Your Host Tonight is the NSA.
Anything you say will be used against you whether we legally can or not.
Acting like good Republicans is strongly encouraged. We really mean it this time.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
4’s aint gonna help you now
Hey, there ya go again!!!
I have no idea how to act like a repugnant and lie and hurt people on purpose and act self-rightous about it. LOL
I hope everyone is doing great!!!!
Well, live dangerously then!
Honey, I always do and always will!!! Don’t know how to be anything but a “TRUE AMERICAN”. I refuse to be a toading asshole to the right.
I’m glad to hear it.
How was your evening?
Been a great day and evening. I am getti8ng ready to start working on building my web sites for each store which will each have their own blog.
I’m going to bed because I’m tired, which usually doesn’t make me cranky, but apparently tonight it did.
Good night all!
sweet dreams of a Free America to you!!!!
I forgive you
even though you’ve never yelled at me before …
can I have the cake instead? ๐
It’s yours.
I too am leaving for the evening. Good night Refinish, Manny and whoever else is out there.
try not to dream of holy chihuahuas ๐
don’t let the Chihuahua Brigade git ya!
sweet dreams!!!!
although I might check in a little later.
I will be around as I seem to have insomnia tonight LOL
still here and working on a dairy to post. LOL
same thing I’ve been doing. Good luck on yours!
Thanks and the same to you. I posted mine about campaign essentials. LOL
Did you ever see that wild looking donkey on the cover of the Nation magazine some many months back? I always thought that would make a great T-shirt, but I know nothing of how to get the rights to use that image.
I’ll see if I can find the image somewhere.
Rge rights would cost way too much most likely. I have two donkey designs and will be doing some more as the season heats up.
Look forward to seeing the designs. I’ve been intrigued by what I’ve seen so far. I’ll do some more surfing on your site soon.
Well, this is it, my bedtime, ha!
I’ll be glad when I can get my sleeping times back in order. I’ve been waking up at 2 or 3 am.
Either a couple of hour more sleep or no infomercials on TV.
Hey there!!!! I think I am just wound up about a lot of things and also know I have tomorrow off. LOL
Hi Refinish. You’re up late tonight or this morning.
Let me try to get back to sleep. See ya later.
sweet dreams!!!
well, I guess it is nap time for me. I need to get some sleep. LOL