Monday at the Froggy Bottom Cafe
Fully caffeinated host on duty today!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
:* Thanks!
Does kitty have a name now?
We’re trying several on for size, none of them seem quite right. This morning I took her to the vet and had to put “kitty” for name. š
I think Kitty or Cat is an excellent name for a feline. š
I know you do. Maybe I’ll throw a wrench into it and name her “puppy.”
Why don’t you just break all the rules and name her Aardvark.
I know I’m talking to someone with even less creativity in naming pets than I have…
but look at her face and tell me what you think I should name her?
Your right, you’re asking the wrong person. I’ve always named my pets people names or either what they are. The only people name that comes to me for her is Sarah. Don’t know why.
Just to give you an example. My first dogs name was Emmet.
I wanted to get a male kitty because all of my previous ones have been females with girlie names, and I like names like Ed, Bob, Jack, Emmett, Chester, Norman. But this one stuck to me like glue when I opened her cage at the shelter.
If you’re averse to calling her something like Chester or Ed due to gender, then maybe a similarly mundane sounding feminine name would work? Madge, Midge, Barb, Gert, Eula? We used to have a cat named Gilda, after Gilda Radner, and that name fit her like a catnip-scented glove.
It’s really weird that I won’t call her Ed or Jack just because she’s a girl cat. It’s not like she’d know or anything. And I have a daughter named Ryan so you think it wouldn’t matter to me.
I’m partial to Gladys myself. š
Have we finally figured out your real name?
Sure you have. I gave it to you with pictures. š
“Patch” because of the colouring patch over the right eye… Or maybe a pirate name? lol
I kind of like Patch!
So you’ve got a name? Is this a day of celebration?
I’ll try it on her and see what she thinks. Right now she’s not too happy with me since I had to hold her mouth open a shove a pill down her throat.
Whatever name you pick…
Try holding a toy filled with catnip when you call her so she associates it with good things. lol
I bought catnip for Cat one time and it seemed she didn’t like it. I don’t know why, but she stayed away from it.
Ok? So… “Puppy” it is! lol jk
The asklets kitty is named Patches.
Sounds sweet, but she is a predator trapped in a NYC apartment.
Cats name was orginally Socks because she’s balck with white down at her feet. One I got here I just started calling her Cat and that’s what she answers to now. Plus the fact that I’m the only one that feeds her now.
I think she looks like she wants to give you a big kiss so “Smoochies” is what occurred to me (and I think you mentioned she’s very touchy-feely).
Hey, that’s funny because I’ve been calling her Smoochy….among others.
And the nice thing is that name can morph into a bunch of others as the mood soots (mooch, moo, smoo, chi-chi).
You’re a master namer…you should have had kids.
I put a lot of thought into what to name my kids and especially how it would sound yelling up the stairs when they did something wrong. My personal favorite is my firstborn…Owen. You can stretch out the “O” forever. It’s very effective.
I glommed onto the fact very early on that there was a lot more to having kids than just coming up with names for them.
Not really. Just get clinically depressed and they pretty much raise themselves. š
Right. They don’t need any care, cleaning, loving, klops on the kop, or massive worrying about.
We need to have the Great Kitty Name Off.
Angel or Serena. She’s absolutely gorgeous!
Bugs…’cause she’s always*’buggin’* you….my .02…FWIW
Wouldn’t you know it, I just posted this in the breakfast lounge as it was closing. Here it is again, then . . .
Over the weekend I had a brain flush (sort of like a brain fart but messier) and figured out that I was doing the Fournicator the hard way. So I sat down and worked out a simpler way to do it, which you frogpond-type human people are the recipients of this morning.* And it’s so simple, anyone will be able to use it. It works from right inside your browser.
It works in Firefox, but it still has one slight irritation — it doesn’t refresh the page properly to see your handiwork, so it looks like it didn’t do anything until you manually refresh the page. I haven’t figured out how to force a reload properly yet. Hopefully I will, but at the moment it’s a minor inconvenience.
I will try it from work today, and if it works at least as well in IE from there as it did for Firefox from home, I’ll create a web page where you can access it. It’s very simple — you just add a bookmark to your Favorites and click the bookmark to shower everyone with love. (By the way, if you’re still on IE you need to get Firefox. Ask me how.)
I don’t have access to a Mac and haven’t yet tried it in Linux, but any browser that can run Javascript should be able to run this little jewel.
Have a good morning, see y’all later!
* Well, you were in the last cafe. This one will be a testbed as soon as it gets more posts.
I can’t wait Omir!
Omir I’ve started collecting match sticks to build the temple and burn incense in your honor. Can’t wait for the Fournicator.
Steven and I posted 12 seconds apart, so I put mine in the queue. But it is now available in orange.
Red rose petals, taken 3.26.2006 (view large)
So luscious!
Just like you SN! š
Is it just me or does every one of your flowers look more sexual than the previous one?
Maybe this says more about me than it does your beautiful photographs.
DJ had some “interesting” comments a few days ago. Although, DJ has interesting comments about everything she reads, so that’s probably not a good example. š
Well, Georgia O’Keeffe would be proud. And just add a couple drops of morning dew and it would send certain suggestible people over the edge.
Beautiful as always Olivia. I’ve had a couple of people see the bee and pollen picture I framed and they were amazed. I wish I could print out larger than 8 x 10.
I’ll take a look at the original file and see how much larger I can blow it up.
I don’t think it will matter because I can only print out 8 x 10. I would love to be able to print that out as a 10 x 14. However, my little hp print can’t. š
Well, if it can be enlarged I can get a real print made and send it to you. BUT! Don’t get your hopes up yet though, b/c I’m not sure I can blow it up any more w/out losing quality.
I thought that since you’re my first exhibitor, it would be kind of neat to have a real print (and I could even sign it! how cool is that?!) I’ll let you know how it goes. Can I send you an email?
I can’t tell you how any framed prints I’ve seen lately at places like TJ Maxx and Kohl’s that are closeups of flowers and I think to myself, “that’s not nearly as nice as one of Olivia’s”
You could frame yours and set up a booth at craft shows in your area, or sell them on consignment at local gift shops.
That’s a lovely thing to say! You’re really good in the compliment department! š
I thought it looked much more dramatic and stimulating at your website. I wonder if that’s the difference between the white and black backgrounds.
That kinda thing? š
(PS it’s so good to have you back w/ us!)
But it helps to have the right source material (wouldn’t do much to anyone to put me on a black sheet).
Sure you can. I would be honored and happy to pay for the print. Can you figure out my email address? š
I think so… š If all else fails I can always flag you down w/ via Eegee mail. š
I agree with what SN was saying about the framing and selling of your art. And to think I might be one of the first with an original Olivia.
You need to be selling your prints. LOL I know I would if I had your talent.
I’ve checked out your website — you’ve got talent! š
howdy!!!! stunning photo as always.
You’ve been busy lately — and I read about all your gadget-y purchases. (Good to see that your ins. stuff has been finalized!) š
of the gang here on their suggestion that you ought to market your photos olivia. The exceptional beauty you capture is one thing, but particularly your flower close-ups always contain emotion, some sort of emotional factor that is hard to describe… it’s just there in each and every one. More people deserve that experience.
You guys are seriously giving me a swelled head today. :~)
I have a feeling there’s a little lurker that should be packing and resting, packing and resting, packing and resting.
Yeah, where is Indy?
On another note, I’ve already recovered from my work-related boo-boo this morning! It really is a lot faster to write something the second time around… š
I’ve had to do that before and it comes out better the second time.
Has guilty set in for yelling at the cabin boys this morning? Maybe you should make after-school cupcakes. Food always works for me!
But I didn’t yell at them…
Am I weird?
Yes. I guess I’m projecting again. I would have yelled…but maybe that’s just pre-happy pills that’s talking to me.
I guess I could give the dogs biscuits, though, since they got to listen to me go on about how nothing in my house is my own…
Back when I was really depressed, as opposed to just depressed, my cats used to run and hide under the bed when I started to yell.
did you say “boo-boo”?
Um, pun intended? Disaster seemed like it would be a bit much for something that only took an hour to fix…
I am going to have to discuss with Newfs how he feels about this usage of his name.
Glad you got that paper reconstructed! Lashes with wet noodles for the CBs.
You’re close! It goes kinda like this: clean, sort, pack, lurk, rest, rinse, repeat. š
Indy I’ll be so happy when you have all this done and can sit back and relax. I know you will too.
Thanks, Family Man, but my disability (autoimmune disease) means that I never really get to sit back and relax anymore. Getting through a “normal” day is consistently exhausting for me, so this moving stuff is kinda like the Indy Olympics. Except, you know, without the curling. ;p
Plus, on the other end, I am arriving to a family member who just got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, so there’s a lot of work to be done there. I will be very relieved when the move is done, though, because it unnerves me to have all my stuff in boxes.
That’s a terribly sad diagnosis. Sorry.
Thanks. Comparatively speaking, she has a good chance, but we all know it’s damned serious so it’s a sad and anxious time. She starts chemo on Thurs.
And when you get to Ohio you get to do it all over again, in reverse.
Roomie’s a freakin’ slob (sorry if you’re lurking Roomie, but you know it’s true and I love you anyway!) so I will actually be very happy to unpack and organize everything the way I want it in a new, clean place. A few years back I was so sick that I couldn’t do housework at all and this whole place went straight to hell during that time and I never could get it recovered. A new place to me feels like a blank canvas to boran2. š
I still go into the attic every so often, open a sealed box, and squeal with joy at something cool I had forgotten about. It’s like Christmas.
You’re so organized. Mine always went think about packing, don’t pack, think some more about packing, don’t pack, think again about packing, don’t pack, too late to think about packing, shove everything into something and get the hell outta there.
Having moved 6 times in the past 10 years I can relate to that strategy.
I am a born procrastinator (born over two weeks late, in fact) and even while I have a weird office supply shopping fetish I am not naturally an organized person. But I worked for this man who was the most organized person on the face of this Earth from when I was about 18 to 24, and he taught me this extremely valuable truth: It it always easier to do it the hard way the first time.
I think that’s very wise. I hate to know I have something and can’t find it. Drives me up the wall.
Been thinking of you! {{{{{Indy}}}}}
What Olivia said. {{{{{Indy}}}}}
As if you need to hear from another person what to do with your life: you should totally have a go at selling those gorgeous pictures! š
How are your plants doing? Think they’ll make it through the trip?
I’m going to harvest some of the herbs, Freecycle some others, and I’m only going to bring a couple with me. My mini-rose plant — named Fred — and my Aloe plant, I think. I’ll let you know how they hold up. š
Okay, Roomie’s calling me and it’s time for logistics discussions, see y’all lata’. {{{Cafe}}}
Good morning to all, off to get my very late coffee. See ya in a bit.
Having one of those weird days where my rise and shine has risen and shone. Started the day with three miles on the treadmill and a lovely pot of Empire Kemun. Now I’m preparing (with some help from the feline herd) for a day trying to get caught up on the writing front so that I can get back to having enough spare time for politically minded procrastination instead of almost enough to be able to eat and sleep.
I’m also contemplating a run for city council some time in the not-too-distant future. For the second time in the last couple of years people are discussing drafting me for the purpose. I’d have done it already if not that both times the discussion has come up, extended family stress has been trying to suck up all the time I’ve got and then some. Have I mentioned that schizophrenia is not a great deal of fun to have to deal with? Ah well, once more unto the breach and all that jazz.
I am sure you would be a great city council person. You know that is the first step to higher office!!!! Let me know if you need campaign gear.
Thanks for the offer! I’ll definitely keep it in mind, especially since I’ve seen some of your outstanding design work. I suspect that I’d make a decent city councilor, though I doubt I’d be electable to any office much higher than that for a variety of reasons. Not least of which is that anything much up from there involves a time commitment that would take me away from writing in a serious way.
The boys are on spring break and we’re heading out for some Mexican food for lunch. See everyone in a while.
I hate to cut out too, but I’ve been staring at out my window and chanting “lawn work is joy.” Haven’t really convinced myself yet, but I know I’ve got to do it.
Everyone have a good day in the pond, and I’ll see ya later.
Hey there, folks — greetings from the sunny Catskills! Just steppin’ in before I get to the chores.
I do believe Spring has fully arrived, in all her delight. No fire in the wood stove today; the mercury currently reads about 55. It’s a bit windy, though — the power’s been flickering a bit.
No matter, though — the days are long.
Hope everyone’s doing well.
I’m back. (It’s amazing how far one has to go to get coffee these days.) But now I have to leave again soon. Anyone else have early flowers coming up? Our bulbs (crocus, I believe.) look great.
Everything is in full bloom here in NC…it’s the prettiest time of the year by far. For the next 2 months I’ll be ecstatic, then comes the hellish, suffocating heat of a southern summer. š
Remember how I said I was going to try IE to see how this little gem I put together worked there?
The short answer is: it doesn’t.
So I did a bit of research and figured out that the process I used to do the robo-rating in Firefox (the technical name for which is a bookmarklet) is poorly supported under IE 6. This is disappointing, because I am guessing a great many people out there are still using IE.
So, back to the drawing board. There may be another way to do this without making you download and install a new program. I certainly hope so.
Happy Hour!