. . . but don’t know where to start? Here’s something easy you can do. Go to this website link (.pdf file) and download this poster. It’s freely available to all from Impeach Bush, a site devoted to the impeachment of our Dear Leader.

Then print out 10, 15, 25 or 50 copies (whatever you feel comfortable with). Take your staple gun (easily available at any hardware store if you don’t own one), your printed posters and hit the street. Staple to any wooden telephone or utility pole. Staple to community bulletin boards. Staple anywhere you can where people will see your poster’s message.

Don’t be terribly worried about how long your posters will stay up. Sure, at some point some outraged Bush cultist will tear it down, but until then how many people will have seen your message? And that’s the whole purpose, isn’t it? To get the word (literally) out there in the public discourse.

We know the media won’t push this message, and neither will anyone in the Democratic Party, aside from Representative Conyers and perhaps a few others. So, its up to those of us who believe that enough is enough, that we can no longer tolerate an Executive Branch that tortures, kills, destroys our environment and claims for itself the right to determine which laws, if any it will comply with, to start that conversation.

We have to be the messengers. We may not have access to traditional media, but we do have the internet, email, and our own ingenuity at our disposal. This poster is just one idea to push the message of impeachment to the forefront. I’m sure you can think of many others, but whether you distribute these posters, or pursue some other project to bring the word “impeach” out of the purgatory into which it has been placed by the timidity of our traditional media and the Democratic establishment, it’s time to get started.

Because we can’t have a conversation about impeachment until someone (many someones) is willing to speak up and in a loud voice demand to be heard. Let’s be that voice. Today.