Your Host Tonight is the NSA.
Anything you say will be used against you whether we legally can or not.
Acting like good Republicans is strongly encouraged.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
4’s aint gonna help you now
Pay no attention to those men behind the curtain . . .
sneaking off again, but I caught ya this time
I gave you a special announcement and everything this time 🙂
You can go look.
So all my previous positive remarks on your behalf are hereby and forthwith reinstated.
why thank you!
I suppose this means that the tumultuous merriment is over?
Maybe not — depends on how dangerously you want to live 🙂
well, ya need merriment to deal with tumultuous times!
If the NSA is monitoring the FBC, I have to think they’ve already determined none of us are worth their time. Except for entertainment purposes, of course.
One would think so. But the NSA is actually convinced that they are monitoring some leftover Clinton people from the state department — which is located in Foggy Bottom. You see the problem?
The problem would appear to be that the NSA can’t spell.
and this surprises you . . . because …
I didn’t say it surprised me.
You’re associating with me here, so ya might want to take a look here before you come to any conclusions as to whether NSA is interested in FBC denizens.
If this hasn’t already reopened my file, it’s not likely anything else I do will.
When is the second installment due?
I’ve been typing on it in between comments on the FBC, whilst the rest of you are running hither and yon muliposting on various other diaries.
Well, I’ll have you know that that particular diary has been on my hotlist since you posted it, so maybe I’m in trouble after all!
mine too
Thanks for the pos reinforcement, you two. I wish I could get it all done faster, since it sure seems to match current events… now more than ever.
Welcome to the logically absurd cafe.
You’re going to milk that one for all it’s worth, huh? 🙂
just a little squirt
That’s patently absurd.
has already patented absurd…
Did you end up on the cycle Cali or did you veg out?
You’re not very good at lurking!
it’s our blogging abilities! We suck’m all in here sooner or later.
Spotted you in the open thread, knew you couldn’t resist 🙂
catch up on reading, I spent most of the day sleeping and recharging my batteries for a long week ahead (and then the Left Coast meetup!)
How goes it?
OK. I’ve been trying to keep up with all the immigration stuff. You were right, all those months ago. This is going to blow up in our faces if we’re not ready.
It’s hard when there are people who are supposedly on our side posting stuff like this.
I wondered how it would play-out over at DKos. The thing is, bink’s position is probably the widespread one, I know I am fighting an uphill battle with my diaries (not here, but in the general populace), so reading that doesn’t surprise me too much.
I took Ductape’s suggestion of a baking soda bath and managed to cool the fire in my skin from the sunburn I got on Friday. I may have a built-in tan, but it was a clear day with high temps and I wasn’t as prepared as I should’ve been.
In fairness, bink did admit that his diary was a bit over the top in the comments.
But there are some people who have the wrong idea for sure. I ran into one such soul who responded to my comment.
“paradigmatic of the truthiness” has lost me anyway. Not that I don’t get it, but I’d just tell him-er, to go Pile it higher and Deaper somewhere else.
You can always tell when some of the smart people start to get backed into a corner or angry — they start to pop out three and four syllable words. Like that will PROVE that they are better.
ask on my blog in response to the Gut-Check diary if I felt calling people bigots, racist, etc was persuasive. I realized that the person didn’t read my diary carefully. I was taking issue with American exceptionalism, the racist/bigot meme was reserved for the Minutemen/American Patrol/Tancreado ilk, which is the truth. Like I said before, the hardliners have had their say, it’s time to hear some balance.
American exceptionalism as a topic is bound to make people defensive because it strikes a nerve.
You’ve done an admirable job of remaining diplomatic through all of this, if I may say so.
me too
I suspect it has to do with our history of interaction though, I wonder how it reads to someone who has never seen my work before…maybe I’ll send it to one of Kyl’s staffers as a test. heh.
Possible…even more possible is that I see it that way because I mostly agree with what you say.
But really, I am pretty sensitive to things that are biased from either side, right or left, and nothing you write ever sets off my sensors.
we have a bizarre mind-meld thing going on, perhaps we were formed from the same cosmic fart. (can you tell I finally got some sleep?) heh
I think you’re on to something there 🙂
try some Melaleuca oil sunscreen products, they work well for after the burn too.
with being a big-tent party. Lot’s of people under the tent don’t like each other or understand each other or even want to be under the tent with the other.
Personally I like “coalition party” better than big-tent party. Much better description of what happens.
ej has some jager but don’t let the NSA see
a Jager/Red Bull please. And hold the Red Bull 😀
Never mind the NSA. Here’s a mountain sunset!
that’s gorgeous!
thanks for sharing!
that’s a really a wild sunset. Was there any particular kind of weather associated with that one.
This was the end of a mild, sunny summer day — early July 02.
Absolutely gorgeous, ww.
I’ve been away from mtns way way way too long!
to a bigger version of my blog banner. It’s too big for a comment here.
That’s a truly beautiful image — it touches the heart directly, somehow. Amazing — a meeting of heaven & earth, one reflected in the other. Quite beautiful.
that’s taken from the road that overlooks my hometown (which I cropped out, heh), we are in a valley that is surrounded all around by the most beautiful mountain range. The snow was an anomaly so it was a good opportunity to use my camera.
I’m glad you did!
A record of the seasons sounds like a great idea.
I think it works very well for the site background too.
for the summer when the monsoons roll in, we have breathtaking sunsets, hopefully I will be able to recreate the image during various seasons.
You’re always welcome, NDD. In fact, there’s room here for everyone (though not in my personal abode!).
Glad y’all like the shot.
You and me both, NDD!
Speaking of that….
Magnificent, ej. Where was it taken?
That’s a picture of the Grand Teton, in Grand Teton National Park. One of the most gorgeous places I’ve ever been, to tell you the truth 🙂
That’s quite a statment, ej!
It does look quite amazing — & we know photos barely capture the real environment. I can only imagine ..
Seriously, I took what is probably my favorite picture ever there. It’s truly amazing, if you can ever make it out, you have to go.
Here it is…unlike most, I’ll make it a link to a bigger version. I still think it looks like a painting, and can’t believe I was actually there.
Well, looks like the subject line works for this one too. And yes it does look like a painting… magnificent.
ej, I’m speechless. It IS like a painting.
Thanks 🙂
Anything that makes you speechless must be special indeed.
remember when supersoling made me speechless? But don’t worry, your photo is in a whole different class 🙂
Umm…here, have some cake!
because …
Did you even look at the picture?
don’t yell at me :: sniff::
I DID look, I saw the alcohol, and you give me alcohol ALL THE TIME. I just wasn’t sure why you gave it to me NOW.
I’m sorry for yelling.
But come on, it’s alcohol…in a cake! I just found it, and was excited to share.
but have you gotten her to say holy chihuaha?
No, but damn…good work!
I forgot about that. I can’t believe you remembered.
still evokes those same awe-inspiring emotions from the first time I saw it.
What an amazing image, ej! Thanks for posting it!
I can only hope to be fortunate enough to make my own visit some day. What a gorgeous place!
but still worth sharing, imnsho 🙂
yeah, always worth another look. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight?
Red skies in morning, sailors’ warning (sorry, no appropriate picture to follow up) 🙂
No worries, I got yer back.
that’s somewhat scary
That’s why you don’t want to be anywhere near those red-sky mornings.
is that for real, that’s just too weird for me, more clues please for the prairie dweller.
Nah, it’s an artist’s rendition of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
and you just happened to have it handy and ready to post because …
for the DKos immigration threads 😀
of course, why didn’t I think of that?
I missed Bud Blogging on Friday 🙁
Of course it’s your fault because you started late.
where you were, Bud was hardly consolable. (sp?)
It was late, now that I think about it. oOpz. I was afraid my photos from the protest would blow up my dail-up friends’ computers, but since DtF is still around inciting mental growth, I guess his browser survived.
I didn’t…I work quickly.
you’re so talented the NSA will try to recruit you.
We’d miss you around here. But of course, you’d still be around. Just invisible.
I don’t think I could work for the NSA. If you’ve seen Good Will Hunting, you know why. If not, well you can probably imagine.
Because you are the Ben Affleck character and are just too dumb?
Ben Affleck wishes he had my good looks.
Uh huh
my father has an ash tray made out of lava from the 1944 eruption, (when in Italy during WWII), they just stuck a stick under through the crust, twirled it, and came up with this chuck on the end, presto, an ash tray!
Definitely worth sharing again, amigo. Makes me miss those Arizona nights 🙂
That’s beautiful, Man E. Incredibly rich color — very, very warm. Just lovely.
I took it from my porch a couple of weeks ago, it was right after a thunderstorm that was moving out of the city, I knew it was gonna be a great sunset and was ready with my camera. Love your pic upthread too!
Thanks, Man E.
Frankly, one of the things I like best about the FBC is the way we can share what we see this way.
ej is mean!
I’m leaving for a new cafe and I’m NOT providing a link.