greetings and Good day from Rainy and gloomy Southern Ca, the home of the Great Booman/Village Blue Meetup next weekend, so here’s hoping the weather takes a turn for the better in the next few days.
I will be in and out today, so consider this an unhosted cafe for the most part and have a great day everyone.
First time we’ve seen the sun in several days! I’m hoping to get some photos before it disappears again.
How’s everybody doin’ this morning?
Morning NDD and Diane.
We were in the 30’s this morning, but it supposed to get much warmer today. Looking forward to the pictures.
they always remind me of friends’places I used to visit in CA. And when I lived in N CA it never ceased to amaze me you could have blossoms on stuff in the winter time. Only green things here in the winter are evergreens, spruce, etc, otherwise the landscape is brown, black, or white.
Just for you I brought this flower pic. I have all kinds of things blooming now, allysum, geraniums, violas, marigolds, roses, lantana, my place is all abloom. My flowers and plants are the great healer and sustainer of my life, I walk around and look at them many times during the day, each plants gets my full attention as I stroll around, much to the consternation of my dog who walks by my side nudging any hand I happen to drop to my side, to pet her, a few quick pets and then I am on to another plant drinking in the beauty..Anyway I cannot imagine what I would do without my plants, not sure I would be a very happy person.
My wish for the world would be everyone surrounded by plants and flowers.
I can almost smell them from here and the green is so green, looks like they’ve got great nutrition. I may have to make a pass through a garden shop today for some of that sustenance!!!
Do you do any special soil treatments, like Miracle Gro, etc?
hydrangea propagation? I have studied several of the major schools of thought and am still undecided.
I have wrestled all winter with this issue, which I have not had to consider in the past, as hydrangeas only cost 4 or 5 dollars and I didn’t really need to buy them very frequently anyway. But now they cost $30.00, and I have a place I would like to put some, and also several people who have hinted that they think a hydrangea would make an ideal gift…
Hi Ductape, Gee hydrangea propagation is not something I have ever thought about, exactly what about it are you asking..best methods…. I have never grown any so I have never tried to propagate but they are on the list of my future plants, which is so long. Are they a stem cutting plant or what.
I just rearranged my plants this morning so I have an excellent view of many flowers when I am at my computer. It looks so lovely, lots of purples I just want to sit here and gaze out the window, thus is why I haven’t made too many comments.
have done a great job with it. I have some violas, the purple and yellow kind that look like they may be half pansy. Or at least have pansy blood.
I find I have been doing a lot of purple simply because of the shamefully low number of blue flowers available, hence my reliance on hydrangeas to provide large blue areas.
Anyone who does have an opinion on propagation, please feel free to jump in.
And if anyone has a hydrangea that is not blue, and they wish it were, you can cause it to become blue by putting a tablespoon of vinegar in a gallon of water and giving it that every week. Also you can cut up a lemon or lime and sprinkle the pieces in its mulch, and every time you do not finish your lemonade, just toss the unwanted portion onto the hydrangea. It will take up to six months but they will be quite blue.
Is it the climbing/vining type?
If memory serves, that type have “air roots” and you can prop. them by cutting a section(s), w/ root(s), 6 – 8″ long and placing it in a growing medium such as perlite.
Good Luck
“Endless Summer” flavor which looks just like regular fat little hydrangeas, but it is supposed to bloom all summer. And for the first summer, it does, but after thta, it also behaves just like the regular fat flavor and stops blooming in early to midsummer, or at least that is what mine did. We will see what happens this year.
And after a few years, they can’t really be called little anymoe, but they tend to grow outwards more than upwards.
OK…Here’s what PETE says…and I’ll have to defer to him, as I can’t grow such things here.
I don’t know how I have missed this one, in my hydrangea-related treks around the internets, but I have it bookmarked now, and according to Pete, I don’t have to worry about it until November, if I use his method, which gives me ample time to continue pondering the subject 😀
Thanks again!
Everything but snow so far today, and it’s still early…fog, rain and sleet, and now clearing skies w/ 60mph +- winds…whoopee
Tax day at Casa Dada so frustrations are anticipated.
Have a good one…
Shelter Cove, Humboldt County, CA. It was exhilarating! However, I do believe I’d take a pass on your 60mph winds.
I was at a service station in Denver during high winds once. One of those big metal number signs, (the ones that hang on a stand to tell you the gas price)maybe 20″ x 30″ blew off and was under a car at the intersection.
As soon as this guy drove over it and the wind made it flap up and down underneath his car making a hell of a racket. Ya shoulda seen the look on the guy’s face… he couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on.
Also, after you retired last night, I posted your link on the “picnic table” photo in the next FBC, and managed to cause… shall we say, some “entertainment.”
I’m headed off to the nonvirtual coffee shop, back in about an hour.
should I go look? Nah…
Quiet morning (now early afternoon) here.
Youngest asklet got up with me around 6.30 – his older sister just got up! Watching DVDs from Discovery channel and being very lazy.
‘Morning all — great to see you, as always.
Welcome back, Andi & Jim! Looking forward to some stunning photos of your treks hither & yon.
I’ll bet your pups are ecstatic!
Morning WW how are you today?
It seems pretty quite around here today.
Hey there, FM. All’s basically well here, thanks for asking. Spring definitely seems to have arrived here in the mountains — it’s only snowing a little
Hope you’re doing well, too.
Yep, it’s a mellow Sunday morning at the FBC. Seems it was a pretty wild Saturday night, so I guess we’re still in recovery.
Glad to hear it WW.
Ask I did get to say good day to you. How’s things in the big city?
I have a feeling Ask may be taking a nap — along with a few other folks (except you, FM!).
I’m about to head out & adjust the water line so the water can flow indoors. No chance of frozen lines today (I hope).
See you soon!
See ya WW and I think a nap is a good idea.
Good luck with the water.
Just being lazy and watching DVDs.
Had a little refresher course with the oldest asklet on how to post links and images (she did it for me in Rub’s regular feature).
How are things going for you and the cats?
Yup, the dogs were thrilled to have full access to the upholstery again.
We’ve already posted some pics if you want to see them, here are the links (there’s also a picture of my clay-encrusted boots but I’ll spare you that).
wirepass canyon
north coyotte buttes
A m a z i n g images, Andi. Thanks for the links!
So glad you enjoyed yourselves & witnessed so many fantastic things!
The felines & I are doing fine; we’re pleased to see the season changing, slowly but surely. Thank you for asking.
But so far you’ve just whet my appetite. I’m still waiting for the 1G, 2G ?G download… or on second thought, it might be better if ya could give us several per day… until you return from the next trip.
Afternoon folks!!!! I did some of my shopping and then decided I was to tired to make sound decisions. LOL I got a new cell phone and a 19inch flat screen monitor for the pc. I will wait and get the l;aptop when one of my computer nerd friends can help. LOL
Good idea. You start going on a buying frezy and don’t look at all the things you should.
LOL I started getting confused and tired and said screw it. LOL
I’m usually an impuse buyer. I know what I need and go out and get it and don’t do much research. Many times I wished I had.
I got the phone with the most features that will be totally free once I send in the rebate things. The monitor I got the largest with the best resolution for the least money. LOL
Yep, you’ve hit the big time. 🙂
I’ve got to go start lunch or either a nap. I’m pulling more toward the nap.
See ya later.
At the suggestion of other Boo-Tribbers, and only because this diary involves a real person who really needs help – I’ve cross-posted my diary about Hao Wu that Boo so kindly front-paged over at the Orange Place. I’ve never posted there before. If any of you have a chance to go and recommend, I would greatly appreciate it. Link here.
Back to sitting on my couch in the So. Ca. gloom go I….
IMO we do need to pay attention to what’s happening to activists in other countries, and come to their assistance in any way we can, particularly since the day may soon come when some of us here under similar circumstances will need their help.
Very good dairy and I am sending good thoughts and have also recommended it.
Thanks guys. The thing is, if you met him, you’d see right away that Hao is one of us. A blogger, doing his bit to observe and understand the world.
I guess that’s the upside of globalization. Your tribe can come from all over the world.
the homeowner asks me when I’m “caught” photographing some snow just off his driveway.
I say, “Yeah, thirty grand on e-Bay.” We laugh!
Well, do ya see an image of Jesus? I could use the 30K.
Not quite “pure as the driven snow,” but melting!
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I don’t see it but then I need new glasses.
Casper the friendly ghost about to be hit in the head by a surprised-looking carp.
You see interesting things like I hear interesting things. I usually have at least two or three versions of what I’ve heard someone say. And the real version is not always one of them.
Anyone who thinks I’m off the trolley, I just say, “Farm tractor deafness.” So far no hearing aid, but I know farmers who’ve had them since their late thirties. Good thing I wore some ear protection in the later years of doing that.
Great diary ya got on the immigrant issue. I think I’ll sent that to the one wingnut “friend” I still communicate with, sporadically, to say the least.
You get to see things that are frequently much more interesting than those perceived by the 20-20 crowd.
Thank you, I am glad you like the immigration thing. I am secretly hoping someone will post it on Free Republic and tomorrow’s sun will rise on Home Depot parking lots all over the US dotted with little white faces atop Brooks Brothers suits yelling “Me! ME!” every time a van pulls up.
But I see three buttermilk pancakes 🙂
Hallelujah, praise God! It’s the Ski Mask of Turin!
Interesting day in the household — spouse was making coffee, but forgot to put the coffeepot under the spout; he’s cleaning up the kitchen now. 😉
Need to get moving shortly — at least I’ve showered though I’m in my robe; will get dressed and try and get some work done in a bit…
I have this cold/virus/thingie. It makes doing much of anything beyond sitting on the couch kind of a chore…
Say, I finally watched GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK. What a great movie!
Hey Booman, I just saw this – CodePinkPortland connected to BoomanTribune 🙂
From now on my CP Alert Diaries will be x’ed and posted on CP. More exposure and maybe more traffic for the frog pond 🙂
Pink Frogs 🙂
Well, at least I got a partial workout in — did the 15min treadmill bit but conked out on the bike; spouse claims he’s going to work out after the Sharks game so I’ll go with him and get my bike work in then. 🙂
About to settle in with the hockey game, so will be offline for a couple of hours… 🙂
I dragged my sorry, virus-ridden self offa the couch, drove (ouch) to the gym, made self do chest presses and ride lifecycle for half hour and then was far too tired to walk to the bookstore and buy the book I need to get…
Now I’m back on the couch…must…have…coffee…no…other way…to maintain…activity….
You’re wrong, Lisa, right now endorphins are coursing through your bloodstream from that exercise and you are feeling more energetic than you have in years!
Well, I’m about to try the caffeine route. That and maybe a decongestant…that’ll get me pumped up enough to vaccuum my rug, right??
DAMN!! We thought the game came on at 4:30 not 4:00…
FBC in history, eh? Like molasses flowing at -20F in ND.
Where’s dada, he must have a photo somewhere in his archives that would liven this place up.
Assume my brothers and I just threw a pack of lit firecrackers in the front foyer of the cafe…
we did that once, would have gotten away with it to… except that when we ran off to hide we left our rat-terrier/chihuahua in plain view.
Remember that folks, don’t leave the family hound at the scene of the crime.