Froggy Bottom Late Night Edition

Post-Party Hang Out.
Please try not to spill more beer – the floor is sticky enough.
Watch your f’ing manners!
Watch your f’ing manners!
Beer nuts and pretzels available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The Jukebox and Pool Tables take only 4’s
That f’ing party was just too classy; time to take off our shoes and go back to plain late night beer.
Yeah, that banana stuff… <shudder>
did you bring ej or did you send him for the beer?
You’re getting back in the game π
Thanks, I was getting kind of tired from my day of hosting.
You’ve done great today!
I echo Izzy’s sentiment, I don’t know how you put up with all of we miscreants all day.
Here, you’ll want to start with this…
yum yum
And for a little midnight snack…
what is that?
The thing in the foreground is a ‘beer’.
Behind that, is japanese barbeque! They basically take all that stuff (and then some…), grill it up right in front of you, dip it in some kind of soy-based sausce, and you eat it with rice. It’s very tasty.
The barbeque DOES look very tasty. Great idea!
I loooove me some grilled asparagus…actually used to hate a lot of vegetables till I got married, then I discovered after eating at my in-laws that it wasn’t the vegetables, it was that my mom overcooked them to death…
To answer your question from the last thread, I do watch dvds and play video games on my TV too, but I don’t watch anything else on cable.
My TV watching is very focused…I don’t channel surf, I don’t just sit down and flip through to find something. I shop the same way…I know what I want, so I go buy it and leave.
In other words, if YOU lost your remote control it wouldn’t throw you into a panic attack?
What’s a remote control?
Are we taking sides on this issue?
what issue?
great. now we’re taking sides on if there even is an issue.
She’s very passive-agressive that way. Pickin’ a fight and then pretending not to know what’s going on…
what happened to “Mary, you’re my best friend”
You’re right. I’m sorry. I love you man…
::sniff:: that’s better ::sniff::
besides, if I decide to pick a fight with you, you’ll know it.
For or against remotes? Are you with 500 channels or against 500 channels?
I don’t want to take sides on whatever the issue is, but I have to truthfully say that my life is more like ej’s. I don’t like to shop so I go, get what I want, and leave. And as far as cable goes … I don’t even have cable (or dish). That’s how little TV I watch.
Yeah. Me too. Like… I’ve never even heard of World’s Worst Workplace Explosions.
And I’ve certainly never watched hours of Japanese game shows and Indian music videos.
… and I’d never dream of following the doings of the Los Angeles Coroner’s investigators. I mean, if there were such a show. Not that I’d know.
Are we going to have to sponsor an intervention?
That window of opportunity slammed shut long ago.
Hey what’s happening, I am in the dark about politics today…Oh never mind, I don’t really need to know..just kidding around. Just stopped in for a minute to say hi to whoever is up and around and then go and plop down to watch something on the TV. See you all again in the morning with a new cafe.
Can’t wait for a sunny california brunch tomorrow π See ya then!
I read about politics for anywhere between 2 and 8 hours a day (don’t tell my boss), and I’m in the dark too π
of the party — great game tonight; Sharks won 5-1, player they just signed out of college (5-1) got his first penalty and scored his first goal tonight; welcome to the NHL, Matt Carle. π
Definitely got to get stuff done tomorrow after church, mainly laundry. Don’t want to to a whole lot of grocery shopping, since I’m heading out of town Thursday; going to try and use up what we’ve got, maybe leave some leftovers frozen for the spouse.
Okay, heading for bed; we might have time to do a couple of laundry loads before leaving for church…
Good night Cali!
for the evening? It’s been a while since I’ve been to a party like this.
I think that was/is wishful thinking on the part of dada/you π
mostly just fond memories of yesteryear…
I did see that.
Is it sad that the first thing I think when I see that is man I wish it was warm enough out to pass out half naked on a picnic table.
she was a little bit more than half naked.
What are you, some kind of conservative?
No, I live in the reality based community. She’s a little bit more than half naked.
I wish that it was warm enough out to pass out topless on a picnic table.
ej, as far as I’m concerned you could pass out buck naked on the picnic table. Or just topless. Whatever works for you honey.
But that girl is more than half naked. π
I can only hope that there won’t be pictures of it when it’s me π
Even sadder. My first thought was “where are that girl’s parents?”
First time I LOLd all day today!!
One of the pitfalls of motherhood. I’m stuck thinking that way.
Actually my first thought was — what are the odds of a young woman passing out almost completely naked on a picnic table and not having something bad happen to her? Pretty low, I’d say.
Use your detective skills…
Look at the beer. It’s in Canada.
and … so the bad thing is that she’s likely to get eaten by a bear?
Most likely the bad thing would be taking an errant slapshot to the face.
What, bad things never happen in Canada? You really do need to watch more tv!
I was just kind of riffing off of olivia’s posts in the last thread (or the one before that, I don’t remember) about how Canadians are such peaceful fun loving souls π
are you insinuating that the picture is a picture of Olivia? I’m gonna tell.
Umm…well I know it doesn’t really matter what I say, but no.
Well, it’s true that it’s extremely safe in the majority of Canada — the big, frozen part where there’s no people.
except that its never really summer so she would freeze to death — that would be a bad thing.
not countin’ the imagination.
the days are gittin’ longer now ya know.
I know. I think it got up to 39 today!!
33 now headed for a high of 38 tomorrow, but then we’ve had spring since Thanksgiving.
Seems like the snow is melting sort of oddly this spring. I think we usually have rain that knocks it down. I’m hoping to take a some photos but no sun the last few days.
We had a freakish hail storm yesterday. One minute it’s all sunny and we scooted to the garden center, the next we’re being brutally pelted.
I’m forgittin’ where you’re at. And was the whole of your winter normal or unusual?
The upper-left corner, near Seattle. We’ve had a hellish winter. Not very cold, but record rains. I don’t think I’ve seen the sun since September. That’s why we all ran outside yesterday.
Was the mountain out?
lol — you’ve been here! Yes, it was out. Until we were pelted. The sky looked really weird, but we had a lovely rainbow. I tried to take pictures, but they didn’t come out.
I have been there. I think it’s really, really weird that a mountain can just disappear — even on a day that seems half way decent. No wonder the native americans thought it was a god.
But it’s exciting when it is out.
It looks like a giant ice-cream sundae.
LOL I never thought about it but it does.
My youngest sister lived in Olympia for about 3 years. For the first month or so that she was there she only saw the mountain occasionally and as a vague hazy outline.
Then one day she was driving to work in the morning and looked in her rear view mirror and — there was a HUGE mountain taking up the whole view! She said she almost drove off the road she was so startled. It was like it snuck up on her and said boo!
LOL! I know how she feels. The perspective is all wrong, too. Sometimes you’ll be driving and it’ll look really far away, you round a curve and it’s three times bigger. I still don’t understand it.
What I thought was really freaky was when I was at higher elevations and just seeing the mountain tops sticking up through the cloud bank, and then watching the cloud bank gradually sink down into the valleys, to nothingness.
I’m going to post a picture that your post reminds me of, but over on the left hand side…
Did ya have to stare at those daylight bulbs to stay happy during all that time and avoid SAD.
We should have, but we were too depressed to shop for them.
The light thing is sort of urban legend here in ND as, “that’s what aunt so and so does out in Seattle”
I actually tried it… not really sure if it made much difference though…
that is .. fascinatingly .. gross
to get to the next FBC, why else?
from Mt. Teide on Tenerife, a Canary Island.
that’s awesomely beautiful
Thanks…that is definitely high on my list of favorite places I’ve ever been.
yeah, great photo. What’s so weird about all that for a prairie guy is that I could only see something similar to that from an airplane.
I have a couple of weird visual experiences of distorted perceptions from my first year living in N CA and seeing views along the coast. By the time I would get it all down you guys would be making breakfast. But it’s a great story for inn-person conversation. Always ends with, ha ha musta been good drugs… to which I reply, no, no drugs involved… at least with those two happenings.
The prairie has its own beauty . .
Totally. Amber waves of grain (and hops and barley) and whatnot.
Ah the wonderful thing they can do with hops π
I like that prairie skyscraper.
when I farmed, but the last several years the area hasn’t produced much due to higher rainfall at before and during harvest… the maltsters are very picky… they think the kernels should sprout after they get them and not before…
Oh, come on…it’s just a short road trip (relatively of course!) for you to hit up Montana or Colorado for some similar pictures π
800 to Denver, 14 hrs non-stop, but then sometimes those pavement patches will stand upright in the road ahead of you, and when you find yourself braking for one of them as I did once, it’s definitely time for nap.
I know the feeling. I drove from Reno to Denver once, taking route 50 aka “the loneliest road in America.”
what cities you pass through on that one… if I google you’ll all be in the next bar.
basically none. I forget whether it’s Ely or Elko that’s the only stop and then something like 300 miles to some small town in Utah.
I do hear you, but I love road trips.
I’ve driven through your state several times π In fact, even got me a picture of the capitol!
on the surroundings of your photo
I like the space shuttle shots, but they don’t have the same mysterious quality as ej’s shots π
True enough, but for me some of the perspectives are so alien to my experience that I find it hard to know what’s what, so I can appreciate more what I’m looking at.
There was one of Andi’s for example that I never did figure out, that close up of the stream… I just could wrap my brain around it.
You guys would laugh if I could tell the visual distortion stories I mentioned …
should have been “couldn’t wrap my brain around it.”
Excellent research work…it’s funny, I have some photos that look exactly like some of those π
But here’s another one from near the summit that I really like. The interesting thing about Mt. Teide is that since you’re on an island, you can see all the way down to sea level (as opposed to Colorado, where when you’re on top of a mountain the lowest place you can see is still like 3000 feet above sea level).
In this one, you can actually see the ocean waaaay down there:
How do you pronounce the name of that mountain?
I guess the closest I can get through a pronunciation-guide style is:
that’s exactly what I meant in the comment above, as I’ve never been on an island mountain top situation as you describe, with the ocean all around below you. That would be very weird sight for me.
And yeah, there’s weird stuff here on the prairie too, but more rare, and you sort of have to be tuned to it, or you miss it. Sometimes I’ll point something interesting out to the local and all I’ll get is a grunt out them before they go back to the task at hand.
It’s time to frog march over to the next cafe. Pour these beers out on the ground. You can get another over there.